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Opinion Essay
The opinion essay is a type of essay in which the writer agrees or disagrees
with a certain topic. In order to do this, the writer should give some
information about the topic and also present the argument with the
supporting ideas.

In an opinion essay, you:

• state your opinion in the thesis statement

• support your opinion with reasons
• support your reasons with specific details
Opinion Essay
• An opinion essay should have one introductory paragraph including a
suitable thesis statement, one or more body paragraphs and one
concluding paragraph.

• Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence in the beginning.

• In order to give the supporting details, you need to use major and minor
supporting sentences in this type. Each major support explains your
reasons to support your topic sentence and each minor support gives
specific details and examples about the major support which it is related
Opinion Essay-1 Body
INTRODUCTION  State what•theThe
topic layout
is and why it is controversial
 Thesis statement

 1st major support
-1st minor support
 2nd major support  A general topic sentence as a cover for the major points
-2nd minor support  Major supports: The reasons why you support this opinion.
 3rd major support  Minor supports: The details and examples about the major supports.
-3rd minor support

CONCLUSION  Restate the thesis sentence and summarize the main points without
the details and give a final thought or a suggestion
Opinion Essay- 3 Bodies
• Layout 2
State what the topic is and why it is controversial
 Thesis statement
BODY 1  A topic sentence which states a major support of your claim
 Details of the first claim

BODY 2  A topic sentence which states a major support of your claim

 Details of the second claim

BODY 3  A topic sentence which states a major support of your claim

 Details of the third claim

CONCLUSION  Restate the thesis sentence and summarize the main points without the details,
and add a final thought
EXERCISE A: Below is a sample plan of an essay. Look at the plan and read the sample essay
below on watching TV. Examine the essay to identify the parts of the essay in accordance with
the sample plan.
• Layout 2
Sample Plan of a Five-Paragraph Essay:

Introduction (1 paragraph)

• Gives background information or an

overview of the subject

• Gets reader’s attention

• Ends with a thesis statement that states the

subject and focus of the essay
Body paragraph 1
• Topic Sentence: States the first supporting point
• Supporting Sentences: Provide supporting
• Layout 2 details, examples, facts

Body paragraph 2
• Topic Sentence: States the second supporting point
• Supporting Sentences: Provide supporting details, examples, facts

Body paragraph 3
• Topic Sentence: States the third supporting point
• Supporting Sentences: Provide supporting details, examples, facts
• Layout 2

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

• Makes final comments about the subject

• Restates main points

• Leaves reader with something to think about

Sample Essay:
Watching television is an experience shared by most children. It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of them and their families. Sadly,
this resource isn’t used in a way that children could get the best possible benefits from it. In my opinion, children should watch less TV
because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes them lazy and it negatively affects their mental development.

• Layout 2
The first reason why children shouldn’t watch TV a lot is that the content of many TV programs is not educational. Nowadays, we can see
movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. This has established wrong concepts among the audience that
influence them into having a negative behavior. Moreover, the impact this tendency has on children is worse because they grow up with the
idea of a world where women must be slender and blonde to stand out, where problems can only be solved with money and violence, and
where wars are inevitable.

The second reason is that it makes them physically and mentally lazy. Experts point out that staring at a screen for hours and watching the
things that are broadcast just to entertain make people too inactive both mentally and physically. However, the time we spend watching TV
could be applied to activities like joining a hobby or sports club, interacting with friends and family or reading. In these activities, one can
have the chance to communicate more or activate himself/herself physically and mentally. Thus, they will be become more social and active

The third reason why they should watch less TV is because it negatively affects their mental development. According to several scientific
studies, children’s watching TV leads to deterioration of the mental capacity. For instance, it can reduce the ability of concentration and
harm memory skills. In the long term, it can result in poor school performance.

In conclusion, it is not good for children to watch too much television because their content is not educational; they become physically and
mentally lazy; it has negative effects on mental development. However, this doesn’t mean that we should ban TV, but if they are going to
watch it, they should do it in moderation. Television is a resource that we should learn to use through the right selection of programs by
taking an active and critical attitude towards it.


 Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year. Do
you think these people deserve such high salaries? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your opinion.
 The twentieth century saw great changes. In your opinion, what is one change
that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Use specific reasons
and details to explain your choice.

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