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Opinion Essay
The opinion essay is a type of essay in which the writer agrees or
disagrees with a certain topic. In order to do this, the writer should
give some information about the topic and also present the argument
with supporting ideas.

In an opinion essay, you:

• state your opinion in the thesis statement

• support your opinion with reasons
• support your reasons with specific details
Opinion Essay
• An opinion essay should have one introductory paragraph including
a suitable thesis statement, one or more body paragraphs and one
concluding paragraph.

• Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence in the beginning.

• In order to give the supporting details, you need to use major and
minor supporting sentences in this type.
Opinion Essay-1 Body
State what The layout
topic is and why it is controversial
 Thesis statement
 1st major support
-1st minor support  A general topic sentence as a cover for the major points
 2nd major support  Major supports: The reasons why you support this opinion.
-2 minor support 
Minor supports: The details and examples about the major
 3 major support
-3rd minor support

CONCLUSION  Restate the thesis sentence

 Summarize the main points without the details
 Give a final thought or a suggestion
Opinion Essay- 3 Bodies
• Layout 2
State what the topic is and why it is controversial
 Thesis statement
BODY 1  A topic sentence which states a major support of your claim
 Details of the first claim

BODY 2  A topic sentence which states a major support of your claim

 Details of the second claim

BODY 3  A topic sentence which states a major support of your claim

 Details of the third claim

CONCLUSION  Restate the thesis sentence

 Summarize the main points without the details
 Add a final thought
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph

Read the introduction paragraph below and answer the questions with your

Watching television is an experience shared by most children. It is cheap, appealing,

and within the reach of them and their families. Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way
that children could get the best possible benefits from it. In my opinion, children
should watch less TV because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it
makes them lazy and it negatively affects their mental development.

1. Which sentence is the thesis statement?

«In my opinion, children should watch less TV because the content of many TV
programs is not educational; it makes them lazy and it negatively affects their mental
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph

Remember that an introductory paragraph has two parts:

1-Several general statements
2-One thesis statement

The first part of the introductory paragraph of an opinion essay often

begins by explaining an issue.
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph


«In some cities in the US, teenage gangs create problems. The
problems range from noisy but harmless car races to gun shootings
from a moving vehicle. Some cities are trying to stop these activities by
keeping young people indoors at night. These cities have passed
curfew laws that require teenagers to stay at home between 11 pm-6
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph

Sample thesis statement 1:

«Police departments say that curfew laws to control teenage gangs are
necessary, but I feel that such laws are unfair.»

Sample thesis statement 2:

«I think curfew laws are totally unfair for several reasons.»
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph

Here are possible phrases to express your opinion in the thesis

statement. Please note the punctuation difference.
- In my opinion,
- I think (that)
-From my point of view,
-I believe (that)
Exercise: Complete each thesis statement by adding the opposite

1.Although using phones in the classroom is banned, I…

2. Many people believe that military service should not be compulsory, but…

3. Unfortunately, there not strict laws enforced to prevent animal abuse. However, …

4. Although professional football players feel that they deserve their million dollar
salaries, I feel…

5. Some people feel that the United States needs more laws to control the sale and
ownership of guns. However, …
EXERCISE: Answer the following questions. Write a good thesis
statement and give three reasons why you think so.

1. Should children be allowed to watch TV as much as they

want? Why/Why not?

Thesis Statement:

EXERCISE: Answer the following questions. Write a good thesis
statement and give three reasons why you think so.

2. Is Instagram the end of privacy or the beginning of a new era?

Why/ Why not?

Thesis Statement:

EXERCISE: Answer the following questions. Write a good thesis
statement and give three reasons why you think so.

3. Do you think smoking in the university campus should be

banned? Why/ why not?

Thesis Statement:

EXERCISE: Answer the following questions. Write a good thesis
statement and give three reasons why you think so.

4. Should university entrance exam be abolished? Why / Why not?

Thesis Statement:

EXERCISE: Answer the following questions. Write a good thesis
statement and give three reasons why you think so.

5. Do you think there should be an age restriction for young

people can take alcohol? Why /Why not?

Thesis Statement:

How to Write a Body Paragraph
 The body paragraph or paragraphs of opinion essay consists of:
a suitable topic sentence,
major supports
minor supports that give details about the major ones.

 When writing the supporting paragraphs:

 provide facts, evidence, and statistics;
give reasons to support your position
be more reliable.
Body Paragraph Outline

Topic Sentence 1: A General Topic Sentence :

- 1st major support: -1st major support
-1st minor support:
- Details
Topic Sentence 2:
-2nd major support:
-2nd major support: -Details
-2nd minor support: -3rd major support:
Topic Sentence 3:
-3rd major support:
-3rd minor support:
Some helpful transition signals/ phrases in writing supporting
sentences for an opinion essay
Giving Facts It is (widely/ well) known that………
It is a (well-known) fact that…………….
It is often said that……………..
It is undeniable that………………
It is true that ……………………
It is clear/noticeable that………………..

Stating Others’  Experts/many people

Opinions …….. believe that
…….. say that
……… suggest that
……… point out that
……… emphasize that

Note!!! ‘According to X / some experts…………’ is a correct expression however,

‘according to me’ is not accepted and it is wrong to use.
How to Write a CONCLUDING Paragraph
You should conclude your essay by restating your thesis in different words
and summarizing your reasons. In addition, you should also give a
suggestion or a final thought at the end of your concluding paragraph.

There are some alternatives that you can add to your conclusion:
- presenting further comments
- inviting the reader to take action
- asking a provocative question

In conclusion, it is not good for children to watch too much television

because their content is not educational; they become physically and
mentally lazy; and it has negative effects on mental development.
However, this doesn’t mean that we should ban TV, but if they are
going to watch it, they should do it in moderation. Television is a
resource that we should learn to use through the right selection of
programs by taking an active and critical attitude towards it.
Choose one of the topics below and write an opinion essay.

• Some companies do not value employees who are 60 and older because they
think such workers are too old to do their work effectively. What do you think
on this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
• The law prohibits separate classes for boys and girls in public schools. What
do you think on this issue? Use specific reasons and details to explain your
Thank you 

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