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Multimedia Sound Production

Music Notation: Notes and Time Signatures

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1


 Theory and Conventions

 Note Values, Graphical Form and Naming Conventions
 Bars and Notation
 Associated Note Rests
 Time Signatures and Tempo

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Theory and Conventions
 Musical notes are written on a Stave
 A stave is divided into note groups called Bars
 A musical note has Pitch and Duration
 The duration of a note is indicated by its graphical form
 The duration of a note is measured in Beats
 The number of notes each bar will contain depends on the note
duration and the Time Signature
 A common time signature is four beats to a bar
 The notes and rests in each bar must add up to maintain
the correct number of beats in each bar for the given time

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Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1
Musical Note Duration and Graphical Form

Graphical Form Value in Beats American Name Classical Name

4 Whole Note Semibreve

2 Half Note Minim

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Musical Note Duration and Graphical Form

Graphical Form Value in Beats American Name Classical Name

1 Quarter Note Crotchet

The crochet or quarter note defines the basic pulse of the piece

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Musical Note Duration and Graphical Form

Graphical Form Value in Beats American Name Classical Name

1/2 Eighth Note Quaver

1/4 Sixteenth Note Semi Quaver

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Notes Written in Groups within a Bar

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Time Signatures

4/4 Time “Common Time”


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Time Signatures

2/4 Time ‘March’


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Time Signatures

3/4 Time ‘Waltz’


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Musical Rest Duration and Graphical Form

Note Rest

Symbol’s position
on bar-line indicates
the type of rest



Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Musical Rest Duration and Graphical Form

Note Rest


Semi Quaver

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Semibreve and Minim Rests

Semibreve rest hangs from the fourth line

Minim rest sits on the third line

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Dotted Notes and Rests
A dotted note or rest indicates that the note or rest duration is
increased by half of its value

Crochet = two quavers

Dotted crochet = three quavers 

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Notes Rests

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Notes Rests

Quavers joined with single bar


Semiquavers joined with double bar

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Notes Rests


Complete the bars to maintain two - four time

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

Notes Rests


Complete the bars to maintain three - four time

Multimedia Sound Production UFCEXR-20-1

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