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Topic: Data Brushing

Presented by:
M.ALI HASSAN (01-131192-023)
USAMA RAJA (01-131192-036)

What is Data Brushing
 In databases, brushing refers to the connection of two or
more views of the same data, such that a change to the
representation in one view affects the representation in the
other. Brushing and linking is also an important technique
in interactive visual analysis, a methodology for performing visual
exploration and analysis of large, structured data sets. 

Specifically, linking refers to a change of parameters (for example a

data filter) in one data representation being reflected in other
connected data representations. Brushing refers to highlighting, for
example selected data, in one view, in other connected data

Perhaps the earliest reference to linked brushing was by

McDonald as a mechanism for cross-referencing between multiple
plots. The term brushing was introduced in 1978 by Newton , who
defined it as an interactive method for painting a group of points
with a square, circular, or polygonal brush
Data Brushing
Brushing Data

Contents Required for this process:

 Load Some Data

First we will load and plot a variable y.load chirp; We will dock this into the
desktop for easier viewing.
If you press the Link Plot button on the figure toolbar, an information bar appears
indicating that the plot is now linked and therefore any changes to its data
source, in this case y, will be immediately reflected in the plot.

 Change a Variable
For example, if we add some noise with...
y=y+.1*randn(length(y),1); ...we see the plot update

 Data Source Information

All the plots on all the axes in the figure are linked to their data sources and listed
here. In this case there is just one.
 Via The Variable Editor
Changes to a variable can also be made via the variable editor, and are therefore also
reflected in the plot.

 Debugging
You can use this technique to monitor arrays while debugging. To do this...
• Set a break point after the creation of the variables you are interested in monitoring and
• Run the program
• When the program stops at the break point you can plot your variables with a function
call from the command window or via the workspace browser.
• ...then set it to be linked
• Now when you step through your code, or in this case stop once each time round the
loop by pressing continue button you can watch the variable change like a graphical
watch window, helping you understand the functioning of your code.
• Here x is being smoothed with the filter function more each time.
• Here we see there are currently two linked plots
Data Brushing lets you highlight or make changes to the data graphically via the plot and
have these changes reflected in a variable or in other plots linked to the same variable
With brushing enabled on its own, it is just the data inside the plot that is selected and
potentially changed as it is not linked to any variables. This is useful for removing outliers
or cleaning up a plot for presentation.
Brushing and Linking
While in brushing mode, if you also link the figure to its data source, then you will be
modifying this variable, which can be more easily seen with the variable editor open. If we
select and modify this section, we see the changes reflected here.
You can also brush in the variable editor. Note that you do not need to put the variable
editor or a plot into brushing mode just view the brushing selections made by other tools.
You need to put it into brushing mode only to make selections.

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