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1.1 Background of the Organization

 Bookstore system of madda walabu university is one of the parts of library system that give service like
provide, store, exchange Library acquisition, Book binding and repair.

 At the beginning the book store work with small stuff members and provides services like managing
function under the library system by storing book, book registration, providing loan for individuals as
well as for group, bringing new books regarding the need of library and it also take out old and damaged
ones for repair.

 For effective and efficient as well as qualified service provision this bookstore management system has
created its own software which made them function efficiently in knowing how many and which type of
books present, on individuals’ hand for the sake of loan and which type of book to bring from out.
 The bookstore brings new books in three ways that by directly buying from book
selling companies, by donation from some organization that is either
governmental or non-government and lastly by exchange. Book stores of our
university still use manual system in managing and keeping their book stocks.

 Book stores of our university still use manual system in managing and keeping
their book stocks.

 Traditionally, most of book stores use alphabet system and file system to store
book stock information. Therefore, management of book stock information must
use the computer can help to manage, control and manipulate stored book data.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

In the book store there are several problems of book management of the university comparing the
traditional management (manual) system to the new proposed automated bookstore management
system has big differences. The main drawback of the current system is listed below: -

 They use paper to record book stock information.

 Unreliable data due to manually registration of items information.

 It requires a lot of papers to keep the books data.

 It is difficult for the employee or administration to search for data.

 Improper data management causes difficulties for employee and administration to reach and
manipulating the required data.

 Therefore, automated bookstore management system is the main solution to solve the above-
mentioned problems.
1.3 Project Objective
1.3.1 General Objective

 The general objective of this project is to develop a well-organized automated bookstore

management system for madda Walabu University.
1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific objectives of the bookstore management system are:

 To enable stuff member to manage (update and retrieve) the file with in database quickly.

 To make the process of storing huge books data easier.

 To manage books data systematically.

 To keep secure data. To allow and simplify data manipulation process.

 To share book and handout on the web for customers

 To give sign (message) for stuff members that enable to know the expired date of Rented
(borrowed) Book Returned
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Project

1.4.1 Scope of the Project

The project aims at designing book store management system for madda walabu university that is capable of
recording the books in campus and this project focuses on:

 Control information of book loans

 The target users to use the system namely the administrator, student and employees at madda walabu
university bookstore.

 Store book information details in data base such as title, book publisher, quantity of book, price and date.

 The process of generating book stock report.

 The way of storing books in the database.

 Punishes persons after expiry date of rented Book.

1.4.2 Limitation of the project

 The process of ordering books from suppliers.

 The system does not cover the scheduling and payroll system of staffs in the bookstore.

 Does not support online book shopping system. The system needs credit card system, in the current
context we are unable to do with.

1.5 Significance of the Project

 At the end of this project work it is expected that the resulting system will promote the way of
bookstore management system by making stuff member to enable storing and retrieve of different
books efficiently. It support using web based applications that is efficient, reliable, effective serving.

 The new system will reduce the problems of data handling mechanism this means that it holds every
function in computers which reduces the man power need, materials like paper. If the system is
automated bookstore we can reducing work time since it store and retrieve data easily

1.7 methodology and tools

Area/Sites of Studies

This project is applied on madda walabu university bookstore system to enable give a better
service to the customer like student, and employee of campus.

We select this area by the following reason:

 The system found near us so we can get information easily.

 It store books in room without shelf so new system introduce shelf to order them.

 The staff work is not effective and time wastage since the data are store on the paper.
1.7.1 Data Collection methodology

 The project team uses the following data collection methods for gathering requirements:

Personal Interview

 The team member asked the stuff some question about the bookstore how it gives service to customer
by going at place and team has closely worked with the stuff members to know the system.

Reviewing Existing Documents

 The team members receive some document from the bookstore center and review it to know the
existing system like how it functions and history.


 We observe the bookstore center of madda walabu university how they order and controls books in
the store.

1.7.2 System development tools Hardware Requirement

 Laptop

 Flash

 Pen


 Paper

 Computers for testing

CON’T…. Software Requirement

 Microsoft word: document tools

 Edraw Max 6.0 : use to make for draw

 Microsoft power point: presentation

 Windows 7: operating system.

 PHP script: to write the script.

 Java script: for validation

 Wamp server: to connect our data base.

 Front end: - Visual studio 2010

1.8 Project management techniques
1.8.1 Project schedule
 Project schedule concerned with analyzing the expected completion date of
the project and the constraints that may bring change to this date.
Project Work Break Down , Responsibility And Deliverables

Number Activity Responsibility Deliverable

1 Project proposal All members Proposal is prepared

2 Data gathering Mulugeta Regassa Information is gained

3 Description of an existing system Meti Boshora Hardware, software

requirement specification

4 Description of proposed system All members Project is proposed

5 System analyzing and design Samuel Getachew And Singitan System flow: -use case
Regassa diagram, dynamic diagram
and object diagram

6 Implementation/code Samuel Getachew And Singitan Architecture design and

Regassa database design
1.8.4 Risks & contingencies

 Risks are generally perceived in a negative way but in fact they are merely events or circumstances that
might occur and if they did, would affect the original plan or scope of the project.

 Every business needs a risk management plan, whether it is as simple as purchasing liability insurance or
so complex as to require full-time risk managers to execute it.

 Risk assessment and contingency planning is the process of determining the risks a business faces and
what it must do the project cannot be developed as it is initially planned. This is due to the fact that risk
may happen in the process of project development. We assume the following risks can encounter:

 The unavailability of data source (information gathering) on time may extend the project
completion time. We managed this problem using different methodology.
 For the physical damage on the computers that we work on, it is managed by using backup.

 Lack of reference books. We managed this problem by using other methods such as internet.

 Shortage of Time. We managed such problem by using additional time from our rest time and
divide our time by schedule.

 Virus can attack our project. We used updated antivirus to manage this problem.

 1.9 Feasibility of the project

 Feasibility studies are an evaluation and analyzing of a proposed project to determine
if it is technically feasible, is economically feasible and is operationally feasible or
 1.9.1 Operational Feasibility
 When the system is installed and become operational the company personnel or who is
supposed to manipulate this system shall trained how to work with the new system.
Therefore the proposed system or the new system is operationally feasible because:
 The new system fits with the existing operational system
 That much with the user need or requirement
 Serving the students and workers with timely, accurately, reliable and flexible and
usefully formatted information
 1.9.2 Technical Feasibility

 The objective of technical feasibility is to understand the organization ability to construct the proposed
system. Our system is technically feasible. Because, the bookstore of madda walabu University has its
own computer printer and software that needed for the new system. Our teams have technical capability
of using software.

 Therefore based on the above different considerations the project is feasible to be conducted using the
new system and madda walabu university bookstore is benefitted if the new system is adopted fully.
Also if this is not fulfilled we will give training to the employees how they operate on our system until
they got enough performance to use the developed system and since our group is performed well we able
to overcome the technical risk that could technically arise.
 1.9.3 Economic feasibility
 Economical feasibility consists of tangible and intangible feasibility.
 Tangible:
 Reduce the amount of resource required in bookstore such as pen, paper etc.
 Reduce data redundancy storing in the database.
 Improve bookstore efficiency, speed and flexibility.
 Intangible:
 Improved employees’ motivation members by avoiding routing activities
 To make quick decisions based on the organized information retrieved
 Better service to customer.
 1.9.4 Schedule Feasibility
 Concerning the project scheduling, it bounded by strict and separated timing, so it must
be delivered within the time bound given.

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