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By: Angie Marie E. Ortega, LPT
Distance Education
• a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy,
technology, and instructional systems design that is
effectively incorporated in delivering education to
students who are not physically “on site” to receive
their education.
Characteristic of Distance Education

the separation of teacher and student

 the influence of an educational organization
 the use of technical media
the provision of two-way communication
Characteristic of Distance Education

the absence of group learning, with students taught
largely as individuals (while retaining the possibility of
occasional seminars)

participation in the most industrialized form of

the privatization of learning (in that learning occurs
away from the group).
Pros of Distance Education
You Have The Opportunity To Learn At Any Time
You Have The Opportunity To Study At Your Own Pace
You Can Study Any Place
Offers On-The-Job Training
High Training Results
Pros of Distance Education
Offers Mobility
Availability Of Training Materials
Distance Education Is Cheaper
It Is Convenient For The Teacher
Individual Approach
Cons of Distance Education
Strong Motivation Is Required
Distance Education Is Not Suitable For The Development
Of Communication Skills
Lack Of Practical Knowledge
The Problem Of User Identification
Types of Distance Education
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Distance Learning
Synchronous literally means “at the same time”
Asynchronous means “not at the same time”
Open Schedule Online Courses
With open schedule online courses, students are allotted the greatest
amount of freedom.
Types of Distance Education
Hybrid Distance Learning
Hybrid courses combine synchronous and asynchronous
learning to create a structure in which the student is required
to meet at a specific time in a classroom or Internet chat room.
However, they are allowed to complete assignments on their
own time and may pass them in through an online forum. 
Types of Distance Education
Computer Based Distance Learning
The main difference between computer based learning
and hybrid learning is that students are not allowed an open
schedule. They are required to meet in a specific computer
lab or in a classroom at a designated time each week.
Types of Distance Education
Fixed Time Online Courses
these courses are strictly online, but students are required
to log-in to their online learning site at a specific time.
Although they are completely online, the format remains
synchronous because mandatory live chats are often
Theories of Distance Education
Distance education theories, developed from leading
scholars in the discipline, such as Holmberg, Wedemeyer,
Moore and Peters, can be categorized into three broad
groups (Keegan, 1996; Saba, 2003).
1. Theories of autonomy and independence.
2. Theory of industrialization.
3. Theories of interaction and communication.
Theories of Distance Education
1. Theories of autonomy and independence.
Borje Holmberg, Charles Wedemeyer, Rudolf Delling, and
Michael G. Moore developed theories of distance education that
placed the learner in the middle of the educational process (Keegan,
1996; Saba, 2003). According to Saba (2003), “the centrality of the
learner is one of the distinguishing features of distance education,
and understanding this fact is essential for discerning why it is
essentially different from other forms of education” (p. 4).
Theories of Distance Education
2. Theory of industrialization
Otto Peters, Desmond Keegan, Randy Garrison, and John
Anderson are theorists in distance education that have developed
theories that are mainly interested in how the field functions and
how it is organized. Structural concerns and issues (e.g.
industrialization) are the main foci of this group of theories,
along with how those issues influence the teaching and learning
process (Keegan, 1996; Saba, 2003).
Theories of Distance Education
3. Theories of interaction and communication
Contemporary ideas and views of Holmberg, John A.
Baath, Kevin C. Smith, David Stewart, and John S. Daniel
highlight the constructs of interaction and communication as
important factors in distance education (Keegan, 1996).
Glavin, C. (2014, February 6). Distance Education | K12 Academics.

UNIT 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION* Greville Rumble (1986). (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2021, from

Fox, A. (2020, July 4). The Pros and Cons of Distance Education. ELearning Industry.

“Different Types of Distance Learning.” College Search and Planning Guide - Campus Explorer, Campus Explorer, Accessed 12
June 2021.

Chaney, B. (n.d.). History, Theory, and Quality Indicators of Distance Education: A Literature Review.

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