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• Name : syed iftikhar ali, Asim,umair,

Introduction :
• Behavioral learning theory is a popular
concept that focuses on how students
learn.This learning theory states that
behaviors are learned from the
environment, and says that innate or
inherited factors have very little influence
on behavior.
History :
• Behaviorism started as a reaction against introspective
psychology in the 19th century, which relied heavily on
first-person accounts. J.B. Watson and B.F. Skinner
rejected introspective methods as being subjective and
unquantifiable. These psychologists wanted to focus on
observable, quantifiable events and behaviors. They said
that science should take into account only observable
• Watson and Skinner believed that if they were given a
group of infants, the way they were raised and the
environment they put them in would be the ultimate
determining factor for how they acted, not their parents
or their genetics.
The way in which an animal or person
behaves in response to a particular
situation or stimuli .

Definition :
The acquisition of knowledge or skills through
study, experience, or being taught.
• Definition:
Behaviorist view learning as the
product of the stimulus conditioning (S)
and the response (R).
• Two things:
1. Stimulus (S)
2. Response (R)
also termed as S-R model of learning.

This theory is based on two conditions:

1. Respondent conditioning(classical)
2. Operant conditioning.
Respondent condtioning also termed
• assossiation learning
• classical conditioning

emphasizes the importance of stimulus

conditions and the assosiation formed in the
learning process.
Basic model of learning

NS ---------UCR
Example :

• Someone without much experience with

hospitals (NS) may visit a realtive who is
ill. while in the relative’s room the visitor
experience fensive odour (UCS)and feel
queasy and light headed (UCR) .after this
initial visit and later repeated visits ,
hospital ( now the CS ) may be associated
with feeling anxious and nauseated (CR)
offensive odour--------- queasy feelings

Hospital+offensive odour----queasy feeling

(NS) (UCS) (UCR)

several visit to hospital + offensive

odour------------queasy feeling

Hospital -------------queasy feeling

(CS) (CR)
• Systametic Desenstization.
• Stimulus generlization.
• Spontaneous recovery.
Systemic desensitization :
• systamic desesitization is a technique
based on respondant conditioning that is
used by psychologists to reduce fear and
anxiety in their clients .
• systemic desensitization hs been used to
treat drug addiction, phobias and tension
headache .
Stimulus generlization :

• stimulus generlization is the tendency

of initial learning experiences to be
easily applied to other similar stimuli .
Spontaneous recovery :
• Spontaneous recovery is a useful
respondant conditioning in a relapse
prevention programs.
• Response may appear to be
extinguished , it may recover and reappear
at any time ,especially when stimulus
conditions are similar .
• This principle demonstrste ,it is much
easier to learn a behavior than to unlearn
it .
continue .....

spontaneous recovery helps us

understand why it is so difficult to
eliminate completely unhealthy habits
such as smoking, drug addiction .
Operant conditioning
• Focus on beahaviour of organism.
• Focus on reinforcement after response.

it is a stimulus or event applied after a

response that stregthens the probability
the response will be performed again.
When spesific response are reinforced on
the proper schedule behaviour can be,
• Increased.
• Decreased.
Inreased response
Reward conditioning :
• According to skinner giving positive
reinforcement i.e., reward greatly enhance
the likelihood that a response will be
repeated in similar circumstances .
Escape conditioning :
• an unpleasant stimulus is being applied ,
the individual respond in some way that
cause the uncomfortable stimulation to
cease .
Avoidance conditioning :
• The unpleasant stimulus is anticipated
rather than being applied directly .
• Avoidance conditioning has been used to
explain some people’s tendency to
become ill to avoid doing something they
do not want to do .
Decreas response

• skinner maintain that the simplest way to
extinguish a response is not to provide any
kind of reinforcement for some action .

• For example :
offensive jokes in workplace
Punishment :
If nonreinforcement proves ineffective ,then
punishmet may be employed as a way to
decrease responses
Although this approach carries many risks.
The problem with using punishment as a
technique for teaching is that learner may
become highly emotional and may well attention
away from behavior that needs to be changed .
Behaviorist teaching strategies:
Teachers can implement behavioral learning strategy
techniques in their classroom in many ways, including:

2.Question and answer
3.Guided practice
4.Regular review
• Learner become passive.
• Emphasize on external stimulus.
• Behaviour will change after the change of

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