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Tugas Akhir Semester 2

Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat

Nesha Mutiara
X. MIA 4

Guru : Ibu Purnama Sihombing S.Pd

Past Perfect Tense
• Is used to explain things that have been done in
the past.

• Pattern :
(+) S + had + v3 + o + adverb
(-) S + had + not + v3 + o + adverb
(?) Had + S + v3 + o + adverb?
• Example :

• 1. (+) He had checked the machine before he had

• (-) He hadn’t checked the machine before he had
• (?) Had he checked the machine before he had

2. (+) I had cooked for lunch before I continued my work

(-) I hadn’t cooked for lunch beforeI continued my work.
(?) Had you cooked for lunch before you continued your
• 3. (+) She had set the alarm before she took a nap.
• (-) She hadn’t set the alarm before she took a
• (?) Had she set the alarm before she took a nap?

• 4. (+) We had practiced playing violin before we ate

• (-) We hadn’t practiced playing violin before we
ate lunch.
• (?) Had we practiced playing violin before we
ate lunch?
Future Tense
• Is used to explain things that will be done in the

• Pattern :
• (+) S + will + v1 +o + adverb
• (-) S + will + not + v1 + o + adverb
• (?) Will + S + v1 + o + adverb
• Example :

• 1. (+) I will go to bed at 11:00 PM tomorrow night.

• (-) I won’t go to bed at 11:00 PM tomorrow night.
• (?) Will you go to bed at 11:00 PM tomorrow

• 2. (+) We willclean the garage together tomorrow

• (-) We won’t clean the garage together tomorrow
• (?) Will we clean the garage together tomorrow
• 3. (+) They will announce the recent news to us later.
• (-) They won’t announce the recent news to us
• (?) Will they announce the recent news to us

• 4. (+) She will bake some cakes for him two days
• (-) She won’t bake some cakes for him two days
• (?) Will she bake some cakes for him two days
Future Perfect Tense
• Is used to explain things that will have been done
in the future.

• Pattern :
• (+) S + will + have +v3 + o + adverb
• (-) S + will + not + have + v3 + o + adverb
• (?) Will + S + have + v3 + o +adverb
• Example :

• 1. (+) She will have travelled around the world twenty years
from now.
• (-) She won’t have travelled around the world twenty years
from now.
• (?) Will she have travelled around the world twenty years
from now?

• 2. (+) I will have written best short stories for the newspaper
next year.
• (-) I won’t have written best short stories for the newspaper
next year.
• (?) Will you have written best short stories for the
newspaper next year?
• 3. (+) They will have forgiven the troops for what
they’ve done ten years from now.
• (-) They won’t have forgiven the troops for what
they’ve done ten years from now.
• (?) Will they have forgiven the troops for what
they’ve done ten years from now?

• 4. (+) She will have found the cure for ebola five
years from now.
• (-) She won’t have found the cure for ebola five
years from now.
• (?) Will she have found the cure for ebola five
years from now?
Sales Manager
• Multinational company seeks sales manager for
its office products division. Candidate must have 10
years experience in sales development and
management in the field and the ability to motivate
and train incoming sales stuff. Good salary and
benefits package. Qualified candidates should send
their resumes to : The Daily News, Box 8552, 1627
Elm Street, Adelaide, Australia.
Translation of Sales Manager
• Perusahaan multinasional mencari manager
untuk divisi produksi. Peserta harus berpengalaman
selama 10 tahun dalam pengembangan dan
pengaturan penjualan di lapangan serta
berkemampuan untuk memotivasi dan melatih staf
penjualan baru. Gaji emmadai dan banyak
keuntungan. Peserta berkualitas harus mengirim
resume mereka ke : The Daily New, Box 8552, 1627
Elm Street, Adelaide, Australia.
Data Entry / Clerk
• Insurance film seeks reliable, detail – orientated
person for operations division. Responsibilities
include data entry, filling, and word processing.
Good salary and benefits. Pleasent atmosphere.
Room to advance.
Translation of Data Entry / Clerk
• Firma asuransi mencari orang yang dapat
dipercaya dan berorientasi detil untuk divisi
pengoperasian. Pertanggungjawaban meliputi
pemasukan data, mengisi, dan pemrosesan kata.
Gaji memadai dan menguntungkan. Suasana yang
menyenangkan. Kesempatan untuk lebih maju.
Why – Wait For A Better Job?
• National Air is hiring full time representatives for
sales and reservations. Talk to our employees and
discover why we’re the best thing in the air.
Interviews on the spot! Bring your resume!
Translation of Why – Wait For A Better Job?
• Penerbangan National merekrut wakil – wakil
‘berwaktu penuh’ untuk perdagangan dan
pemesanan. Bicarakan dengan karyawan –
karyawan kami dan temukan mengapa kamimenjadi
yang terbaik di penerbangan. Interview di tempat!
Bawa lamaranmu!
Summer Claybourne University School
• Each summer Claybourne University School of Business
Administration offers special courses for experienced
managers who want to sharpen their existing business
skills or learn new ones. You will study with your peers in a
week – long intensive session that simulates the world of
international commerce. You will learn that theories and
study the way business is conducted around the world.
Students in previous sessions have reported that what
they learnt was immediately applicable to their own work
situations. Only one person from a company is accepted
into this special program. All applications require three
letters of recommendation and proof of employment.
Translation of Summer Claybourne
University School
• Setiap musim panas, Universitas Claybourne jurusan
administrasi bisnis menawarkan kursus – kursus spesial untuk
manager berpengalaman yang berminat untuk mempertajam
kemampuan berbisnis mereka ataupun mempelajari ilmu –
ilmu baru. Anda akan belajar dengan teman kerjamu selama
intensif sesi satu minggu yang bersimulasi perdagangan dunia.
Anda akan mempelajari teori – teori baru dan mempelajari
cara berbisnis yang dibutuhkan di seluruh dunia. Murid – murid
di sesi sebelumnya melaporkan bahwa apa yang telah mereka
pelajari dengan cepat dapat diaplikasikan dalam pekerjaan
mereka. Hanya satu orang dari perusahaan yang diterima di
program spesial ini. Semua aplikasi membutuhkan tiga surat
rekomendasi dan bukti dari kepegawaian.
Translation of page 80
• Tanggal 24 Maret 1946, komandan Inggris untuk
Indonesia memberi peringatan untuk para pejuang
di Bandung untuk meninggalkan kota.Karena
pejuang – pejuang lokal tidak sekuat tentara –
tentara Inggris dan Belanda, mereka mencoba
untuk mengembalikan kebebasan Indonesia setelah
proklamasi kemerdekaan yang telah diproklamirkan
pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, mereka memutuskan
untuk membakar Bandung. Api muncul menghabisi
pemukiman mereka menjadi lautan api.
• Sekitar 200.000 orang di Bandung membakar
rumah – rumah mereka dan membawa barang –
barang mereka lalu pergi ke arah selatan. Orang –
orang ini, yang terdiri dari anak – anak, pemuda,
dan orang – orang tua, memiliki waktu kurang dari 8
jam untuk berkemas sebelum mereka meninggalkan
kota, apapun yang bisa mereka bawa. Setelah
tengah malam, saat kota tersebut telah
ditinggalkan, hanya ada puing – puing bangunan –
bangunan pemukiman yang telah terbakar. Insiden
ini terkenal dengan sebutan Bandung Lautan Api,
dan kini diabadikan dalam lagu revolusioner “ Halo
– Halo Bandung “ .
• Selama evakuasi pada Maret 1946, militer
Indonesia, Mohammad Toha mengatur beberapa
batang dinamit melewati sekutu Jepang dan
Belanda, dan ke dalam markas pusatmiliter Belanda
di Dayeuh Kolot. Ia meledakkan dinamit di dalam
pabrik – pabrik amunisi, membunuh dirinya sendiri
dan sejumlah sekutu Belanda dan Jepang.
Vocabularies of page 80
• 1. Combatants = pejuang
• 2. Residents = penduduk
• 3. Manage = mengatur
• 4. Manage to = berhasil
• 5. Ware house of ammunition = gudang amunisi
• 6. Dutch troops = sekutu Belanda
• 7. Burning debris = puing terbakar
• 8. To pack up = untuk berkemas
• 9. Made up of = terdiri dari
• 10. Willingly = dengan rela
Translation of page 189
• Pada tanggal 6 Agustus 1945, sebuah bom atom
dijatuhkan di Hiroshima dan pada tanggal 9 Agustus 1945,
dijatuhkan di Nagasaki oleh tentara sekutu. Hal ini
membuat Jepang menyerah tanpa syarat dan mengakui
kekalahan mereka. Hal ini menandakan akhir kekuasaan
Jepang di Indonesia

• Saat Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta kembali dari

konferensi Saigon pada tanggal 14 Agustus 1945, mereka
diceritakan tentang kekalahan Jepang dan mereka dipaksa
untuk memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia pada
tanggal 16 Agustus 1945 di depan rakyat Indonesia.
• Karena takut pihak Jepang akan mencegah
proklamasi oleh Soekarno dan Hatta, mereka
akhirnya dipaksa untuk meninggalkan Jakarta. Pada
awal pagi 16 Agustus 1945, Soekarno dan Hatta
dibawa ke Rengasdengklok, sebuah desa di
Karawang, Jawa Barat. Pada malam hari di hari yang
sama, entah bagaimana, mereka dibawa kembali ke
Jakarta. Hal itu sangat meyakinkan bahwa di pagi
berikutnya, 17 Agustus 1945, kemerdekaan
Indonesia akan diproklamasikan.
• Teks proklamasi telah siap,ditandatangani oleh
Soekarno dan Hatta serta disaksikan olehsemua orang
yang menghadiri pertemuan. Pembacaan teks
proklamasi akan diadakan di Lapangan Ikada ( sekarang
merupakan Lapangan Merdeka ).

• Pada awal 17 Agustus 1945, entah bagaimana,

Lapangan Ikada dikelilingi oleh tentara – tentara Jepang,
mereka semua dilengkapi senjata. Tampaknya rahasia
proklmasi yang akan dilaksanakan di sana telah bocor.
Para anggota organisasi pemuda, yang sedang dalam
perjalanan menuju Lapangan Ikada, diperintahkan untuk
langsung pergi ke Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56, di
mana Soekarno tinggal dan proklamasi akan diadakan.
• Tepat pukul 10 pagi pada tanggal 17 Agustus
1945, teks proklamasi Indonesia dibaca Soekarno,
diikuti pidato singkat. Bendera Merah Putih
dikibarkan. Lagu nasional Indonesia Raya
dinyanyikan secara spontan oleh seluruh hadirin
acara yang sangat penting tersebut.

• Berita proklamasi segera diketahui di seluruh

Jakarta dan di pelosok –pelosok desa. Pamflet –
pamflet didistribusikan di seluruh kota. Berita
proklamasi ditulis di manapun di tembok – tembok
rumah dan kantor.
Vocabularies of page 189
• 1. Defeat = melawan
• 2. Surrender =menyerah
• 3. Proclaim =memproklamirkan
• 4. Spontaneously = secara spontan
• 5. Pamphlets = pamflet
• 6. Youth= pemuda
• 7. Fear = rasa takut
• 8. Prevent =mencegah
• 9. Speech = pidato
• 10. Distribute = menyebarkan
Translation of page 85
• Pertempuran Surabaya antara pendukung
kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan tentara sekutu Hindia
Inggris, merupakan bagian dari revolusi nasional
Indonesia. Puncak dari pertempuran terjadi pada
Nopember 1947. Meskipun perlawanan kota terbesar
kedua di Indonesia. Pertempuran tersebut merupakan
pertempuran tunggal terberat selama revolusi dan
menjadi simbol nasional dari pertahanan Indonesia.
Berkat usaha para pahlawan Indonesia, pertempuran
tersebut membantu galbanisasi Indonesia dan dukungan
internaisonal untuk kemerekaan Indonesia. 10
Nopember diperingati sebagai Hari Pahlawan.
• Para tentara tiba pada akhir Oktober 1945, para
pemuda di Kota Surabaya dideskripsikan sebagai
kesatuan pasukan yang kompak. Pertempuran sengit
pun ‘meledak’ saat 6.000 tentara sekutu tiba di kota
untuk mengevakuasi interniran Eropa. Dikarenakan
terbunuhnya komandan Inggris, Brigadir A.W.S.
Mallaby pada tanggal 30 Oktober, pihak Inggris
memulai ‘pembersihan secara besar- besaran’ yang
dimulai pada tanggal 10 Nopember di bawah
serangan udara. Walaupun para tentara republik
yang miskin bertempur selama tiga minggu, dan
ribuan orang meninggal ( dan populasi yang tersisa
melarikan diri ke luar kota ), membuat para militia
menyerah dan sengsara karena republik .
• Dengan meninggalnya banyak orang serta
persenjataan yang akan mempengaruhi sleuruh
tentara republik di akhir revolusi, pertempuran dan
pertahanan yang dipimpin oleh tentara Indonesia
membuat mendapat dukungan untuk merdeka dan
perhatian dunia internasional. Bagi pihak Belanda,
hal itu menghapus keraguan bahwa republik bukan
merupakan sekumpulan orang tanpa dukungan
yang kuat. Juga memiliki efek memengaruhi Inggris
bahwa keadilan berpihak di sisi netralitas dalam
revolusi, selama mendukung republik dalam PBB.
Translation of page 85
• 1. Independence = kemerdekaan
• 2. Attack = menyerang
• 3. Commander = komandan
• 4. Against = melawan
• 5. Troops = sekutu
• 6. Effort = usaha
• 7. Neutrality = netralitas
• 8. Doubt = ragu
• 9. Punitive = hukuman
• 10. Inernee = tawanan
A Trip to Mars
• By now, a rocket willhave set off on its 35 million mile
trip to Mars and scientists must be waiting anxiously for
the results. The rocket will be travelling for six months
before it reaches the planet. It contains a number of
scientific instruments, including a television camera.
Any pictures that are taken willhave to travel for three
minutes before they reach the earth. If the pictures are
successful, they may solve a number of problems about
Mars and provide information about the markings on its
surface which, nearly 100 years ago, the astronometer,
Schiaparelli,thought to be canals.
• It will be a long time before any landing on Mars
can be attemped. This will only be possible when
scientists havelearnt a lot more about the
atmosphere that surrounds the planet. If a satellite
can one day be put into orbit around Mars,
scientists will be able to find out a great deal, An
interesting suggestion for measuring the
atmosphere around Mars has been put forward.
• A rubber ball containing a radio transmitter could
be ropped from the satellite so that it would fall
towards the surface of the planet. The radio would
signal the rate at which the ball was slowed down
and scientists would be able to calculate how dense
the atmosphere is. It may even be possible to drop
a capsulecontaining scientific instruments on the
planet’s surface. Only when a great deal more
information has been obtained, will it be possible to
plan a manned trip to Mars.
Translation of A Trip to Mars
• Sekarang, sbeuah roket akan dapat diatur untuk
melakukan perjalanan sejauh 35 juta milke Mars dan para
ilmuwan pasti menunggu dengan cemas tentang hasilnya.
Roket tersebut akan menjelajah selama 6 bulan sebelum
mencapai planet tersebut. Meliputi angka – angka peralatan
– peralatan sainstifik / ilmiah, meliputi kamera televisi.
Gambar – gambar yang diambil harus menempuh selama 3
menit sebelum mencapai bumi. Jika gambar – gambar
tersebut berhasil, akan memecahkan berbagai persoalan
mengenai Mars dan menyediakan informasi mengenai
penilaian terhadap permukaannya, di mana 100 tahun yang
lalu, seorang astronomer, Schiaparelli, berpikir akan terus
• Itu akan menjadi waktu yang lamasebelum
pendaratan di Mars dapat terlaksana. Ini hanya
akan mungkin di saat para ilmuwan telah
mempelajari lebih banyak mengenai atmosfer yang
mengelilingi planet tersebut. Jika sebuah satelit
suatu hari dapat diletakkan di atas orbit di sekitar
Mars, para ilmuwan akan dapat emmastikan. Saran
yang menarik untuk mengukur atmosfer di sekitar
Mars telah diletakkan lebih dulu.
• Sebuah bola karet yang meliputi radio pengirim
dapat dijatuhkan dari satelit sehingga akan jatuh
lurus ke permukaan planet. Radio akan menandai
kecepatan bola di saat melambat dan para ilmuwan
akan dapat menghitung ketebalan atmosfer.
Mungkin juga bisa menjatuhkan kapsul yang
meliputi peralatn- peralatan ilmiah di permukaan
planet. Hanya di saat kepastian dan informasi lebih
telah didapatkan, akan mungkin untuk
merencanakan perjalanan ke Mars.
Text of page 95
• What will man be like in the future – in 5000 or even
50.000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of
course, but we can be sure that he will be different
from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all
the time.

• Let us take an abvious example. Man,eve five

hundreds year ago, was shorter than he is today. Now,
on average,men are about three inches taller. Five
hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so
we may assume that man will continue to grow taller.
• Again,in the modern world we use our brains a
great deal.Even so, we still make use of only about
20% of the brain capacity.As the time goes on,
however, we shall have to use our brains more and
more – and eventually we shall need larger ones!
This is likely to bring about a physical change too ;the
head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.

• Nowadays our eyes are in costant use. In fact,

we use them so much that very often they become
weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very
long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will
grow stronger.
• On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms
and legs. These as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the
same time, however, our fingers will grow more sesitive
because they are used a great deal in modern life.

• But what about hair? This will probably disappear from

the body altogether in the course of time because it does
not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then,
both sexes are likely to be bald.

• Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will
not be a very attractibve creature to look at! This may well
be true. All the same, inspite of these changes, future man
will still have a lot of common with us. He will still be human
being with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.
Translation of page 95
• Akan seperti apa rupa manusia di masa depan – 5.000
atau bahkan 50.000 tahun dari sekarang? Kita hanya
dapat menebak, tentu saja, tetapi kita dapat yakin
bahwa manusia tersebut akan berbeda dari sekarang.
Untuk manusia akan berubah perlahan sepanjang waktu.

• Mari kita ambil contoh yang jelas. Manusia, bahkan

500an tahun lalu, lebih pendek daripada sekarang.
Sekarang, di usia dewasa, lebih tinggi 3 inch. 500 tahun
adalah periode waktu yang relatif sempit, sehingga kita
dapat berasumsi bahwa manusia akan tumbuh lebih
• Lagi, di dunia modern kita menggunakan otak kita
dengan baik. Jadi, kita masih menggunakan otak kita
hanya sebanyak 20% dari kapasitasnya. Sepanjang waktu
berjalan, bagaimanapun, kita seharusnya menggunakan
otak kita lebih optimal – dan akhirnya kita seharusnya
membutuhkan yang lebih besar! Hal ini juga berdampak
pada perubahan fisik ; kepala, dahi, akan tumbuh lebih

• Saat – saat ini mata – mata kita selalu digunakan.

Faktanya, kita menggunakannya sangat sering – mereka
bertambah lemah dan kita harus menggunakan kacamata.
Tetapi setelah periode yang sangat panjang, kemungkinan
mata manusia akan tumbuh menjadi lebih kuat.
• Di sisi lain, kita cenderung kurang menggunakan
lengan dan kaki. Hasilnya, tumbuh semakin lemah.
Di waktu yang sama, bagaimanapun, jari – jari kita
akan tumbuh lebih sensitif karena digunakan lebih
optimal di kehidupan modern.

• Tetapi bagaimana mengenai rambut? Ini

kemungkinan akan menghilang dari tubuh secara
bersamaan dalam kurun waktu tertentu karena
tidak berguna lagi. Di masa depan, kedua jenis
kelamin kemungkinan akan menjadi botak.
• Mungkin ini semua memberikan gambaran
bahwa manusia di masa depan tidak akan menjadi
makhluk yang sangat menarik untuk dilihat! Ini
mungkin akan menjadi nyata. Semua kesamaan, di
samping perbedaan – perbedaannya,manusia di
masa depan akan masih memiliki kesamaan dengan
kita. Dia akan tetap sebagai manusia, dengan akal
dan emosi yang mirip dengan milik kita.
Text of page 96
• Computer’s are relatively new invention. The first
computers were built fifty years agi and it is only in the
last thirty years that their influence has affected our
everyday life. Personal computers were introduced
recently and in this short time they have made a
tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so
dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine
what things would be like today without them. You
have only got to go into a bank when their main
computer is broken to understand the chaos that occur
if computers were suddenly removed world – wide.
• In the future, computer will be used to create
bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The
prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be
complex that no individual could hope to
understand how they work. They will brong a lot of
benefits but they will also increase the potential for
unimaginable chaos. They will be, for example, able
to fly planes and they will be able to coordinate the
movement of several planes around the airport.
Providing all the computers are working correctly
nothing can go wrong ; but if one program fails
there will be a disaster.
• There is no doubt that technology will progress
and become increasingly complex. We should,
however, ensure that we are still in a position where
we are able to control technology. It will be all too
easy to suddenly discover that technology is
controlling us.By then it might be too late. I believe
that it is very important to be suspicious of the
benefits that computers will bring an to make sure
that we never become totally dependent on a
completely technological world.
Translation of page 96
• Komputer adalah penemuan yang bisa dibilang baru.
Komputer pertama dibangun 50 tahun yang lalu dan
hanya 30 tahun belakangan ini bahwa peran mereka telah
berdampak pada kehidupan sehari – hari kita.Laptop
diperkenalkan belakangan ini dan dalam waktu singkat
telah membuat dampak yang sangat dahsyat dalam
kehidupan kita. Kita sekarang sangat bergantung pada
komputer sehingga sangat sulit membayangkan apa yang
akan terjadi hari ini tanpa mereka. Kamu hanya perlu
pergi ke bank di saat komputer utama mereka rusak untuk
memahami keributan yang timbul bila komputer secara
tiba – tiba dihapus di seluruh dunia.
• Di masa depan, komputer akan digunakan untuk
menciptakan lebih besar bahkan lebih modern.
Prospek dalam hal ini bisa dibilang menggelisahkan.
Mereka akan lebih kompleks – tidak satupun individu
dapat berharap untuk mengerti cara kerja mereka.
Mereka akan membawa lebih banyak keuntungan
tetapi mereka akan meningkatkan potensi akan
keributan – keributan yang tidakdapat dibayangkan.
Mereka akan, sebagai contoh, dapat menerbangkan
pesawat dan mereka akan dapat mengkoordinasi
pergerakan dari sejumlah pesawat di sekitar bandar
udara, Menyediakan semua komputer bekerja secara
tepat maka tidak ada yang akan menjadi masalah ;
tetapi bila salah satu gagal maka akan timbul bencana.
• Tidak ada keraguan bahwa teknologi akan maju
dan menjadi semakin rumit. Kita seharusnya,
bagaimanapun, menjamin bahwa kita masih di
posisi di mana kita dapat mengendalikan teknologi.
Itu akan menjadi sangat mudah bila secara tiba –
tiba menemukan bahwa teknologi mengendalikan
kita. Maka dari itu akan sudah terlambat. Saya
percaya bahwa sangat penting untuk curiga akan
keuntungan – keuntungan yang akan dibawa oleh
para komputer dan harus memastikan bahwa kita
tidak akan sepenuhnya bergantung pada dunia
Text of page 102
• The man was older than the last time we met,and there
was a moment when I heard his voice for the first time in
almost a year. It seemed like meeting him for the first
time. It seemed his parole was on the day of the festival.
Thewindows were down and a breeze camein. It wasn’t so
cold as there was still plenty of sun.

• His face wason the ocean. The old man placed his hand
on my leg, and as I pulled over he went down the hill. The
time wasn’t in, but even so the night was coming. He took
off his food and as he swam out he said : “ We were here
once. It was acertain kind of day, almost nice. “
• He came back and sat down next to me, father
chuckled for the first time I heard him laugh. We
stood up and walked along the shore until our feet
were wet. I turned back to sea he had already made
hisway up the hill, as if he didn’t want to drift out to

• When we got into town everyone was already at

the fairgrounds, beginning to go on the Ferris
wheel and eat caramel apples. My father wanted to
see a movie. The theater was showing an old one,
some old b – movie that no one would know except
my father. We went in and both had popcorn.
• The film wasn’t so bad. The plot dealt with some
handsome gentleman saving the day against the
forces of evil, and the evil – that seemed to make
everyone feel so bad – left. The firl was beautiful we
boththought she was fine. The big man wanted to eat
at the dinner across the street. He mentioned long
agom that the place served thebest steak and eggs. I
always had the biscuits and gravy.

• When we ordered he also had the samething as

me. The waitress was cute, she saw me looking at her
and blushed. When the old man went out for a smoke
she sat next to me andbegan to pinch my cheeks. I
didn’t worry if the old man saw me.
• By the time it was dark we had already spent a full day in the
town. That was all there was to do, see a movie, eat food, and
swim a mile inthe ocean. The girl even gave me her number.
We had to go back to the jailhouse and we didn;t speak the
whole way there. Theplace had a shade of gray, and the fence
still had wire all the way through the fence.

• I turned off the car. He didn’t say goodbye, but nodded as he

made his way to the entrance. The girl waited for me until the
dinner closed, but she didn’t seem to care that my father was
looking at her up and down ;those kind of things you seem to
forget. We weren’t so tired, and she desperately wanted to see
the festival. I heard the caramel apples were good, the Ferris
wheel was also fine. Everything was bitter sweet that night.

• After the fair she began to slow down ; I drove
around looking for where she might live. On the
Ferris wheel we snuggled, and like a gentleman I
gave her my coat, even if it wasn’t that cold out.
Text of page 104
• The sunrise is not all that romantic. It doesn’t make
you breathless the way Hollywood movies claim it does,
as if the weight of the cosmos is pressing upon your
diaphragman there is nothing you can do to resist the
pressure ; so you crumble under this burden that isthe
awe of the universe. It doesn’t make you release a gasp
of astonishment the way you would when you see the
Mona Lisa for the first time on your trip to Paris. It
doesn’t make you pause for a moment in your tight –
scheduled life to catch a breath and reflect upon the
complexities of your life.No, that it is not what watching
the sunrise is like. Not for me, anyway.
• The first time I watched the sunrise, I woke up
five hours earlier than the time Ihad set in my alarm
clock.Groggiliy, I hauled myself out of the comfort
ofmy warm bedand blankets and allowed myfeet to
carry me to my closet. Without giving more than a
second glance at the clothes, I threw on a t – shirt
and a pair of jeans. Well, nothing unsual there.
However, my choice of clothing was unique in that I
included a dark gray sweater.
• My friends an family had often made fun of me for the
plain and unattractive sweater ( “ Are you crazy or just
stupid? It’s 100 degrees outside! “ ) , but I paid no heed to
their comments. Whether I was facing winds travelling at
twenty miles per hour or standing under the scorching sun
in the hundred – degree desert, I had worn that sweater.
Others did not understand why I would put myself through
such sweltering agony, and in hindsight, I don’t think that I,
being only thirteen years old at the time, understood that
completely either. I can recall being upset at the darkness
of my skin the summer before, as a result of the constant
exposure to sunlight, and I was determined to prevent the
same outcome from recurring. Additionally, wearing a
garment that others would not wear made me seem
unique, and I stood out among my peers.
• Although initially driven by a simple mentality – to prevent
over tanning and to be distinctive among others, these goals
were ultimately the manifestations of my early forms of rebellion
against society’s expectations and push for conformity.

• Despite how my defiance had little to no impact on changing

the ways of the community, this was my first step in
acknowledgingthe aspects of societyI didn’t agree with. I had
seen the standards of beauty mainstream media set for
individuals, most of which were unrealistic and almost impossible
to fulfil. Although I could not fully articulate it at the time, i
understood that individuals, mainly women, were easily bounded
by the parameters of this mainstream culture. These impractical
standards were simply glorified ideals, yet we are all expectedto
achieve these goals. Perhaps, I thought, that it would be all right
to not abide by these expectations and expand beyond these
restrictive parameters.
• As I made my way down to the park to watch the
sunrise, my cousin decided to accompany me. Although it
was early in the morning, my cousin seemed to be full of
• “ I broughtmy video camera with me, “ she said.
• “ Yeah,I brought my camera, too, “ I replied.
• Once we reached the park, we settled down in the
swings while waiting for the sun to grace us with its
presence. We sat in silence as we observed the stillness of
the empty streets full of eerie tranquillity as if the streets
devoid of living souls were unnatural,but the silence had
provided us with comfort. The street lamps further down
the street seemed so small that they had reminded me of
fireflies. Some of the lights even flickered.
• As the sun met the horizon, it spread a warm
orange glowacross the canvas of the sky. I turned
my digital camera on and snapped a few quick shots
of the sunrise. Within a matter of minutes, the sun
was already well positioned in the sky and the
entire town was enveloped under the sun’s blanket
of warmth. My cousin turned to me, and with
curious eyes, questioned my attire. “ Are you going
to wear that sweater all day? It’s going to be hot, “
• I cast my eyes downwards,towards the compact
digital screen on my camera. The pictures I took of
the sun didn’t seem to quite capture the essence of
sunrise that I was hoping for, the ideal romantic
sunrise that popular movies seemed to offer and
the comforting knowledge that yet another brilliant
day was about to begin. The reality of the sunrise
did not meet my expectations.

• I gave the pictures one last, hard look, and then I

turned the digital device off. “ Nah, “ I said. “ I think
I’ll keep the sweater on, “ After all, the sunrise really
was not all that romantic.
Translation of page 104
• Matahari terbit tidak semuanya romantis. Tidak
membuatmu tidak bernapas seperti film – film Hollywood
mengakuinya, seiring beratnya kosmos menekan
diafragmamu dan tidak ada yang bisa kamulakukan untuk
melawan tekanannya ; jadi kamu remuk di bawah beban ini
yang merupakan kedahsyatan alam semesta ini. Tidak
membuatmu melepaskan hembusan napas kekaguman yang
kamu bisa saat kamu melihat lukisan Mona Lisa untuk yang
pertama kalinya dalam perjalanan ke Paris. Tidakmembuatmu
berhenti untuk sesaat dalam hidup dengan jadwal yang padat
untuk bernapas dan mencerminkan kerumitan – kerumitan
dalam hidupmu. Tidak, itu bukan seperti saat melihat
matahari terbit. Tidak bagiku.
• Pertama kali aku menyaksikan matahari terbit,
aku terbangun lima jam lebih awal dari alarm yang
aku setel. Dengan kaku, aku menarik diriku sendiri
dari kenyamanan kasur dan selimut dan
membiarkan kakiku menuju kloset. Tanpa
memberikan sedetik pun untuk melirik pakaian –
pakaian yang lain, aku mengenakan kaos dan celana
jeans. Tidak ada yang abnormal i sini.
Bagaimanapun, pilihanku dalam berpakaian adalah
unik dan aku menyertakan baju hangat berwarna
abu – abu gelap.
Text of page 156
• Kapoposang is one of the largest of the spermode
Islands, around 70 km northwest of Makassar,South
Sulawesi. Kapoposang covers an area of around
50.000 hectared and is inhabited by around 100
families. Several other islands, both inhabited and
uninhabited, lie near Kapoposang. The larger ones
include Papandangan, Kondongbali, Suranti, and
• Kapoposang and the nearby islands were
declared a Nature Tourism park by the Department
of Forestry in 1999. Diving has been an important
activity at Kapoposang. There weresofew local
divers at the time, and because of the distance from
other well – known diving areas in Indonesia,
Kapoposang has basicilaly remained a secret.
• The best time to visit Kapoposang is between April and
November, when the seas are calm, the weather
favorable, and the win less fierce than in the other
months.The trip takes two hours by speedboat ; the
ocean breezes help to cool your skin in the hot morning
sun. As you approach Pulau Kapoposang, you see the
deep blue water,which suddenly meets an expanse of
coral reefs between extensive shallows with white sans
in the seabed. Sea grass also growslushly near the shore.
The sea bed at Kapoposang has a unique composition ;
near the island are some quite shallow contours, and
then suddenly steep underwater cliffs leading to
seemingly endless depths. The water is very clear ; you
can expect underwater visibility of over 15 meters –
ideal condition for divers.
Translation of page 156
• Kapoposang merupakan salah satu dari pulau terbesar di
kepulauan sekitar 70 km barat daya dari Makassar, Sulawesi
Selatan. Kapoposang meliputi area seluas 50.000 hektar dan
ditempati oleh 100 keluarga. Pulau – pulau lainnya, ditempati
maupun tidak, baik terbentang di dekat Kapoposang. Yang lebih
besar meliputi Papandangan, Kondongbali, Suranti, dan Tambakulu.

• Kapoposang dan pulau – pulau sekitarnya dinyatakan sebagai

taman natural turis oleh Departemen Kehutanan pada tahun 1999.
Penyelaman merupakan aktivitas penting di Kapoposang. Hanya
ada sedikit penyelam pada saat itu, dan dikarenakan jarak yang
jauh dari area – area penyelaman di Indonesia lainnya, Kapoposang
tidak terlalu dikenal.
• Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Kapoposang adalah
pertengahan April dan Nopember, di saat lautan tenang,
cuaca stabil, danangin bertiup tidak sekencang bulan – bulan
lainnya. Perjalanan memakan waktu dua jam dengan
speedboat ; hawa lautan menyejukkan kulitmu di tengah
panasnya sinar mentari pagi. Saat kau dekati Pulau
Kapoposang, kamu melihat lautan biru yang dalam, di mana
secara tidak sengaja bertemu antara bebatuan karang dan
dataran pasir putih yang luas. Rerumputan laut juga tumbuh
subur di dekat pesisir. Permukaan laut Kapoposang memiliki
komposisi yang unik ; di dekat pulau terdapat beberapa
kontur yang relatif dangkal, hingga terdapat jurang – jurang
yang tampaknya tidak berujung. Airnya sangat jernih ; kamu
dapat mengharapkan penglihatandi bawah permukaan laut
hingga lebih dari 15 m – kondisi yang ideal bagi para
Vocabularies of page 156
• 1. Inhabit = menempati
• 2. Nearby = sekitar
• 3. Distance= jarak
• 4. Diver = penyelam
• 5. Visit = mengunjungi
• 6. Weather = cuaca
• 7. Approach = mendekati
• 8. Coral reef = terumbu karang
• 9. Ocean = lautan
• 10. Sand = pasir
Text of page 157
• NEGERI Sembilan is unique among Malays, a
stated for its Adat Pepatih matrilineal social system
which came together with the Minangkabau people
from the Indonesian island of Sumatra who settled
in the state.

• The cultural heart of Minangkabau culture in Negeri
Sembilan is the pretty royal town of Seri Menanti,
about 50 km from the state capital, Seremban.
Here, you will find a traditional timber place. It was
the residence of Negeri Sembilan’s rulers until 1992
when it was turned into the Royal Museum. It is a
show case of Minangkabau architecture and design,
and was built by two local craftsmen in 1908. No
screws or nails were used in its construction. Many
houses in the vicinity of Seri Menanti adopt the
distinct feature of Minangkabau architecture – the
curved roof which resembles the horns of the
• For more of the state’s history, you can head to
the state Museum in Seremban which is also
housed on a former palace, the Istana Ampang
Tinggi. The Adat Museum in Rembau, 25 km south
of Seremban, contains a fascinating array of cultural
artefacts from handcrafted antiques to community
herilooms. Further to the south is the Pengkalan
Kempas Historical Complex. Kits most fascinating
feature is a group of stone megaliths which are
referred to as batu hidup ( living rocks ). Villagers
believe the rocks can grow and move on their own.
Translation of page 157
• NEGERI Sembilan adalah unik di Melayu, daerah sosial Adat Pepatih
yang datang bersama orang – orang Minangkabau dari Pulau Sumatra
dan menetap di daerah tersebut.

• Pusat kebudayaan Minangkabau di Negeri Sembilan merupakan

pusat kota dari Seri Menanti, sekitar 50 km dari ibukota, Seremban. Di
sini, kamu akan menemukan istana kayu tradisional, yang merupakan
tempat tinggal para pejabat Negeri Sembilan hingga pada tahun 1992
diubah menjadi museum. Merupakan pertunjukan dari arsitektur dan
desain Minangkabau, dan dibangun oleh dua pengrajin lokal pada
tahun 1908. Tidak ada sekrup ataupun paku yang digunakan dalam
konstruksi. Banyak rumah di sekitar Seri Menanti mengadaptasi segi
khusus dari arsitektur Minangkabau – dengan garis lengkung pada atap
yang menyerupai tanduk pada kerbau.
• Untuk sejarah lebih lanjut, kamu dapat
mendatangi museum di Seremban yang juga
dijadikan sebagai istana resmi, yaitu Istana Ampang
Tinggi. Museum Adat di Rembau, 25 km ke selatan
dari Seremban, memiliki perhiasan – perhiasan yang
indah berupa artefak – artefak adat dari kerajinan
tangan yang antik hingga pusaka – pusaka antik.
Lebih jauh ke selatan ada kompleks bersejarah
Pangkalan Kempas. Objek – objek menakjubkannya
adalah sekumpulan bebatuan megalitik yang
dianggap sebagai batu hidup. Para penduduk
meyakini bahwa batu – bayu tersebut dapat
tumbuh dan bergerak sendiri.
Vocabularies of page 157
• 1. Settle= mendiami
• 2. Cultural = kebudayaan
• 3. Vicinity = sekeliling
• 4. Show case = pertunjukkan
• 5. Screw = sekrup
• 6. Nail = paku
• 7. Construction = konstruksi
• 8. Heirloom = pusaka
• 9. Handcraft = kerajinan tangan
• 10. Referred = dianggap
Text of page 158
• The Japanese traditional house made of wood is
expected to last about twenty years before having
to be repaired or rebuilt. Each year it is depreciated.

• The interior design is what really sets the

Japanese traditional house. With the exception of
the entry way ( genkan ), the kitchen )( daidokoro ),
the bathing room ( sento ), and the toilet ( benjo ),
the rooms in a Japanese traditional house does not
have a designated use.
• A room can easily be a living area, a bedroom, a
diningroom, or any combination. Large rooms are
partitioned by fusuma, sliding doors made of wood
and thick paper, The paper used for fusuma iscalled
washi. There sliding doors can be removed whenever
a larger space is needed.

• In large traditional houses, there was one large

room, or ima ( living space ) that could be divided as
needed. The smaller rooms like kitchen, bath, and
toilet were small extensions to one side. Rouka, or
wooden – floored hallways, follow the edge of the
home.Windows are made of wood and shoji paper,
which is thin enough to let the light shine through.
• Even Japanese modern houses tend to have one
traditional Japanese room, called a washitsu. This
room has tatami mats on the floor as used in Japanese
traditional house. Tatami are thick straw mats covered
with stitched, woven rushes. Tatami are smooth and
firm enough to walk on, while making a sleeping
surface more comfortable than wood or stone.

• The kitchen is usually a step below the level of the

rest of the house. When people enter the home, they
leave their shoes in the genkan, ppinted toward the
door so they only need to slip them on when they are
ready to go out.Indoor slippers are often worn inside
the house.
• The kitchen in most traditional Japanese homes will
contain a stove with a very small oven and broiler and
an electric refrigerator. Counter space for food
preparation an a sink are also located in the kitchen.

• The bathing room contains a tub and is often

waterproof. An adjacent area is availavle for showering.
The Japanese re – use bath water, either for other
bathers or for washing laundry, so it is important not to
dirty the water with soap and dirt.Dirty prtions of the
body can be washed before stepping into the bath.

Translation of page 158
• Rumah tradisional Jepang terbuat dari kayu yang
bertahan hingga 20 tahun seblum akhirnya
diperbaiki atau dibangun ulang. Setiap tahunnya
menurun kualitasnya.

• Desain interiornya juga disesuaikan dengan rumah

tradisional Jepang. Dengan pengecualian pada pintu
masuk (genkan ), dapur ( daidokoro ), kamar mandi (
sento ), dan toilet ( benjo ), ruangan – ruangan
dalam rumah tradisional Jepang tidak memiliki
fungsi hias.
• Sebuah ruangan dapat dengan mudah menjadi
ruang tengah, kamar tidur, ruang makan, atau
kombinasinya. Ruangan – ruangan besar dibatasi oleh
fusuma, pintu – pintu geser yangdapat dipindahkan
kapanpun ruangan besar dibutuhkan.

• Di rumah – rumah tradisional besar, terdapat satu

ruangan besar, atau ima ( ruang tengah ) yang dapat
dibagi sesuai kebutuhan. Ruangan – rungan yang lebih
kecil seperti dapur, kamar mandi, dan toilet mengalami
sedikit perluasan sedikit ke satu sisi.Rouka, atau lorong
berlantai kayu, mengikuti sepanjang rumah. Jendela –
jendela terbuat dari kayu dan kertas shoji, di mana
lumayan tipis untuk membiarkan sinar masuk.
• Walaupun rumah –rumah modern Jepang memiliki
satu ruangan tradisional Jepang, yang disebut
washitsu.Ruangan ini memiliki mat tatami pada
lantainya yang digunakan di rumah tradisional Jepang.
Tatami merupakan mat tebal yang lembut dan lumayan
licin untuk ditapaki, membuat permukaan untuk tidur
lebih nyaman daripada kayu atau batu.

• Genkan biasanya selevel di bawahnya di sisi tersisa

dari rumah tersebut. Saat orang – orang memasuki
rumah, mereka meninggalkan sepatu di genkan,
mengarah ke pintu jadi mereka hanya perlu untuk
memakainya saat mereka siap untuk pergi ke luar.
Sandal- sandal rumah juga seringkali digunakan.
• Dapur di sebagian besar rumah tradisional Jepang
akan memiliki kompor dengan oven yang sangat kecil
dan perebus dan kulkas listrik. Ruangan untuk
persiapan makanan dan pengering juga diletakkan di

• Kamar mandi meliputi bak dan seringkali kedap air.

Ruangan yang berekatan berguna sebagian
pemandian air pancur. Air yang digunakan kembali di
Jepang, digunakan untuk pencucian lainnya atau
untuk mencuci baju, sehingga penting untuk tidak
mengotorinya dengan sabun dan kotoran. Kotoran –
kotoran di badan dapat dibersihkan sebelum
memasuki kamar pemandian air pancur.
Vocabularies of page 159
• 1. Expected = diharapkan
• 2. Exception = pengecualian
• 3. Partition= sekat
• 4. Wooden – floored = lantai kayu
• 5. Extention = perluasan
• 6. Surface = permukaan
• 7. Slipper = sandal
• 8. Stove = kompor
• 9. Waterproof = kedap air
• 10. Portion= bagian
Text of page 159 ( #1 )
• Tornados occur when the conditions that cause
thunderstorms are unsually violent. Winds blow in
apposite directions around a strong updraft start a
narrow, violent whirl. Centrifugal force effectively
throws the air away from the center, leaving a core
of very low pressure. This is much like strring water
in a cup, thus forming a vortex – like dip in the
• This low pressure core acts as a partial vacuum,
sometimes helping to lift the roofs off houses. Most
of the damage, though, results from the force of the
wind itself. Around the edges of the whirl, wind
speeds may reach 300 miles ( 480 kilometers ) per
hour. At first, the tornado’s funnel is whitish – gray
because it is composed of minute water droplets
formed as the air in the funnel expands and cools.
After touchingh down, the funnel becomes dark
because of all of the debris it has picked up. This
debris can include soil, tree limbs, and parts of
buildings ; tornados have been known to pick up
automobiles, horses, and whole trees.
• A tornado usually moves toward the east ( or often
northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and southeast
Hemisphere ) at 25 to 40 miles ( 40 – 65 kilometers )
per hour. Fortunately, most tornados are less than a
half mile ( 800 meters ) wide ; the edge of one may
destroy all of the houses on one side of a street while
leaving those on the other side completely

• Deaths from tornados in the United States

averaged roughly 100 per year over the last century.
However, they have dropped somewhat in recent
decades as better forecasting and warning systems
have been implemented.
Translation of page 159 #2
• Tornado muncul saat kondisi yang disebabkan
oleh badai yang tidak seperti biasanya berbahaya.
Angin bertiup pada arah berlawanan di sekitarnya.
Kekuatan sentrifugal dengan efektif melempar
udara ke luar dari pusatnya, meninggalkan inti
bertekanan rendah. Ini seperti mengaduk air di
dalam cangkir, yang membentuk pusaran di
• Tekanan rendah pada inti, terkadang membantu
mengangkat atap – atap rumah. Sebagian besar
kerusakan, disebabkan oleh kekuatan angin itu
sendiri. Di skeitar pinggir pusaran, angin mencapai
kecepatan 300 mil ( 480 km ) per jam. Awalnya,
bagian atas tornado berwarna abu – abu karena
bercampur dengan titik – titik air di udara yang
membeku. Setelah turun, bagian atasnya menjadi
gelap karena semua puing telah terangkut. Puing –
puing ini dapat meliputi tanah, batang kayu, dan
bagian – bagian dari gedung ; tornado telah dikenal
bisa mengangkut kendaraan – kendaraan bermesin,
kuda, dan pepohonan.
• Tornado biasanya bergerak menuju timur ( atau
sering juga ke tenggara dan utara Hemisphere ) di
kecepatan 25 – 40 mil ( 40 – 65 km ) per jam.
Beruntungnya, kebanyakan tornado kurang dari
setengah mil ( 800 m ) lebarnya ; bisa
menghancurkan rumah – rumah di satu sisi jalanan
di mana di sisi satunya tidak rusak sama sekali.

• Kematian akibat tornado di Amerika Serikat rata

– rata mencapai 100 orang tiap tahunnya seabad
terakhir. Bagaimanapun, mereka telah memperbaiki
sistem peringatan menjadi lebih baik beberapa
dekade belakangan ini.
Vocabularies of page 159 #2
• 1. Occur= muncul
• 2. Low pressure = tekanan rendah
• 3. Damage = merusak ; kerusakan
• 4. Dark = gelap
• 5. Soil = tanah
• 6. Whole = seluruh
• 7. Fortunately = beruntungnya
• 8. Destroy = merusak
• 9. Death = kematian
• 10. Forecast = perkiraan
Supply & Demand : How Market Works
• The two basic terms used most often by economists
are supply and demand. The amount of something
that is available ( the supply ) and the amount of
something that people want ( the demand ) make up
aworking market. The market is the way in which an
economic activity is organized between buyers and
sellers through their behavior an interaction with one
another. Buyers, as a group, determine the overall
demand for a particular product at various prices
while sellers, as a group, determine the supply of a
particular product at various prices.
• The interaction of buyers an sellers in the market
helps to determine the market price, thereby
allocating scarce goods and services efficiently. The
price is taken into account when deciding how much
of something to consume, and also how much to
produce. The relationship between price and
quantity demanded is so universal that it is called
the law of demand. This law states that with all else
equal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity
demanded falls – and when the price falls, the
quantity demanded rises. The supply curve provides
the opposite information : the higher the price, the
higher the quantity supplied – and the lower the
price, the lower the quantity supplied.
• A key function of the market is to find the
equilibrium price when supply and demand are in
balance. At this price, the goods supplied are equal
to what is being demanded thereby bringing about
the most efficient allocation of the goods. An
efficient allocation of goods in a market is one in
which no one can be made better off unless
someone else is made worse off.
Translation of Supply and Demand
• Dua istilah umum seirngkali digunakan oleh para
ekonom adalah persediaan dan permintaan. Jumlah
dari sesuatu yang tersedia ( persediaan ) dan jumlah
dari sesuatu yang diinginkan orang – orang
( permintaan ) membuat cara kerja pasar. Pasar adalah
cara aktivitas ekonomi terbentuk di antara pembeli
dan penjual melalui kebiasaan dan interaksi satu sama
lain. Pembeli, sebagaikelompok, menentukan barang
yang akan dibeli dengan beragam harga, sementara
penjual, sebagai kelompok, menentukan persediaan
yang akan dijual berikut harganya.
• Interaksi antara pembeli dan penjual di pasar
membantu menentukan harga pasar, sehingga
dapat mengalokasikan barang – barang langka dan
pelayanan secara efisien. Harganya ditentukan
berdasarkan seberapa banyak sesuatu dikonsumsi,
dan juga seberapa banyak produksinya. Hubungan
antara harga dan kuantitas bisa disebut sebagai
hukum permintaan.Di saat harga barang – barang
meningkat, kuantitasnya turun – dan di saat
harganya turun, kuantitasnya meningkat. Kurva
persediaan menyediakan informasi yang
berlawanan ; harga meningkat, kuantitas meningkat
– dan harga turun, kuantitas pun ikut turun.
• Kunci berjalannya pasar dengan baik adalah
menemukan keseimbangan harga di saat
persediaan dan permintaanseimbang. Pada sisi
harga, persediaan barang – barang seimbang
dengan apa yang diminta sehingga membawa
efisiensi pada alokasi barang – barang. Alokasi
barang – barang secara efisien di pasar, tidakdapat
dibuat menjadi lebih baik tetapi malah menjadi
lebih buruk.
Vocabularies of Supply and Demand
• 1. Term = istilah
• 2. Supply = persediaan
• 3. Demand= permintaan
• 4. Market = pasar
• 5. Determine = menentukan
• 6. Law = hukum
• 7. Amount = jumlah
• 8. Price = harga
• 9. Provide = menyediakan
• 10. Equilibrium = keseimbangan
Text of page 160
• The respiratory system, in anatomy and
physiology, are organs that deliver oxygen to the
circulatory system to be transported to all body
cells. The respiratory and circulatory system work
together to deliver oxygen to cells and remove
carbon dioxide in a two – phase process called
• The first phase of respiration begins with
breathing in or inhalation, Inhalation brings air from
outside the body into the lungs. Oxygen in the air
moves from the lungs through blood vessels to the
heart, which pumps the oxygen – rich blood to all
the body. Oxygen then moves from the bloodstream
into cells, which completes the first phase of
respiration. In the cells, oxygen is used in a separate
energy – producing process called cellular
respiration, which produces carbon dioxide as a by
– product.
• The second phase of respiration begins with the
movement of carbon dioxide from th cells to the
bloodstream. The bloodstream carries carbon
dioxide to the heart, which pumps the carbon
dioxide – laden blood to the lungs. In the lungs,
breathing out, or exhalation, removes carbon
dioxide from the body, thus completing the
respiration cycle.
Translation of page 160
• Sistem respirasi, anatomi dan fisiologi, adalah
organ – organ yang mengirim oksigen menuju
sistem sirkulasi untuk dialirkan ke seluruh bagian
tubuh. Sistem respirasi dan sirkulasi bekerja
bersama untuk mengirim oksigen ke sel – sel dan
menghapus karbon dioksida pada proses dua fase
yang disebut respirasi.
• Fase pertama pada respirasi dimulai dengan
memasukkan udara, atau inhalasii. Inhalasi
membawa udara dari luar tubuh menuju paru –
paru. Oksigen di udara bergerak dari paru – paru
melalui pembuluh darahke jantung memompa
darah kaya akan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. Oksigen
kemudian pindah dari pembuluh darah menuju sel,
yang menyelesaikan fase pertama pada respirasi. Di
dalam sel, oksigen digunakan untuk proses
menghasilkan energi yang disebut respirasi seluler,
di mana menghasilkan karbon dioksida sebagai
• Fase kedua pada respirasi dimulai dengan
perpindahan karbon dioksida dari sel menuju
pembuluh darah. Pembuluh darah membawa darah
kaya karbondioksida menuju jantung, memompa
darah mengandung karbondioksida menuju paru –
paru. Di paru – paru, bernapas atau ekshalasi,
menghapus karbon dioksida dari tubuh, yang
menyelesaikan sirkulasi respirasi.
Vocabularies of page 160
• 1. Respiratory= respirasi
• 2. Physiology = fisiologis
• 3. Breath = bernapas
• 4. Inhalation = inhalasi
• 5. Blood= darah
• 6. Begin = memulai
• 7. Cell = sel
• 8. Lung = paru – paru
• 9. Cycle = siklus
• 10. Vessel = pembuluh
Text of page 161
• Each keyboard uses a series of switches to provide
messaged to the computer. The keys are nested on
rubber dome switches that contain carbon in the center.
This causes each key to be pressed down and come right
back up when you do not press anymore. Keyboards
contain anywhere between 80 to 110 keys, but there
could be more. The keyboard also has a microprocessor,
to respect the frequency with which signals are passed.
Regardless of how sophisticated your keyboard is,
keyboards generally use the name system for
transmitting signals to the computers that they are
attached to.
• When a key is pressed, the rubber dome switch
pushes down on the circuit board, making its center
carbon contact touch the circuit, completing an
electrical circuit. This instructs the keyboard to send
a signal. Signals from the keyboard continue to be
sent at a certain frequency, regulated by the
microprocessor. Keyboards have internal circuit
boards, meaning it must pull power somewhere.
Whether a keyboard rises a USB cable or PS / 2
cable, when the computer detects a keyboard
connected, it will supply to the keyboard through
the cable.
• Wireless keyboards work differently in that they are
powered by an internal battery. The wireless portal
is powered by the computer, and a signal is shared
between the two devices, using infrared, radio or
Bluetooth technology. However, wireless keyboards
are similar to wired keyboards in that they both
have a similar structure, sending signals when a
circuit is completed on their circuit boards. The only
difference is how the signal raches its destination.
Translation of page 161
• Setiap keyboard menggunakan tombol seri untuk
menyediakan pesan –pesan menuju komputer. Kunci –
kuncinya berpusat pada tombol karet yang meliputi
karbon di pusatnya. Ini menyebabkan setiap kunci turun
saat ditekan dan kembali naik saat tidak ditekan lagi.
Umumnya keyboard memiliki 80 -110 kunci, tapi bisa
juga lebih. Keyboard juga memiliki mikro prosesor, untuk
menangkap frekuensi di saat signal melintas. Terlepas
dari pandangan betapa canggihnya keyboardmu,
keyboard umumnya menggunakan sistem yang sama
untuk mengirim signal ke komputer – di mana mereka
• Di saat kunci ditekan, tombol karet mendorong
papan sirkuit ke bawah, membuat pusat karbon
berinteraksi dengan sirkuit, menyelesaikan sirkuit
listrik. Ini membuat keyboard untuk mengirim
signal. Signal dari keyboard dilanjutkan untuk
dikirim dengan beberapa frekuensi, diatur oleh
mikro prosesor. Keyboard memiliki papan sirkuit
dalam, berarti harus menarik tenaga dari sisi lain.
Entah keyboard menggunakan kabel USB atau kabel
PS / 2,di saat komputer menemukan keyboard yang
terhubung, akan menyediakan ke keyboard untuk
melalui kabel.
• Keyboard tanpa kabel bekerja dengan berbeda –
mereka digerakkan oleh baterai dalam. Portal tanpa
kabel digerakkan oleh komputer, dan signal
dibagikan antara dua alat, menggunakan sinar infra
merah, radio, atau teknologi Bluetooth.
Bagaimanapun, keyboard tanpa kabel mirip dengan
keyboard berkabel karena juga menggunakan
struktur yang mirip, mengirim signal saat sirkuit
telah lengkap pada papan sirkuit. Perbedaannya
hanya pada cara signal mencapai destinasi.
Vocabularies of page 161
• 1. Provide = menyediakan
• 2. Rubber = karet
• 3. Signal = sinyal
• 4. Board = papan
• 5. Frequency = frekuensi
• 6. Detect = menemukan
• 7. Powered = ditenagai
• 8. Wireless= tanpa kabel
• 9. Structure = struktur
• 10. Difference = perbedaan
• Tsunami occurs when major fault under the ocean
floor suddenly slips. The displaced rock pushes
water above it like a giant paddle, producing
powerful water waves at the ocean surface. The
ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the
earthquake source and move across the ocean untill
they reach the coastline, where their height
increases as they reach the continental shelf the
part of the earth crust that slopes, or rises, from the
ocean floor up to the land.
• A tsunami washes ashore with often – disastrous
effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to
drowning, and damage to property.

• A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is

generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor.
This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide,
or a volcanic eruption. A tsunami is undetectable far
out in the ocean,but once it reaches shallow water,
this fast travelling wave grows very large.
Translation of Tsunami
• Tsunami terjadi saat patahan di permukaan dasar
lautan kembali utuh. Pergerakan bebatuan
mendorong air di atasnya menyerupai kayuh
raksasa, menghasilkan gelombang dahsyat pada
permukaan lautan. Arus laut menyebar dari pusat
gempa bumi dan menyeberangi lautan hingga
mencapai garis pantai, di mana ketinggian
meningkat seiring mencapai daratan.
• Tsunami menyapu pesisir dengan sebagian besar
efek mematikan seperti banjir bandang, lenyapnya
kehidupan akiba tenggelam, dan kerusakan

• Tsunami adalah gelombang laut yang dahsyat

yang digerakkan oleh gangguan di sepanjang dasar
lautan. Gangguan ini dapat menjadi gempa bumi,
longsor, ataupun erupsi gunung api. Tsunami tidak
dapat diprediksi di lautan, tetapi sekali mencapai
perairan dangkal, gelombangcepat ini akan semakin
bertambah besar.
Vocabularies of Tsunami
• 1. Ocean floor = dasar lautan
• 2. Rock = batu besar
• 3. Paddle = kayuh
• 4. Source = sumber
• 5. Coastline = garis pantai
• 6. Ashore = pesisir
• 7. Flood = banjir
• 8. Generated = ditenagai
• 9. Earthquake= gempa bumi
• 10. Wave = ombak
• A geyser is the result of underground water under
the combined conditions of high temperatures and
increased pressure beneath the surface of the
earth. Since the temperature rises approximately
10F for every sixty feet under the earth’s surface,
and pressure increases with depth,the water that
seeps down in crack and fissures until it reaches
very hot rock in the earth interior becomes heated
to temperature in excess of 2900F.
• Because of the greater pressure, the water shoots
out of the surface in th form of steam and hot
water. The result is a geyser. In order to function,
then a geyser must have a source of heat, reservoir
where water can be stored until the temperature
rises to an unstable point, an opening through
which the hot water and steam can escape, and
underground channels for resupplying after an
• Favourable conditions for geyser exist in some
regions of the world including New Zealand,
Iceland, and the Yeilowstone National Park area of
the United States. The most famous geyser in the
world is Old Faithfull in Yellow Park. Old faithfull
erups almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to
170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand
gallons during each eruption.
Translation of Geyser
• Geyser adalah hasil dari air bawah tanah yang bercampur
dengan suhu dan tekanan tinggi sehingga mampu mencapai
permukaan bumi. Sejak suhu meningkat sekitar 1oF setiap 60
kaki di bawah pemrukaan bumi, dan tekanan meningkat
seiring kedalamannya, air yang terjebak di celah – celah
batuan menyembur ke luar dengan suhu 2900F. Karena suhu
yang tinggi, air tersebut muncul di permukaan membentuk
uap dan air panas. Hasilnya sebagai geyser. Agar dapat
dimanfaatkan, geyser harus memiliki sumber panas,
reservoir di mana air dapat ditampung hingga suhunya
meningkat mencapai titik tidak stabil, sebuah pembukaan di
mana air panas dan uap dapat muncul, dan persediaan
bawah tanah setelah erupsi.
• Kemunculan – kemunculan geyser yang menjadi
favorit di beberapa daerah di dunia meliputi New
Zealand, Iceland, dan Yellowstone National Park di
Amerika Serikat. Geyser yang paling diminati di
dunia adalah Old Faithfull di Yellow Park. Old
Faithfull erupsi hampir di setiap jam, mencapai
ketinggian 125 – 170kaki dan menghasilkan lebih
dari 10.000 galon selama erupsi.
Vocabularies of Geyser
• 1. Result = hasil
• 2. Underground = bawah tanah
• 3. Increase = meningkat
• 4. Approximately = sekitar
• 5. Heated = dipanaskan
• 6. Temperature = suhu
• 7. After = setelah
• 8. Exist = ada keberadaannya
• 9. Expelling = menyediakan
• 10. Eruption = erupsi
Text of page 164
• A laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the
same function as a PC ( personal computer ), but it
is smaller, lighter, and, of different sizes. Nowadays,
most people choose laptops for several reasons.

• Alaptop is a portable device. This portability is

very helpful for our work, study and other activities.
We do not need complicated cable installations to
activate a laptop, and with a laptop, we can do our
work any time anywhere.
• Moreover, a laptop allows us to access the
internet in public places which provide free access
called hot spot area. Some people like to use this
facility to carry out their tasks.

• Finally, a laptp consumes energy more efficiently

than a PC does. This device uses a rechargeable
battery as a source of electric energy. So if we
prefer using a laptop, it means that we support the
government program to save energy.

• That’s why a laptop has become very popular

Translation of page 164
• Sebuah laptop adalah jenis unit komputer yang
memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan PC ( personal
computer ), tetapi lebih kecil, ringan, dan beragam
ukurannya. Sekarang ini, kebanyakan orang memilih
laptop untuk beberapa alasan.

• Laptop adalah alat yang praktis. Kepraktisannya dapat

sangat membantu pekerjaan kita, belajar, dan aktivitas
lainnya.Kita tidak membutuhkan kabel instalasi rumit
untuk menyalakan laptop, dan dengan laptop, kita dapat
mengerjakan pekerjaan di manapun dan kapanpun.
• Terlebih, laptop mengizinkan kita untuk mengakses
internet di tempat – tempat umum di mana tersedia
akses gratis yang disebut area hotspot. Beberapa orang
suka untuk menggunakannya untuk mengerjakan
pekerjaan mereka.

• Akhirnya, konsumsi energi laptop lebih efisien

daripada PC. Alat ini menggunakan baterai isi ulang
sebagai sumber energi listrik. Jadi, jika kita memilih
menggunakan laptop, itu artinya kita mendukung
program pemerintah untuk menyimpan energi.

• Itulah mengapa laptop menjadi sangat terkenal

belakangan ini.
Vocabularies of page 164
• 1. Light = ringan
• 2. Function = fungsi
• 3. Reason = alasan
• 4. Portability = keadaan dapat dibawa
• 5. Anywhere = di manapun
• 6. Allow = mengizinkan
• 7. Task =pekerjaan
• 8. Device = alat
• 9. Support = mendukung
• 10. Government = pemerintah

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