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Hello, I’m Liza. One of the dots Jobs

pointed out in his
Commencement address was Calligraphy.
I decided to learn a little more about it in
order to understand Jobs personality
Reed college at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy
instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every
poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand
calligraphed. Because i had dropped out and didn't have to
take the normal classes.

I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I

learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the
amount of space between different letter combinations, about
what makes great typography great. It was beautiful,
historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't
capture, and i found it fascinating

The ability to write beautifully is a whole art. Ideal rhythms

and proportions, forms and style, the use of special
techniques and instruments. The letters form a single
harmonious composition, and not only the result, but the
process itself is fascinating. Calligraphic handwriting is a
unique skill and therefore especially valuable in the modern
world. And we will tell you how to master it and even turn it
into a whole profession.
твой текст +фон+картинка, или картинки, или видео
Твой текст на фоне моего видео + в конце
The interaction of geometry and art is especially obvious here.
твой текст на фоне моего видео China +Asian Calligraphy is especially
interesting to understand Jobs personality.
Being in constant search of his place in the world and meaning of life
Steve got captivated by Zen Buddhism philosophy and even spent 7
months in India to find guru and enlightenment.
But what's the connection with calligraphy, you may ask.
Zen buddhism, Calligraphy and Jobs

Zen Buddhism is an ancient religion of East Asian countries. The

word ZEN means "deep concentration" , meditation, contemplation.

The essence of Zen Buddhism is attempting to understand the

meaning of life directly without thought or language by meditation to
Calligraphy in Zen Buddhism is a means of meditation that
requires maximum concentration and spontaneity in execution. The
brush stroke must come from a union with the world, no separation
must exist - no I or pen, just the act itself. Начиная с The brush ...
читаешь на фоне next видео
Zen calligraphy, Shodo Harada Roshi,
Going back to dots
From all that has been said and seen, we can conclude that Jobs's
passion for calligraphy further contributed not only to the creation of
fonts in the Macintosh, but also explains Steve's constant striving for
excellence in everything he did and created. For him, beauty, elegance
and subtlety were as important as the scientific and technical genius of
the invention.

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