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Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin

•Temperature is how hot or cold something is.
Temperature is really a measure of how fast the
atoms and molecules that make up a substance
are moving.
•Temperature is measured in many different
scales, including Fahrenheit, Celsius (or
Centigrade), and Kelvin scales.
Temperature Scales
• 1742 Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius
used a mercury thermometer and defined his
scale in terms of critical points of pure water.

TC (TF - 32°)
• 1848, British scientist, William Thomson Lord
Kelvin developed a scale that relies on the
average kinetic energy of atoms.

TK = TC + 273
Temperature Scales
• Fahrenheit ( F) o

*Introduced in 1724
*Defined by 2 fixed points based on the properties of water (32-
freezing pt/212-boiling point)
*First modern thermometer (Hg)

• Celsius (oC)
*Introduced 18 years later (1742)
*Defined by setting boiling point of water to 0o freezing pt. /
boiling point to 100o
*Absolute zero in Celsius is -273o

• Kelvin
*Introduced 1848
*Boiling point of water 373.15/ freezing pt. 273.15K
*Zero point set to Absolute Zero
Converting Between Scales
Celsius and Fahrenheit

C = 5/9(oF – 32)

F= 9/5(o C)+ 32
Converting Between Scales
Celsius and Kelvin

K= oC + 273
Problem example
This example problem illustrates the method to convert
temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
•Problem: What is the temperature in Fahrenheit of 20 °C?
•The conversion formula for °C to °F is
•TF = 9/5(TC) + 32
•TF = 9/5(20) + 32
•TF = 36 + 32
•TF = 68 °F
•Answer: The temperature in Fahrenheit of 20 °C is 68 °F
• Convert 32oF into Celsius
C= 5/9 (oF-32)
=5/9 (32oF-32)
= 5/9x 0
= 0 oC
• Convert 32oC into K
K= oC + 273
= 32oC + 273
• Convert 21 2oF to K
= (212oF -32) x5/9+273
= 180x0.55555+273
= 373K
Express normal body temperature, 98.6°F, in °C
and K.
°C= 5/9(°F-32)
= 37 °C
K= °C+ 273

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