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whittle down (phr v)

to reduce the number of people or things

whittle down (phr v)
to reduce the number of people or things
attendance (n.)
the number of people who are present
syllabus (n.)
all the subjects that you study in school
grade (n.)
a mark that a student gets for their work
catch up (phr v.)
to study more to be on the same level
as other students
distraction (n.)
something that stops you from concentrating
pilot project/plan(adj.)
a test that is done to see if an idea works
a bout of … (n.)
a short period of smth.
a disadvantage
It’s almost the end of the year,
and final exams are looming.
loom (v.)
if a problem or difficulty looms,
it will happen very soon
The invention of electricity paved the way for
TVs and computers.
pave the way for sth. (phr.)
to create a situation that makes it possible
for something to happen
What do you think are the best and worst subjects
to study online? What does it depend on?
detention (n.)
a punishment of staying at school after
the other children have gone home
a piece of paper with information,
which is given to people at a lesson
self-employed (adj.)
working for yourself
work shifts (n.)
a period of work time (some people work during
the day and some work at night)
a way of working or living
that makes you stressed
What would you choose to study
if you had unschooling?
How would you organize your time?
Copyright 2020, Autor: Roman Shevchuk

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