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At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

 Define clearly the Contemporary arts in the Philippines;

 Research on various contemporary art forms in their Regions;
 Value the importance of learning the Contemporary Arts in the
Philippines; and
What is Philippine Arts
 cultural influences on the country's culture
 how these influences honed the country's
 If it is made of a Filipino artist
 Depicts the Filipino Culture and Traditions
 If it shows slice of history of the Philippines
Planting Rice

 Art that depicts the life of the

ordinary people who plants rice to
feed their family.
 Made by Fernando Amorsolo
What are the different contemporary art
forms that can be found in your certain
Region or Provinces?
Paintings and Sculptures

 Hispanic Period: 16th-19th century

 Historic paintings were introduced
 Paintings were mostly used as propaganda in
spreading Catholicism in the Philippines
 Mostly be seen in the Church walls and ceilings
 Early 19th Century:
 Wealthy Filipino people who studied abroad
introduced the more secular type of artworks
 These are landscapes, Filipino Inhabitants,
Philippine Fashion, and Government Officials

 Before Spanish colonization, native Filipinos

weaved using:
 Fibers
 Abaca
 Pineapple
 Cotton
 Bark cloth
However, during Spanish colonization, Filipinos
used a fabric called NIPIS to weave white
These were weaved with decorative flower

 Before the Spaniards

came in the Philippines,
all the architectural
design in 1500’s was
governed by the
available resources used.

 NIPA HUTS or the

 The diggings in many parts of the regions in the
Philippines, archeologists discovered an enormous
amount Philippine and Asian pottery and
 Burial Jars
 Gold coins
 Jewelry
 Incense jarlets
 Celadon bowls
 Native Filipinos created pottery since 3500 years
 To store the deceased

 Neolithic period
 Water vessels
 Plates
 Cups
 In Kalinga, ceramic vessels were divided in
to three types:
 Rice cooking (ittoyom)
 Vegetable/meat cooking (oppaya)
 Water storage (immosso)
 A type of contemporary music that relates to the
tribal and primary Filipino music with its stringed
instrument, and to western music as well, is the
Rondalla, a native stringed band which again best
typifies the blending of many influences that go
into the cultivation of an indigenous art form.
Literature and Theatre
 Poetry and metrical romances
 Tanaga- short poems consisting of four lines with seven syllables
each that rhyme at the end of each line.
 Ladino Poems- were natives of first Tagalog versifiers who saw
print: Highly Literate in both Spanish and the vernacular.
 Corridos- need for entertainment during the Spanish
 Awit- fabrication of the writers’ imagination although the
characters and the setting may be European.
Palay siyang matino
Nang humangi’y yumuko
Ngunit muling tumayo
Nagkabunga ng ginto
 Moriones- helmets of patricipants dressed as Roman Soldiers
found in Marinduque
 Panunuluyan- held during Christmas Time, especially Christmas
Eve. It depicts Mary and Joseph’s search for room at
the inn in Bethlehem.
 Pangaluluwa- practiced formerly during all saints day which
literally means for the souls
 Salubong- performed during Easter Sunday on which Jesus and
Mary will meet together after resurrection
 Senakulo- depicts the passion and death of Jesus Christ
 Santacruzan- performed During Month of May, which reinacts of St.
Helena’s finding of the True cross and serves as an
expression of devotion to the Virgin Mary.
 Comedia- a courtly love about a prince and a princess of different
religions, and highlights concepts of colonial attitudes to Christian-
Muslim relations.
 Duplo- a forerunner of balagtasan.
 Karagatan- legendary practice of testing the mettle of young men
vying for a maiden’s hand. The maiden’s ring would be dropped in
the sea and whoever retrieves it, would have the girl’s hand
and marriage.

 Is a form of art where you can express your

emotions through bodily movement.
 Includes Cordillera, Muslim, tribal, rural, and
Spanish style of folk dances
What are the importance of learning
the different contemporary arts in the

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