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Is a participative programme.

It is a very effective approach to improving

our work,environment and total quality.

It becomes a base for continuous

improvement in the organisation

 5s is a systematic approach to good

 It is today gaining strong support in most

industries, especially in Japan and there
are increasing number of companies
which are implementing 5s with greater
involvement of people within the
Why is it becoming popular among
companies in Japan? Simply because:
1. Workplace becomes clean and better organised
2. Shopfloor and office operations become easier and
3. Results are visible to everyone insiders and outsiders
4. Visible results enhance generation of more new
5. People are automatically disciplined
6. People become proud of a clean and organised
7. Resultant good company image generates more
business etc.
Some significant benefits observed at
companies practising 5s include:
1. Happier employees with high morale.
2. Greater people involvement.
3. Low employee turnover.
4. Increased number of suggestions.
5. Better use of floor space.
6. Less work-in-progress and inventories.
7. Better flow of work.
8. Low machine breakdown rates.
9. Low accident rates.
10. High yield of materials.
11. High product quality. 4
 The assumption why 5S is becoming so
popular in Japan in recent years and in other
countries today is that it emphasizes a people-
oriented and also practice-oriented approach.

 5S expects everyone-indeed everyone-to

participate in it.

 It is based on the belief that every individual

can contribute to improving his/her workplace
where he/she spends one-third of his/her life.
What is 5S?
 The concept of good housekeeping has been with the
Japanese for a very long time.At home and in
school ,children are disciplined to adhere to good
housekeeping practices.However, it was only in the early
1980s that good houskepping became a pertinent issue
in Japanese industries as companies realised its powerful
contribution to productivity and quality improvement.

 The basis for good housekeeping in Japanese

companies is a concept popularly known as 5S.This
stands for the five good housekeeping concepts in

Why a “5-S”movement
1. Human beings feel good if work place is clean and well
2. Helps in reducing time
a. For searching things
b. For handling
3. Helps in reducing
a. Waste, inconsistencies & strain
b. Unnecessary items & reserve stock
c. Space requirement
d. Machine downtime
e. Rejection / Rework
f. Number of accidents
 Helps people
a. In seeing things more clearly
b. In changing mindsets-develop a proactive attitude
Meaning of “5S”
1. Segregation (SEIRI)

2. Arrangement (SEITON)

3. Cleaning (SEISO)

4. Maintenance of standards (SEIKETSU)

5. Discipline (SHITSUKE)
What is 5S??
5S Original Japanese Meaning in English
1S SEIRI Sort out unnecessary items in the workplace
and discard them
2S SEITON Arrange necessary items in good order so
that they can be easily picked for use
A place for everything
Everything in its place
3S SEISO Clean your workplace thoroughly so that
there is no dust on floors,machines and
4S SEIKETSU Maintain high standards of workplace at all
5S SHITSUKE Train people to follow good housekeeping
discipline automatically
Segregation ---SEIRI
It helps to segregate necessary and unnecessary items
and eliminate unnecessary items. It essentially means
organising / putting things in order.

1. Go through what you have
2. Segregate/identify what you need
3. Categorise needed/not needed items
4. Discard What Is Unnecessary

1. Decrease in unnecessary items and reserve stock
2. Percentage of area / space saved

Arrangement --- SEITON
This step essentially means arranging items efficiently,for
easy accessibility and using them in best order
1. Set things in order by creating a place for everything.
2. Put everything in its place
3. Keep accessibility as easy as possible.
4. Use the principle of wide range and shallow depth for
1. Time saved in searching
2. Time saved in handling material

How to promote good order

Putting in order

Things needed Things not needed

Things used Things used Seldom used Potentially No potential

Constantly occasionally But still needed usefull use

Enclose in a sepearate
Consider where
Place as close Place a little Designated Disposal after
usefull and move
as possible further Place careful analysis
to designated place
Cleaning ---SEISO
This step eliminates dirt, dust and other foreign
matter to make workplace clean and polished.
1. Clean equipment, tools, furniture, records,etc.
2. Keep the workplace spotless
3. Sweeping, wiping, polishing, painting,etc.
1. Reduction in machine downtime
2. Increased life of the machine parts
3. Reduction in number of accidents
4. Reduction in rejection / rework 14
Maintenance to standards ---SEIKETSU
This Step is Combination of segregation (seiri),
arrangement (seiton) and cleaning (seiso). As as,an
on-going programme to maintain a clean and well –
organised workplace.
1. Create standards and initiate steps to maintain them
2. Devise ways to
a. Expose hidden problems
b. Surface abnormalities
3. Create visual control systems
Indicator of success
1. Number of areas / covers made transparent
2. Number of new problems exposed and solved
What is an Abnormality ?
An abnormality is any gap between actual performance
and the appropriate standard


 Defective goods
 Scrap
 Equipment Failure
 Over Production
 Lateness
 Waiting

What is the visual control ?
A visual control communicates required important
information to people who need it.
It grabs one or more of our senses in order to :
 Alert us to an abnormality
 Help us monitor quickly
 Promote adherance and prevention
 Enable successful self management

Visual controls
 Reduce errors / waste by making problems visible
 Identify gap between standard and actual performance
 Help in early identification of problems
 Reduce supervision 18
Visual control system
A visual control system (VCS) is a series of visual
and other sensory devices integrated in order to
achieve a particular outcome,ensure conformance
and prevent waste
1. Illustration of correct manual operation

2. Part containers colour coded to match the parts

3. Red colour light above the line that goes on when

help is needed
Important Points for preparation of
visual controls
1. Easy to see from distance

2. Easy to understand

3. Ensure correct location/ placement

4. Use colours for brightness/contrast

Important areas of visual displays
1. Instructions to people to avoid “OPERATION ERRORS”

2. Danger alerts/cautions

3. Direction/locations

4. Equipment Designations

5. Planned programmes

6. Preventive maintenance/Calibration displays

7. Appeals
Discipline --- SHITSUKE
This step is to ensure that everyone sticks to the
rules scrupulously and makes it a habit

 Create general awareness about 4S
 Training to everyone
 Share success to get more enthusiasm

 High employee morale
 Involvement of people in the movement 22
The Elements of “5S”
Adherance to standards develo ped
through 4S steps by all emplo yees of the
workpla ce


thin gs in order sortin g Keepin g thin gs cle an and Pla cin g thin gs so that people Main tin g cle anlin ess after
1.Removin g what is not needed polis hed,No trash or dirt can easily reach what they organis atio n ,arrangement
2.Keepin g what is needed anywhere in the workpla ce need whwnever they need it and cle anin g and establis hin g
5 Levels of housekeeping
1. Horizontal surfaces/floor full of unwanted material.

2. Vertical surfaces / areas near walls having clutter.

3. Horizontal ,vertical surfaces clean and have no unwanted

items.However,storage areas, record rooms disorganised.

4. Storage areas ,machines,offices are clean.All

materials ,furtinuture,documents properly organised,labelled
and numbered.

5. Factory/office is immaculate at all times.

Level 1 of Housekeeping
Work area is in level 1 of housekeeping if,
 Cigarette butts/Gutkha pouches

 Scraps of paper

 Tools (Used or Unused)

 Packing and clamping materials

 Support structures

 Left -over raw material

 Obsolete documents

 Bulky files

 Unused equipment,machine etc

are scattered around all over the workplace.

Corrective action for level 1
 Look at all horizontal surfaces
 Examine the entire work floor.Eliminate all garbage and
non- essential items on floor,shelves,tabletops etc
 Remove unnecessary papers from files
 Discard old files,stationery etc
 Make a definite place for all tools/documents,files and parts
that are lying on the floor tabletops


 Do not put anything directly on the floor

 As much as possible, throw/dispose off things that have no
clear foreseeable use.
Level 2 of housekeeping
Work area is in level 2 of housekeeping if there is no litter or
unused material on the floor/horizontal surface, but

 Clutter is found by the walls

 The passage ways are not clear

 Unused items,documents,furniture etc are leaning against

the walls or columns

 Unused tools and equipment ,paper left beneath or beside

the equipment

Corrective action for level 2
 Look at vertical surfaces

 Examine walls and columns

 Eliminate all garbage and non- essential items leaning

against the walls/columns

 Paint all walls and columns that can be reached by hand

Hint for improvement

 Divide responsibilities (For area and walls)

Level 3 of housekeeping
Work area is in level 3 of housekeeping if the walkways are
clear and the factory/office is clean,but the
tools,materials,papers and files are still disorganised in the
storage areas,record rooms,drawers,filing racks etc.

 Tools ,parts,clamps are all mixed together

 Gloves,shoes etc are thrown in with tools in the toolbox
 Drawers,shelves are disorganised
 All tools are in locked storage units
 Drawers,shelves are locked and keys are missing
 Unused and worthless items found inside closed cabinets

Corrective action for level 3
 Look inside the shelves and sort the papers,
material ,parts and tools

 Get rid of locked cabinets

 Make separate storages for tools,parts,clamps, documents


 Make the above area distinct and clear


 Remove the back and sides of all the storage cabinets 30

Level 4 of housekeeping
At level 4,the work area will have,

 Machines,equipment,furnitures spotlessly clean

 Storage areas clearly marked and distinguished

 Scrap material found in its designated scrap bin

 Items placed in shelves are properly labelled/ tagged

 Storage areas show many parallel lines and right angles for
grid alignment

 Tools/files are colour coded and numbered 31

Further improvement at Level 4
 Clean ,straighten and organise automatically
 Storage system designed for “First In First Out”
 Develop other visual controls

Hints for improvement

 Scrap and chips should fall directly into waste

containers/dust bins
 Make a model line with super market type display

of parts and tools

 Well defined scrap & waste collection & disposal

Level 5 of Housekeeping
At level 5,the work place is immaculate at all times.It

 Constant and continual cleaning by all employees

 Origins of rubbish are removed so that dirt,clutter and
garbage are eliminated at source
 Tools,items and materials can be found at a glance
 Inventory levels can be found visually
 Production runs smoothly
 High product quality achieved

Workplace rating
 In third rate workplace ,people leave trash and
no one stops to pick it up

 In second rate workplace, people leave trash but

others pick it up

 In first rate workplace, no one leaves trash,but

people would pick it up, if they saw it.

What does 5(S) require?
 Consciousness revolution through,
1. Perseverance,determination
2. Training
3. Constant efforts

 Abilities
1. To see / judge what is important
2. Attention to details

 Continuous implementation through

Total participation by all employees
8 crucial points for successful
implementation of 5S
 5S programme should be participated by all People in the
 One day should be set aside for the launching of the
 6 objectives or why’s of 5S programme should be
understood by all people in the organisation,
1. A clean workplace is high in PRODUCTIVITY
2. A clean workplace has high QUALITY
3. A clean workplace keeps COST down
4. A clean workplace ensures DELIVERY on time
5. A clean workplace is SAFE for people to work
6. A clean workplace is high in MORALE
 The programme would be more effective when it is
included in the small group activities like Quality Circles.36
The programme requires top
management commitment
 The programme should be practised during
working hours as an authorized programme,but
should not be treated as casual or extra activity
during overtime or off duty hours.

 Everyone should be officially informed of the

significance of the programme.

 The CEO should personally make an official

announcement of the launching of the programme
at an information sharing meeting attended by all
people of the organisation.
The CEO should take leadership of
the programme
 The CEO himself should be keen and committed
and have a vested interest in the programme.

 The CEO should not delegate the leadership to

other people.

 The CEO should exercise his leadership in 5S

steering committee.

The programme should be supported
by all
Such doubts “Why are the disposal notices posted for
SEIRI ? ” “ Why is 5S improvement for shopfloor
improvement?” should be eliminated.

 Each committee member should keep everyone informed of

the current progress of 5S implementation on a
departmental level.

 Each committee member should encourage and guide his

people for involvement in 5S implementation activities.

5S Programme should be self- sustaining
 Banners,slogans,posters and newsletters should be fully
utilized to draw attention of everyone to this programme
 An easy handbook or a pamphlet illustrating “Why 5S” “What
is 5S” and “How to implement 5S” should be printed and
distributed to everyone.
 Periodic 5S implementation review should be conducted by
CEO or an external expert for comments and updating the
status quo.
 Basic in-house training and introduction to model companies
that have successfully implemented 5S practices would not
only provide the necessary skills but also give an insight into
how other companies implement 5S.
 After the company has attained a certain level of
implementation,participation in “Inter- company 5S
competition” should provide greater motivation for further
The CEO should make a periodic factory tour
in person
 The CEO should tour the factory from time to time
and point out strengths and weaknesses of 5S
implementation in each workplace.
 The CEO should advise 5S steering committee to
take corrective action in the areas identified.
 The CEO should check the progress of the
 The CEO should give recognition to improved or
better practice.

The programme should generate
sufficient impact at the initial stage
 Slow implementation of decisions by the 5S
steering committee should be avoided.

 “Disposal notice” approach for SEIRI which is the

first step to 5S should especially be implemented
company-wide for a specified time before
proceeding to SEITON which is the second step for

Implementation of 5S should go hand –in –hand with
other Kaizen programme
 5S especially at SEITON requires certain Kaizen principles and skills
which can be acquired via external or well organised in-house training

 SEITON requires logical problem-solving approaches.In this sense,it

can well be a good theme for Quality Circle activities.

 SEITON also requires creative ideas from everyone.Therefore,it can

be tied in with and employee suggestion scheme.

 Successful implementation of 5S will,by itself,bring about various

tangible results.It is also a necessary step for a company to go through
before implementing advanced management technologies such as
TQC,JIT and TPM because 5S buildsup a solid foundation for

Tangible results expected from 5S practice
From People
 Employees will be disciplined to be more aware of untidy

workplace and motivated to improve the level of cleanliness.

 Greater team spirit and co-operation can be built up through

involvement of all within an organisation.

 Employees will be disciplined to follow safer and better ways

of work,resulting in lesser risks to accidents.

 Employees would be more conscious of improvement which

leads to greater efficiency and effectiveness.

From Machines and Tools

 Machine troubles can be detected at an earlier

stage to prevent a major breakdown, when
machines are cleaned daily by people operating

 Daily cleaning of measuring instruments will

ensure accuracy and reliability.

 Life of machines and tools can be extended

significantly when they are handled with care and
placed in the designated locations.

From materials and Work –in -
 Flow of materials and work-in-progress will become

 Floor space will become organised and possible areas for

improvement can be easily identified by quick observation.

 Inventory of materials and work-in-progress will become

clearly visible and easily handled.

 Material yield ratios can be improved

From Products and Customers
 Clean workplace will ensure that final products will
be free from dust.

 Sales people will be eager to show customers the

plant as a marketing tool.

Housekeeping to Happiness
 Housekeeping means Orderliness

 Orderliness leads to Cleanliness

 Cleanliness leads to Quality

 Quality leads to Productivity

 Productivity leads to Prosperity

 Prosperity means Happiness


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