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Physics and chemical

Density equals Mass over Volume

Force equals Mass times Acceleration

Power equals Work done over Time

Power equals Energy Transferred over Time

Power is the amount of energy transferred or converted

per unit time
Charge is Current multiplied by Time

Kinetic energy is equal to a half of mass

multiplied by the velocity squared
The kinetic energy of an object is one half of the product
of its mass multiplied by the square of its velocity.

Work done = Force x Distance

Work done = Energy Transferred

Pressure in solid = Force ÷ Area of surface

Constant Constant has a fixed value and its
Varaiable value cannot be changed by any
A formula is a rule written using symbols
that describe a relationship between different
Formula quantities
Expression An expression is a group of mathematical
symbols representing a number or quantity.
Identity Expressions never have equality or inequality signs
Equation An identity is an equation that is always true,
no matter what values are chosen.
An equation is a mathematical statement that shows that two
expressions are equal. It always includes an equals sign.
How to read chemical formulas
Each symbol designate one elemen and is
usually derived from the name of this element

The symbols of chemical elements are read according

to the names of English alphabet letters.

Remember that we use chemical symbols to stand for the

elements. For a molecule, we use the chemical symbols of
the atoms it contains to write down its formula. For example,
the formula for carbon monoxide is CO.

We use numbers to show when a molecule contains more

than one atom of an element. The numbers are written below
the element symbol. For example, CO2 is the formula for
carbon dioxide.
Groups of symbols are called formula. They are used to
designate compounds.

The word 'formulae' is the plural of 'formula'. If we have

more than one formula, we don't say formulas, we say

The sign “+”is read as plus, and, together, with, react with.
The sign “-“ indicates one relation and isn't read at all.
The sign “=” is read as give, form or produce.
The sign “ “ is read as give, pass over to or lead to.
The sign “ ” is read as forms and is formed from.
A figure before an element signifies the
number of molecules

Two molecules of H two O Two molecules of water

These symbols and formulas are used to indicate

chemical reactions.

Two molecules of H two plus O two give

two molecules of H two O

Two two-atom molecules of hydrogen react with one two-atom

molecule of oxygen and produce two molecules of water
C plus O two give CO two

One carbon atom bonds with an oxygen molecule. The

reaction produces one molecule of carbon dioxide,
One atom of carbon reacted with one two-atom molecule of
oxygen and produces one molecule of carbon dioxide

Six molecules of carbon dioxide plus six molecules

of water will render six simple sugar molecules and
six molecules of oxygen.
Calcium sulfide reacts with water to produce
calcium oxide and hydrogen sulfide
melting плавление
condensation конденсация
deposition осаждение
vaporization испарение
ionization ионизация
deionization деионизация
freezing замораживание
sublimation сублимация
1. What is the term used to describe the phase change
as a liquid becomes a solid?
evaporation condensation freezing
2. What term is used to describe the phase change of a
solid to a liquid?
freezing melting boiling
3. What is the term used to describe the phase change
of a liquid to a gas?
boiling condensation melting
4. Of gases, liquids, and solids, what is the densest state
of matter?
solids liquids gases plasmas

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