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World Wildlife Day 2022

Recovering Key species for

ecosystem restoration
Dear All,
Next Monday, 7th February, we will be celebrating World Wildlife Day. This will be a day off timetable to do cross-curricular science
activities around the theme: Endangered Species.
The aims are to celebrate science and wildlife and to raise awareness of what we can do to help protect the environment.
The outcome could be a display, presentations, song, play….. Whatever you decide would be right for your class. At the end of the day
please share examples of work, photographs, videos to Morgan or Suzanne, who will put together a whole school presentation for Frog.
Please see folder attached for some resources.
There is a wealth of further resources online, but here are some starting points:
If you would like any further guidance or help with ideas or resources, please see Morgan or Suzanne.
Thank you and have fun!

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