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Self-awareness and
I. Self-awareness
is defined as an awareness of one’s own personality
or individuality. The term “self” often refers to yourself,
myself, himself/herself, oneself, and your own self.
This refers to a person in a prime condition, as entire
person or individual. Awareness is defined as having
or showing realization, participation, commitment, and
knowledge of one’s values development.
Dare to Dream, Dare to be!
The following are examples of great individuals who dare to dream and dared to
Beethoven was totally deaf, yet he created musical masterpieces.
 Milton was blind, poor, and sick, yet he wrote Paradise Lost and Paradise
 Abraham Lincoln failed several times in his political career, before he was
elected to presidency. He even became one of the greatest US Presidents.
 Burt Reynolds washed dishes for a living before he became a well-respected
 Helen Keller struggled to overcome her handicap to become an inspiration to
both the blind and the seeing.
A. You as You
Nosce te ipsum is Latin for ”Know thyself.” Let’s begin to know yourself since the
essential formula for achievement is self-analysis.
1. Know the difference between your biological or inherited traits and your environmental or
acquired traits.
2. Self-awareness is an awareness of one’s own personality or individuality
 Self- oneself/himself/herself/myself
Belonging to oneself
A person in prime condition
Entire person as an individual
 Awareness- having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge
Be your own best friend and believe in yourself, so that you can become the
person you want to be.
You are you and you are what you think. You are unique in your own way. Only
you can control your destiny and make a difference in your life.
B. You as a Filipino
 Being aware of and remaining constantly on guard against the Filipino tendency
towards negativism, you can eventually propel yourself into positivism.
 Use your “lakas at tibay ng loob” (courage and strength) to move away from the
fatalistic “gulong ng palad” (wheel of fortune) and “bahala na” (come what may)
 Begin by getting involved with your own life. Makialam ka sa buhay mo!
Cooperate, makisama ka, by first initiating a change in yourself.
Being without expecting instant miracles. You have got only one real friend and one
worst enemy and that is yourself.
 Believe in your abilities and work unyieldingly to reach your objective.
C. You and Your Faith
Filipino worship is directed towards God as a father-figure who takes
care of all- “Bahala na ang Diyos,” signifying the Divine Providence is
responsible for our destinies. Thus, whenever problems confront us, we tend
to turn against God and blame him for all the misfortunes.
D. Your “Self- help Concepts (Morell, R.W.1999)
You may or may not be aware of the ‘self-help’ or self-improvement
teachings, but if you want to be more successful, you should:
• Believe in Yourself
• Keep Your Priorities Straight
• Take Responsibility for Yourself
• Create Your own Future
• Focus on what you want
• Learn to visualize the outcome of your goals
• Never let anyone control your destiny for you
• Be creative
• Think big
• Control stress
• Be aggressive and assertive
• Think positive
• Chat your own Course
• Set specific goals and review them often
• Spend some time each day improving your mind
• Review your results and adjust as necessary
• Be tolerant
• Do everything with love
• Don’t hate
• Have courage
• Recognize that most of what we believe about life is an illusion
• Be honest
• Work hard
• Believe money is good and it will come to you and so on, and on,
and on
E. A self-made wall of negative self-talk (Helmstetter, S. 2000)
Examples of frequently-used negative self-talk:
• I can’t remember names.
• It’s going to be another one of those days!
• It’s just no use!
• I just know it won’t work!
• Nothing ever goes right for me.
• That’s just my luck.
• I’m so clumsy!
• I don’t have the talent.
• I’m just not creative.
• Everything I eat goes right to my waist.
• I can’t seem to get organized.
• Today just isn’t my day!
• I can never afford the things I want.
• I already know I won’t like it.
• No matter what I do I can’t seem to lose weight.
• I never have enough time.
• I just don’t have the patience for that.
• That really makes me mad!
• Another blue Monday!
• When will I ever learn!
• I get sick just thinking about it.
• Sometimes I just hate myself.
• I’m just no good!
• I’m too shy.
• I never know what to say and so on, and on, and on

Myself Own self


Realization Perception

Him/Herself Oneself

II. The Self-management sequence (Helmstetter, Shad, 2000)
Life is not a matter of luck or fortune. If we leave our lives up to chance, chances
are, we will fail. Success in self-management is always the result of something else,
something that leads up to it. Most of what seems to happen to you, happens because
of you-something you created directed, influenced, or allowed to happen.

The 5 steps that control our success or failure:

A . Behavior
The steps that most directly controls our success or failure is our behavior –
what we do or do not do.
Behavior means actions. How we act, what we do, each moment of each day
will determine whether or not we will be successful that moment or that day in
everything that we do.
B. Feelings
Every action we take is first filtered through our feelings. How we feel about
something will always determine or effect what we do and how we will do it. If
we feel good or positive about something, we will behave more positively about
it. Our feelings will directly influence our actions. Our feelings are created,
controlled, determined, of influenced by our attitudes.

C. Attitudes
Your attitudes are the perspective from which you view your life. Some people
seem to have a good attitude about most things. Some seem to have a bad attitude
about everything. But when you look closer, you will find that most of us have a
combination of attitudes-some good, some not so good.
Our attitudes play a very important part in helping us become successful. Good
attitudes are created, controlled, or influenced entirely by our beliefs.
D. Beliefs
What we believe about anything will determine our attitudes about
it, create our feelings, direct our actions, and influence us to do
well or poorly, or succeed or fail. The belief that we have about
anything is powerful that it can even make something appear to be
something different that what is really is! Belief does not require
that something be the way we see it to be. It only requires us to
believe that it is. Belief does not require something to be true. It
only requires us to believe that it’s true!
E. Programming
We believe that we are programmed to believe. Our conditioning from the day we
were born has created, reinforced, and nearly permanently cemented most of what
we believe about ourselves and what we believe about most of what goes on
around us. Whether the programming was right or wrong, true or false, the result
of it is what we believe. It is our programming that sets up our beliefs, and the
chain reaction follows. What we believe determines our attitudes, affects our
behavior, and determine our success or failure thus:
 Programming creates beliefs,
 Beliefs create attitudes,
Attitudes create feelings,
Feelings determine actions, and
Actions create results.
II. The levels of self-talk(Helmstetter, Shad, 2000)
Self-talk is a way to override our past negative programming by erasing or replacing
it with conscious, positive new directions. It is practical way to live our lives by
active intent rather than by passive acceptance. It gives each of us a way to change
what we would like to change, even we have not been able to do so in the past.
5 levels of self-talk:
A. Level 1 Self-talk: The level of negative Acceptance (“I can’t…”)
The level of negative acceptance is the lowest, least beneficial, and the most harmful
level of self-talk. It is a self-talk by which you say something bad or negative about
yourself, and you accept it. It is characterized by words, “I can’t…” or “if only I
could…” it is our way of telling ourselves to hesitate, question our capabilities, and
accept less than we know we could have done, had we only given ourselves a
B. Level 2 self-talk: The level of recognition and need to change (“I need to…I should…”)

This level is beguiling. On the surface it looks as though it should work for us. But
instead, it works against us. In this level we are stating to ourselves and to others
our recognition of our need to change. It is characterized by words such as “I need
to…” or “I ought to…”or “I would…”

C. Level 3 self talk: The level of decision to change (“I never… I no


Level 3 self talk is the first level of the self talk that work for you instead of against
you. In this level, you recognize the need to change, but also you make the
decision to do something about it and you state the decision in the “present tense”
as though the change has already taken place. It is characterized by the word, “I
never…”or” I no longer.”
D. Level 4 self talk: The level of the better you (“I am…”
This is the most effective kind of self-talk we can ever use. This has been used
the least, but is needed most. It is at this level that you are painting a completed
new picture of yourself, the way you really wanted to be, handing in your
subconscious, and saying, “this is the me I want to create! It is characterized by
the words, “ I am…” it is the positive self-talk. It replace helpless “cannot’s” with
vibrant “yes I can’s!” it excites, demands and pushes us forward.
E. Level 5 self talk: The level of universal affirmation (‘’ it is…”)
This level of self-talk has been spoken for thousands of year. It is as old as the
ancient religions which inspired it. It is the self-talk of “oneness” with God. This
level speaks of a unity of spirits, a divine and timeless cosmic affinity which
transcends all worldly things and gives meaning to our being. This is a self –talk
for seeker, still living among mankind, but anxious to find a greater reward. It is
characterized by the words, “It is…” it sounds like this: “ I am one of the universe
and it is one with me. I am fit, within it, and exist as a shining spark in a
firmament of divine goodness.”

◦ Human person is the subject of education: he is a human

person learning and being taught. The human person is also the
object of education: the human person is at the center of the
curriculum and the entire program.

◦ The human person is multidimensional: a distinction between

the person as self and the person in community. The human
person is an individual, a self conscious being of incalculable
value in himself. His physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual,
socioeconomic, and political well- being is recognized by the
physical Intellectual

Human person Moral
as self/as
economic member of Spiritual



The dimension of the human person

A. Important realities of the human person

1. The self-image
a.Self-image refers to a person’s understanding of himself/herself.
b.It is responsible in influencing people’s way of living. The
formation of self-image is derived from two sources: others and
the experiences of the self.
c.There are three kinds of self-image:
1.Negative self-image- delves on limitations and differences rather than
2.Overrated self-image- stresses on the positive traits
3.Realistic self-image- based on the real self
2. The others
These are persons or groups that one consider as important and thus are given the right to influence
one’s self.
3. The being
a) It is the mainspring or a motivating force in the human person.
b) It Is the wellspring, a fountainhead of one’s identity, one’s essential course of action, and one’s essential
c) There are seven approaches to get in touch with the being:
1. Approach by way of the self image
2. Approach by way of important choices
3. Approach by way of action
4. Approach by way of what is “natural” and stressless
5. Approach by way of people who had the greatest impact on you
6. Approach to self through severe trail
7. Approach by way of deep and not yet fulfilled aspirations
4. The “I”

The “I” has tree (3) different aspects. These are the intellect, the
freedom, and the will.

5. The Sensibility and the body

These are the important realities of the human person

B. Five pivotal centers as the components of the human person

1.The being – this is the fundamentally positive reality which can be

sensed in the very depths of the human person.
2.The “I”- this is the reality felt at the level of the head.
3.The Sensibility- it carries messages from the “I” from the being, and
from the in depth conscience.
4.The body- it is the biological reality and has its own laws.
5.In-depth conscience- this reality is a place where the other four pivotal
center can be perceived in a synthesis. This is the place of the person in
the process of growth; a place where what is good can be sensed.
Behavior- It is the manner of conducting oneself. It is the
response of an individual, group or species to its
environment. It is a manner in which a person behaves.
Attitude- it is a position assumed for a specific purpose.
It is an organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristic
way to a stimulus as an object, concept, or situation.
Human attitude affects much of a person’s behavior and human
behavior depends on the kind of environment he or she is interacting
with. The attitude can be readily changed depending on the kind of
stimulus, concept, or situations that will greatly affect the human

Human Environment


◦ Human person in relation to his environment with respect to attitude and behavior
B. Ten commandments of human relations
1.Speak to people. there is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.
2.Smile at people. it takes65 muscles to frown and only 15 to smile.
3.Call people by name. the sweetest music to anyone’s ear is the sound of his/her own name.
4.Be friendly and helpful. If you have friends, be friendly.
5.Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do were a genuine pleasure.
6.Be genuinely interested in people. you can like everybody if you try.
7.Be generous with praise. Take caution against criticizing others.
8.Be considerate with the feelings of others. It will be appreciated.
9.Be thoughtful of the opinion of others. There are three sides to a controversy yours, the
other fellow’s , and the right one.
10.Be alert to give service . What counts most in life is what we do for others.
D. Mission possible team (I can win)
1.Successful people have a positive mental attitude.
2.Successful people are courageous people who take risks.
3.Successful people choose well.
4.Successful people persist.
5.Successful people adhere to the power of prayer.
6.Successful people know how to pace themselves and journey through life with enthusiasm.
7.Successful people govern themselves with discipline .
8.Successful people give the best to whatever they do.
9.Successful people align their sense of purpose with the common good.
10.Successful people keep a positive count by responding positively to any person or situation.
11.Successful people harmonize with encouragement.
12.Successful people are decisive people who make things happen.
Values Development
A. Value defined
1.Value is derived from the latin word, valere, to be worth, be strong something intrinsically
valuable or desirable. A thing has value when it is perceived as good as desirable. To develop is
to acquire gradually, by successive changes, To move from the original position to one
providing more opportunity for effective use. Thus, value development is the act, process or
result or developing the values for a human dignity.

2.Since values are the bases of judging what attitudes and behavior are correct and desirable and
what are not. It is therefore crucial that there be an appropriate framework as well as strategy
for providing the context and operational guidelines for implementing a values education
program (DECS values Education Program Framework, Values Education for Filipino, 1988).
B. Value System : Various Views
The meaning of values

According to Clyde Klickholm: "A value is a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an

individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influence the selection from available
modes, means and ends of action."
According to Cornelius Van Der Poel: "Value refers to the understanding of a certain good for an
individual or society which is considered worthy of realization.

According to Brian Hall, Michael Kenny, and Maury Smith: Value is " something that is freely
chosen from alternative and is acted upon, that which individual celebrates as being part of the creative
integration in development as a person."
A value is something or someone who is considered good or worthy and is desirable or useful. It is
something considered worthy by a person or a group. It can be a one word standard of conduct (respect)
or a policy that everyone in an organization adheres to and believe in.
C. Values Education
Values Education is the process by which values are formed in the
learner under the guidance of the teachers and parents as he/she interacts
with his/her environment.
1. Values as subject matter must have a direct and immediate relevance to
the personal life of the learner.
2. The process must involve all the faculties of the learners. It must not
just be cognitive. It must appeal not only to the mind but to the heart,
recognizing the total human person.
3. The teacher's and parent's personal values play important roles in
values learning.
D. Why, When, Where, Who, What, And
How in Teaching Values
1. Why teach values?
 Because our parents tried to teach them to us
 Because they are what makes our society safe and workable
 Because it helps develop a sense of autonomy, independence and confidence
 Because it is the most significant and effective thing to attain happiness
2. When? Value should be taught to all ages with differing agendas and
changing emphasis as one gets mature. Teach values now and always.
3. Where? Values are best taught in the home, in either the
positive or the negative sense. It can be far more influential than
what is taught in school.
4. Who? Parents are the crucial example and instructors of
values. They are the general contractor. The Teacher's, the
institution, and organizations are considered as subcontractors
serving as supplement, support, and back up of parents.
5. What? Decide which values to teach. Choose a teaching
system that will help you decide what to teach.
6. How? There are methods especially designed in teaching
values to pre-schoolers, elementary ages, adolescents, and
community people.
E. Importance of teaching values

1. Values are extremely powerful. They guide people and identify what
behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not. It is a principle that either
accomplishes a well being or prevents harm or does both. It is something that
helps or something that prevents hurt.
2. Values have to do with being and with giving. It is who we are and what we give
rather than what we have that make up our truest inner selves.
3. The values of being (who we are) are honesty, courage, peace ability, self - reliance,
and fidelity. These are given as they are gained and practiced on the "outer" as they are
developed in the "inner". The values of giving (what we give) are respect, love, loyalty,
unselfness, kindness and mercy. These are gained and developed as they are practiced.
F. The values of being and giving (Linda Eyre, etc al., 1993)

◦ A true universally acceptable "value" is one that produces behavior that is beneficial
both to the practitioner and to those on whom it is practiced. A value is a quality
distinguish by :a) its ability to multiply and increase in our possession even in as it is
given away ;and b) the fact (even the law) that, the more it is given to others, the more
it will be returned by others and receives by others.
1. On values of being. The following are values of being :
◦ Honesty must be practiced with other individuals, with institutions, with society, and
with self. The inner strength and confidence are bred by exacting truthfulness,
trustworthiness, and integrity.
◦ This means daring to attempt difficult things that are good. It is the strength not to follow
the crowd, to say no and mean it, and influence others by it. It means being true to
convictions and following good impulses even when they are unpopular or inconvenient. It
means boldness to be outgoing and friendly.
◦ This means calmness, peacefulness, and serenity. It is the tendency to accommodate rather
than argue. It is the ability to understand how others feel rather than simply reacting to
them. It means the control of temper.
Self-reliance and Potential
◦ These refer to individuality, awareness, and development of gift and uniqueness. One must
take take responsibility for one's own actions. The tendency to blame others for difficulties
must be overcome. One must have a commitment to personal excellence.
Self-discipline and moderation
◦ These refer to physical, mental, and financial self discipline. These involve
moderation in speaking, in eating, and in exercising. These also include the
controlling and bridling of one's own appetites and understanding the limits of
body and minds. These mean avoiding the dangers of extreme, unbalanced
Fidelity and chastity
◦ These refer to the value and security and fidelity within marriage and of
restraint and limits before marriage. These involve the commitment that go
with marriage and that should go with sex.
2. On values of giving. The following
are values of giving :
Loyalty and dependability
◦ These refer to loyalty to family, to employers, to country, to church, to school, and to other
organizations and institutions. These mean reliability and consistency in doing what you say you will
◦ It means individual and personal caring that goes beneath and beyond loyalty ang respect. It means
love for friends, neighbors, even adversaries, and a prioritized, life long commitment of love for
◦ This means respect for life, for property, for parents, for elders, for nature, and for the beliefs and
rights of others. It refers to courtesy, politeness, and manners. It means self respect and the avoidance
of self criticism.
Unselfishness and sensitivity
◦ These pertain to becoming more extra centered and less centered. These means
learning to fell with and for others. These refer to empathy, tolerance,
brotherhood, and sensitivity to needs of people and situations.
Kindness and Friendship
◦ These refer to awareness that being kind and considerate is more admirable than
being tough or strong. The tendency to understand rather than confront, and be
gentle, particularly toward those who are younger and weaker. This necessitate
the ability to make and keep friends. These mean helpfulness and cheerfulness.
Justice and Mercy
◦ These refer to obedience to law and fairness in work and play. These involve an
understanding of the natural consequences and the law of the harvest. These
refer to the grasp of mercy and forgiveness and an understanding of the futility
(and bitter poison) of carrying a grudge.
G. Value Formation
The Christian Value Formation is a lifelong process of growing which gets its
strength from Jesus sermon of the mount. The following factors affect one's
value Formation:
1. Two (2) factors affecting value Formation
◦ Influences - these depend on a person's internal influences such as
intellectual and emotional capabilities
◦ Experience factor - like good influences, good experiences are needed in
value Formation
2. These are four (4) types of experiences that will influence or
affect the formation of values
◦ Liturgical experience
◦ Bible experience
◦ Learning experience
◦ Human experience
H. Value Clarification

1. Value Clarification is a difficult task.

There are tree basic steps that are useful in Value Clarification :
◦ Choice
◦ Value
◦ Action
2. Values are better than rules.
Forward thinking - the organization promotes values to guide people. Doing this saves time
because organizations need not write rules, and need not refer to rule books or organization manual.
3. Values serve as outline goals. An explicit set of values shall form the foundation of any
organization because they endure.
4. Values send a message. A good value teaches and guides a
members of the organization. A symbolic act affirms the value over
and over.
5. Values shape an organization. Values manifest itself in various
ways. It trusts members to produce quality good products. Values can
shape and animate an organization.

◦ Our character is a composite of our habits. Habits are powerful factors in our lives. They
are consistent, often unconscious patterns. They constantly, daily express our character
and influence our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
Habit is define as the interaction of knowledge, skill and desire. Knowledge is the
theoretical paradigm, the "what to do" and the "why". Skill is the "how to do" and desire is
the motivation, the "want to do".
Effectiveness is defined as the basis of a person's character, creating an empowering center
of correct maps for which an individual can effectively solve problems, maximize
opportunities, continually learn and integrate principles in an upward growth.
1. Being Proactive
Proactivity means taking initiative. As a human being, we are responsible for
our lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. Highly
proactive people recognize responsibility. "Response-ability" means the ability
to choose your response. In making such a choice, we become reactive.
2. Begin with the end in mind
" Begin with the end in mind" is to begin today with the image, picture or
paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by
which everything else is examined. Each part of your life today's behavior,
tomorrow's behavior, next week's behavior, next month's behavior can be
examined in the context of the whole, of what really matters most to you.
3. Putting first things first
Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what
"first things" are, it is management that puts them first, day-by-day, moment by
moment. Management is discipline carrying it out.
3. Think win/win
The habit of effective interpersonal leadership think win/win. Win/win is not a
technique ;it is a total philosophy of human interaction. In fact, it is one of the
six paradigm which include win/lose, lose /win, win and win/win or no deal.
5. Seek first to understand than to understood
"seek first to understand" involved a very deep shift in a paradigm. We typically
seek first to be understood. Most people do not listen with the intent to
understand ; they listen with the intent to reply. They are either speaking or
preparing to speak.
6. Synergize
Synergize means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It
means that the relationship which the parts have to each other is a
part in and of itself. Synergy is the highest activity in all life the true
test and manifestation of all of the other habits put together.
7. Sharpen your "Saw" of self - principles of balanced self-
Habit is taking time to sharpen the saw. It is the habit that makes all
the others possible. It is preserving and enhancing the greatest asset
you have you. It is reserving the four dimensions of your nature
physical, spiritual, mental, social /emotional.
A. Leader and Leadership Defined
1. Leadership is the art of influencing people to get the necessary support and
cooperation in community affairs to maintain solidarity among people. It is the
ability to influence others towards desired goals. It also means "doing the right
2. A leader is one who helps /facilitates communities of people, takes risk, and
envisions a better future for his group, encourages commitment, and helps
people move ahead along a path to accomplish a goal.
3. A leader has a followers. As Peter Drucker pointed
out, a leader is someone who has a followers. Even
poor leaders have followers, but usually not for long.
That is because the goal of leadership is to get results.
B. Virtues as a foundation of leadership
(Covey, S.R.1991
1. Virtue is as conformity as a standard of right and morality. It is a beneficial
quality or power of a thing and a commendable quality, trait or habit.
2. The following virtues are considered the foundation of leadership :
a. Prudence - the habit which enables man to direct his actions to human life's
goals, knowing the right thing to do and applying it
b. Justice - the habit of giving each one of his due with constant and perpetual
will; gives stability that man needs to work without fear and anxiety in the
search for happiness
c. Fortitude - the habit of overcoming the difficulties and pressures of life in the pursuit of good
d. Temperance - the habit pf bringing the desires and natural inclination of man under the
control of reason
e. Industry - the habit of working hard and working under pressure
f. Loyalty - the habit of remaining true to your friends and to your principles (goals) in times of
g. Responsibility - the habit of being accountable for one's actions, duties, and obligations;
readiness to answer for the consequences of one's actions
h. Cheerfulness - the habit of being optimistic, positive, always seeing the bright side of things
i. Generosity - the habit of sharing the good the one has with other people ;thinking first the
people around him and looking for ways he can help and serve them
j. Magnanimity - the habit of having great ideals and ambitions of doing good ;being concerned
with doing great deeds of service to others by devoting one's life to serve one's country or to
help people
C. Traits of Leadership
1. True leadership is the art of changing a group from what it is into
what it ought to be.
2. Leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes
an emergency.
3. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
4. Leadership is learning to give whether you get anything or not. If
you ever give something to get something, you are not giving in the
true sense of the word, you are trading!
5. On the other side of the coin of leadership is loneliness, for he who is a leader
must always act alone, and acting alone means accepting everything alone.
6. Leadership is the ability to handle uncertainty.
7. What is "it"? This is the aspect of leadership that is concerned with outward
appearance. It means looking, dressing, and talking life a leader.
8. Leadership has nothing to do with ordering people around or directing their
every move.
9. The climax of leadership is to know when to do what.
D. Qualities of a Good Leader
1. Good Leader enable people to feel and become empowered.
2. Good leaders inspire values of caring. In such a caring community,
each person is valued.
3. Good leaders ensure that learning competence matter.
4. Good leaders, particularly those in administration, create an
atmosphere where work is stimulating, challenging, and fun.
5. Good leaders help people sense of unity.
6. Good leaders help members develop a sense of security and trust
not only in the leader but also in one another.
7. A good leader displays reliability and integrity.
8. A good leader is honest and trustworthy, and has integrity.
9. The best leaders use thinking to help members develop a set of
intentions, outcomes, goals and directions.
E. Characteristics of a leader (taken from the Agile Manager's Guide
to Leadership by W. Wadsworth)

Even if leaders have no common traits, they share characteristics that, in total, define their
work. Leaders:
1. Have the will to lead rather than manage;
2. Maintain high morale among their people ;
3. Inspire commitment and team work ;
Display, at times, energy, passion, and enthusiasm ;
5. Are focused and able to focus those they lead ;
6. Take prudent risks ;
7. Are honest with themselves ;
8. Carry on despite setbacks;
9. Know their field and job in great depth ;
10. Work to instill values in their people ;
11. Orient themselves toward the customer ;
12. Take a long term perspective ;
13. Invite input;
14. Tolerate mistakes ;
15. Set standards and objectives ;
16. Remain calm under fire;
17. Ensure that people have resources to do their job ;
18. Believe in themselves and their people ;
19. Initiate change rather than react to it;
20. Take responsibility ;
21. Aren't afraid to work side by side with good, ambitious people ;
22. Envision a better future ;
23. Don't blame others ;
24. Have a " buck stops here" attitude ;
25. Want to win;
26. Are curious and flexible ;
27. Test assumptions constantly ;
28. Don't overcontrol;
29. Give subordinates leeway to act ;
30. Tolerate, if not invite, dissent ;
31. Believe they can affect the world for the better ;
32. See opportunity in challenges;
33. Make instinctive decisions based on experience ;and
34. Take time to teach people thier point of view ;
1. Authoritarian Leadership (Survival)

A leader a decision and announce it.

◦ A leader announces his decision with no feeling of responsibility or accountability to share
the reasons.
A leader presents decision but "Sells it to member."
◦ A leader announces his decision and shares the reason behind it, which has been prepared in
A leader presents a decision and invites questions for clarification.
◦ A leader announces his decision, but responds to questions for clarification on an impromptu
with a rationale to explain to the members.
2. Consultative Leadership (Security)
A leader presents a tentative decision subject to change.
◦ A leader announces his "tentative" decision and announces that he is open to
questions for clarification and discussion.
A leader presents a situation, get a input, makes a decision.
◦ A leader identifies a situation or problem or moves into a facilitating role to
surface assumptions and suggestions, then moves out facilitating role and
makes a decision.
A leader calls on members to make a decision, but holds on veto.
◦ A leader calls on the group to identify situations and limitations, explores and
makes a decision contingent on leaders veto power.
3. Enabling Leadership (Participation)
A leader defines limits, calls on members to make a decision.
◦ A leader shares any "given" and facilitates a decision by members on basis of
A leader calls on members to identify limits, explore situation, and make a
◦ A leader maintains a facilitating role by allowing members to identify a
situation or problem, identify limits, explore and make a decision.
Team Building For Your Organization
A. Team Development
1. A youth organization is a collection of teams comprising of young people. The success of a youth organization depends on the
ability of the teams within it to work together to attain the commonly held objectives.

2. Factors contributing to team development and effectiveness. The development of a team is based on the assumption that any
team is able to work more effectively if its members are familiar with the four factors that contribute to team development and
effectiveness. These are:
a. Shared Goals and objectives. The team must state the goals and objectives. The goals must be an overall understanding of the role
of the team in the total organization.
b. Utilization of resources. The team must use effectively all the resources at its disposal. This means establishing an environment
that allows individual resources to be used. Maximum use of team members require full participation and self regulation.
c. Trust and conflict resolution. The ability to openly recognize conflict and to seek to resolve it through discussion is critical to the
team’s success.
d. Shared leadership. Individuals will not function as a team if they are brought together simply to “rubber stamp” decisions made
by the team’s formal leader or others not in the team.
3. Team relationship and management
a) a team is a number of the persons associated together in work or activity. It is put
together in a coordinated ensemble, marked by devotion to teamwork rather than
individual achievement.
b) In a relationship in an organization or movement, people have various expectations of
each other. These expectations sometimes are not stated; sometimes they are
unconscious. In the rush of activity, an organization may move along, but friction
often begins to build up between people. Many times, it is because we have different
expectation of others and ourselves in doing a particular task.
c) The management of the organization depends on proper coordination. Coordination
implies enabling people to reach their own goals, transform their situation, and take
their destiny into their own hands.
4. Building a better team

The following aspects are necessary for building a better team.

a) Teamwork reflects Camaraderie. A team will not work if members are

self-centered and if they do not know each other.
b) Teamwork reflects unity. Whatever the outcome of the project, it is the
team that works towards it.
c) Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the success. Each group
has ample zest and inspiration to become a dream team.
5. The characteristics of an effective
a. A team members share a sense of purpose or common goals, and each team member is willing to work
toward achieving these goals.
b. the team is aware of and interested in its own processes and it examines norms operating within the
c. the team identifies its own resources an d uses them, depending on its needs. The team willingly
accepts the influence and leadership of a members whose resources are relevant to the immediate task.
d. the team members continually try to listen to and clarify what is being said and show interest in what
others say and feel.
e. Differences of opinion are encouraged and freely expressed. The team does not demand narrow
conformity or adherence to formats that inhibit freedom of movement and expression.
f. The team is willing to surface conflict and focus on it until it is resolved or managed in a way that does
not reduce the effectiveness of those involved.
g. The team exerts energy towards problem solving rather than allowing it to be drained by interpersonal
issues or competitive struggles.

h. Roles are balanced and shared to facilitate both the accomplishment of tasks and feelings of team
cohesion and morale.

i. To encourage risk taking and creativity, mistakes are treated as sources of learning rather than reasons for

j. The team is responsive to the changing needs of its members and to the external environment to which it is

k. Team members are committed to periodical evaluation of the team’s performance.

l. The team is attractive to its members, who identify with it and consider it a source of both professional and
personal growth.

m. Developing a climate of trust is recognized as the crucial element for facilitating all of the above elements
6. The characteristics of effective team leaders
Effective team leaders:
 communicate Criticize constructively and address problems
Are open, honest, and fair Develop plans
Make decisions with input from others Share their mission and goals
Act consistently Display tolerance and flexibility
Give the team members the information they need Demonstrate assertiveness
to do their jobs Exhibit a willingness to change
Set goals and emphasize them
Treat team members with respect
Keep focused through follow-up Make themselves available and accessible
Listen to feedback and ask questions
Want to take charge
Show loyalty to the organization, the team, and Accept ownership for team decisions
team members
Set guidelines for how team members are to treat
Create an atmosphere of growth
one another
Have wide visibility Represent the team and fight a “good fight” when
Give praise and recognition appropriate
7. A dream team leader provides the support needed for success. The support is created when leader decide to be
facilitators rather than directors.
Dictators Facilitators

1. Hoard decisions. Push decisions down the line.

2.Make decisions alone or restrict them to an elite group. Involve others as much as possible, in key decisions and
give people space to make those decisions.

3. View truth and wisdom as their domain since they are View truth and wisdom as being accessible to everyone
the leader. throughout the organization.

4. Surprise their workers with edicts from above. Let those responsible decide how the jobs will be done,

5. Guard their own interests. Serve everyone’s interest by developing people.

6. Take for themselves. Give to the organization.

8. The characteristics of effective team members Show loyalty to the organization, the team leader, and the
 support the team leader
View criticism as an opportunity to learn
Help the team leader to succeed
State problems, along with alternative solutions/options
 ensure that all viewpoints are explored
Give praise and recognition when warranted
Express opinions, both for and against
Operate within the parameters of team rules
Compliment the team leader on team efforts
Confront the team leader when his/her behavior is not helping
Provide open, honest, and accurate information
the team
Support, protect, and defend both the team and the team
Share ideas freely and enthusiastically
Encourage others to express their ideas fully
Act in a positive and constructive manner
Ask one another for opinions and listen to them
Provide appropriate feedback
Criticize ideas, not people
Understand personal and team roles
 avoid disruptive behavior such as side conversations and
Bring problems to the team(upward feedback)
inside jokes
Accept ownership for team decisions
Avoid defensiveness when fellow team members disagree
Recognize that they each deserve as a team leader with their ideas
Balance appropriate levels of participation  attend meetings regularly and promptly
Participate voluntarily
Maintain confidentiality
9. Symptoms of team problems
Table 3. Common Team Problems

Symptoms Description Explanation

Backbiting and complaining Members of the team openly complain Team members are not cleared about
about and find fault with one another. standards, leading to loss of control
over one another.

Presence of a “spy of the owner” Members of the team suspect and New members have difficulty breaking
distrust new members into established team.
Two coalitions The team has two factions, one of The team experiences a lack of
which has very little influence or cohesiveness.

Personal stress Stress shows up in the team members, Team members feel threatened and
evidenced by “blowing up” and thus become less efficient and more
physical symptoms dissatisfied.
Combative Behavior Team members resort to yelling and to Team members express conflict
combative behavior in the name of through the use of threats, attacks, and
playing the devil’s advocate. so on.

Infinite details Team members scrutinize every detail Team members distrust one another
and check on all aspects of minor or and fear being penalized for errors.
major decisions.

Amount of time to make decisions Decisions on minor issues are brought Team members feel a lack of trust
to the top of the organization, directly related to team problem-
requiring excessive time. solving.

Shifting and changing decisions Decisions are often changed shortly Team members are not willing to
after being made. commit the team to a unified course
of action.
10. Seven Team Well-Being Secrets
a. Purpose (Are we committed to the same purpose?)
A healthy team has a well-articulated corporate and team purpose,
usually phrased as a vision statement, mission statement, or values
statement. The team members have a common understanding of
this purpose. They willingly commit their energies to achieve this
purpose and frequently take time to recall, review, and relive it.
b. Role (how will we contribute to fulfilling our purpose?)
In a healthy team, the members continually ask themselves whether the team is enacting the
specific role needed to achieve its purpose. The members seek to enact the optimal role for
the moment with the understanding that its role may change over time.
c. strategy( what will we do to achieve our purpose?)
In a healthy team, the members understand the team’s strategy and use it to guide day-to –day
activities. The members ask what new things they should do and what things they should stop
doing in order to achieve the team’s purpose.
d. Process (how will we work together?)
In a healthy team, the members aware of what processes or systems of operation are used to produce results.
They know which processes need attention and improvement. They take conscious effort to frequently improve
and update these process.

e. People (how will we care for one another?)

A healthy team has members who have the required expertise and knowledge to implement the team’s strategy
and achieve its purpose.

f. Feedback (how will we obtain and use information about our performance?)
A healthy team solicits feedback on its behavior and performance from key stakeholders, who might include
customers, suppliers, managers, and another teams. This feedback is used to improve the quality of work of the

g. Interfaces (how will we manage the team’s relationship?)

A healthy team intentionally manage its critical relationships with external people or environment in order to
build needed relationships and enhance existing ones. They do not isolate themselves as independent islands
Decision - Making skills and techniques underpin most
aspects of management. The art of good decision making is
complex, encompassing a wide range of personal and
interpersonal skills such as fact finding, logical thinking,
analytical ability, sensitivity to others, creativity, and
1. Importance of decision making
Deciding something means making a choice or coming to a
conclusion and neither of those things is easy. Decision is a
choice between two or more options/alternatives. It is the act
or process of deciding, a determination arrived at after careful
consideration. It is a determination of either to win or to lose.
Decisions involve a commitment to action ;and the hardest
step in achieving anything is making a true commitment. The
decisions are important because they have a power to trigger
the process of forming aspirations and goals into reality.
2. Kinds of decision (Thompson, J. L.
a. Operational Decision - this is concerned with how the different
functions of the organization, such as marketing, production, finance,
ect. will contribute to its strategic plan.
b. Strategic Decision - the decision at this level is likely concerned
with the scope of the organizations activities.
c. Routine Decision - this is an ordinary decision on a wide range of
issue. The decisions are left to one person, usually the leader.
d. Urgent decision - this is a decision intended for some problems
that occur rapidly and may cause serious consequences if not dealt
with urgency.
e. Problematic Decision- this decision must be taken when a
difficulty has emerged and there is no obvious solution. Experts from
outside the team may be called to give advice.
f. Consultative Decision - this is a decision that involves those who
are affected by the results of the decision. Consulting other people
from outside the organization means inviting others to serve as
3. Decision-Making approaches
There are two main approaches to decision making that are linked
tovMcGregor's X and Y Theories.
a. Authoritarian approach - Leaders assume the authority to make
decisions alone and to pass them down the line for implementing.
b. Democratic Approach - the responsibility for decision making is
shared between the leader and member of the team.

Between these two extremes lies a range of decision making processes in

which the leader 'sells' the decision to the rest of the team before a decision
is made. Whichever approach you prefer, you will almost certainly need to
judge whether a decision will be acceptable to everyone else.
4. Key Steps in Decision - Making by Systematic Approach

a. Setting Objectives - Define the purpose of the decision and consider what
outcomes or objectives it will achieve
b. Collecting Information - have sufficient information for the choices you need to
c. Identifying alternative solutions- look at all possible options :some are obvious,
others have to be logically deduced, and others require a more creative approach.
d. Evaluating Options - this involves determining the extent to which the decision
options meet decision objectives.
e. Selecting the Best Option- after the evaluation, the 'best' option is selected using
anyone of a number of techniques or approaches.
5. Involvement in Decisions
◦ Every group has to make a decision and the way in which these decisions are made will
affect deeply the commitment of the members to the life and work of the group. When a
group cannot make a decisions, the members become very frustrated. Most groups need
some skills to practice decision making so that all the members discover and learn what
helps and what hinders good decision making.
If we look back on how many people are actively involved in making a decision, we will find
out the following :
A. The Plop
Here the group makes a decision by not making a decision. This means 'Not to decide' is to
decide. Someone makes a suggestion, but it is dropped like a stone into a pond, and no one
pays any attention to it at all.
B. The One-Person Decision
This is quickly made, but later when the decider depends on free or voluntary support from
others to implement it, he may find himself carrying it out alone.
C. The Handclasp
One person makes a suggestion ;another says, 'what a marvelous idea,'and without further
discussion, the matter is decided. These decisions are more frequent than one thinks, and often
pass unnoticed at the time, but resentment comes to the surface later.
D. The Clique
The decision is made by a small group who plans beforehand to get their way. Because they
are better organized than those who disagree, they are often successful on the immediate
issue, but they bring a spirit of rivalry rather than cooperation into the group.
E. Minority
These decisions are not consciously organized as those of the clique. Butca few
powerful personalities dominate the group, often unconsciously, and then later
they wonder why the others are apathetic.
F. Majority Vote
In big groups, this is often the most effective way to make a decision. However,
one may lose the interest or the loyalty of the minority who voted against a
decision, especially if they feel their point of view was not heard.
G. Silent Consensus
Some groups aim at unanimous decisions. These are good, if genuine, but they
are rarely achieved completely on important issues. Unanimous agreement is
sometimes assumed, when some members have not felt free to disagree and
have kept silent.
G. Silent Consensus
Some groups aim at unanimous decisions. These are good, if genuine, but
they are rarely achieved completely on important issues. Unanimous
agreement is sometimes assumed, when some members have not felt free to
disagree and have kept silent.
6. Difficulties in Decision Making
Most of the difficulties encountered byca group in making decisions center around
one or another of the following factors:
a. Fear of Consequences
b. Conflicting Loyalties
c. Interpersonal Conflict
d. Hidden Agenda
e. Blundering Methods
f. Inadequate Leadership
g. Clash of interests
7. A Simple Guide for Making Decisions by Consensus

a. What are we trying to decide? (Be sure this is clear to everyone)

b. What are the different possibilities? (Consider as many as possible. Brainstorming may
be useful.)
c. How may each possibility work? (Consider the pros and cons.)
d. What suggestion, or a combination of suggestions, do we choose?
e. What do we need to do to carry out the decision?
f. Who will do what, when, where, and how?
8. Factors which help decision making

a. Clear goal
b. Clear understanding of who has responsibility for the decision
c. Good means of stimulating and sharing ideas (e. g a code, film, or diagram)
d. Effective leadership and structures to deal with the size of the group
e. Effective way of testing different suggestions offered
f. Commitment of the leader to genuine group involvement in making the
g. Agreement beforehand on what procedures will be most appropriate (e. g.,
consensus, majority vote, secret ballot, ect.
9. Implementing and Monitoring the Decision
◦ A decision is not the end of the process. Act on it and check whether things are
working out as you anticipated. The important reason for implementing and
Monitoring the Decision are as follows :
Monitoring a decision will make your action as affective as possible
Decisions often have unforeseen consequences
Monitoring enables decider to learn from mistakes as well as from successes.
Decision making ability grows with experience.
Monitoring helps to improve decision making skills.
Good Citizenship Values and Youth Moral Recovery
program for Nation Building
◦ According to commissioner Teresita D. Baltazar, "Good governance is not
enough to let us work on being good citizens. Let us translate the good
Citizenship Values derived from the preamble of the Philippine Constitution
into concrete action in order to build our nation" (Modules on Good Citizenship
Values, 2004).
◦ Senator Leticia R. Shahani (1993) asserts that there is a need to change
structure and to change people. She explains that, "Building a people means
eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengths and this starts with
analysis, understanding, and appreciation of these strengths and weaknesses....
We must change. And understanding oneself is the first step."
To give the strengths and weaknesses of a Filipino, she proposes the
following goals for change:

◦ Develop in the Filipino a sense of patriotism and national pride a genuine love,
appreciation, and commitment to the Philippines and Filipino things.
◦ Develop a sense of the common good, the ability to look beyond selfish interest, a
sense of justice, and a sense of outrage at its violation.
◦ Develop value and habits of discipline and hard work, self-reflection, and
analysis, along with the internalization of spiritual values.
Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
" We, the sovereign Filipino people imploring the aid of almighty God, in order
to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall
embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common patrimony, and secure
to ourselves and posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under
the rule of law and regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
do ordain and promulgate this constitution. "
I. The Good Citizenship Values Cluster (Based on the 1987
Philippine Constitution, taken from the Modules on Good Citizenship
Values The Institution Building Team, 2004)
A. Pagkamata - Diyos
1. Faith in the Almighty
2. Respect for Life
3. Order
4. Work
5. Concern for the Family and Future Generations
B. Pagkamaka - tao
1. Love
2. Freedom
3. Peace
4. Truth
5. Justice
C. Pagkamaka - Bayan
1. Unity
2. Equality
3. Respect for law and Government
4. Patriotism
5. Promotion of the Common Good
D. Pagkamaka- Kalikasan
Concern for the Environment
II. The Good Citizenship Values and Its Learning outputs(Models on Good
Citizenship Values, 2004)
A. Faith in the Almighty
Jesus said to them, "Have faith in God. Whoever says to the mountain," Be lifted
up and thrown to the sea, " and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what
he says will happen, it shall be done for him." - (Mark 11:22-23)

Learning Outputs
◦ To enable the students to recognize their unique faith in God as Filipinos
◦ To affirm the students ' unique gift of faith and illustrate to them how they can
continue to live a life of faith in God
B. Respect for Life
" Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it
into ugliness. It's in our hands." (Cathy Better)

Learning Outputs
◦ To enable students to realize the relevance of human dignity in their lives
◦ To inspire students to be stewards of life
C. Order
"Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body, the peace of the city, the security of the State. As
the beams of the house, as the bones of the body, so is order to all things." - (Robert Southey)

Learning Outputs
◦ To identify the significance of the values of order in the lives of the students and in nation building
◦ To apply orderliness in health of body and mind of the people for unity and peace of the community
D. Work
" If a man will not work, he shall not eat." - (2 Thessalonians 3:10)
"Give fish to a man and he will have food to eat for a day; Teach him how to fish and he shall have
food to eat throughout his lifetime." - (Confucius)
Learning Outputs
◦ To appreciate the value of work
◦ To identify the significance of work and labor in one's life
E. Concern for the Family and Future Generations
" When his parents saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him,'Son, why have you
done this to us? Your Father and i have been looking for you with great anxiety....." he went down
with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them; and His mother kept all these things in her heart."
(Matthew 19:4-7)
Learning Outputs
◦ To have a deeper appreciation of value of family
◦ To assess their own family values
F. Love
"Love is patient...... It never fails, it is eternal... There are faith, hope, and love
and the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13)

Learning Outputs
◦ To illustrate the real essence of love and how it can truly be applied
G. Freedom
"Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what
we ought." - (Pope John Paul II)

Learning Outputs
◦ To raise the interest and appreciation of the value of freedom in our life
H. Peace
" Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men of goodwill." - (Luke 2:14)

Learning Outputs
◦ To identify ways by which the people can promote the value of peace in their homes,
workplace, communities, and country
I. Truth
"The truth can be hidden for a time but it cannot be overcome." - (St. Augustine)

"If it is not right, do not do it ;if it is not true, do not say it." - (Marcus Aurelius)
Learning Output
◦ To highlight the basic importance of truth in one's life, it's role in nation development and in
building a more just and humane society
J. Justice
"you, Lord, are just in your ways, faithful in all your works." - (Psalm 145:17)
"Treat others the way you want to have them treat you." - (Matthew 7:12)

Learning Output
◦ To identify the relevant social issues that highlight the value of justice
K. Unity
"Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (Psalm 133)
"Let's work together to attain the common good for our community people..." (SJ Lee, 2004)

Learning Outputs
◦ To realize the importance of the value of unity in nation building and progress
◦ To identify relevant implications when value of unity is either present or absent in the
L. Equality
"That all men created equal ;that they are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights..." -
( Thomas Jefferson)

Learning Output
◦ To identify the relevance and implications of the value of equality

M. Respect for Law and Governance

" The law is not meant to curtail freedom ;it is meant to ensure that every citizen acts
responsibly while exercising his freedom." - (TIBI, 2004)

Learning Output
◦ To develop a sense of appreciation of law and government
N. Patriotism
"The Filipino is worth dying for." - Sen. Benigno Aquino, Jr.
"Patriotism is not a short outburst of emotions, but a lifetime of dedication." -
(AR Stevenson)

Learning Outputs
◦ To appreciate the value of patriotism in the light of our being Filipino
◦ To identify concrete ways wherein the citizen may practice his sense of
patriotism on a daily basis
O. Promotion of the Common Good
" Common good is a substantial and extremely fertile estate, no crowding or diminishment as it is
shared with others." - (ST. Augustine)

Learning Outputs
◦ To identify ways by which the participants will be able to promote the common good
◦ To awaken interest in the promotion and protection of the interests of the common good
P. Concern for the Environment
"For 200 years we've been conquering nature. Now we're beating iy to death." - (MacMillan)
"And now, we have to do something... to save our only planet Earth....before its to late!" - (SJ Lee,

Learning Outputs
◦ To save our environment and nature relative to its present state of degradation
◦ To identify concrete ways of caring for the Environment on the daily basis
III. Nationalism and National Pride
A. Nationalism is a patriotic feeling of love for one's
own country or a strong deep seated attachment to one's
native land. It is an attitude of mind that values and
places the welfare of the country over that of all others.
It is a "dynamic Filipinism." Nationalism is not
developed, nor does it come through by accident or
chance. It is fed and nourished systematically over a
period of time.
B. National Pride
All of us must be proud of being a Filipino. As a good citizen, every Filipino should know the
different national symbols and their meanings. The national symbols of our country are:
1. The Filipino Flag - National Flag
2. The Philippine National Anthem - National Hymm
3. The Sampaguita- National Flower
4. The Narra Tree- National Tree
5. The Nipa Hut- National house
6. The Barong Tagalog - National Costume (for men) The Balintawak- The National Hero
7. Dr. Jose Rizal- The National Hero
8. Tinikling, Carinosa, Pandanggo sa Ilaw- The Filipino Folk Dances
9. Ang Panatang Makabayan - The Patriotic pledge
10. The National Seal of the Philippine Republic
C. Teaching of Nationalism
To carry out the program of teaching nationalism, the following practical activities should be undertaken.
1. Use classroom decorations that include pictures of Filipino great men, local historical scenes, and inspiring quotations by
Filipino patriots.
2. Establish a Filipiniana Section in the library.
3. Establish a social science museum to exhibit relics and documents with cultural and historical values.
4. Require the extensive use of Filipino hymns and folk songs
5. Use native materials for classroom instruction/use.
6. Study biographies of great Filipinos.
7. Commemorate historical events of national importance.
8. Celebrate special days-(e. g. National Heroes Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, ect.).
9. Organize educational field trips to places of historical interests in and around Manila.
10. Visit beautiful spots in the Philippines
11. Organize pageant presentations on Filipino talents.
12. Organize educational exhibit of Philippine products.
IV. Contents and meaning of Filipino Nationalism (Gregorio C. Pitacsil)

A. The Historical Service of Nationalism

Nationalism is the cementing principle that unites the people of a nation, in order
to realize an ideal becomes national with respect and dignity it deserves among
other nations.
B. The Development of Filipino Nationalism
The lack of national sentiments was the cause of all the failures of the sporadic
revolts in the Philippines from 1565 to 1872.
C. The Program of Filipino Nationalism
The program of Filipino Nationalism has be3to forge instruments that would
liberate and completely emancipate Filipinos in all aspects of the National life.
Patriotism refers to love for or devotion to one's country. The Filipino Civic Code was formulated to ensure that patriotism
can be developed in oneself and practiced by all.
A. The Filipino Civic Code

1. Faith in Divine Providence
Guide the destinies of people and nations
2. Patriotism
Love of country
3. Love of Fellowmen
Love of fellowmen as brothers/sisters or companion in life's journey
4. Respect for Parents and Elders
Honor to parents through grateful and dutiful service to them
5. Reverence for Heroes
Veneration of the memories of the nation's heroes
1. Honor
Value your honor as you value your life.
2. Devotion to Truth
Be truthful and honest in thought and in action.
3. Fortitude
Bear suffering with fortitude.
4. Self-reliance
Have confidence in yourself and in your own power /capacity.
5. Humility
Be humble. Acknowledge your own shortcomings ;no human being is perfect.
6. Self-control
Temper your will and curb your passions. Long life, peace, and happiness are the fruits of
moderation and self control.
7. Frugality
Live within your means and save part of your earnings for the rainy days. Avoid extravagance,
pretense, and dissipation.
8. Purposeful Living
Ever keep in mind an honorable purpose.
9. Perseverance
Be persistent in whatever things of good report you may wish to do.
10. Punctuality
Do your work on time ;leaving nothing undone that you can do today. Be punctual.
11. Cleanliness
Keep your body clean and your clothes neat at home and other surroundings. Cleanliness is
essential to good health and community welfare.
12. Appreciation of the Beautiful
Learn to appreciate the beauty in nature and in art.
1. Industry
Be industrious and do your work well
2. Interest in Education
Develop your faculties through study without departing from the part of virtue.
3. Respect for Law and Authority
Respect for the law and duly constituted authorities for peace, morality, and progress of the
4. Sense of Duty and Responsibility
Contribute to the common good as a matter of Civic duty.
5. Justice and Righteousness
Strive to be fair and just in your dealings with everybody.
6. Tolerance
Be tolerant of the ways, beliefs, and opinions of others.
7. Civic Courage
Be vigilant against oppression or injustice in any form.
8. Judicious Imitation
Improve yourself through the judicious imitation of good customs and practices
9. Sportsmanship
Observe the rules of sportsmanship in any contest or competition.
10. Good Breeding
Treat everybody, high and low, with courtesy.
B. The Good Citizenship Value of Patriotism

To uphold the good Citizenship Value of PATRIOTISM means that we

should be good and loving citizens constantly vigilant for the welfare of
our country. It means to be ready to sacrifice ourselves for the love of
our country. NINOY is an epitome of our country's hero coined with his
famous saying that "Filipino is worth dying for... It is better to die on our
feet than to live in our knees." (Inspirational Talks on Good Citizenship
Values For Flag Raising Ceremonies, EDSA People Power Commission,
Quezon City).
Some points to ponder :
◦ Patriotism is a call for every citizen.
◦ Our country needs people who are committed to serve the interest of the nation no matter who are
seated at the helm of the government.
◦ Our country's heroes, the ones who will move our country to greater heights are not found in
pedestals or pins of power and prestige ;they are found in the hearts and deeds of ordinary people
seeking to be good citizens in their everyday lives. ("Consistency" vs. "One shot deal")
◦ There is such a thing as unsung heroes but none whose deeds do not touch the life of at least one
◦ Patriotism is about loving one's country by being a steadfast good citizen in one's daily encounter
of the challenges of life and society.
◦ Patriotism inspires a citizen to respond to the call service to his nation and look after his fellowmen
in need.
◦ Patriotism is every person's sense of duty and responsibility to contribute in the development of his
country the protection of his integrity and the upholding of the rights and dignity of his people.
Some concrete examples of how we may cultivate the value of patriotism:
1. Loving our country. Let us be vigilant and ready to defend it from internal and
external treats.
2. Patronizing our country. In the dawn of globalization, let us not disregard our
country's products and good works. Let us be proud of what our country produces
and be supportive of these in the midst of formidable foreign commercial
3. Upholding and living good Citizenship Values so that we may serve as an
inspiration to our fellowmen especially the youth who strive to become good
citizens themselves.
4. Being proud of our personal and national identity. Let us just be proud of our
heritage and learn to understand our history.
5. Being vigilant and proactive citizens. Let us try to be well-informed of the issues
affecting our country.
6. Being law abiding citizens. Let us respect and uphold the Constitution and all other laws of
the land (payinh taxes, obeying traffic rules, etc.)
7. Doing simple acts of service to our fellowmen. Let us reach out and share our time and
talents with our fellowmen.
8. Being with good and honest workers. Let us perform our duties as we should and with high
level of competence, aiming always for excellence.
9. Being kind and compassionate to others who may not be as fortunate as we are in terms of
material wealth. Let us share our blessings with our fellowmen.
10. In our undertakings. Let us bear in mind the integrity and welfare of our country. We
should not go into undertaking that tend to against national interest.
11. Cognizant of ourselves as Filipinos with dignity and pride. We should not be dissuaded by
material temptations.
12. Being responsible voters. Let us choose candidates according to our conscience.
C. The Human Acts, Integrity, Discipline, and Hard Work

1. A human act is an act which proceeds from the deliberate free will of man. It is any sort of
activity, internal of external, bodily or spiritually performed by a human being. Human acts
refer only to those acts that proceed from a deliberate and freely willing human being.
2. Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of moral and values ;its quality or state of being is
complete or undivided and honest.
3. Discipline is the orderly or regular pattern of behavior in accordance with a self imposed
rule or self rules and with the rules of organization. It is a training or experience that
corrects, molds, strengthen or perfects especially the mental faculties or moral character in
order to acquire some corrected knowledge or skill.
4. Hard work is a need to work with utmost effort or energy, that of being industrious,
working with endurance based on the human ability and capacity to work deliberately in
many sort of activities.
D. Duties and Rights of the Filipino People Necessary to
Properly Control the Human Acts
1. Duties of the people
The people of our Republic must understand that they have certain duties or obligation to perform. These duties are the
price of freedom and of the rights which we enjoy.

The following are the duties of our people to the state :

a. To vote honestly and wisely
b. To obey the laws of the land
c. To respect public authority
d. To be loyal to the Republic
e. To defend the Motherland
f. To pay taxes to the government
g. To take active interest in local, national, and international affairs
2. Rights
The following are the various classes of rights that a citizen of a democratic state must enjoy :

A. Natural Rights - rights conferred upon to human being by God-this cannot be taken from the person
Example :the right to life, to love, and to marry

B. Civil Rights - rights granted by the state for promotion of common welfare of individual citizen
Example: right to life, to own property, to marry, to enter into any contracts, to seek justice in the courts
C. Political Rights- rights conferred by the state to the people so that they may participate in government
Example :right to citizenship, suffrage, freedom of speech, freedom of press, to petition the government for
redness of grievances
D. Constitutional Rights - rights recognized and protected bycthe constitution
and part of the fundamental law of the land
Example :freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to choose one's
residence, freedom from slavery

E. Statutory Rights - rights conferred by statutes or law promulgated by

lawmaking body and can be abolished by the same body

Example :right to inherit property, minimum wage, to go on strike for higher

and better working conditions
3. Filipino Citizen-Voter Education ( A Primer of Citizen Participation in Election, 2003).
The Filipino Citizen voters education covers political and electoral system, human rights, and
governance that serves to contribute the efforts at affecting matured and informed political attitudes
and decisions of Filipino citizen - voters.

a. What is right of suffrage?

Suffrage is the human right to vote which, for the Philippines, is indicated in three documents:
a. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
b. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ; and
c. The 1987 Philippine Constitution.
They all call for universality of the right ;equality in access to public service ;and secrecy of voters.

The political choice and decision you make will determine the kind of government that will serve the
country. The will of the people, then will be best expressed in clean, orderly, and honest elections.
b. Who are qualified to vote in the Philippine elections
◦ Citizens of the Philippines
◦ 18 years old and above on the day of elections.
◦ A resident of the Philippines for one year and in the city or municipality wherein
he proposes to vote for at least six months before the election.
d. Who are disqualified by law to vote in Philippine elections?
◦ Person sentenced to be imprisoned for not less than one year
◦ Person who committed rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti subversion and
firearms law, or any crime against natural security on disloyalty to the
◦ Insane or incompetent persons
e. What are the action points for citizen voters in exercising the right of suffrage?
1. Before Elections
Prepare to exercise the right of suffrage and the right to an informed and free choice.
◦ Register during the period allowed for voter registration
◦ Be informed of the issues, platform, and personalities of the political candidates.
◦ Set specific guidelines in choosing government leaders in terms of the candidates social
affiliations and interests, competence, lifestyle, and performance records.
◦ Conduct /participate in public debates that would inform citizens and gain the commitment
of the candidates to integrate, foremost, the interests and welfare of the citizen in their
program of government.
2. During Elections
Exercise vigilance and the right to vote.
◦ Vote according to your conscience.
◦ Protect the integrity of your own vote from any other undue
◦ Volunteer in organizations that work for clean and peaceful election.
◦ Watch out for instances of cheating in the elections and inform
authorities and the rest of the electorate of such activities.
3. After Elections
Practice continued vigilance and participate un governance.
◦ Be vigilant in the counting and canvasing of votes.
◦ Attend consultations and public hearings, and participate in local special bodies.
◦ Legislative advocacy - a process where citizens talk with the lawmakers and other
implementers in the government to ensure that the concerns and welfare of the general
public are included in the discussion and making of laws.
The citizen voter can also engage in the political and electoral process in other ways such as:
a. Making views known to the elected representatives ;
b. Supporting /campaigning for a political party;
c. Supporting initiative of the civil society organizations to ensure honest and peaceful
election; and
d. Running for office.
• If you are an observer, watching a sport may be a lot of
fun. If you are a parent and it is your child out there
hitting the ball or making the basket, you may be
excited, but there will be a close of terror and
worriment mixed with that “fun”.

• Every sport is governed by guidelines, and although

primarily only officials and coaches should know them,
it would be beneficial to understand the pitfalls of team
A. The Young Athlete's Bill of Rights

1. The right to have the opportunity to participate in sports

regardless of one's ability level.
2. The right to participate at a level commensurate with the
child's development level.
3. The right to have qualified adult leadership.
4. The right to participate in a safe and healthy environment.
5. The right of each child to share leadership and decision
6. The right to play as a child and not as an
7. The right to proper preparation for
participation in sports.
8. The right to equal opportunity to strive for
9. The right to be treated with dignity by all
10. The right to have fun through sport.
B. Just for Fun
Physical activity or "play" is a primitive drive that we all possess
and when fulfilled leads to sensations of vitality and exhilaration.
The sensation of "letting go" and exerting your muscles or a steady
three-mile run can provide exciting moments of physical joy that
makes you feel young and energetic.
All areas of the sport and recreation industry are becoming more
popular nowadays. Enrollment in local health clubs which
emphasize weight lifting, calisthenics, aerobics, and even ballroom
dancing is popular. Significantly, a year ago, people were eager to
spend time and money to participate in the activities on a regular
 The Filipino is currently experiencing an unprecedented obsession
with physical fitness. This interest has definitely passed the "fad"
stage and is evidenced by staggering growth in all areas of sport,
and recreation.
 Exercise and sports can provide a unique opportunity for finding
achievement and reward. It improves mental fitness by helping
people cope with stress in their lives.
 A good exercise program may revolved around just one sport, or it
may be include two or three sports used on different days or at
different times of the year. Some people even enjoy mixing sports
during each session, for example, jumping rope for 10 minutes,
then running for 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of swimming.
C. Exercise (Farquhar, J.W. 1987)

• Exercise is necessary for good health. The body is used prevent

physical atrophy. Life will be enhanced through prudent, regular, and
systematic use of the body. Greater sense of well-being, far greater
energy, and a calmer more relaxed attitude are experience daily.
• Exercise increases the formation of new blood vessels leading to
the heart, thus providing a natural counterpart of a coronary bypass
operation. Regular sustained aerobic exercise may increase the
diameter of the large blood vessels.
• Exercise increases the number of capillaries and hence the amount
of oxygen that can reach the heart is also increased. Exercise also
increases another cholesterol fraction-the high-density lipoprotein.
D. An exercise program utilizing two, three, or even four
different sports is acceptable, but advances in one sport do not
mean you are ready for automatic progression in another sport.

1. Running - is a sport where doing too much too soon will

cause injury and keep you from becoming a real runner. It
is common to feel energetic at the start of a run and to
want to burst into high gear. Running is an excellent sport
for the heart, but it has a negative effect on flexibility. You
can get additional relief from muscle tightness by
repeating the warm-up routine after each run.
2. Swimming - is a unique sport that has advantages and
disadvantages compared to running. It provides optional
cardiovascular and weight control benefits without risk of leg injury. It
is the perfect substitute activity for otherwise land-bound athletes
recovering from hip, knee, and ankle problems. Breaststroke,
backstroke, butterfly, and freestyle are the acceptable swimming
strokes for the Progression Program. Proper swimming technique is a
must for fitness development as well as sport enjoyment.
3. Walking - is the number one sport for convenience because it fits
nicely into the normal daily routine. A trip to the market, doing
noontime errands, or just walking around the Barangay will all provide
good exercise and it has a low-calorie cost. It is always an excellent
exercise for weight control but the low intensity offers no
cardiovascular stimulus for those already in good condition.
E. Walking/ Jogging/ Running (Kusinitz, I. 1983)

◦ Walking, jogging, and running

◦ - are the most popular option for those who want to
improve cardiorespiratory endurance (CRE) and body
composition. Exercise on foot is by far the most common
form of CRE training.
◦ - require no special skills, nor expensive equipment
facilities. Comfortable clothing, well-fitted walking or
running shoes, and a stopwatch or ordinary watch with a
second hand are all you need.
F. Discontinuous Sports
• Most game sports such as basketball, volleyball, and tennis are
discontinuous sports. During the play, the intensity of exercise
varies. One moment you are sprinting for the ball, the next
moment you are standing still. The fitness benefit from these on-
off style of exercise are not comparable to those of continuous
• Fitness is not guaranteed just because you play a recommended
sport. You must put enough effort into it, and sustained effort
generally requires at least a minimal amount of skill. Basic
instructions should be the first step is an exercise program using a
discontinuous sport. While you are developing your skill, use one
of the continuous sports, like running or walking for fitness.
G. Continuous Sport (Vodak, P. 1980)

 Continuous sport is one that demands steady,

continual muscular action. Running, cycling,
and swimming are prime examples. These
sports are very time efficient where expending
300 calories may take only 20-30 minutes. The
advantages of continuous sport is the control of
exercise intensity.
H. Organizing a Sports Tournament in the Community

• There is a lot of fun in organizing and sponsoring a

sports competition at the Barangay level of the
community. Coordination with the Barangay Chairperson
must be properly negotiated and established. Organizing
basketball teams and volleyball teams for out-of- and in-
school youth, and adults is not so difficult since there are
existing teams already organized in the community.
• Sponsoring agencies should be tapped for possible financial
assistance to subsidize the player's uniforms. Sports objectives,
rules, and regulations for the participants must be ensured to
establish camaraderie among the Barangay participants and
the organizers of the "palaro". CWTS students as organizers
are expected to do all the best for the community sport
participants. Harmonious relationships should be observed in
order to effectively implement the projects. Among the many
types of sports and recreations that can be effectively organized
by the CWTS students in the community are basketball,
volleyball, marathon, swimming, running, walking, etc. Physical
exercises of all kinds including "palaro" can motivate the youth
and adults to develop their physical and mental health.
A. Disaster Preparation and Response

1. For Earthquake, Fires, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes

a. Learn how to shit off gas, water, and electrical utilities
b. Secure shelves and heavy objects that could cause
c. Keep an emergency kit stocked with supplies to last for
at least 3 days ( replace supplies regularly). Your
supplies should at least include the following:
 2-4 quarts of water per person per day
 First-Aid Kit
 Packaged/ canned non- perishable food and can
 Blankets/ sleeping bags
 Plastic bags to store waste
 Small radio with batteries/ cell phones

d. Renew prescriptions for essential medications so

that you always have a 7-10 day supply on hand.
e. Have a family plan on what to do if you cannot go
2. During a Natural Disaster
a. Stay calm. Check for and treat injuries.
b. Check for gas or water leaks and fires. If
you suspect a gas leak turn off the gas.
c. Listen to the emergency broadcast system.
d. Update the Information Bulletin/ News.
3. General Common Safety and Health
Regulations (Resenberg S. J. 1996)
◦ A. Fire Drill/ Escape Plan
1) Plan with everyone an escape route from each room in the
2) Plan an alternate escape route from each room in case one
route is blocked by fire.
3) Avoid using interior stairways and open halls for escape
routes, as fire and smoke collect in these areas.
4) Have each member of the household practice rolling out of
bed, and then crawling along the escape route.
5) Practice everyone to feel for the door handle if it is hot, if so,
then try to use another route.
6) Keep a working flashlight in all rooms. Fire could happen in
pitch black, and a flashlight could make a difference in your
7) Make sure everyone practice opening all doors, windows,
and screens in all escape routes.
8) Stress the importance of closing all the doors behind them
as they leave the home.
9) Determine how the client especially small children, the
elderly or disabled person, will escape and how they are to
be assisted. Practice this procedure dozens of times.
10) Anyone who will call the fire department should call
upon getting out of the building.
11) Establish a crucial meeting place, such as under a
lamppost, the front lawn, and stay there. Never go back
inside a burning building.
12) Check to see if it is safe to escape via a window, if it is
too high, place a retractable folding ladder on certain
13) Practice stuffing cloth around door jambs to keep out
smoke in case someone is trapped in a room.
B. CWTS role in children's fire safety

1) Practice a fire drill, seriously yet in an

entertaining way, every 3 months with children.
2) Keep all matches out of reach of children, and
teach them to tell you if they find some.
3) Instruct the children to call for help if they see
even a small fire. Teach them to call 117 for even
smallest of emergencies.
4) Children have to be taught not to hide when
they see a fire. Instead they could about "fire"
as loud and as long as they possibly can.
5) Teach children the dangers of fire, never
assume that they know already.
6) Teach by example, always be careful in
handling fires.
C. CWTS role in the elderly/ disabled
person's fire safety

1) Practice together a fire drill every 3 months.

2) Help the older person to develop confidence to be able
to open and climb out of the window.
3) Be prepared to drag them with a blanket if necessary.
4) Practice as well, using wet cloths, pressed over the nose
and mouth to keep them from breathing smoke, and
blocking smoke with cloth from seeping it through the
door. Teach them how to signal to other people outside
the house, and how to call 117 if needed.
5) Place the essential things on the bedside table such as whistles,
eyeglasses, flashlights, telephone, canes, and walkers. Always
minimize obstacles along the path of escape. Encourage them to
use ground floor rooms facing the street.
6) Keep at least 3 feet of clear space around space never use
heaters them to dry clothes.
7) Check electric blankets every 3 months.
8) Never add anything over an electric blanket as this could cause
them to overheat.
9) Fireplaces should have guards, and the fire should be cut before
you sleep.
10) For smoking clients, provide large ashtrays for them, separate the
ashes from the regular trash, and double check the area where
the smoker was for anything smoldering.
4. Common Safety and Health
Regulations for the Home

a. Garden
Always lock up sheds and garages where you keep garden
chemicals and dangerous tools. Don't leave gardening tools lying
Make sure you don't have any poisonous plants.
Teach your child not to eat any plants or berries from the garden.
Cover garden pools and rainwater butts securely or get rid of
Never leave buckets of water around.
Supervise water play all the time.
Fit a childproof catch to the garden gate.
Make sure that children don’t play with cats’ and dogs’
excrement. Keep sandpits covered.
Always use a pram net to protect your baby from insects.
b. Bathroom
Keep all medicines, cosmetics, household cleaners, and
razor blades well out of reach of children. Put them
preferably in a cupboard with a childproof lock.
Run the bath before the child gets in and check that the
water is not too hot. Never leave your child unattended in
the bath as she could drown in even a few centimeters of
water. Never use a portable electric fire in the bathroom.
Adjust the thermostat so the water is never dangerously
Keep the lavatory seat down.
c. Living Room

Keep all breakable objects out of reach of children.

Use cable clips to secure trailing flexes.
Disconnect your television when not in use.
Don't put hot drinks on table and keep alcoholic drinks out of reach of
Never hold or pass hot drinks over your baby.
Make sure that rugs cannot slip under your feet. Use non-slip floor
Make sure shelves and bookcases are secure and can't be pulled over.
d. Hallways and Stairs

Keep hallways well lit. Never leave toys lying around

where you could trip over them.
Check if banisters are secure and that a small child can't
get between the rails.
Always use a safety gate on the stairs and make sure
that the gate at the top is closed at night in case a young
child can get out of bed unaided.
Don't let your child walk around carrying things like
scissors or sharp pencils.
e. Bedrooms
Don't leave cosmetics, perfumes, breakables, and nail scissors
and so on within a child's reach.
Make sure that wardrobe doors can be opened from the inside
in case your child gets shut in. Make sure cupboards are not in
case your child gets shut in. Make sure cupboards are not top-
heavy and can't be pulled over.
Don't leave an electric blanket on if the child is alone in the
Disconnect and put away electrical equipment such as
hairdryers when not in use.
f. Children's Room

Make sure that all equipment is stable and toys are

Store any toys which contain tiny pieces out of reach of
smaller children.
Never use a pillow for a baby under one year old.
Never put your child to sleep with a bib on, or a
garment with drawstrings around the neck.
Remove any hot water around before you put your
baby or child to bed.
g. Kitchen
When possible, keep your child out of the kitchen.
Keep well all bleach, household cleaners, and
detergents out of reach of children. Put them
preferably in a locked cupboard.
Turn all saucepan handles inwards and fit a hob
guard. Don't let your child play with the knobs.
Never leave a chip pan unattended.
 Make sure your child is sitting at the table or harnessed
in his/her high chair before you leave him/ her for a
 Always disconnect electrical appliances when not in use
 Avoid excessively polished floors and loose mat or rugs.
 Don't use long tablecloths that your child can easily pull.
 Never leave an iron or bottle where a child can pull it
B. First Aid and Emergency Safety
Measures (Kemper, D. W. 1994)
◦ 1. Rescue Breathing and CPR (Cardiopulmonary
◦ Improper CPR or CPR performed on a person whose
heart is still beating can cause serious injury. Never
perform CPR unless:
breathing has stopped
there is no pulse
no one with training in CPR is present
For basic life support, think ABC: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation in
this order. Establish an open airway to start breathing, and give the
rescue breathing before you can begin the chest compressions needed
if there is no pulse.
Step 1: Check for Consciousness
 Grasp the victim by the shoulders and shout, "Are you okay?" If he
does not respond, roll him onto his back, unless there is a possible
spinal injury. If he may have suffered a spinal injury, gently roll the
head, neck and shoulder together as a unit he is on his back. If the
victim does not respond, call for help.
 For children age 8 and under: Give one full minute of rescue
breathing (CPR if there is no pulse).
Step 2: Open the Airway
Check for breathing. Look to see if the victim's chest and abdomen are
moving. Listen and feel for air moving out of the mouth. If the victims is not
breathing, open airway:
 Turn the head to one side and clear any foreign material from the mouth
with your fingers.
 Place one hand on the victim’s forehead and tilt the head back gently
 Place the fingers of your hand under the chin and lift to pull it forward.
 Sometimes, just opening the airway will allow the victim to breathe. Keep
the airway open and look, listen and feel for signs of breathing. If the
victim does not start breathing, begin rescue breathing immediately.
Step 3: Begin Rescue Breathing
 Pinch the victim's nostrils shut with your thumb and forefinger. With
your other hand continue tilting the chin forward to keep the airway
 Take a deep breath and place your mouth over the victim's making a
tight seal. For an infant: Place your mouth over the mouth and nose.
 Slowly blow air in until the victim's chest rises. Take 1 1/2 to 2
seconds to give each breath. Remove your mouth from the victim's
and rake a deep breath between rescue breaths. Allow the victim's
chest to fall and feel the air escape.
 Give 2 full breaths, then check for circulation.
Step 4: Check for Circulation
 Locate the carotid artery in the neck.
 Find the voice box or adam's apple. Slide the tips of your index and
middle fingers into the groove beside it.
 Feel for a pulse for 5 to 10 seconds.
If there is no pulse: Begin chest compression.
If there is a pulse: Continue rescue breathing only until help arrives
or the victim starts to breathe on his own. If he begins breathing
again he still needs to be seen by a health professional.
 Give rescue breaths:
 Adult (age 9 and older): 1 breath every 5 seconds
 Children age 1 to 8: 1 breath every 4 seconds
 Infants under 1 year: 1 breath every 3 seconds
Step 5: Begin Chest Compressions
 For adults: Kneel next to the victim. Use your fingers to locate the end of the
breastbone (sternum), where the ribs come together. Place 2 fingers at the tip of
the breastbone. Place the heel of one hand directly above your finger.
 Place your other hand on top of the one that is in position. Do not allow your
fingers to touch the chest as that may damage the ribs.
 Straighten your arms, lock your elbows, and center your shoulders directly over
your hand.
 Press down in a steady rhythm, using your body weight and keeping your arms
locked. The force from each trust should go straight down into the sternum,
compressing it 1 1/2 to 2 inches. It may help to count "one and two and three and
four..." up to 15 compressions. Give one downward thrust each time you say a
number, lift your weight, but not your hand, open the victim's chest on the
 After 15 compressions, quickly do the head tilt/ chin lift, and give 2 full, slow
breaths, taking one breath in between.
 Repeat the 15 compression 2 breaths cycle 4 times. Check the pulse again. If there
is no pulse, continue rescue breathing and chest compression until help arrives, or
the victim's pulse and breathing return.
 For a child: Using the heel of one hand, press with less force, compressing the
sternum 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
 For an infant: Place 2 fingers on the sternum, about one finger width below an
imaginary line connecting the nipples. Press with gentle force, compressing the
sternum about 1/2 inch.
 For adults: Give 5 chest compressions, then breathe. Repeat 4 times and check the
pulse again. If there is still no pulse, continue rescue breathing and chest
compressions until help arrives or until the victim's pulse and breathing are restored.
 CPR Ready Reference (Guidelines from the American Heart Association)
  Adults Children Infants
If the victim has a pulse, 5 seconds 4 seconds 3 seconds
give one rescue breath
If the victim has no pulse, Trace ribs into notch; Same as adult One finger width
locate the chest place 2 fingers on below nipple line
compression landmark. sternum
Do chest compressions 2 hands stacked; heel Heel of 1 hand on 2 or 3 fingers on
with: of one hand on sternum sternum
Rate of compressions per 80 to 100 80 to 100 At least 100
Compression depth: 1 1/2 to 2" 1 to 1 1/2" 1/2 to 1"
Ratio of Compressions to 15: 25: 1 5: 15: 1 5: 15: 1
1 rescuer
2 rescuer
2. Practice Session: Rescue Breathing (Adult)
The Rescue Breathing practice session is the first of the three practice
sessions. During this practice session, you will first practice on a partner.
If possible, a third person should read the skill checklist as you practice.
Remember: When you practice on a partner, do not make mouth-to -
mouth contract or give actual rescue breaths.
When you practice on a mannequin, you will practice all the steps and
will give actual breaths.
Make sure that the mannequin's face and mouth are cleared with
disinfecting solution before each person starts practicing on the
3. Skill Sheet
You find a person lying on the ground, not moving. You
should survey the scene to see if it is safe, and to get
some idea about what happened. Then begin doing a
primary survey by checking the ABCs.
Remember: When using a real person as a victim, do
not make mouth-to-mouth contact or give actual
rescue breaths.
4. More About Rescue Breathing
a. Air in the Stomach
Sometimes during rescue breathing, the rescuer may breathe air into the
victim's stomach. Air in the stomach can be a serious problem. It can cause the
victim to vomit. When an unconscious person vomits, the stomach contents may
go into the lungs, that can lead to death.
Air can enter the stomach in three ways:
 when the rescuer keeps breathing into the victim after the chest has risen, this
cause extra air to fill the stomach;
 when the rescuer has not tilted the victim's head back far enough to open the
airway completely and must breathe at greater pressure to fill the victim's lungs;
 when the rescue breaths are given too quickly. Quick breaths are given with
higher pressure, which causes air to enter the stomach.
To avoid forcing air into the stomach, make sure you keep the victim's
head titled all the way back. Breathe into the victim only enough to make
the chest rise. Don't give breaths too quickly, pause between breaths long
enough to let the victim's lungs empty and for you to get another breath.
If you notice that the victim's stomach has begun to bulge, make sure that
the head is titled back far enough and make sure you are not breathing
into the victim too hard or too fast.
b. Vomiting
Sometimes while you are helping an unconscious victim, the victim may
vomit. If this happens, turn the victim's head and body to the side, quickly
wipe the material out of the victim's mouth and continue where you left off.
5.Practice Session: First Aid for Chocking (Complete
Airway Obstruction)
The first aid for choking practice session is the second of
the three practice sessions. During this session, you will
practice on a partner, and then you will practice a
In this practice session you will learn two separate skills:
first aid for a conscious adult with complete airway
obstruction, and first aid for an unconscious adult with
complete airway obstruction.
First Aid for Complete Airway Obstruction (Conscious Adult)
You will practice this skill on a partner. If possible, a third person
should read the skill checklist as your practice.
Remember: When practicing abdominal thrusts on a partner, do not
give actual abdominal thrusts.
First Aid for Complete Airway Obstruction (Unconscious Adult)
You will practice this skill on a mannequin. Do not perform finger
sweeps on a mannequin. Do not perform finger sweeps on a
mannequin. Do not touch the mannequin's lips or inside the mouth
with your fingers.
6. Practice Session: First Aid for Complete Airway Obstruction
(Conscious Adult)
Remember: When practicing abdominal thrusts on a partner, do not give
actual abdominal thrusts.
7. Practice Session: First Aid for Complete Airway Obstruction
(Unconscious Adult)
Skill Sheet
You find a person lying on the ground, not moving. You should survey the
scene to see if it is safe and to get some idea about what happened. Then
begin doing a primary survey by checking the ABCs.
Remember: Do not perform finger sweeps on a mannequin. Do not touch the
mannequin's lips or the inside of the mouth with your finger.
C. Other Important Community First Aid Safety
First Aid is the immediate and temporary care given to a
victim of an accident or sudden illness until the service of
a physician can be obtained. Proper first aid reduces
suffering and make the physician's task easier when he
assumes the care of the patient. The responsibilities of
the first aider stop when the physician's begin.
1. Animal Bites
• When bitten by an animal, most people want to know if they
need a rabies shot. The main wild animal carriers of rabies are
bats, mice and foxes, etc. Pet dogs and cats that have been
vaccinated rarely have rabies. However, stray animals are often
not vaccinated. Rabies is quite rare, but is fatal if not treated.

• The treatment is no more painful than a typical injection.

Bites that break the skin often cause bacterial infections. Cat
and human bites are particularly prone to infection. Tetanus can
occur if shots are not up to date.
 Vaccinate all pets against rabies.
 Do not keep wild animals as pets.
 Do not disturb animals while they are eating, even if
they are your family pets.
 Do not play with stray dogs and cats.
 Do not touch wild animals or provoke them to attack.
 Do not handle sick or injured animals.
Home Treatment
 Scrub the bite immediately with soap and water. Treat it as a
puncture wound.
 If you are bitten by a pet dog or cat, find out whether it has been
vaccinated for rabies.
 A healthy pet that has bitten someone should be confined and
observed for 10 days to see if it develops symptoms of rabies.
Contact the Local Health Department for proper animal
 If you are bitten by a wild animal, contact the Health
Department to determine whether a treatment is needed.
2. Burns
• Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree depending on their
depth, not on the amount of pain or the extent of the burn.
1. A first-degree burn involves only the outer layer of skin. The skin is dry,
painful, and sensitive to touch.
Example: A mild sunburn
2. A second-degree burn involves several layers of skin. The skin becomes
swollen, puffy, weepy, or blistered.
3. A third-degree burn involves all layers of skin and any underlying tissues or
organs. The skin is dry, pale, white or charred black, swollen, and
sometimes it breaks open. Nerves are destroyed or damaged, so there may
be little pain except on the edge where there is a second-degree burn.
 Install smoke detectors in your home.
 Keep a fire extinguisher near the kitchen. Have it inspected yearly.
 Set your water heater at 120°F or lower to avoid burns.
 Don't smoke in bed.
If your clothing catches fire:
 Do not run, as it will fan the flames. Stop, drop, and roll on the
ground to smother the flames.
 Smother the flames with a blanket, rug, or coat.
 Use water to douse the fire and cool the skin.
To avoid kitchen burns
Use a pot holder when handling hot foods.
Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove.
Smother burning food or grease with lid or pot.
Supervise children closely.
3. Bumps and Bruises
• Bumps and bruises are the most common types of injury, and in most
cases they require the least amount of first aid. Shocks come from
common household items and outlets.
a. Bumps and bruises are types of damage that occur in the soft tissue
under the skin. There is no need to call for medical assistance when a
person suffers a cut, scrape, bump or bruise if:
 The injury is small (less than 1/2 inch around)
 There is no bleeding, or only slight bleeding.
 The victim does not feel the numbness or tingling.
 The person is not suffering from any paralysis.
b. First aid for cut and scrapes:
 If the injured area has a skin scrape, wash it with mild soap and lukewarm water.
 Apply antibacterial cream or spray to prevent infection.
 Cover the wound with a sterile gauge pad and tape or a simple band- aid.
c. Step for treating bruises
Bruises are type of damage that occur in the soft tissue under the skin producing
ugly black and blue mark due to blood clots.
 Immediately apply an ice pack to the bruise to reduce swelling.
 If possible, elevate the bruised area so that it is higher than the heart to prevent
blood "pooling" in the affected area.
 Seek prompt medical help if there is any swelling around the bruise. This can
signal danger to nerves, muscles, and bones.
4. Drowning
• Death by drowning is one of the most common causes
of accidental death. Drowning doesn't just happen in
sea, lakes, and rivers, but it can also happen in a
swimming pool or even in a bath tub.
• Drowning may be due to heart attack or stroke that
causes unconsciousness. Head injury may also be
caused by diving into shallow water. Cramps that cause
panic can lead to drowning.
a. Water Rescue
Rescue in a large body of water is not quite easy. It is possible when the rescuer
knows what he is doing.
 If a lifeguard is nearby, let him do the rescuing. Otherwise, about for help as loud
as you can.
 Try to reach the injured person without leaving the shore. Use your arm, life
preserver, rope or rescue pole, or anything that can float.
 Hold on to something on solid ground with your other hand to prevent yourself
from getting swept away by strong currents.
 Locate a boat and find someone to assist you to reach the victim from the shore.
 Even if you are good swimmer, always have a flotation device with you. You can
give this to the victim to hold on to as you swim back to the shore.
b. Reviving Someone Who Has Drowned or Swallowed Water
Rescue is only half the job. Reviving a person who drowned or
who had swallowed water is the other important half when it comes
to saving life. This involves performing mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. Implement universal safety guidelines in applying
these important first aid emergency measures.
 Turn the drowning person's head to the side, allowing any water to
drain from his mouth and nose.
 Turn the head back to the center.
 Begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on land or in the water if the
injured person needs immediate life-and-death measures.
 Strongly breathe 4 times into the mouth of the injured
person as you pinch the nose. This help air to get past
any water that is clogging the breathing passage ways
and the lungs.
 After four strong breaths, put your ear near the mouth
and watch the chest for any breathing movement.
 Check the pulse for signs of life.
 Repeat the cycle.
 Take the drowning victim to the hospital for further
medical help.
5. Dealing with Electric Shock
Electricity cause burns via the flow of electric voltage through the skin. But
electric shock can cause more than burns. It can cause tissue damage, and
extremely high voltage may even stop heartbeat.
a. Steps in Handling Emergencies Involving Electric Shock
1) Turn off the electrical power if you can. Don't waste time to switch-off or
remove plugs. Immediately move the master fuse to turn off all the
power. These are things you can do to help without injuring yourself.
2) Stand on a thick pile of newspapers or a rubber mat if the ground is wet.
Wetness makes you a conductor regardless of what you are standing on.
3) Try to push the injured off the live wire by using a wooden broom, mop,
or pole. Your hands must be dry.
b. Treating for Electrical Shock Before Help Arrives
1) Because shock is more of a risk with electricity than other types of burn,
check the injured person's ABC (Airways, Breathing, and Circulation) and
take the appropriate measures. If the person is not breathing,
immediately begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
2) Apply small amount of anti bacterial or burn ointment on the burned skin.
3) Keep the injured person on his/her back with his/her feet and legs
4) If the injured person is unconscious, gently turn him/her to the side,
supporting the head with a pillow. The will aid breathing and keep shock
damage from increasing.
5) Gently cover the injured person with a blanket.
6. Fainting
Fainting during the Victorian times was considered
feminine and a sign of aristocratic good breeding. Today
fainting is a signal that something is wrong inside the body.
It can be a sign of danger to the heart or brain, a panic
attack, hyperventilation, malnutrition, or even pregnancy or
a. Warming Signs to Faint
Sudden paleness of the face
Cold, clammy skin
Dizziness and nausea
Numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes
Sudden rapid or weak pulse
Feeling of panic
Blurred vision
b. Treatment
Step-by-step guide for maintaining medical safety when a person
1)Lay the person down on the floor on his back.
2)Practice your ABC of First Aid. Make sure that the airways are
clear, that the person is breathing and that blood is circulating
(listen for heartbeats).
3)Loosen clothing if necessary to make sure the victim is
comfortable and able to breathe clearly.
4)Open windows when inside a building to allow air to circulate.
5) Turn head to the side and wipe the mouth with a cloth,
if victim vomits.
6) Keep chin up to prevent the victim's tongue from
obstructing the throat.
7) Wipe the victim's face with a damp cool cloth.
8) If the victim remain unconscious, or conscious but
groggy disoriented, and nauseated, it is best to call for
medical help.
c. The Least You Need to Know
1) Fainting in and of itself is not usually an emergency condition, but it is a
signal of an underlying problem, and it can create its own set of problems.
2) Bye aware of fainting signs: clammy skin, dizziness, a pale face, and
3) Follow the 'Five Minutes' rule: If a person remains unconscious for more
than five minutes, get help.
4) Do not use smelling salts to revive someone.
5) Place fainted person in prone position; loosen his/her clothes and open
nearby windows.
6) Make sure airways are clear, breathing is regular, and circulation is normal.
A. Health Care at Home and in the Community
1. There are 10 ways to stay healthy at home with your family
a. Immunize - Immunization is the best bargain in Health Care. When you
immunize, you prevent illness for your family and help prevent epidemics
in your community.
b. Keep moving - Fitness is essential to good health. Exercise makes a
huge difference both in how you and your family feel and what illness
you get.
c. Eat right - Eating well-balanced, low-fat diet wholesome food will keep
your family energetic and free of many illness.
d. Control stress - Even with a hectic and hurried lifestyle, your family can
prevent stress from undermining their health.
e. Be smoke-free - Smokers who quit gain tremendous health benefits so do
people who avoid second-hand smoke.
f. Avoid drugs and excessive alcohol - When you say "no" to drugs and
limit what you drink, you prevent accident and illness and avoid a lot of
problem for yourself and your family.
g. Put safety first - Safety at home, safety at work, safety at play, safe driving,
firearm safety, and safe sex will all keep you and your family healthy.
h. Pursue healthy pleasures - Take a nap, relax during meals, play with kids,
care for a pet-they all can add to maintaining good health.
i. Think well of yourself - A good self-image is the foundation of good health.
j. Promote peace - Peace on earth begins at home. Seek nonviolent ways of
resolving conflicts at home, at school, at work, and in your community.
Vital Signs
With a few tools and an eye for observation, you can help detect and
monitor health problems in your family. A normal body temperature ranges
from 97.6° to 99.6°F or 36.9 -37.2°C and for most people it is 98.6°F or
37.5°C. Minor changes in temperature are due to the time of day and
other factors. Whenever a person feels hot or cold to your touch, it is a
good idea to measure and record the person's temperature.
There are 4 ways to take a body temperature:
 Orally (in the mouth)
 Rectally (in the anus)
 Axillary ( under the armpit)
 Using an electronic oral or ear thermometer or temperature strip
a. Oral temperatures are recommended for adults and children
ages 6 years and older.
 Clean the thermometer with soapy water or rubbing alcohol.
 Hold it firmly at the end opposite the bulb and shake the mercury
down to 95°F or 35°C or lower.
 Make sure nothing hot or cold has recently been drunk.
 Place the bulb of the thermometer under the tongue and close the lips
around it. Do not bite it. Breathe through the nose and do not talk.
 Wait 3 to 5 minutes.
 Read the thermometer temperature reading and record.
b. Rectal temperatures are recommended for children younger
than 6 years or anyone who cannot hold the thermometer in the
mouth. Use only a rectal thermometer for this procedure.
 Clean the thermometer and shake it down to lower temperature.
 Put Vaseline or other lubricant on the bulb.
 Hold the child bottom-up across your lap.
 Hold the thermometer one inch from bulb and gently insert it into the
rectum no more than one inch. Do not let go. Hold it right at the
anus so that it cannot slip in further.
 Wait for 3 minutes.
Note: Rectal temperatures are 0.5° to 1° higher than oral temperature.
c. Axillary temperatures are less accurate and about 1° lower
than oral
 Use either an oral or rectal thermometer. Shake it down below
95°F/ 35°C.
 Place the thermometer in the armpit and have the child cross
his/ her arm across the chest and hold her opposite upper arm.
 Wait for 5 minutes. Read and record the temperature.
d. Electronic thermometers are convenient and easy to use.
They are quite accurate but some are expensive. Temperature
strips are convenient but should only be used to measure axillary
(armpit temperature)
3. Taking a Pulse Rate
The pulse is the rate at which a person's heart is beating. As the heart forces
blood through the body, a throbbing can be felt in the arteries whenever they come
close to the skin surface. The pulse can be taken at the wrist, neck, or upper arm.
Certain illness can cause the pulse to increase, so it is helpful to know your
resting pulse when you are well. The pulse rate rises about 10 beats per minute for
every degree of fever.
a. Count the pulse after the person has been sitting or resting quietly for 5 to 10
b. Place 2 fingers gently against the wrist; don't use your thumb.
c. If it is hand to feel the pulse in the wrist, locate the carotid artery in the neck,
just to either side of the windpipe. Press gently.
d. Count the beat for 39 seconds, then double the result for beats per minute.
4. Counting Respiratory Rates
Respiratory rate refers to how many breathe you take in a
minute. The best time to count is when the person is resting,
perhaps after taking the pulse while your fingers are still on
their wrist. The person's breathing is likely to change if they
know you are counting it. Respiration rate increases with fever
and some illness.
 Count the rise and fall of the chest for one full minute.
 Notice whether there is any sucking in beneath the ribs or
any apparent wheezing which is a sign of difficult breathing.
5. Measuring Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force of the arteries. The pressure
when the heart beats is called the systolic pressure (the first
number in blood pressure readings). The pressure between
the beats, when the heart is at rest is called diastolic
pressure. Any blood pressure below 140/90 is a stethoscope
and a blood pressure cuff (sphygmomanometer). Electronic
blood pressure cuffs are also available, which do not require
a stethoscope or good hearing.
B. Family Planning and Birth Control
Family planning is having the number of children you want, when
you want them. Different parents have different reasons for wanting
to limit the size of their family. Some young parents may decide to
delay having any children until they have worked and saved enough
so that they can afford to care for them well. Some parents may
decide that a small number of children is enough, but others may
want more. Others may want to space their children, as their mother
will be healthier. There are several methods to prevent women from
becoming pregnant for as long as she wishes. These are methods of
birth control or contraceptive.
Choosing a Method of Birth Control
Difference in effectiveness, safety, convenience, availability, and cost
should be considered in choosing the methods of birth control to be
used. Husbands and wives should decide together and share the
responsibility for the method that they are going to adopt.
1. Birth Control Pills (Oral Contraceptive)
 The 'pill' is one of the most effective method for avoiding
pregnancy. This should be given by health workers, midwives, or
other trained persons. The pills usually come in packets of 21 or 28
tablets. They are less expensive depending on the brand of pills.
 How to take the pills-packet of 21
Take the first pill on the fifth day from the beginning of your period as day 1.
Then take the pill every day until the packet is finished (21 days). This way,
you will take the pills for 3 weeks out of each month, then go 1 week
without taking any. Normally, the menstrual period will come during the
week when the pill is not taken. Even if the period does not come, start the
new packet 7 days after finishing the last one.
 Side Effects
Some women get a little morning sickness, swelling of the breasts or other
signs of pregnancy when they first start taking the pill. This is due to the
hormones that enter the woman's body. The most serious problems are
related to blood clots in the heart, lungs, or brain. Health-related side
effects of taking the pill are rare.
2. Other Methods of Birth Control
a. The Condom (also called "prophylactic", rubber or sheath) is a
narrow rubber or latex bag that the man wears on his penis while
having sex. Usually it works to prevent pregnancy. It also helps
prevent spreading of venereal diseases, but it is not a complete
b. The Diaphragm is a shallow cup made of soft rubber that the woman
wears in her vagina while having sexual intercourse. It should be left
inside for at least 6 hours afterwards. It should be used together with a
contraceptive cream or jelly. Check the diaphragm regularly for holes
and get a new one each year. This is not an expensive method.
c. The Contraceptive Foam comes in a tube or can. The woman puts it
into her vagina with a special applicator.
d. The Intrauterine Device (IUD) is a plastic (or something metal) objects
that a specially-trained health worker or midwife places inside the womb.
The IUD prevents pregnancy while it is in the womb. It can cause pain,
discomfort, and some serious problems. This is the simplest and most
economical method.
e. Withdrawal or Pulling Out (Coitus Interruptus) is a method in which
the man pulls his penis out of the woman before the sperm comes out.
This is disturbing to the couple and does not always work, because
some sperm often leaks out ahead of time, which can cause pregnancy.
3. Method for Those Who Never Want To Have
More Children
• Injections. There are special injections to prevent
pregnancy, and Depo-Provera is one. An injection
is usually given every 3 months to a woman. Side
effects and precaution are similar to those of birth
control pills.
4. Home Methods for Preventing Pregnancy
a. The Sponge Method
This method is not harmful and it sometimes works. You will need a
sponge and either vinegar, lemons or salt. Either a sex sponge or an
artificial sponge will work.
 Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 5% acidity of water or 1 teaspoon of
lemon juice in 1 cup water, or 1 spoon of salt in 4 spoons of water.
 Wet the sponge with one of these liquids.
 Push the wet sponge deep into the vagina an hour before having sex.
 Put back the sponge for at least 6 hours after having sex. Then take it
b. Breast Feeding
While a woman is breast feeding her baby, she is less
likely to become pregnant-especially when breast milk
is the only food her baby receives. The chance of her
becoming pregnant is much greater after 4 to 6 months,
when the baby begins to get other foods.
5. Methods That Do Not Work Very Well
a. The Rhythm (Calendar Method)
This method is not very sure to prevent pregnancy, but it has the advantage
of not costing anything. This method is effective to women with regular
menstrual cycle or regular period which comes more or less once every 28
days. Usually, women have a chance of becoming pregnant only during 8
days of her monthly cycle-her "fertile days". These 8 days come midway
between her periods beginning 10 days after the first day of the menstrual
bleeding. To avoid getting pregnant, a women should not have sex during
these 8 days. During the rest of the month, she is not likely to get pregnant.
Women should mark on a calendar the 8 days she is not to have sex.
For example: Suppose a woman period begins on the 5th day of May, as shown in a
calendar. The 8 days start on the 11th day after the first day of menstruation.

During these 8 "fertile days" women should not have sexual relations.
 Put the asterisk mark on day 5, when the period begins.
 Then count 10 days from 5. Starting with the 10th day, shade the 8 days (see
above illustration).
b. The Mucus Method
This is a variation of the rhythm method that is being encouraged by some
religious groups. It works fairly well to some people. It is not considered to be
very effective but it costs nothing to practice it every day. During her period,
the woman should examine the mucus from her vagina. The woman should
take a little mucus out of her vagina with a clean finger and try make it stretch
between her thumb and forefinger.
 When the mucus is sticky like paste-not slippery or slimy-the woman
cannot become pregnant and can continue to have sexual relations.
 When the mucus begins to get slippery or slimy, like raw egg white, or if it
stretches between her fingers, she may become pregnant if she has
sexual relations. Thus she should not have sex when the mucus is
slippery or stretches.
C. Nutrition Education
• Nutrition is defined as all the interactions between food and a living organism. It
involves physiological and biochemical processes, and a myriad of psychological,
social, economic and technological factors.
• A nutrient is a substance in food that is used by the body for normal growth,
reproduction and maintenance of health. Nutrients are the basic materials from
which the body is constructed and by which it is fueled and regulated.
• Deciding which foods are the most beneficial to eat is a challenge. An individual
requires close 50 specific substances that must be taken into the body and in
sufficient quantities to meet the body's need.
These materials are the nutrients. The nutrients are grouped into 6 classes: water,
carbohydrates, lipids (fats), proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
1. Foods out Bodies Need to Stay Healthy
a. Body-Building Foods or Proteins
Proteins are building foods. They are necessary for proper growth and for
maintaining the brain, the muscles and other parts of the body healthy.
 Foods high in protein
Meat Sea food
Chicken Soy beans
Eggs Cheese
 Foods with some protein
Beans Peanut
Nuts Dark green leafy vegetables
Lentils Cereals
b. Energy Foods or Carbohydrates: Sugar & Starch
 Starches
Maiz (corn) Cereals
Noodles Potatoes
Sweet potatoes Squash
Yam Cassava
Banana Taro (gabi)
 Sugar
Sugar Fruit
Honey Ripe banana
Raw sugar, molasses Milk
c. Energy Storage Foods: Fats and oils
 Foods high in fat
Cooking oil Lard
Salad oil Bacon
Butter Meat fat
 Foods with some fat
Peanut Nuts
Sesame Avocado
Soy bean Milk
d. Protective Foods: Those rich in vitamins and minerals
Foods rich in vitamins are protective foods. They help our
bodies work properly. Minerals are needed for making blood,
bones, and teeth healthy.
 Foods rich in vitamins and minerals
Meat Fish (fish liver oil for vitamin A)
Chicken Cheese
Eggs Milk
Vegetables Fruits
Cereals Sea weeds (for iodine)
2. Seven Simple Guidelines for Eating Well (Dietary
Guidelines for Americans. USDA, 1990). These guidelines can
equally effective to all.
a. Eat a variety of foods, include a daily selection of
 whole-grain and enriched bread, cereals and grain products
 vegetables
 Fruit
 milk, cheese, and yogurt
 meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dried beans, peas, and tofu
b. Maintain a healthy weight
c. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. A high-fat diet
increases the risk of heart disease and some concerns.
d. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products. Complex
carbohydrates and fruits pack the most nutrient per calorie.
e. Use sugar only in moderation. Sugar has little, if any vitamins, minerals
or fibers.
f. Use salt and sodium only in moderation. Sodium increases blood
g. If you drink alcohol do it in moderation. Alcohol is high in calories, and
has no nutrients.
3. Sickness caused by not eating well
• Good food is needed for a person to grow well, work hard, and
stay healthy. Many common sicknesses come from not eating
enough of the foods the body needs.
• To eat right means to eat enough, but it also means to eat a
balance of the different foods the body needs. To be healthy, a
person needs to eat enough foods from each of the food groups
just described.
• A person, who is weak or sick because he does not eat the right
foods, or does not eat enough, is said to be poorly nourished or
malnourished. He/she suffers from malnutrition.
Poor nutrition is the most common cause of health problems:
In children In anyone
 Failure of child to grow or gain weight normally  Weakness and tiredness
 Slowness in walking, talking, or thinking  Loss of appetite
 Swollen bellies, thin arms and legs  Anemia
 Sadness, lack of energy  Sores in the corners of the mouth
 Swelling of feet, face and hands  "Burning" or numbness of the feet
 Thinning or loss of hair, or color or shine
 Dryness of eyes, blindness
4. Eating Well: A Basic Plan
Eat a variety of foods every day. Eat more from the breads and cereals, and
fruit, and vegetable group than from the other groups.
a. Breads, Cereals, and Starches
• Contrary to popular belief, bread, potatoes, rice, and pasta are not
fattening. These starchy foods are actually good for you.
• Starches are carbohydrates, which have less than half the calories per
gram as fat. Unprocessed starches (whole grains, vegetables) also contain
large amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber and water.
• Starchy foods are fattening only when fat has been added to them. To
keep a healthy diet, try nonfat yogurt or salsa on baked potatoes and use
fresh vegetable and tomato sauces on pasta.
b. Fruits and Vegetables
• Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for you. They provide
vitamins, minerals, and fiber and are naturally low in fat. Many
fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins A (beta carotene)
and C, especially oranges and other citrus fruits, broccoli, sweet
potatoes, winter squash, carrots, spinach, and other leafy greens.
As a result, a diet that includes a lot fruits and vegetables helps
protect you against heart disease and cancer.
• Fruits and vegetables are most nutritious when eaten fresh and
raw or lightly cooked. When you cook vegetables, steam and
microwave them to retain more vitamins.
c. Fiber
Fiber has no vitamins and minerals, yet it is important to keeping a good
health. There are 2 types of fiber.
 Insoluble fiber in whole-grain products provides bulk for your diet.
Together with fluids, fiber stimulates the colon to keep waste moving
out of the bowels. Without fiber, waste moves slowly, increasing your
risk for constipation, colon and bowel cancer, and diverticulosis.
 Soluble fiber found in fruit, beans, peas, and other legumes, and oats
helps lower cholesterol, reducing your risk of heart disease. The fiber in
legumes can also help regulate blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
If your bowel movement is soft and easy to pass, you probably have high
fiber consumption. If they are hard and difficult to pass, more fiber and water
intake can help.
To increase fiber in your diet:
 Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Eat fruits with edible
skins and seeds: berries, apples, and pineapples. Eat more of stems of
kangkong and camote tops.
 Switch to whole-grain and whole-wheat breads, pasta, and cereals. Wheat
flour simply means white flour, from which the fiber has been removed.
 Eat more cooked dried beans, peas, and lentils.
 Popcorn is a good high-fiber snack. However, avoid it if served with added
oil, butter, and salt.
d. Water
One easy way to improve your diet is to drink more water. Active people need
2 quarts of water a day. People who exercise regularly need even more water.
If you drink other fluids, you can get by with less, but plain water is best.
e. Sugar
What's wrong with sugar? It comes from a vegetable (sugar beets or sugar
sane) which taste good. It is relatively cheap, fat-free, and is even a
From a health point of view, the biggest problem with sugar is that it is stripped
of all vitamins, minerals, and fiber during the refining process. What is left are
crystals of pure sugar with high calories.
In moderation, sugar does little harm. However, if too much of your calories come
from sugar, you will either gain weight or not get enough of the other nutrients you
need. Sugar also contributes to cavities.
 Be aware of hidden sugars in flavored, canned and other processed foods.
Check the label for words that end in " -ose", like dextrose, fructose, sucrose,
lactose, and maltose, which are form of sugar. Corn syrup is another common
form of sugar.
 Limit foods that list sugar among the first few ingredients.
 Look for breakfast cereals that have 6 grams or less of added sugar per serving.
 You can reduce the sugar in home-made baked goods by up to one-half without
affecting the texture of food.
 Eat a sweet piece of fruit instead of a sugar dessert.
 All sugars are basically alike. Honey and brown or raw sugar have no
advantage over other sugars.
f. Fats in Foods
• Fat, butter, lard, cream, oil margarine, mayonnaise, and grease in foods account for
37 percent of the calories in the average diet. Fat has more than twice as many
calories per gram as carbohydrates or protein.
• How much fat is too much? The Dietary Guidelines recommend that less than 30
percent of total calories come from fat. Changing from a diet that contains 37
percent of fat one that contains 30 percent fat may slow the development of heart
disease, reduce cancer risk, and improve your overall diet.
• Many scientist suggest than 30-percent fat diet is still too high for a healthy heart.
However, a 20-percent fat diet will slow heart disease even more. There is some
evidence that a 10-percent fat diet is challenging to maintain.
• Based on your heart disease risks, you may wish to set a goal for how much fat to
include in your diet. A nutritionist can help you with a menu plan to meet your goal.
15 Simple Ways to Reduce Fat
When eating meat:
1. Eat more poultry and fish. Choose lean cuts of meats.
2. Remove all visible fat before cooking. Poultry skin may be removed
either before or after cooking.
3. Broil or bake instead of frying.
4. Reduce serving sizes to 2 or 3 ounces and don't take second servings.
5. Replace some meat with cooked dry beans and grains.
6. Use skim or 1% milk.
7. Choose low-fat, skim milk cheese.
8. Substitute low-fat or nonfat cottage cheese and yogurt for cream and
sour cream.
When cooking:
1. Steam vegetables, sauce with one teaspoon of oil or less, or cook with wine or defatted
2. Use non-stick pans or add oil to a preheated pan. Less oils goes further this way.
3. Flavor vegetables with herbs and spices instead of butter and sauces, or try Butter Buds
or Molly McButter.
4. Experiment using less oil than is called for in recipes. You may need to increase other
In general:
5. Avoid crackers, chips, cookies, and margarine made with hydrogenated oil, coconut oil,
or cocoa butter.
6. Eat plenty of carbohydrates to fill you up (fruits, vegetables, grains, breads, pasta, etc.)
7. Let salads go naked and modestly dressed with lemon juice, or use fat-free dressings
and mayonnaise.
D. HIV Infection and AIDS
1. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by the human
immuno deficiency virus (HIV). HIV destroys the immune system, which makes
it impossible for the body to fight off disease or even minor illness. AIDS is the
last phase in HIV disease, when the body is unable to fight a disease or infection.
2. A person is said to be HIV-positive if antibodies to the virus are detected in
his/her blood. It may take up 6 months after infection for antibodies to appear.
Someone who is HIV-positive may appear to be healthy for 10 years or longer
before symptoms of AIDS develop.
3. HIV is not spread by getting bitten by mosquitoes, from toilet seats, being
coughed on by an infected person, or having casual contact with someone who is
HIV-positive or who has AIDS.
HIV is spread only when blood, semen, or vaginal fluids
from an infected person enters someone else's body. The
specific behaviors that spread HIV include:
a. Sharing injection needles and syringes with someone who
is HIV-positive.
b. Unprotected (without a condom) rectal entry intercourse
(anal sex) with someone who is HIV-positive.
c. Unprotected vaginal or oral sexual activity with someone
who is HIV-positive.
d. Babies born to or breast-fed by women who are HIV-positive
are also at high risk of contracting the virus.
• Being touched, hugged, or lightly kissed by someone who is
HIV-positive will not transfer the virus to you. As long as you
practice the prevention behaviors, you have virtually no risk
of contracting the virus. However, if your behaviors puts you
at risk for HIV infection, a blood test should be done 6
months after the risky behavior. Early diagnosis and
treatment of HIV is important even before symptoms
develop. A simple, confidential blood test, available at a
Health Department, can determine if you are HIV-positive.
Symptoms of HIV Infections and AIDS
a. The early symptoms of HIV Infection are like the
symptoms that won't go away. Common symptoms are:
 Rapid unexplained weight loss
 Persistent unexplained fever and night sweats
 Persistent diarrhea
 Persistent severe fatigue
 Swelling of glands in neck, armpits, or groin.
b. As the immune system deteriorates, a variety of other symptoms may
appear, including:
 Unusual sores on the skin, in the mouth; white patches in the mouth.
 Increase outbreaks of cold sores
 Unexplained shortness of breath and dry cough
 Severe numbness or pain in the hands and feet
 Personality change or mental deterioration
These symptoms are usually caused by many illness other than HIV
infection or AIDS. However, if any symptom develops or persists without
a good explanation, especially if your behavior puts you at risk of HIV
infection, call your doctor.
5. Prevention
Only monogamy between uninfected partners or sexual abstinence can
completely eliminate the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted
diseases. The following actions will reduce risk:
 If you are beginning a sexual relationship, take time before having sex to
talk about HIV and other STDs. Find out if your partner has been
exposed to or infected by STDs, or if your partner's behavior puts him or
her at risk for HIV infection. Remember that it is possible to be infected
without knowing it.
 Use condoms with any new partner until you are certain that the person
dies not have any sexually transmitted diseases and you are certain that
neither of you will have unprotected sexual contact with anyone else
while your relationship lasts.
E. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
1. The Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or
Venereal Diseases (VD) are infections passed from
person to person through sexual intercourse or genital
contact. Chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts,
gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis are among the most
common STDs. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome) is not most virulent and deadly of all STDs.
a. Chlamydia - is a bacterial infection that affects millions of men and women. Its
symptoms show up after 2 to 4 weeks after exposure. In women, symptoms may
include vaginal discharge or irregular menstrual bleeding, painful urination,
genital itching, or lower abdominal pain. In men, there may be a penile discharge
and painful urination. Chlamydia is easily treated with antibiotics. If undetected
and untreated, it may cause pelvic inflammatory disease in women, which may
lead to sterility.
b. Genital Herpes - is caused by the herpes simplex virus, which also causes cold
sores and fever blisters. It is easily spread through sexual and other direct skin
contact. Symptoms occur 2 to 30 day after contact with an infected person. There
is no known cure for herpes. Once infected, you may have recurrent outbreaks,
which are usually shorter and less severe than the first one. Itching, burning, or
tingling may occur at the place where the sores will later appear. Medication is
available that help reduce the frequency and severity of recurrent outbreak.
c. Genital Warts - are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) which is
spread by sexual contact. They appear as small fleshy bumps or flat white
patches on the labia (the lips around the vagina), inside the vagina, on the
penis or scrotum, or around the anus. Of most concern to women is the link
between HPV and cervical cancer. The virus can be detected by a pap
smear. Warts developed on the cervix can be removed by surgery. In some
cases, it may recur.
d. Gonorrhea - also known clap, drip, or GC, is a bacterial infection spread
through sexual contact. The symptoms include painful urination, vaginal
discharge, irregular menstrual bleeding, or a thick discharge from the penis.
If untreated, gonorrhea in women may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease
and sterility. It can sometimes spread to the joints and cause arthritis.
e. Hepatitis B - is a viral infection spread through sexual contact or contact with
infected blood. An infected pregnant woman can also transmit the virus to her
baby. Symptoms, including vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and yellow
tint to the eyes and skin (jaundice) appear 2 to 5 months after exposure. Long-term
effects of the disease include life-threatening liver-damage. A vaccine against
hepatitis B is recommended for all infants and people in certain high-risk groups.
f. Syphilis - is a bacterial infection spread through sexual contact or sharing of
contaminated needles. Symptoms appear 2 weeks to one month after contact. The
first symptom is a chancre, a small red blister, ulcer or sore that appears on the
gentiles, rectal area, which may go unnoticed. The lymph nodes in the groin may
also swell. Symptoms of the second phase include skin rash, patchy hair loss,
fever, swollen lymph glands and flu-like symptoms which may be confused with
other illness. Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics. If untreated, it will cause
serious problems and premature death.
2. Prevention
• Preventing a sexually-transmitted diseases is easier
than treating an infection once it occurs. Only
monogamy between uninfected partners or sexual
abstinence completely eliminates the risk.
• Avoid sexual contact while you are or your partner is
being treated for a sexually transmitted disease.
F. Drug Abuse Educational and Prevention
• Drug abuse is a problem which adversely affects our most precious
resources-the Filipino youth. Hence, the Philippines Government
through the Dangerous Drug Board has taken the initiative to
prevent the menace and widespread of this social epidemic that will
destroy the lives and aspirators of our youth.
• Drug overdose is a serious matter. Unfortunately, many adults and
teens suffer from its slings. Usually, drug overdose is a mask, hiding
other problems such as insecurity, self-loathing, a sense of failure,
or deep unabiding depression. These problems must also be
addressed in order to prevent the "self-medication" which so many
drug addicts use, from becoming a dangerous overdose.
1. General Symptoms of Drug Abuse
a. Abrupt changes in school or work attendance, quality of work, grades,
work output
b. Unusual flares-ups or outbreaks of temper
c. Withdrawal from responsibility
d. Change in overall attitude
e. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming
f. Furtive behavior regarding actions
g. Wearing of sunglasses to hide dilated or constructed pupils
h. Association with drug abusers
i. Unusual borrowing of money from parents or friends
j. Stealing small items
2. Definition of Terms about Drug Abuse
a. Drug - is any chemical substance which affects a person in
such a way as to bring about physiological, emotional, or
behavioral change.
b. Drug Abuse - is the use of chemical substance, licit or illicit
which results in an individual's physical, mental, emotional,
and social impairment.
c. Drug Addiction - a person's dependence on a drug,
associated with narcotics. The term 'addiction' is now being
replaced by the term "drug dependence".
. Kinds of Commonly- Abused Drug Substance
a. Hallucinogens (also called psychedelics) are drugs capable of
provoking changes or cessation of thinking, self-awareness, and
emotion. People under the influence of these seem far away. They
might talk to invisible people or objects and experience a bad or "High
Trip". They might act paranoid, alternately screaming, and acting
catatonic. LSD, marijuana, PCP (angel dust), mescaline, and ecstasy
are the popular hallucinogens.
b. Stimulants (uppers or pep pills) are drugs which increases alertness,
reduce hunger, and provide a feeling of well-being. They stimulate
mind, overconfidence, extreme energy, euphoria, excessive talking.
They are highly addictive. The most common stimulants are
amphetamines, cocaine, CAT (crystals methamphetamine, and
c. Depressants (downers) are drugs which decrease or depress body
functions and nerve activity. These are also known as tranquilizers
which keep people from having panic attacks, anxiety, and insomnia.
Barbiturates, methaqualine, valium, and halycon are among the
commonly-used depressants.
d. Narcotics are drugs which produce insensitivity, stupor, melancholy, or
dullness of mind with delusions. These are the most deadly drugs of all.
They are highly addictive and dangerous to the body. Opium, heroin,
codein, and morphine are the most popular narcotics.
e. Volatile solvents or inhalants are chemicals that, when sniffed or
inhaled, can produce intoxication, excitement dulling of the brain, and
irrational behavior. Chemical inhalants include rugby, gasoline, paint
kerosene, airplane glue, nail polish, acetone, and lighter fluid.
4. Why do people turn to drugs?
Teenagers resort to drugs for a variety of reasons:
 For curiosity, due to misinformation and for the sake of
 "Pakikisama" so as to be accepted by the "barkada",
 To have a feeling of security;
 For relief from problems-personal, family, school, work,
and others;
 To serve boredom and other problems.
5. Community Leaders' Advocacy to Prevent Drug Abuse
a. Plan and implement social action programs involving young
people, civic group, professionals, and religious organizations
to improve the community life. The following activities must be
implemented in the community:
 Parent Education Programs
 Recreational, Social, and Sports Program
 Vocational/Skills Development and Training Program
 Youth Development Program
 Seminar on Drug Education
a. Participate and assist in the implementation of RA 6425
also known as Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 by
 motivating known drug abusers to undergo treatment and
 reporting drug pushers, push den maintainers, and drug
traffickers to the law enforcement agencies;
 helping after-care rehabilitated clients to be accepted
back to their community and involving them in meaningful
and productive activities; and
 helping strengthen the moral and spiritual values of the
discharged clients.
6. What should the CWTS students and parents do to help prevent drug
The CWTS Students can help the parents in the following aspects:
a. Create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the home.
b. Assist parents to develop effective means of communication with their children,
for the children to be open and honest to their parents.
c. Help parents learn how to understand and accept their children for who they are.
d. Assist parents on how to listen and respect the opinion of their children.
e. Motivate parents to develop strategies on how to be with their children in spite of
being busy.
f. Educate parents on how to strengthen moral and spiritual values of their children.
g. Assist parents on how to teach responsibility to their children by giving duties
commensurate to their age.

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