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New coronavirus pneumonia

Prevention and Control Manual

2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What is the new coronavirus

Coronavirus is a general term for a very common type of virus that exists widely in nature. 2019-nCoV
from Wuhan is a new type of coronavirus that mainly causes infection of the respiratory system. On
January 20th, the National Health and Health Commission included pneumonia infected with the new
coronavirus as a Class B infectious disease and managed it as a Class A; at the same time, it included
the quarantine infectious disease stipulated in the "People's Republic of China's Frontier Health and
Quarantine Law".
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What is the new coronavirus

Main symptoms: fever (≥37.3 ℃), fatigue, dry cough

2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

Where does the new coronavirus come from?

wild animals
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What is the route of transmission of the new coronavirus?

The main routes of transmission of new coronaviruses are respiratory droplets and contact

Respiratory droplets Contact spread

Aerosol stool
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What are the clinical manifestations?

Main symptoms are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Nasal congestion and runny nose are rare. About
one-half of the patients develop dyspnea after one week. In severe cases, they progress rapidly to
acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, difficult to correct metabolic acidosis, and
coagulopathy. It is worth noting that in the course of severe and critically ill patients, there can be
moderate to low fever, even without obvious fever. Some patients have mild onset symptoms and no
fever. They usually recover after 1 week. Most patients have a good prognosis, and a few patients are
critically ill and even die.
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

Does early clinical presentation mean infection?

If you have fever, fatigue, or dry cough, it does not mean you have been infected. But if you have
symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, and have a history
of traveling or living in Wuhan, or have been exposed within 14 days before onset Patients with fever
and respiratory symptoms from Wuhan, or a small area of ​clustered onset, should go to the local
designated medical institution for investigation, diagnosis and treatment.
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What need to pay attention to when going to the hospital?

When you seek medical treatment, you should truthfully describe the illness and medical treatment
process, especially the doctor's recent Wuhan travel and residence history, contact history of
pneumonia patients or suspected patients, animal contact history, etc. Special attention should be
paid to wearing surgical masks during the diagnosis and treatment to protect themselves and
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What are close contacts?

1. Living with the case, school, work, or other close contacts

2. Medical personnel, family members or other persons who have similar close contact
with the case without effective protective measures during the diagnosis, treatment, and
visit of the case
3. Other patients and accompanying staff in the same ward
4. Take the same transportation with the patient and have close contact with the person
5. On-site investigators who are assessed as eligible after investigation
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

Why do close contacts need medical observation for 14 days?

At present, preventive public health measures such as stricter medical observation for close contacts
are necessary. This is a responsible attitude towards public health and safety, and a common practice
in the international community. With reference to the incubation period of diseases caused by other
coronaviruses, information about this new coronavirus case, and current prevention and control
practices, the medical observation period for close contacts was set to 14 days, and home medical
observations were made for close contacts.
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

How do individuals prevent new coronary pneumonia?

1. Maintain hand hygiene

Wash your hands with running water after coughing, before and after meals, and
after touching or handling animal waste.
2.Maintain indoor air circulation
Avoid closed, airless public places and crowded places, wear masks if necessary
Cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper or elbow flexion when coughing and
sneezing to prevent droplets from spreading.
2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

How do individuals prevent new coronary pneumonia?

Try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated public places, and wear masks

when necessary when going out

After going home, wash your hands with hand sanitizer and running water, or

use alcohol-based hand sanitizers for hand hygiene.

2019-nCoV Prevention Manual

What should I do if I have been to outside recently?

After returning to your place of residence, you can pay attention to strengthening your body
protection and paying attention to your physical condition within 2 weeks. If you receive a
notification from the disease control department, you need to accept home medical observation,
don't panic.
Everyone Is Responsible
For Fighting The Epidemic

Prevention Manual

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