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the Nature of

Monistic Monotheisti Polytheistic Agnostic Atheistic

Every individual sees and interprets the world quite
differently from one another. This overall perspective is
also termed worldview which is a collection of beliefs
about life and the universe being held by people. For a
certain individual, social environment and upbringing are
critical in the development of a religious life. All these
factors have an effect on how people organize their beliefs
and ideas while eventually creating a comprehensive
narrative through which they look at the world and
interrelate with it.
Belief in gods or gods is found in almost
all religions. There is a good reason to
presuppose that religion had existed during
prehistoric times and this has continued to the
modern day. Human life may have produced
hundreds of religions and belief systems.
There could be more unknown than
known religions in the world since
recorded history covers only several
thousand years of human existence.
Kinds Description
Monism There is no real distinction between god and the universe

Polytheism The belief and worship of many gods

Monotheism The doctrine or belief in one supreme god
Atheism Disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god

Agnosticism God cannot be known

Monotheism Polytheism
Belief in the existence of one god
1 viewed as the creative source of
the human race and the world
Early people recognize
many principal gods
among whom no one is
who transcends yet is immanent
in the world

3 Monism
There is no genuine distinction
4 Deny the existence of
between God and the universe God

5 Deny the possibility for man to
acquire knowledge of the
existence of God
Definition and Nature of
Religion may be defined as “an
organized system of beliefs,
ceremonies, and rules used to worship
a god or a group of gods”. The Latin
word religio refers to “something done
with overanxious or scrupulous
attention to detail”. This term may have
probably been derived from the Latin
verb religare which means “to tie
together, to bind fast”.
In its original sense, the word refers to expression of
proper piety, that is, binding to god. Quite later, religion
was used to designate formal belief systems and tenets.
The term was eventually applied to what we now call as
religion because of the manner in which people
performed rituals during those days. While religion may
be universal in all stages of human history, it does not
follow that all individuals are religious or even religious
to some degree.
Definitions of Religion from Social Scientists

Edward Burnett Taylor James George Frazer B.K. Malinowski David Emile Durkheim
(1832-1917) (1854-1941) (1884-1942) (1858-1917)

English anthropologist; Scottish social

An eminent 20th
founding figure of the anthropologist; one of French sociologist;
century Polish
science of social the founding figures of father of sociology
anthropology modern anthropology
Definitions of Religion from Social Scientists

Edward Burnett Taylor James George Frazer B.K. Malinowski David Emile Durkheim
(1832-1917) (1854-1941) (1884-1942) (1858-1917)
A body of self-
A propitiation or
contained acts being
conciliation of powers
themselves the A unified system of
superior to man which
The belief in spiritual fulfilment of their beliefs and practices
are believed to control
beings purpose; an affair of relative to sacred
and direct the course
all, in which everyone things
of nature and of
takes an active and
human life
equivalent part
Different characteristics that are
common to most major religions
Belief in a deity’s relationship
with the world

Belief Places and people

in a
RELIGION believed to be holy
and sacred

Ways to worship a Rules followed as a result of

deity beliefs
Since the nineteenth century, people began to show
great interest in explaining the origins of religion. In fact, numerous
theories have been postulated to explain to origin of religion while
looking at primitive societies for ideas concerning the development
of belief systems.
Archaeologists believe that they have discovered elements of
religious belief practiced by Homo sapiens almost 60,000 years ago.
Apart from burying the dead, various items such as foods, tools, and
other objects were placed inside the site. All these rituals imply
reverence to their loved ones and perhaps the thought that the dead
will utilize these materials in the afterlife. While they believe in
the presence of supernatural entities, they also try to
communicate with them.
Various explanations have surfaced that somehow tend to simplify
or even denigrate primitive religions. Others maintain that
since early humans are weak and ignorant of the different forces of
nature, they had to invent religion to explain the seemingly
unexplainable mystery and fury of nature. In the process, they had to
create a scheme of deities and spirits. Still others contend that religion
was conceived by the few to stifle and repress the ideals of the masses.
The nineteenth century witnessed the development of the
fields of the social sciences that enabled scholars to apply a more
scientific way of explaining phenomena rather than speculate on
matters concerning the origin of religion. Through field research,
observations, and analysis of historical documents, scholars
formulated a number of theories that have endured well into the
present time.
Name of
Proponent Explanation
Primitive people believed in souls or anima
Edward Burnett found in people (seen in dreams) and in all of
Taylor (1832- nature. Since spirits could be helpful or
1917), English harmful to human beings, early people had to
anthropologist pray to these spirits, offer sacrifices, and
appease or avoid them.
Theories In his investigation, he found out that the
Robert Henry
Melanesian people believed in mana, a
mysterious force that inhabited all of nature.
All early people began their religion in
Anglican priest
cognizance of such force; the destructiveness
of the mana can be avoided by establishing
Name of
Proponent Explanation
Human beings first developed their
religions from their observations of the
forces of nature. Early people became
aware of the regularity of the seasons,
the tides and the phases of the moon,
and began personalizing them by giving
Nature-Worship Theory
them names, describing their activities
with tales that transformed into
mythology. Primitive people identified
the forces in nature, personified them,
created myths, and developed religions
around them.
Name of
Proponent Explanation
In Australia and Africa, basic cultures
held a common belief in distant high god,
Wilhelm that originally there had been one great
Schmidt god above all others, and that he may
Theory of (1868-1954), have been the creator of the world or the
Original Austrian father of the many lesser deities. This
Monotheism anthropologis high god went away and had little contact
t and with the world that resulted in majority
ethnologist of originally monotheistic, but because it
was difficult to worship just one god,
religion was corrupted to polytheism.
Name of
Proponent Explanation
People had gone three phases of
development concerning the spirit world:
James George (1) primitive magic (wherein people
Frazer (1854- attempted to control nature in the hope
1941), that nature will cooperate if rituals are
Magic Theory Scottish done properly); (2) religion (where people
social implored nature to cooperate since they
anthropologis have realized that nature cannot be
t coerced); and (3) science (wherein a
rational understanding of nature is
Name of Theory Proponent Explanation

Ludwig Andreas
There were no gods and that belief in gods was
von Feuerback
simply wish fulfillment. Troubled people who
could not cope with the difficulties in life
projected their wishes and developed gods and
philosopher and
Wish Fulfillment Religions were developed by the few as a means
Theory to control the masses and suppress revolution as
Karl Heinrich
a result of the continuing struggle between
Marx (1818-
classes. Rulers and allied priests wished to
1883), German
control all wealth so they had to create a scheme
philosopher and
of gods, heavens, and hell. Masses were
persuaded to accept poverty and be obedient to
inherit bliss in another life.
Name of
Proponent Explanation

Religion originated from the guilt

that individuals supposedly feel in
hating their fathers. All males
Sigmund Freud
possess a similar tendency to desire
Wish Austrian our mothers and hate our fathers. As
Fulfillment neurologist and a result of this subconscious hatred
Theory founder father and ensuing guilt, a great father
image was projected in the sky called
God. A healthy mature person can
face problems without the need for
gods or religions.
A comparative analysis of major religions reveals that an
important characteristic of their belief system focuses on the
longing for value in life. For thousand of years, people have been
searching and yearning to understand the mystery of life and the
universe. There may come a point in time when an individual
realizes that life is not entirely accidental and meaningless. This is
where the concept of spirituality comes in with the term “spiritual”
being defines as “relating or affecting the human spirit or soul as
opposed to material or physical things”. Spirituality may be
manifested in quite a number of ways. For example, a person may
believe in the presence of an overwhelming power greater than
oneself or perhaps a person can be fully mindful of one’s purpose in
life. That person can also have a feeling of oneness or a bond with
other living beings.
While spirituality is derived from
the Latin word spiritus, its verb
root is spirare which means “to
breathe” literally. There is an
impression that people are
surrounded by a “divine reality as
pervasive, intimate, necessary,
and invisible as the air we
breathe”, which is similar to Hindu
prana and Chinese chi.
While religions are frequently viewed as set of
ideals practiced and followed by organized
groups, “spirituality is something an individual
can have without being implicated in the
ambivalent complexity of human societies and
institutions”. Although traditional spirituality is
frequently associated with religiosity, many
people assert that personal spirituality can
grow separately from religion. One may find
inner peace, satisfaction, and contentment in
life that are truly independent of religious
dogmas and tenets.
In the study of religion, there are basic
concepts that need to be understood such
as theology, philosophy of religion, and
spirituality. While religion refers to any set
of attitudes, beliefs, and practices
concerning a supernatural power –
theology involves the systematic study of
the existence and nature of the divine. It
deals with the study of the nature and
purpose of god that may be undertaken
using a particular perspective. Theology is
the study, not a formulation of religious
On the other hand, philosophy of religion deals primarily with issues
concerning religion, which includes analysis on the existence of a
divine being or on sacred texts. It may involve studying the “concepts
and belief systems of the religions as well as the prior phenomena of
religious experience and the activities of worship and meditation on
which these belief systems rest and out of which they have arisen”. It
seeks to analyze various concepts such as god, spirit, karma,
creation, immortality, heaven, hell, and purgatory among others.
Philosophy of religion is not a branch of theology but a branch of
philosophy. It is said that this particular study need not be
undertaken from a religious perspective at all because atheists,
agnostics, and the person of faith can and do philosophize about
Meanwhile, spirituality is something an
individual can have without being
implicated in the ambivalent complexity of
human societies and institutions. Thus,
spirituality can be described as one’s
integrative view of life and involves a quest
for the meaning and ultimate value of life as
opposed to an instrumentalist or
materialistic attitude to life. Hence, one can
be spiritual without being religious.
The Style and Content of Non-Canonical Gospels

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars is
the Sun and the smallest name and is the second actually a cold place. It’s
one in the Solar System planet from the Sun full of iron oxide dust
Types of Gospels

Canonical Non-Canonical
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun, the smallest one in and is the second planet from
the Solar System it’s only a bit the Sun. It’s hot and has a
larger than the Moon poisonous atmosphere
Non-canonical Gospels
Chronological Order

Mercury Mars
It’s the closest planet Mars is actually a
to the Sun very cold place

Date B.C. Date B.C. Date A.C Date A.C.

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet of them all
Most Relevant Parts of the Gospels

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet Venus is the second Mars is actually a
to the Sun planet from the Sun very cold place

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant It’s the farthest
planet of them all and has several rings planet from the Sun
Mary Magdalene, a Leader?

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet
planet from the Sun in the Solar System

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Saturn is a gas giant
Mars is a cold place and has several rings

Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Is actually a cold place
planet to the Sun t's full of iron oxide dust

Venus is the second
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then
planet from the Sun
paste the new one here. For more info, click here
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