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#4. Issues on Human

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Issues on Human Development

There are a number of important issues that have been debated throughout the history of
developmental psychology. The major questions include the following:

1. Is development due more to genetics or environment?

2. Does development occur slowly and smoothly, or do changes happen
in stages?
3. Do early childhood experiences have the greatest impact on
development or are later events equally important?
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Issues on Human Development

Nature vs. Nurture

• The debate over the relative contributions of inheritance and the environment usually
referred to as the nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in both
philosophy and psychology.
• Philosophers such as Plato and Descartes supported the idea that some ideas are
inborn. On the other hand, thinkers such as John Locke argued for the concept of tabula
rasa—a belief that the mind is a blank slate at birth, with experience determining our
• Some aspects of development are distinctly biological, such as puberty. However, the
onset of puberty can be affected by environmental factors such as diet and nutrition.
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Issues on Human Development

Continuity vs. Discontinuity

• A third major issue in developmental psychology is that of continuity.

Does change occur smoothly over time, or through a series of predetermined
Proponents of continuity of development view say that development is a continues
process that is gradual and cumulative .

Proponents of discontinuity view of development as more abrupt – a succession of

changes that produces different behavior in different stages.
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Issues on Human Development

Early Experience vs. Later Experience

• A second important consideration in developmental psychology involves the relative importance of
early experiences versus those that occur later in life. Are we more affected by events that occur in early
childhood, or do later events play an equally important role?
• Psychoanalytic theorists tend to focus on events that occur in early childhood. According to Freud,
much of a child's personality is completely established by the age of five. If this is indeed the case, those
who have experienced deprived or abusive childhoods might never adjust or develop normally.
• In contrast to this view, researchers have found that the influence of childhood events does not
necessarily have a dominating effect over behavior throughout life. Many people with less-than-perfect
childhoods go on to develop normally into well-adjusted adults.
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Issues on Human Development

Paper Activity:
Propound your knowledge on the 3 issues of Human
Development. Tell your own stand.

1. Nature vs. Nurture

2. Early Experience vs Later Experience
3. Continuity vs. Discontinuity

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