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volunteer (v)

to offer to do something
without being forced to do it or
without getting paid for it

---> volunteer (n)

---> voluntary (a) Ex: She volunteered
---> voluntarily (adv) her services for relief
clean up (v)
the act of making a place clean and tidy

Ex: She is cleaning up a room

mow (v)
to cut plants, such as
grass or wheat, that have
long, thin stems and grow
close together
lawn (n)
an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park,
that is cut regularly to keep it short
organize (v)
to make arrangements for
something to happen

--> organization (n)

--> organizer (n)

Ex: They organized a club

baseball (n)
a game played especially in
North America by two teams
of nine players, in which a
player hits a ball with a bat
(= stick) and tries to run
around four bases on a
large field before the other
team returns the ball
advantage  disadvantage (n,v)
a condition giving a greater chance of success

--> advantageous (a)

Ex: She had the advantage of a good

handicap (n,v)
a condition in which part of
your body or mind has been
permanently damaged or
does not work normally

--> handicapped (a)

--> the handicapped (n)
comfort (n)
a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain
donate (v)
to give money or goods to help a person or organization

--> donation (n)

--> donor (n)
overcome (v)
to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with
participate in
= take part in = join in(v)

Ex: They'll participate in a competition

next week
suffer from (v)
to experience physical or
mental pain

--> suffering (n)

--> sufferings (n)
remote (a)
move to another place
mountain (n)
a raised part of the earth's surface, much larger than a hill,
the top of which might be covered in snow

--> mountainous (a)

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