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Basic information

He was born in Kansas

City, Missouri, United Camera settings
States. In this image they
The series I am have focused on the
interested in is called big white cloud.
‘landscapes and the I think the aperture
environment’ settings used were
shallow depth of
I think the shutter
speed used was
quite high such as CONSERVATION 5 ©
1/4000. 2004Everglades National Park
Visual qualities
This photograph shows a cloud reflecting into a lake filled with lily pads in black and white.
The main focus of this image is the big, fluffy white cloud glooming over the lake.
In this image I like the dark and eerie effect the image creates.
In this image they have used the composition rules black and white, filling the frame,
minimalism, centre dominant eye.
In this image the lighting creates the image focus more on the cloud since everything else in
the image is dark.
The message In this photo is that Butcher was trying to show the people in Florida what a
beautiful environment they have by using black and white photos.
Rodney Graham
Emil Hoppe

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