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Covid Management System

A project by
Fahim Sadik Rashad 190041135
Tanvir Hossen Shishir 190041119
M. Mohtasim Hossain 190041133
Audwit Nafi  Anam 190041120
Covid Management System is a database oriented program
that stores information of people who likely have COVID-19
including their name, age, occupation, gender, etc. It also
stores COVID related details of the patients. The whole
system provides different types of privileges to different users
such as Admin, Staff and Patient.
User Interface
 Login: login as an existing
 Register: register as a new
user (Patient, Staff or
 Exit: terminate the program
Program features(general)
 Store personal and other information of users efficiently and
 Allows a user to view their profile (information stored in the
Features( for
A patient has the following
previleges - 
 Check symptoms for COVID
and see what % of their
symptoms match with
COVID symptoms.
 See if they are vaccinated or
 Request an update from an

A staff has all the previleges

of a patient including the
 Search any patient using
their username
 Search any patient using a
parameter ( age, vaccine

An admin is the most

previleged in this system.
Their special previleges
include -
 Update information of 
users based on their
 Delete a user from the
Project Benefits

 The project will be very successful in handling large amount of data

of COVID patients.
 It is designed specifically to provide ease of access to its users.
 It is open to lot of future modifications and extensions.
Class Details
Account: This class contains all the accounts that are being created. This class inherits login, Register,
ReadWrite(virtually). ReadWrite inherit virtually to have a copy of once. Vector of user pointer to have the
user for a session. User class is  an aggregation in this account class.
Login :  This class is generally used to track all the accounts' login information. As a result, a user can login
to the system after a check to his username and password.
Register : This class has the data to store the number of registered ones into the system database and count
the number of registered Person in a session.
User: This class stores which type of person interacts with the system. A function is used to check if both
users are similar or not.This class inherits password_data.
Password_data: This class save the password info of a user from a session.
Class Details (contd.)
Readwrite: This class primary does all the file handling. It has different types of methods, and
some file stream objects and vectors that are used to serve the purpose. The methods are used to
read from and write to a file whereas vector is used to store the information to be shown as output.

data_filter: This is a class inherited from the previous readwrite class. Here function overriding
has been used to use some modified methods that are present in the readwrite class. Also, here
relevant data are stored temporarily in a vector that matches the search keyword giving a filtered
Class Details (contd.)
Person:  This class has all the attributes of a typical person namely name, age, gender, occupation,
address etc. Along with that it also has the getter and setter functions.

Admin: Inherited from the person class the class holds some additional information specific to the
admins of the management system with all the privileges. 

Staff: Like the admin class this class also has some additional information and privileges specific
to the staff of the system.

Patient: This class also being inherited from the person class denotes the end user of the system
with the least of the privileges. They can merely add information to the system.
Class Details (contd.)
Date :  Save current date and from string to date and difference between days from different dates .

Password_in: To hide the password input and manage the password during runtime. Linking
with Interface in the future.

Menu: Menu class inherits from Person class. This class has the functionality to interact with the
users. It contains all the menu and submenu to receive user inputs and show outputs. It works as a
driver function that provokes functions from other classes based on the user's choices.

Class Details (contd.)
There are some additional classes with the classes mentioned above.
Those class can be regarded as helping class that are used to handle
some minor details within the project. Few of the classes were user,
password_data, login, register etc. The uses of the classes are self-
Text files
Info:  This file contains all the basic information of all the persons who has an account in the
management system.
Patient:  This file has all the password data  of all the patients within the system .
Admin:  This file has all the password data  of all the admin within the system .
Staff:  This file has all the password data  of all the staff within the system .
Patient_info:  This file has all the covid related details of all the patients within the system.
Category: To have the inputed profession check later on.
Additional_info : To generate unique id's and save number of paitient,admins and staff(included in
Future Works
 Graphical interface
 Database addition 
 Graph and bar chart wise view of different parameters
 Data analysis
 Fixing bug (if present)
 Addition of different utilities
 Increasing memory efficiency
 Error handaling by throwing exception
 Data management difficulty
 Multi file problem
 Multiple inheritance problem
 Static variable & function
 Abstraction in multiple inheritance
 Debug in member functions and classes   
 Redundancy problem in login
 Developing problem in collaborating project
Thank You

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