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Module 3- Globalization and

Its Effect on Communication

What is Globalization?
Mansbach and Rhodes (2013)

Globalization involves proliferating connections among

societies and peoples, growing porosity of national
frontiers, proliferation of transnational processes, and
growing importance of authoritative actors other than
national governments, such as transnational
corporations, social networks, and international
What others think of Globalization

 Convergence of cultures hence the termination

of diversity of cultures
 May cause changes in a nation but does not
necessarily leads to losing its identity
 Phenomenon that leads to
What are some of the drivers of globalization?




 Marked the beginning of globalization

 Chinese, Spaniards, Americans, Japanese have introduced their cultures
(language, food, clothing, beliefs, values, education, etc.)
 Other Asian countries have their share of stories on how colonization has
shaped their social, economic, and education systems without necessarily being
disconnected from their own countries’ local methods civilization.

 Historically connected with the dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel

 A phenomenon that refers to people’s movement and inhabitation in countries
outside of their own.
 Other scholars call this migration
 People migrate for several reasons (employment opportunities, education,
intermarriage, professional advancement, etc.)
 Immigration provides a picture of fluidity among peoples from different races
where new networks of economy and cultures are established

 Have immensely facilitated globalization

 People are no longer strangers to events outside of their own country
 Exposure to various political, economic, and social systems through global news, current events,
and other media publicities have considerably educated people
 On a micro level, impacting individual’s views towards one’s society
 On a macro level, influencing a nation’s perspective towards its governance, economic trading,
environmental care activities, social dealings, health activities, and education system
 With communication technologies (smart phones, tablets, computers) nations have become more
fluid in their interactions (video chats, phone conversation) allowing instantaneous feedback and
How does globalization affect communication?

 With globalization, a need for common

language to achieve international intelligibility
 Englishis the universal language and learned
by many due to globalization
Local and Global Communication in a Multicultural
 Culture is a learned system of meanings that fosters a particular sense
of shared identity-hood and community-hood among its group
 Itconsists of a pattern of traditions, beliefs, values, norms, symbols,
and meanings that are shared to varying degrees by interacting
members of an identity group (Ting-Toomey & Takai, 2006 p. 691 in
Oetzel, 2009)
According to Oetzel (2009:9)

We are simultaneously members of multiple cultural

groups, such as a national culture, ethnic culture,
religious culture, gender culture, media culture,
social class culture, generation culture, which overlap
to varying degrees.
Reactions to Cultural Communication Encounters

 Assimilation- the effort to eliminate the cultural differences towards home and host cultures
 Accommodation- attempts to retain some cultural uniqueness and to transform the existing
dominant structures so that there is less hierarchy
 Separation- rejects the dominant society and organizations, and individuals attempt to join
similar co-cultural group members to form organizations that are reflective of their own values
and norms
 Ethnocentrism- some people have the tendency to think and feel that their culture is superior
than the others so they use their own culture as the standard in judging other people’s cultures
 Cultural relativism- sees other cultures equal to their own
National Culture Communication Differences
(Communication Patterns in Australia)

 Australians tend to put directness before diplomacy and therefore can be considered
quite blunt on occasions. Directness is cherished in Australia and failure to say what
you mean and mean what you say can be mistaken for evasiveness and even
 It is important not to be too self-promotional when presenting to Australians.
 In Australia humor is acceptable in all situations even in business
 First names are always used in all business situations. Similarly, educational titles
play relatively little part in business situations.

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