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In a place where earthquakes are common, it is not unusual to feel the

ground shake. You might notice tiny ripples in your juice glass at
breakfast and then you might feel small vibrations through your chair.
Soon it’s quiet again. Chances are good it was just a common, small

-CPO Online Textbook page 270

Part 1: In this section, you will watch videos and read articles to answer
questions about earthquakes.
Directions: Click HERE to watch the Earthquakes and Volcanoes video by Da Vinci TV. Then, answer the

From the pressure from the magma, Rock/Stone Epicenter

the pressure cannot handle it, the
rock explodes violently
Directions: Click HERE to watch the Earthquakes 101 video from National Geographic. Then, answer the

Alaska, Japan, Afghanistan, Chile Man-made activities, Tectonic plates, Using Drills (like school Drills)
Directions: Click HERE to read the Earthquakes article by National Geographic Kids. Then, answer the

Hypocenter Are waves of energy that can Seismographs and Seismograms

shake the earth, shaking the
ground and destroying buildings
and houses in its path.
Early explorers noticed that many volcanoes were located near coastlines,
but they didn’t know why. Coastlines, plate tectonics, and volcanoes are
all related.

-CPO Online Textbook page 282

Part 2: In this section, you will watch videos and read articles to answer
questions about volcanoes.
Directions: Click HERE to read the Volcano article on the National Geographic Kids website. Then,
answer the questions.
*HINT* Click through the picture slideshow and read the captions.

Mudslide Basalt Mudflows, Lava Spills Under the earth

from the volcano,
Directions: Click HERE to watch Meet the Volcanoes video by PBS. Then, answer the questions.

Cinder-Cone Volcanoes Shield volcanoes Alternating lava flows, Tefra is ejected from the
and layers volcano and is causing
more pressure

Composite Volcano Composite Volcano Shield volcano

Directions: Click HERE to access the Volcanoes and Current Activity Reports page from the USGS website.
Then, answer the questions.

Pacific Pavlof Last 2 weeks

Directions: Click HERE to read the Earthquakes article by National Geographic Kids. Then, answer the

6 inches a year When a 2 plates scrape across each Landslides, flooding, tsunamis
other, causing a huge amount of

The shaking causing windows to break A great size California and Alaska
and buildings to crash

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