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Basic Counting Rule

• Suppose that r actions are to be represented

in a definite order.
• Further, suppose that there are possibilities
for the first action and there are possibilities
for the second action and so on.
• Then, there are … possibilities altogether
for the r action.


Example 1
 A drink order consists of a soft drink mixed
with a hard liquor, and topped with a wedge of
fruit. There are 12 soft drinks on tap, 6 hard
liquors available, and 3 different types of
wedge fruit (orange, lemon, and lime). How
many different drink orders can be made?

12 • 6 • 3 = 216
Example 2
 Five people are to sit in a car, 2 in
front and 3 at the back. How many
arrangements can be made if 2 do not
know how to drive?
3 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 = 72
Example 3
 Given 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,Repetition is not allowed
 How many 3-digit numbers can be formed?

6 • 5 • 4 = 120
 How many 3-digit even numbers can be formed?
4 • 5 • 1 = 20
 How many 3-digit odd numbers can be formed?
4 • 5 • 5 = 100
 How many 3-digit numbers are multiples of 5?
4 • 5 • 1 = 20
• An arrangement of a set m objects in a given
order of the object.

 Linear Permutation
 Permutation with Repetition
 Circular Permutation
Linear Permutation
It is the number of
permutation of m taken r at a
𝑷 ( 𝒎 ,𝒓 )=
( 𝒎− 𝒓 ) !
 In how many ways can a supermarket
manager display 5 brands of cereals in
3 spaces on a shelf?

Permutation with Repetition
The number of permutations of object
of which are alike are alike and so on
𝑷 ( 𝑚1 ,𝑚 2 ,… )=
𝑚1 ! 𝑚2 ! …
 In how many ways can the six letters of
the word "mammal" be arranged in a row?

 m = 3, a = 2, l = 1

𝑷 ( 𝑚 , 𝑎, 𝑙 )= =𝟔𝟎
Circular Permutation
In general, m objects can be
arranges in a circle in (m – 1)!
 In how many ways can 5 people
be arranged in a circle?

𝑷 ( 5 ) =( 𝟓 −𝟏 ) !=𝟒 !=𝟐𝟒
• A combination of r objects from a collection
of m objects is any unordered arrangement of
r distinct objects from the m objects.
𝑪 ( 𝒎, 𝒓 ) =
𝒓 ! ( 𝒎−𝒓 ) !
delegation of 4 students is
to attend a meeting:
a) In how many ways can the delegation be chosen
if there are 12 eligible students?
b) In how many ways can they be chosen if two
students will not attend the meeting together?
c) In how many ways can they be chosen if two
students will only attend the meeting together?
a) 12C4 = 495
b) 10C3 • 2C1= 240
c) 10C2 • 2C2= 45
student is to answer 10 out of 13
in an exam.
a) How many choices has he?
b) How many choices has he if165 he must answer
the first two questions?
c) How many choices has he if he must answer 110
one of the first two questions but not both?
d) How many choices has he if he must 80 answer
exactly 3 of the first 5 questions?
226 at
e) How many choices has he if he must answer
least 3 of the first 5 questions?
f) How many choices has he if he must answer10 at
most 2 of the first five questions?

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