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University schoolof management

 institue of Business Administration

University of perpignan via Domitia

52, avenue Paul Alduy – 66860 perpignan CEDEX FRANCE

( 33 ) (0) 4 68 68 1793 (33) (0) 4 68 66 17 89

Out line


I. Definition of the competitive intelligence

II. Competitive Intelligence as a Recognized Business Practice

III. Competitive intelligence a key position to be more effective?

IV. Benefits of competitive intelligence and approaches

V. Global methodology and competitive intelligence assets

VI. Conclusion


The problem

How competitive intelligence evolve to be a key solution to be more effective?

Définitions of the compétitive intelligence



Knowledge management


What knowledge Management is not ?

Knowledge Management does not aim "knowledge of

the environment of the company or the strategic
development models "as Pierre specifies BROUSTE
and Dominique COTTE. These functions are
provided by strategic watch or Economic
Knowledge management a solution miracle ?

 Interdependence between Knowledge Management and a country's culture

Knowledge management a solution miracle ?

 Knowledge management’s challenges

Unspoken knowledge Unspoken knowledge

Unspoken knowledge Explicit knowledge

Socialization Externalisation

Internatisation Combination
Unspoken knowledge Explicit knowledge

Explicit knowledge Explicit knowledge

The benefits of knowledge management approach

The challenges of a Knowledge Management approach relate to four aspects Major

 Production optimization / Increased productivity

 Decision support
 Valuing the skills of individuals :
 common skills vs unique
 skills that can be easily acquired vs those that take years to come experience or training
 skills that are rewarding and others less so.
 Support for innovation
Reviews of Knowledge Management

 Key brakes on knowledge management implementation

Implementation brakes Knowledge Management Respondent rate (%)

Poor understanding of concepts 55%

Knowledge Management's profits,
inadequate communication.
Lack of time 47%
Lack of support and conviction 34%
Difficulty in changing the culture of 34
The company
Too many projects in progress 29%
successful implementation of the knowledge management

For a company that wishes to develop a Knowledge

Management methodology in order to to capitalize and
promote the knowledge of its employees. she must
respect two strategies
A global methodology

The recurring steps in a Knowledge Management approach are:

 Choosing the method as needed

 Defining Knowledge Management's approach and assessing
 Changes to be implemented
 Setting up knowledge management's approach.
Knowledge management’s success depend on individuals

 Leaders must have a global vision, providing a framework for mobilizing the Maximum actors
 Projects must be federated. A community of actors must be created
 facilitate a participatory approach
 Cross-cutting projects must come together to form a coherent whole
 Achieving the company's common and global goal
 Leaders need to adapt a training and coaching framework to help
 make the job easier.

The Knowledge Manager has various skills, aptitudes and know-how. He must adapt to different environments and application areas within companies.
Communication, thoroughness, analysis and adaptation are necessary skills. The Knowledge Manager must therefore identify, manage knowledge and
coordinate the network between different actors. It must make the link between knowledge, experts and their roles in the company. Management
qualities are essential, as is mastery of tools and project management.

• file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/4_Knowledge_ManagemenT

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