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Members of the group:

1. Ria Anggi Damayanti
2. Olva Mediasari (A1B019019)
3. Vimi Lia Sari (A1B018014)
4. Mareta Sutanti (A1B019020)
5. Amara Aulia Putri (A1B019018)

Field experience programs are

essentially doing/providing learning to
someone or several people in the form
of knowledge or others.
The field experience program is

1. It is carried out by someone with guidance in conducting the

field experience program.

2. Exhibited Exercise in Teaching

3. Aims to Gain Teaching Skills

4. One of the Requirements to Fulfil a Program

B. Objectives Of The Field Experience Program

In the purpose of conducting this field experience program, it is divided into two, general
objectives and specific objectives. In general, the objectives of the field experience
program are:

1. To guide prospective teachers towards the formation of a person who has values.

2. Guiding prospective teachers so that their personality in education or some teachers are
good and loyal to their profession.

3. Guiding prospective teachers to appreciate and be skilled in all teaching activities.

In specific, the objectives of the field experience program are:

A prospective teacher through the field experience program can contribute and develop their
knowledge according to their profession
Based on the above objectives, in order to get a skill in teaching, of course there are conditions that must be met
first by a prospective teacher. As for these conditions, it can be divided into two broad lines.

1. Physical readiness:

In terms of physical readiness, there are several things to consider, among others.

a. The condition of the body that is really healthy (physical fitness) is mentally ready.

b. Neatness and harmony are always evident.

c. Outward attitude that is natural and not artificial.

2. Non-physical readiness

There are several components that must be considered by prospective teachers to be ready and able to provide the
learning process:

d. Mastering the material well

e. Mastering learning methodologies

f. Mastering communication techniques with others in the form of multi-communication

C. Advantage of Practical Field Experience

The advantage of practical field experience for prospective

teachers are directly as a guide and material for consideration
in teaching, so that they are physically and mentally prepared
to face problems that arise in the field. Especially for
prospective teachers, teaching practice is useful for training
the habituation of prospective teachers in realizing the
knowledge that has been obtained while in lectures.
D. Scope of the Field Experience

Program Micro learning is carried out in classrooms and micro

teaching laboratories, while field experience program activities are
carried out in the form of teaching activities in madrasas or schools
that have been previously regulated by UPT-PPL. While in the
field, students or prospective teachers are guided by one of the
supervisors as Field Supervisors education and a teacher who acts as
a tutor who meets the requirements. Field experience program
activities are not only teaching practice, but also participating in
non-teaching activities.
E. Technical Implementation of Field Experience

Consists of:
1. Exam System
2. Apprentice System
F. Teaching Practice Steps

Consists Five Steps:

1. Mental Orientation
2. Observation
3. Trial
4. Participation
5. Evaluation
G. Person In Charge Of Internship

Those who are directly responsible for

implementing teaching practices are the
civil servant teachers, supervisors, field
supervisors, and school principals.
H. Student and supervisor requirements in
1. Students participating in the field experience program meet the following requirements:

a. Have completed 110 credits for S1 and 70 credits for DII, by attaching a photocopy of the last
semester KHS.

b. Has passed educational science courses

c. Has passed the micro teaching course.

d. Registered as a student in their respective faculties and departments.

e. Follow the debriefing before being deployed to the practice field.

f. Make observations to schools before carrying out practical activities in the field.

g. During PPL activities, face-to-face lectures are not allowed except for KKN and Thesis
2. Requirements For Tutors And Field Supervisors:

a. Teachers who are interested and willing to become tutors.

b. Understand the concept of the field experience program.

c. Have a certification of expertise in the field of education.

d. Willing to spend time in guiding students continuously and consistently.

e. Good personality and can be imitated by students.

f. Willing to provide opportunities for PPL students to apply learning innovations.

g. Permanent teachers (already civil servants) and relevant and experienced experts in their fields at
least 2 years.

h. Have a minimum educational background of S1, a minimum of 5 years of service.

i. Have a background in education.

3. Requirements for Supervisor:

a. Have a training certificate held by the LPTK (Educational Education Personnel Institute)

b. Lecturers who are interested and understand about PPL

c. Willing to carry out PPL duties as a whole

d. Willing to take the time to guide PPL students consistently.

e. Have a certificate and diploma of expertise (deed IV) and education.

f. Preferably permanent lecturers and holding subjects relevant to PPL

g. Have a minimum educational background of class IIIc or d for S1 qualifications.

h. Free for lecturers who have S2 and S3 Education qualifications

I. Management of Internship II

1. Coach
2. Committees
3. Supervisors
4. Teachers
5. College student
J. Report Writing Technique
The paper is made in the form of a case study, with the aim of reporting student
activities during internship 2 and also whether or not students pass in internship

Systematics of Writing:

a. Beginning part b. Middle part: c. Final part

- Cover - Introduction - Conclusion

- Authentication Page - Case study - Suggestion

- Preface - Discussion - Bibliography

- Table of contents - Appendix

- List of Tables
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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