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Andrea Dibe, Martina Carluccio and Pilar López

What it’s a diet?
• Diet is the alimentary habit that constitutes the feeding
of living beings that form different nutritional behaviors.
• Nowadays, different types of diets have become popular
that not only lead to health or nutrition, but also are
based on the appreciation of animal life, pollution and
other factors that affect the environment or living
beings .

• Basic diets: Are the diets in which no changes, are

made in terms of their composition in nutrients or
energy. There are the diets that healthy and sick
people follow.

• Therapeutic diets: Are diets in which composition in

nutrients or energy is altered when there is a
disease or pathological situation.
Different types of human diets
• Omnivorism
• Carnivorism
• Vegetarianism
- Lacteo ovo vegetarianismo
- Lacto vegetarianism
- Ovo vegetarianism
- Pescatarian
• Veganism
Different types of human diets
• Omnivorous diet: It’s the most used diet by the humans, it consists in a wild range of food,
like cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, grains.
• Carnivorous diet: If the foods of animals origin are the predominant. It´s common in the
human species.
• Vegetarian: Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat
(red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include
abstention from by-products of animal slaughter, instead, they rely on a variety of plant-
based foods for good health and eating enjoyment.
• There are many types of vegetarians such as:
• Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume red meat, white meat, fish
or fowl. However, lacto-ovo vegetarians do consume dairy products and egg products. This
is the most common type of vegetarian and the easiest one to start a fully vegetarian diet.
Different types of human diets
• Ovo vegetarian diet: This diet consists of an alimentation based on vegetables, fruit,
legumes, cereals and only one product of animal origin: eggs. Although people who follow
this diet continue to use products from animals such as funks, products tested on animals and
• Lacto Vegetarian: Lacto-vegetarians do not eat red or white meat, fish, fowl or eggs.
However, lacto-vegetarians do consume dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt.
• Pescatarian (Pescetarian): While technically not a type of vegetarian, these individuals do
restrict their meat consumption to fish and seafood only. Pescatarians do not consume red
meat, white meat or fowl. This is considered a “semi-vegetarian” or “flexitarian” diet.
• Vegan: Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and
practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any
Complements of protein, calcium, iron,
and vitamin B-12
• Soy products such as • Peanuts
• Tofu • Almonds
• Tempeh • Spirulina
• Edamame • Quinoa
• Lentils • Chia sedes
• Chickpeas • Beans with rice
Conclution and Advice
• Our conclusion is that it is your decision that lifestyle you have, no one can send you, but
respecting the environment and other living beings should not be a matter of discussion. Is
it our responsibility as human beings to respect the lives of everyone and everything, then
why do not we pay attention to how badly animals are passed in slaughterhouses or how
most of the food we consume day by day is produced? If we were a little more aware of this,
we could improve ourselves and their lives.
• Many believe that vegan or vegetarian diets are a fad, but for example vegetarianism exists
since ancient Greece, followers of Pythagoras were vegetarians (pitagorica diet). This is not
a fashion or is it proper to this century, thanks to the access to information and networks
have had a greater impact in this century

If you have a disease like being a celiac, you can not follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. Always
recommend if you want to change diet go to a nutritionist professed in that diet.

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