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>>My invention

I’ve been thinking a lot about inventions we
all need to have in our lives to make it
simpler and decided to share my ideas to you
using this presentation showing things that
might be very helpful and practical!
>>color copier pen<< +form detector

First of all, >>color copier pen<<this

device would be very handy for artists,
kids and everyone who is somehow
associated with drawing. it makes it easy
to pick a color, and instead of mixing
them and working too hard for nothing
this way you can easily choose whatever
color you want by touching an item with
the point of the pen which detects the
color. very easy and convenient.
Fond d’écran virtuel
The average person has between 4-7 dreams
per night. But most of them are not
remembered, or forgotten moments after
waking. So wouldn’t it be nice to be able
to record your dreams and play them
back in 3D High Definition the next day?
You could even filter them by category:
funny, scary and so on. If your dream is
really good then you could upload it to
YouTube or broadcast it, or even produce
a movie about it.
Of course there are many dreams that you
may not want to remember, so the dream
recording invention would simply delete

“to help all the girls with choosing their outfits i

came up with such an invention, which might not
be so small in size but really useful. everyday we
complain about having absolutely no clothes to
wear or we simply change our style so quickly
that updating wardrobe becomes really difficult.
so i present to you a machine which is capable of
printing any kind of print on a material in less
than 2 minutes. you can even print three and more
times on the same fabric and nothing will get
messed up. amazing right?!
or a machine which
chooses what outfit you
should wear today,
according to the
weather, plans, events...
you just need to connect
it to the weather
forecast program and
dictate all your plans. a
piece of cake!
Thank you for your attention! Any
questions I could possibly answer

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