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Pickle Jar Theory

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Demonstration : Pickle Jar Theory
• Demonstrate the pickle jar theory to the participants with the props given :
• Pickle Jar Theory:
• The Pickle Jar Theory is an effective scheduling skill we can adopt on a day to day basis. We have many things that have to be fit
into our life everyday, and if arranged correctly, they can all fit into an organized schedule.
•  The theory goes like this. First you take a jar and fill it with large rocks till you can fit no more rocks. Then you take a handful of
pebbles and put it in the jar till it settles in. Now you add some sand which settles in between the rocks and pebbles. And now
when you think there is no more place left you add water till the jar is completely full.
•  This pickle jar represents our life and the time we have, we can bring balance and effectiveness in our daily activities by following
the simple 4 steps below:
•  Step 1: First put your rocks in the jar:  Our rocks represent our high priority goals in life. Once we know what they are we need to
put these priorities first on our scheduling list.
• Step 2: Put in the Pebbles next: The pebbles represent activities that we enjoy, activities like our hobbies that help us to relax and
make our lives more fulfilled so that we do not miss out on the fun of living
• Step 3: Then Put in the Sand: The sand represent our day to day chores. Things that are routine and must be done on daily basis.
• Step 4: Finally add the water: The water represents things that clutter our lives and forcefully get into our day to day lives . These
are distractions that force themselves into our schedules
•  This is the essence of the Pickle Jar Theory. By first ensuring that your large priorities are tackled, scheduled, and done for the
day, you can then let the smaller but less important things in until you have somehow allowed time in your day for everything you
needed to do, while still relaxing and having fun.

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