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Nationalism is an ideology movement of beliefs aimed at German nationalism began as a result of the Reformation. The invention of a symbolic national identity became the
gaining a nation's interests, particularly its sovereignty Especially during the Napoleonic Wars, Pancermenism was Despite all their sophistication,civilization and concern of racial, ethnic or linguistic groups throughout
and self-government, and then maintaining them introduced, and with it, the nationalist movement was culture,the British have a nationalism that knocks Europe as they struggled to come to terms with the rise
indefinitely. For nationalists, the priority value is the supported and grown. Pan-Germanism was also an the doors of racism. of mass politics, the decline of the traditional social elites,
spiritual and cultural unity of the people. Even a intellectual and political movement that sought to gather British nationalism has been a nationalism that has popular discrimination.Within the monarchy the different
nationalist sees his own country as a country superior to the Germanic nations under a single administrative roof.
other countries, and may think that the people of this
accomplished assimilation most succesfully in its peoples developed a more mass-based, radical and
In other words, it is the same as nationalism in terms of its
country are the most superior race in the world. history and has been able to impose its culture and exclusive form of nationalism. This developed even
aims. German nationalism caused the establishment of the
Nationalism is to love their own homeland, to protect values to the world in the best way.  among the Germans and Magyars, who actually benefited
German Union, and the motivation of this union to have a
national values, to protect its culture, to be fully more privileged place in the system by finding support with from the power-structure of the empire. On the European
independent, to oppose everything that is not native. the establishment of the Italian Union led to the First periphery, especially in Ireland and Norway, campaigns
World War and beyond that to Hitler's fascism and the for national independence became more strident. 
shaping of the modern world like the Second World War. It
has directly caused all other events and phenomena that
will cause it to occur. When considered in such a historical
causality and thought deeply, the first spark of the events
seems to be in the French Revolution, because the French
Revolution had a great influence on the formation of
German nationalism. Germany wanted to put pressure on
other countries and dominate them, so it turned to fascism.


The first clear expression of nationalism came with the
French Revolution.The political and constitutional
changes that came in the wake of the French Revolution
led to the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a England has established a serious AS A RESULT,
body of French citizens. The revolution proclaimed that it hegemony in the world starting from its Nationalism,which has become the dominant
was the people who would henceforth constitute the own islands.They first gathered all other political thought style in Europe since the early
nation and shape its destiny. From the very beginning, the nations and tribes under their own 19th century and all over the world since the 20th
French revolutionaries introduced various measures and
practices that could create a sense of collective identity FASCISM IN GERMANY
rule,and then made them to forget their century,has caused German Fascism.Nationalism is
amongst the French people. The ideas of the fatherland language,as the Turks did in a many-sided and potent political ideology, though
National socialism, the other name of Fascism in we can pinpoint some general characteristics shared
and the citizen emphasised the notion of a united Germany, is a popular movement based on the idea of Anatolia.That’s why today Scots,Irish
community enjoying equal rights under a constitution. people only speak English,rather than by all nationalist movements.
community unity based on a common power union.
The French Revolution constitutes the first core of the
concept of 'nationalism'. In the following years, this
National socialism, which has this philosophy, determines their own.Today’s England is still a racist REFERENCES
the unity of people forming a single society in the place,despite the efforts of the last 50
ideological concept spread to Central Europe and South political spirit of national solidarity that will bring the

America at the beginning of the 19th century and people into a whole. While conveying the ideologies of years.For example,although blacks in the's_growth_and_export
expanded to Asian countries at the beginning of the 20th Barrès, who was the intellectual leader of the doctrine, he UK are around five percent of the

century. II. After the World War II, after the countries that
spoke of the need for German workers to fight classically population,the proportion of blacks in
declared independence one by one, it also showed its not with the employer class at home, but directly with
effectiveness in Asia and Africa. prisons is many times higher than this
foreign powers outside the country.

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