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Juniper(blue star)  The highest-known juniper forest occurs at an

altitude of 16,000 ft (4,900 m) in southeastern 
Tibet and the northern Himalayas, creating one
of the highest tree-lines on earth.

• Growth: 1-2Feet
• Uses : Indoor purpose
-It has a dense growth habit with small
oval dark green leaves in a glossy finish.

Growth: 3 to 30 feet in height.

Uses : topiary or hedging

its soil to be kept moist but well-

Japanese Laurel
It has green leaves spotted with gold splashes,
though these are at their most vibrant when the
plant is grown in full sun.

Growth: 6 feet after 10 years.

Uses : For indoor use.

It thrives in most soil types and will grow in shade or sun.

Emerald Gaiety
(Fycus Star)
It thrives in full sun to part shade and a wide
range of soils so long as they are well-draining. 

Growth: 3 to 5 feet
Uses : happily climb up a wall or
fence if it has support.

This plant is dark green with creamy colored margins.

Ixora Plant (Sunny
These plants feature large clusters of red,
yellow, white, or orange flowers that emerge
like puffballs from the evergreen leaves.

Growth: 2 to 3 feet
Uses : Shaded porches, patios or
pool sides or as a flowering bush in

One of the best things about ixora is that it flowers

through-out the year.
Pakhar Tree
It has two marked growth periods in its
Indian environment: in spring (February
to early May), and in the time of the
monsoon rains (i.e. June to early

Growth: 12 feet to 40 feet

Uses : highly aromatic and are

widely used in cooking.

The new leaves are a beautiful shade of reddish pink and very
pleasing to the eye.
Golden Cypress
Golden cypress has drooping branches filled with
scale-like foliage that resembles long threads. The
foliage lights up the garden with it bright golden-
green, almost chartreuse, color. Golden
cypress is a slow-growing plant that can take 20
years to reach its mature size.

Growth: 3 to 6 feet.
Uses: Improve the health of the
respiratory tracts. Boost the health of your

Cypress trees need water most in spring when they enter a growth spurt and in fall just before they go
Golden duranta
 It tolerates strong winds, and can
grow in any light conditions, including
full shade, and also thrives in almost
any type of soil.

Growth: 18 feet tall and 30 feet


Uses : To producing large hedging

around a property.

This evergreen shrub grows at a medium rate and is commonly known as cherry laurel. 
A beautiful plant that makes your
life more beautiful and gives
positivity all around.

Growth:easy to grow as long as you provide

them with well-drained soil and a spot in full sunlight. 

Hibiscus Care: Water and Sunlight.

Uses:used to make herbal tea,  positive
impact on cholesterol and blood pressure.

Outdoors during warm months and overwintered indoors.

Camellias are evergreen shrubs with very
attractive flowers, normally in late winter /
early spring. For the first two years they
require some attention, watering in
particular, to become established.

Growth:  2 to 3 metres tall.

Uses: Major commercial importance
because tea is made from its leaves.

Are known for their spectacular flowers, handsome foliage and tolerance for shade, they are conspicuously
short on scent.
Jasmine flower is one of the most beautiful and
fragrant amongst all flowering plants in Asia.
The flower is also referred to as Kundumalligai,
Arabian Jasmine, Jai, Jui, Chameli, Madanban,
Sayali, Kunda or Mallika.

Growth: Can get 15 feet tall

Uses: To make medicine,liver


Jasmine plants prefer sun to light shade sites with well-draining and moderately fertile soil.
Gardenias are beautifull and serve better
fragrance,usually perform best in full sun but
may appreciate shade during the hottest part of
the day in the warmest parts of their hardiness

Growth: 5 to 9 feet tall.

Uses:   Applied to the skin for bleeding,
wound healing, sprains, and muscle soreness.

Gardenias produce flower buds in late summer and fall for the next year's blooms.
Golden Bamboo
Golden bamboo grows best in full sun and
moist, well-drained soil. Dig a hole as deep as
the plant's container and twice as wide as the
root ball. Place the plant in the hole, then
backfill with soil mixed with mulch. Water

Growth:  Height of 100 feet and

width of 1 foot within two months.

Uses: It is often planted to create

privacy between properties.

Care and maintenance can potentially be more involved depending on the species and pot sizes

Honey suckle
Honeysuckle has a beautiful aroma when in
bloom. The flowers have a sweet nectar that is
delicious, but that is the only part of the plant you
should eat. The berries are poisonous.

Growth: 5 to 15 feet.
Uses: Digestive disorders
including pain and swelling.

Plant extract that functions as an skin-soothing agent.

All jasmine need a fertile, well-drained soil in
full or partial sun. Summer jasmine needs a
sheltered spot, full sun and a south- or south
west-facing aspect. Winter jasmine is more
tolerant of partial shade and a south east or
north west aspect.

Growth:15 feet tall

Uses: Medicine, cirrhosis, and
abdominal pain.

If the garden is filled with trees, the gardener must carefully trim them on a regular basis in order to
make sure that jasmine stays in the sunshine.
Occasionally called trumpet flower, is a
beautiful native, semi-evergreen,
climbing, woody, vine.

Growth: 50 feets height,6-7 feet


Uses: Butterflies and hummingbirds

are attracted to flowers.

Place the bundle in the hole, cover with gardening soil and water the area.
Bellflower plants are grown from seed. They can be
directly seeded into your flower garden or started
indoors for transplanting later. If planting outdoors,
sow Bellflowers seeds after the soil has begun to
warm in the spring.

Growth: 4-6 ft.

Uses: For treatment of diabetes,
digestive problems, control of yeast infections,
as powerful diuretic, vermifuge and tonic.

Fertilize tecoma plants with any organic fertilizer once in every two months.

Morning Glory
Morning glories prefer full sun but will tolerate
very light shade. The plants are also well known
for their tolerance to poor, dry soils. In fact,
the plant can easily establish itself in any slightly
disturbed area, including garden edges, fence rows
and roadsides where the vine is commonly
seen growing.

Growth: 15 feet tall.

Uses: for its medicinal uses

Grow best on fertile soil, don't over fertilize your plants or you'll get mostly leaves, fewer flowers and they will bloom
later in the season. Keep the plants weeded. 
Boston Ivy
Boston Ivy is unique in how it attaches
to structures and surfaces. The best time
to plant Boston ivy is spring or fall. This
is a hardy plant that will be able to grow
even if planted in the summer;
however, will need plenty of water and
well drained soil.

Growth:6-8 feet a year.

Uses: Attaching to masonry and
wooden surfaces.

Range of sun exposure, well-watered, Mulching.(Totally outdoor)

Moonflowers may take five or six months to
bloom after planting, which is why you should
plant the seeds in late February or early March.

Growth: 5-8 feet.

Uses: Large white flowers attract
night flying moths and close when touched
by the sun.

Give them a spot with full sun in loose, well-drained soil. While moonflowers will grow in a variety of soils, even in dry, poor soil,
you can work a small amount of compost into the soil.
Virginia creeper will grow in shade or sun, in
most soil types and is salt tolerant. Since it is
rated as hardy from zone 3 to 9, it can be found
throughout much of North America. Virginia
creeper is extremely useful to wildlife.

Growth: can reach up to 20

meters high.

Uses: Used as a ground cover to

control soil erosion in shaded areas and
on slopes. 

 In a wide-range of soils as long as they stay moist. Water plants well and mulch with bark mulch. 
After about a month, the plant starts to grow into a shrub with
branches in the main truck. And flower may start to appear.
There is two type of flowers, namely the single pedal and the double

Growth: 3-7feet,8-15feet.

 Improve eyesight.
 Improve hair growth.
 Improve skin.
 Aphrodisiac.
 Antioxidant.
 Nootropic.
 Diuretic.
 Analgesic

 But beware of overwatering. Spurred butterfly pea vines are drought tolerant and, once established, require
supplemental irrigation only during periods of hot, dry weather.
Bougainvillea should be planted on higher ground or
hillsides, not in water-logged or low areas where water
might collect. They will grow best when given enough
space to spread out, and should be planted in
an area that will allow them a minimum of 5-6 hours of
sunlight every day.

Growth: 2-7Feet.

 Helps treat a cough. ...
 Alleviates a sore throat. ...
 Used for hepatitis. ...
 Effective body detoxifier. ...
 Helps ease joint pain. ...
 Helps in relieving fever.

To keep the soil moist. Once the plant is established, it blooms best if the soil is a little on the
dry side. Water the plant until liquid drips through the drainage hole, then don't water again until
the potting mixture feels slightly dry.
Keep the soil moist, but don't overwater. Make sure
your container drains readily. Position
your container in full sun, unless you live in an area
with steady, intense heat. If that's the case, place
your vine in partial shade.

Growth: Can easily grow 20


Uses: For insomnia, stress,

attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), pain, and many other conditions.

It will thrive in any soil type and is not fussy about acidity or alkalinity. Full sun or dappled shade is best, with shelter from cold,
drying winds. A south, south-west or west-facing wall is ideal.
Poinsettia plant
Care begins with proper light, water,
and temperature conditions. During the
holidays, relocate the poinsettia plant to
a cool, dark area until spring or around

Growth: 6 to 10 inches.

Uses : use to make a place

pretty better.

Keep the plant in a cool, draft-free area and provide plenty of water.(Indoor Plant)
Aglaonema Lipstick
The darker green varieties can grow in near
shade, while the variegated varieties require
brighter light. Do not expose to direct sun.
This plant will do quite well with just
artificial lighting.

Growth: 3 to 4 feet

Uses : Highly decorative plant & one

of the most used interior landscape plant.
Also suitable for Container, Hanging Basket,
Office Space.

They are slow growing and will only need repotting every other year.

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