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Did Jesus Died

on the Cross?
Evidence for the Death of Jesus (and
His resurrection)

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Evidence for Death (and Resurrection)
• Jesus died on the cross
• Number of ancient sources
• Probability of surviving crucifixion is very low
• Medical opinions being unanimous in the death of Jesus
• Even Jesus will survive from crucifixion, it will not be convinced that He has risen
• Jesus has risen from the dead
• The tomb was empty
• Post-resurrection appearances
• Bonus: The Theological Dilemma in Islam if Surah 4:157 is true
Jesus Died by Crucifixion Evidence 101

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Jesus’ Death • His death was predicted many times in the
Gospel accounts (Matthew 17:22-23; Luke
was Predicted 18:31-32; John 2:19-21) and He is willing to
give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew
in the Old 20:28; John 10:14-18)

Testament and • His death was predicted in the Old Testament

Scriptures (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; Daniel 9:26;
Jesus’ words Zechariah 12:10)
From then on Jesus began to point out to His disciples
that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things
from the elders, chief priests, and scribes, be killed, and

be raised the third day. — Matthew 16:21

Prediction As they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus

commanded them, “Don’t tell anyone about the vision

from Jesus until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.” —
Matthew 17:9

Himself As they were meeting in Galilee, Jesus told them, “The

Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of
men. They will kill Him, and on the third day He will be
raised up.” And they were deeply distressed. —
Matthew 17:22, 23
“Listen! We are going up to Jerusalem. The Son of Man
will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes,
and they will condemn Him to death. Then they will
hand Him over to the Gentiles to be mocked, flogged,
and crucified, and He will be resurrected on the third
day.” — Matthew 20:18, 19

The Prediction
from Jesus “But after I have been resurrected, I will go ahead of
you to Galilee.” — Matthew 26:32

They kept this word to themselves, discussing what
“rising from the dead” meant. — Mark 9:10
• So the Jews replied to Him, “What sign of
authority will You show us for doing these
things?” Jesus answered, “Destroy this
The sanctuary, and I will raise it up in three
days.” Therefore the Jews said, “This
Prediction sanctuary took 46 years to build, and will
from Jesus You raise it up in three days?” But He was
speaking about the sanctuary of His body.
Himself So when He was raised from the dead, His
disciples remembered that He had said this.
And they believed the Scripture and the
statement Jesus had made. — John 2:18–22
Other Bible Passages concerning Crucifixion

• As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and
they forced him to carry the cross. 33 They came to a place called
Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”). 34 There they offered
Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to
drink it. 35 When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by
casting lots. 36 And sitting down, they kept watch over him
there. 37 Above his head they placed the written charge against
him: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS. (Matthew 27:32-37)
Other Bible Passages concerning Crucifixion

• A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and

Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced
him to carry the cross. 22 They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha
(which means “the place of the skull”). 23 Then they offered him wine
mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. 24 And they crucified him.
Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get. (Mark
Other Bible Passages concerning Crucifixion

• Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be
executed. 33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified
him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his
left. 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
are doing.”[c] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. (Luke
Other Bible Passages concerning Crucifixion

•  Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in
Aramaic is called Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him, and with him
two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle. (John 19:17-18)
Jesus’ execution is reported in a number of
ancient sources
• In addition to the four Gospel accounts and number of letters contained in the
New Testament, all of which were written in the 1st century, the execution of
Jesus is even reported by a number of ancient non-Christian sources.
• Josephus (late 1st century)
• Tacitus (early 2nd century)
• Lucian of Samosata (early to mid 2nd century)
• Mara Bar Serapion (2nd to 3rd century)
• The fact that these non-Christians mentioned Jesus in their writings shows that
Jesus’ death was known outside of Christian circles and was not something
Christians invented.
The probability of surviving crucifixion was very low

• Crucifixion and the torture that many times preceded it may have been the
worst way to die in antiquity.
• Concerning to the scourging, a number of ancient sources describe it, such
as Josephus, a Jewish historian in the 1st century who tells of a man who had
been whipped so severely that he was filleted to the bone.
• Even if Jesus had been removed prematurely and medically assisted, His
chances of survival were bleak.
• No evidence exists that Jesus was removed while alive or that He was
provided any medical care whatsoever.
From Journal of American
Medical Association
Professional medical opinions are unanimous in concluding
that Jesus died as a result of being crucified
• Breaking the legs of a crucified victim would prevent them from pushing up
against the nail in their feet, an excruciating move, in order to make it easier to
breath, albeit temporarily.
• Due to the trauma already experienced by a crucified victim, once he had died on
a cross from a lack of oxygen and had remained dead in that position for 5
minutes, there would be no chance of resuscitating him.
• The Gospel of John reports that one of the guards pierced Jesus to confirm that
He was already dead (John 19:34-37), a practice likewise mentioned by
Quintillian, a Roman historian in the 1st century.
Even if Jesus had somehow managed to survive crucifixion, he would
not have inspired his disciples to believe he had been resurrected

• Imagine Jesus, half dead in the tomb. He revives out of coma and finds himself
afraid in the dark. He places His nail-pierced hands on the very heavy stone
blocking His exit and pushes it out of the way.
• He is met by the guards and beats them up, after which He walks blocks if not
miles on pierced and wounded feet in order to find His disciples.
• He comes to the house where disciples are staying and knocks on the door. Peter
opens the door and sees Jesus hunched over in His pathetic and mutilated state.
• Was He alive? Barely. Risen? No way
• An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded:
• Clearly, the weight of historical and medical evidence indicates that
Jesus was dead before the wound to his side was inflicted and supports
the traditional view that the spear, thrust between his right rib, probably
perforated not only the right lung but also the pericardium and heart and
thereby ensured his death. Accordingly, interpretations based on the
assumption that Jesus did not die on the cross appear to be at odds with
modern medical knowledge.
According to Critical Scholars…

• Jesus’ death as a consequence of crucifixion is indisputable. (Lüdemann,

RC, 50)
• So let’s put our facts up front in order to begin our search here. What do
we know about Jesus of Nazareth . . . ? The single most solid fact about
Jesus’ life is his death: he was executed by the Roman prefect Pilate, on
or around Passover, in the manner Rome reserved particularly for
political insurrectionists, namely, crucifixion. (Fredriksen, JNKJ, 8)
• That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be, since
both Josephus and Tacitus . . . agree with the Christian accounts on this
basic fact. (Crossan, Jesus, 145)
• The crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans is one of the most secure facts
we have about his life. Whenever anyone writes a book about the
historical Jesus, it is really (really, really) important to see if what they
say about his public ministry can make sense of his death. (Ehrman,
WWJK, website)
• I take it absolutely for granted that Jesus was crucified under Pontius
Pilate. Security about the fact of the crucifixion derives not only from
the unlikelihood that Christians would have invented it but also from the
existence of two early and independent non-Christian witnesses to it, a
Jewish one from 93–94 C.E. and a Roman one from the 110s or 120s
C.E. (Crossan, HJ, 372)
Evidence for the Jesus was

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The Empty
The most powerful argument favoring the empty tomb
concerns its location and the events surrounding it

The most mentioned argument in support of the Gospel

accounts is the unanimous agreement that women were the
first witnesses to the empty tomb
The tomb
was empty While the empty tomb accounts in the Gospel accounts are
later than Paul’s writings, it is crucially important that the
empty tomb accounts are witnessed by many

Most recent scholars seem to agree that, while Paul does not
explicitly mention the empty tomb, the early tradition that
this apostle reported to others in 1 Corinthians 15:3–4
implies an empty tomb.
Many scholars also concede that Acts 13 may very well
contain another early tradition, an early sermon account
that was included in a book that was written at a later

According to reports found in Matthew 28:11–15, Justin

The tomb Martyr, and Tertullian, for almost two centuries or more,
the Jewish leaders tried to explain that the tomb was
was empty empty because Jesus’s disciples stole his body.

A word should be said about the scholarly thesis of N. T.

Wright and others. In the ancient world—whether pagan,
Jewish, or Christian— writings up until the second century
AD were in complete agreement that the very definition
of resurrection was clearly a bodily notion.
Post-resurrection Apperances
The post-resurrection appearances
• First, for a number of reasons, when recent scholars
discuss the resurrection appearances of Jesus, they begin
with the apostle Paul. He had been a powerful opponent of the
early Christian message (1 Cor. 15:9; Gal. 1:13–14; Phil. 3:4–7).
• Second, beyond his scholarly and eyewitness testimony,
Paul contributes far more to a case for Jesus’s
resurrection appearances.
• Third, Paul was so careful to assure the truth of the
gospel message that he returned to Jerusalem fourteen
years after this initial visit (see Gal. 2:1–10).
The post-resurrection appearances
• Fourth, in 1 Corinthians 15:11, Paul added still another layer of
personal testimony. Paul asserts that he also knew what the
others were preaching. And as they had confirmed his message years
before, Paul now testified that they also taught the same truth that he did
regarding Jesus’s resurrection appearances (1 Cor. 15:11).
• Fifth, besides 1 Corinthians 15:3, scholars usually agree that
many other New Testament books also contain early traditions
that predate the texts in which they appear.
• Sixth, virtually no one, friend or foe, believer or critic, denies that
it was their convictions that they had seen the resurrected Jesus
that caused the disciples’ radical transformations. They were
willing to die specifically for their resurrection belief.
The post-resurrection appearances
• Seventh, it is almost always acknowledged that during Jesus’s ministry,
his brother James was a skeptic (see John 7:5). He was probably one of the
family members in Mark 3:21–35 who thought that Jesus was insane! But how do
we account for the surprising reports that James later led the Jerusalem church
(Gal. 1:18–2:10; Acts 15:13–21)? According to the creedal comment in 1
Corinthians 15:7, Jesus appeared to James, yet another pointer to a resurrection
• Eighth, the tomb in which Jesus was buried was found empty shortly
afterward. The early apostolic preaching of the resurrection began in Jerusalem,
where a closed or occupied tomb would have been disastrous! Moreover, the
unanimous agreement that women were the earliest witnesses to the empty
tomb is another strong consideration, since the widespread prejudice against
female testimony indicates that the reports were not invented.
The post-resurrection appearances
• Ninth, that Jesus’s resurrection was the very center of
early Christian faith also indicates its reality, since, for
this reason, it was repeatedly affirmed by believers and
challenged by unbelievers.
• Last, two thousand years of attempts by nonbelievers to
explain what happened to Jesus in natural terms have
failed. The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem had the power, motive,
and location to investigate thoroughly the proclamation of the
resurrection appearances. They knew of Jesus’s death and his
burial. Though they were ideally situated to expose the error,
they did not refute the evidence.
Did the Disciples and Paul Experience Appearances of Jesus?

Appeared to Where When References

1 Mary Magdalene Jerusalem Sunday Mark 6:9-11; John 20:11-18
2 Other Women Jerusalem Sunday Matt 28:9-10
3 Peter Jerusalem Sunday Luke 24:32; 1 Cor. 15:5
4 Emmaus disciples Emmaus Sunday Luke 24:13-35; Mark 16:12
5 10 disciples Jerusalem Sunday Mark 16:14; Luke 24:26-42; John 20:19-
6 11 disciples Jerusalem A week later John 20:26-31; 1 Cor. 15:5
7 7 disciples Galilee ? John 21:1-25
8 500 brethren Galilee ? 1 Cor. 15:6
9 James ? ? 1 Cor. 15:7
10 11 disciples Galilee ? Matt 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-18
11 11 disciples Jerusalem 40 days later Acts 1:3-12
12 Paul Road Emmaus ? Acts 9
Surah 4:157 in Analysis
• The Quran claims that Jews were boasting "We killed Christ Jesus [literally, 'Jesus
the Messiah'] the son of Mary, the Apostle of Allah."
• But no Jew was saying any such thing. The Jews did not consider Jesus to be the
Messiah or a messenger of God. They also were only indirectly the ones who
killed Jesus, having turned Him over to the Romans, and there is no evidence that
Jews were bragging about having done this
• It also says that those who claimed that Jesus had been killed were "full of
doubts," but this simply is not so. As we saw in the biblical and historical data,
the one thing everyone was certain of, whether they believed in Jesus or not, is
that Jesus did indeed die on a Roman cross. The only people who doubted this
were Gnostic heretics from long after Jesus' day, but this passage isn't
addressing Gnostics who agreed that Jesus didn't die. It is addressing those who
claim Jesus did die, particularly the Jews.
• Such people were not full of any doubts about Jesus' death. On every level,
therefore, the Quran shows itself to be unreliable in this passage. And since
these few sentences from one passage in the Quran are literally the only thing to
which a Muslim can appeal over against the evidence of history, prophecy, and
Jesus' own testimony, there is simply no basis for the claim that Jesus did not die
on the cross for the sins of all who repent and turn to God through Him.
Consider this, my Muslim friends
• Let's say that Allah would never allow Jesus to be shamed and killed. Why didn't
He just strike down Jesus' enemies or take Jesus alive to heaven without faking
His death? Either of these options would have vindicated Jesus' without leading
His disciples (and countless others through their preaching) into supposed error
and excess. No, it is insufficient to claim that God deceived the world just
because He did not want Jesus to die.
• So, why did it happen? Why did all of Jesus' followers come to believe that He
had died on the cross for their sins? Why did God allow them to believe and
preach this if it was all a misunderstanding based on a miracle meant only to
fool Jesus' enemies? The best explanation is that the Old Testament prophets
and the followers of Jesus were right and that the author of the Quran is wrong.
Problems 101
• What kind of God would take a person and change his appearance to look like
Jesus so that he would be subject to arrest and then crucifixion in place of Jesus?
• Why should anyone innocent of a capital crime suffer crucifixion? Why would
God allow an innocent substitute person to be killed?
• Some Muslims believed that the crucifixion is God’s way of rescuing Jesus.
However, if God’s motive had been merely rescuing Jesus, He could have
displayed His power using a less complicated miracle and not involving the agony
of the cross.
• Based on the Quran and the Bible. Jesus could have saved Himself because He can know
the unseen and the power to raise the dead.
• The Gospel records the words of Jesus like in Luke 23:43. Can you imagine an innocent
person hanging on the cross while having an attitude of forgiveness toward those who
were crucifying Him?
• What kind of God would allow Mary, the mother of Jesus, and His beloved friends to
suffer in such a way? Would God allow His followers to got through this torturous
experience because of an illusion that He Himself had orchestrated?
• Based on the teachings of the Quran and the Bible about the pure character of Jesus, He
would never permit another man – EVEN JUDAS - to take His place on the cross and
suffer the consequences of His own teachings and mission.
• Many Muslims have attempted to
explain this by saying that Allah had to
do this because he could not allow his
Other Points prophet to suffer such an indignity.
concerning “God would not allow his prophet to
be put to death by his enemies,” they
to the say. This explanation has two
Problems of problems. The first is that the Quran
Surah 4:157 itself disagrees with it. The Quran
frequently points out that many of the
prophets had been wrongfully killed
by their enemies.
• “…they [repeatedly] disbelieved in the signs of Allah and killed the
prophets without right…” (Surah 2:61).
• “And when it is said to them, ‘Believe in what Allah has revealed,’
they say, ‘We believe [only] in what was revealed to us.’ And they
disbelieve in what came after it, while it is the truth confirming
that which is with them. Say, ‘Then why did you kill the prophets of
Allah before, if you are [indeed] believers?'” (Surah 2:91).
• “Those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah and kill the prophets
without right and kill those who order justice from among the
people – give them tidings of a painful punishment,” (Surah 3:21).
• “…And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and
have been put under destitution. That is because they
disbelieved in the verses of Allah and killed the prophets
without right. That is because they disobeyed and [habitually]
transgressed,” (Surah 3:112).
• “We had already taken the covenant of the Children of Israel
and had sent to them messengers. Whenever there came to
them a messenger with what their souls did not desire, a party
[of messengers] they denied, and another party they killed,”
(Surah 5:70).
• Even according to the Quran, the fact that Allah is “not ever unjust to
His servants” does not mean that those servants are never killed in
this life. Instead, it means that there will be recompense in the life to
come. Ironically, by specifically mentioning the prophet who had
validated his prophetic status by calling down heavenly fire to
consume an offering and then counting this prophet among those
who the Jews killed, this passage actually denies the deliverance of
Elijah, a prophet that the Bible explains was caught up to heaven
alive without facing death! Clearly, the Quran does not teach that
God will deliver all his prophets from death at the hands of their
• “And We did certainly give Moses the Torah and followed up
after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of
Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Pure Spirit.
But is it [not] that every time a messenger came to you, [O
Children of Israel], with what your souls did not desire, you
were arrogant? And a party [of messengers] you denied and
another party you killed,” (Surah 2:87).
• This passage does not, of course, claim that Jesus Himself
was killed, but it does include Jesus among the prophets, a
party of whom were killed. It does not place Jesus in a special
higher status of prophets that Allah would never allow to be
killed. Indeed, only two verses before Surah 4:157, the
passage that denies that Jesus died, we read:
• “And [We cursed them] for their breaking of the covenant
and their disbelief in the signs of Allah and their killing of
the prophets without right…” (Surah 4:155).
• So there is nothing in the Quran that says Allah would never
allow a prophet do be shamed and killed in this life. Indeed,
the Quran repeatedly makes it clear many prophets have been
wrongfully killed. God’s justice for this is future and eternal.
Prophets have no promise of deliverance in this life. In fact,
according to Islamic tradition, Muhammad (supposedly the
greatest of all prophets) was himself poisoned to death. If
Allah would allow even Muhammad to be murdered by his
enemies, Muslims have no good reason to say that Allah
would never allow Jesus to die on a cross.
• But, for the sake of argument, let’s say it was true. Let’s say
that Allah would never allow Jesus to be shamed and killed.
Why didn’t He just strike down Jesus’ enemies or take Jesus
alive to heaven without faking His death? Either of these
options would have vindicated Jesus’ without leading His
disciples (and countless others through their preaching) into
supposed error and excess. No, it is insufficient to claim that
God deceived the world just because He did not want Jesus
to die. So, why did it happen? 
• Why did all of Jesus’ followers come to believe that He had
died on the cross for their sins? Why did God allow them to
believe and preach this if it was all a misunderstanding
based on a miracle meant only to fool Jesus’ enemies? The
best explanation is that the Old Testament prophets and the
followers of Jesus were right and that the author of the
Quran is wrong. 
Is it reasonable to believe that the faithful and
true God would mislead Jesus’ devoted disciples
by casting Jesus’ likeness upon someone else,
making another man look like Jesus?

Let’s also pointed out the fact that THERE IS NO

no indication of evidence that Surah 4:157 is
historically accurate. Muslims have conflicted
idea who is this man that replaced Jesus on the
Concluding Remarks

• We have shown based on evidence inside and outside the Bible that:
• Jesus really died on the cross based on the eyewitness testimony,
based on written records of the Gospel accounts, and based on non-
Christian sources
• Jesus did really had risen from the dead, and the evidence for the
empty tomb and post-resurrection appearances showed that Jesus
rose from the dead, proving that Jesus is victorious, and that we
have hope of eternal life through Him.
• For the sake of argument that Isa is the Jesus of history and of Bible,
if Surah 4:157 is true, Allah is the greatest deceiver who deceived
Jesus’ enemies and Jesus’ allies by thinking that Jesus died on the
cross although He was not really killed. It also shows that, according
to the said passage, Jesus is a total failure.

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Sources 101
• THE CASE FOR CHRIST by Lee Strobel
• PERSON OF INTEREST by J. Warner Wallace
• REASONABLE FAITH by William Lane Craig
• ANSWERING ISLAM by Norman Geisler and Abdu Saleem
• I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FAITH TO BE AN ATHEIST by Norman Geisler and Frank
• EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT by Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell
• SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS by Nabeel Qureshi (+)
Islamic Objections
• “An evil and adulterous generation seeks
for a sign, but no sign will be given to it
except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For
just as Jonah was three days and three
nights in the belly of the great fish, so will
the Son of Man be three days and three
nights in the heart of the earth. The men
Sign of Jonah of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment
with this generation and condemn it, for
they repented at the preaching of Jonah,
and behold, something greater than
Jonah is here.” (Matthew 12:38-41)
• The phrase “sign of Jonah” was used
by Jesus as a typological metaphor
for His future crucifixion, burial, and
resurrection. Jesus answered with
this expression when asked by the
Pharisees for miraculous proof that
He was indeed the Messiah. The
Sign of Jonah Pharisees remained unconvinced of
Jesus’ claims about Himself, despite
His having just cured a demon-
possessed man who was both blind
and mute.
• It is this three days that Jesus was referring to
when He spoke of the sign of Jonah. Jesus had
already been producing miracles that were
witnessed by many. Jesus had just performed a
great sign in the Pharisees’ presence by
healing a deaf man who was possessed of a
demon. Rather than believe, they accused
Jesus of doing this by the power of Satan.
Sign of Jonah Jesus recognized their hardness of heart and
refused to give them further proof of His
identity. However, He did say that there would
be one further sign forthcoming, His
resurrection from the dead. This would be
their final opportunity to be convinced.
• Jesus’ paralleling of the Pharisees with the
people of Nineveh is telling. The people of
Nineveh repented of their evil ways (
Jonah 3:4–10) after hearing Jonah’s call
for repentance, while the Pharisees
continued in their unbelief despite being
eyewitnesses to the miracles of Jesus.
Sign of Jonah Jesus was telling the Pharisees that they
were culpable for their unbelief, given the
conversion of the people of Nineveh,
sinners who had received far less evidence
than the Pharisees themselves had
Did Jonah really
• Let’s consider these three key points from this text:
• First, the phrases belly of Sheol and the Pit are Old Testament terms that
refer to the realm of the dead. (See Job 7:9, 33:18, Psalm 40:2, 49:14-15, 
• Secondly, the Hebrew says that his soul or nephesh fainted, meaning he
took his last breath like a dying man.
• Lastly, when God says to Jonah “arise” this is the Hebrew word ‫קּום‬. This is
the same word Jesus used when he raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. 
Mark 5:41reads: “Taking the child by the hand, He said to her, “Talitha Kum!”
(which translated means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!“)
• By mentioning Jonah, Jesus was being purposely
provocative. His death would lead not only to his
resurrection but the repentance of the pagan
nations that his audience would’ve despised. The
sign of Jonah wasn’t just his resurrection but
Sign of Jonah: would lead to the repentance of those hated
Points to • From Augustine to Aquinas, Christian apologists
would point to the success of the church as
Consider evidence of the truth of the Gospel. When they
argued for the messiahship, divinity, and
resurrection of Jesus, they (generally) failed to
mention the evidence for an empty tomb or the
reliability of the eyewitnesses. They didn’t argue
about historical probability and evidence.
• Rather, they simply pointed out the crumbling
pagan world around them; Gentile nations that
Sign of Jonah: had worshipped idols for millennia miraculously
repented, turned, and began to worship the God

Points to of the Jews. Isaiah the Prophet also saw this when
he said that the servant of the Lord will be “a light

for the nations” (Isaiah 42:6-7) Many of the other
Psalmists and Old Testament prophets predicted
the same thing; that one day Israel would lead to
the conversion of the nations.
• Now look around: Since Jesus’ death and
resurrection, a tiny band of Jewish vagabond
fishermen turned the world upside down, and
their effect has been felt for generations until
Sign of Jonah: now. In the first century, Christianity spread
throughout Europe, North Africa, and Western

Fulfillment Asia, and more recently has spread throughout

Africa, South America, and even in communist
China. Christianity still has a stronghold in North
America as well as parts of Europe. Over the past
two millennia, billions and billions of non-Jews
have repented and worshiped the God of Israel.
Si Jesus ba ay • Ibinangon ng Diyos ng ating mga ninuno si
Jesus, na inyong pinatay nang ibitin siya sa
naipako sa krus isang punungkahoy. (Gawa 5:30, Ang Biblia
o sa • Sa maikling sagot, wala namang problema
kasi nga, una sa lahat, sa 1st century, ang krus
punungkahoy? ay talagang gawa sa KAHOY, galing sa
punongkahoy. Alangan namang ang krus ay
(Acts 5:30) gawa sa BATO, sa BAKAL, sa PLASTIK. At
bukod diyan, walang problema sa mga
Kristiyano iyan dahil talagang pinupunto na si
Jesus nga ay namatay sa krus. Lalo na, sa
pagkakaliwat sa Griego na “stauros” at
“xylon”, napatotohanan na parehong gamit
iyan para tukuyin na talagang namatay si
Jesus sa krus na gawa mismo sa… you guess
it… KAHOY.
Anong oras • Matthew 27:45-46, 50
Mula nang oras na ikaanim ay
• Mark 15:33-34
Nang dumating ang
namatay si nagdilim sa buong lupain
hanggang sa oras na
tanghaling tapat, nagdilim
sa buong lupain hanggang
Jesus sa ikasiyam. At nang malapit na
ang oras na ikasiyam ay
sa ikatlo ng hapon. Nang
ikatlo ng hapon ay sumigaw
krus? Alas 9 sumigaw si Jesus ng may
malakas na tinig, na sinasabi,
si Jesus nang may malakas
na tinig, “Eloi, Eloi, lama
ba o alas 3? “Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani?” na
ang kahulugan ay “Diyos ko,
sabacthani?” na ang
kahulugan ay, “Diyos ko,
Diyos ko, bakit mo ako Diyos ko, bakit mo ako
pinabayaan?” At muling pinabayaan?”
sumigaw si Jesus ng may
malakas na tinig at nalagot
ang kanyang hininga.
• Sang-ayon sa Roman at Jewish reckoning of time,
itinala ni Mark ang Roman reckoning ng oras na
Anong oras gamit noon anupat itinala niya na sa ika-12 ng
tanghali ay nagdilim ang paligid at si Kristo ay
namatay si namatay sa ika-3 ng hapon. Sa tala ni Matthew
naman ay ika-6 (naglalarawan sa katanghaliang-
Jesus sa tapat) hanggang ika-9 na oras (hapon) anupat
gumagamit siya ng Jewish time reckoning.
krus? Alas 9 Kamusta ang John 19? Katunayan, gumamit din
siya ng Roman time reckoning diyan. Alas-9 nang
ba o alas 3? naggawad ng hatol na si Jesus ay ipapako sa krus.
At nangyari nga. Take note: ang Jewish time ay
magsisimula ng 6 am hanggang 6 pm habang ang
Roman time ay hatinggabi nagsisimula.
Lahat ng Paglakad pa niya ng malayu-
layo, siya'y nagpatirapa at
Sa mga araw ng kanyang
buhay dito sa mundo, si
dalangin Niya nanalangin, na nagsasabi,
“Ama ko, kung maaari,
Jesus ay naghandog ng mga
panalangin at mga pakiusap
ay dininig ng lumampas sana sa akin ang
kopang ito; gayunma'y hindi
na may malakas na
pagtangis at pagluha sa may
Diyos ang ayon sa ibig ko, kundi ang
ayon sa ibig mo.” (Mateo
kapangyarihang magligtas
sa kanya mula sa
(Matthew 26:39) kamatayan, at siya'y
pinakinggan dahil sa
26:39; kanyang magalang na
Hebrews 5:7) pagpapasakop. (Hebreo 5:7)
• Kung papansin ang kabuuan ng Gospel
according to Matthew, ilang ulit na binanggit
Dininig ng ni Kristo na Siya ay mamamatay sa krus at
muling mabubuhay. Sa chapters 26 at 27,
Diyos… napatotohanan lamang na niloob ng Ama na
(Matthew si Jesus ay magdanas ng paghihirap at
kamatayan alang-alang sa sangkatauhan.
26:39) Kaya nga, oo, tinupad ng Diyos ang dalangin
ni Jesus, na ang kalooban ng Diyos ang
masunod. Alalahanin ang Isaiah 53:10-12.
• Ang totoo, hindi itinanggi sa talatang
Dininig ng iyan na si Jesus ay namatay sa krus.
Kung tutuusin, ang kabuuan ng book
Diyos… of Hebrews ay nagpapatotoo na Siya
nga ay namatay! (Hebrews 2:9-10, 14
(Hebrews 5:7) ; Hebrews 6:6; Hebrews 7:27
; Hebrews 9:11-28; Hebrews 10:1-39
; Hebrews 10:10; Hebrews 11:17-19
; Hebrews 12:2; Hebrews 12:24
; Hebrews 13:12; Hebrews 13:20-21)
• Sa paanong paraan tinupad ng Ama
ang dalangin ni Kristo? Ito ay sa
pamamagitan ng muling pagkabuhay
ni Jesu-Kristo mula sa mga patay!
Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the
sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you
in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight,
through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen (
Heb. 13:20-21; NASB).

Sa madaling sabi, sa consistent na pag-aaral ng Kasulatan, pinatotohanan po na si

Jesus nga ay namatay sa krus para sa ating mga kasalanan, at pinatotohanan na
dininig ng Ama ang dalangin Niya sa pamamagitan ng muling pagkabuhay. Sa
pagsasabi na ang Hebrews 5:7 ay patotoo na si Jesus daw ay hindi namatay ay
pagsasabing kinokontra nito ang Kaniyang sarili.
Kanino tayo isinangla at tinubos? Pag-aari tayo
ng Diyos, di ba?

Naaalala pa ba ang mga talatang ito?

• Maglalagay ako sa iyo at sa babae ng pagkapoot sa isa't isa, at sa iyong
binhi at sa kanyang binhi. Ito ang dudurog ng iyong ulo, at ikaw ang
dudurog ng kanyang sakong. (Genesis 3:15)
• Ang ransom ay isang bagay na ibinayad para sa kalayaan ng isang bihag.
Binayaran ni Hesus ang ransom upang makalaya tayo mula sa kasalanan,
kamatayan at sa impiyerno. Sa buong aklat ng Exodo, Levitico, mga
Bilang, at Deuteronomio, makikita ang hinihingi ng Diyos para sa
paghahandog. Sa panahon ng Lumang Tipan, inutusan ng Diyos ang mga
Israelita na maghandog ng mga hayop upang maging kanilang kahalili
para sa kanilang katubusan; ang kamatayan ng isang hayop ay
magsisilbing kapalit ng kamatayan ng tao, kamatayan na siyang
kabayaran ng kasalanan (Roma 6:23). Sinasabi sa Exodo 29:36a, "Araw-
araw, maghahandog ka ng isang bakang lalaki para sa kasalanan."
• Hinihingi ng Diyos at ng Kanyang kautusan ang
kabanalan (1 Pedro 1:15-16). Hindi natin maibibigay sa
Diyos ang perpektong kabanalan dahil sa ating mga
nagagawang kasalanan (Romans 3:23); kaya nga,
kinakailangan na mabigyang kasiyahan ang Kanyang
hustisya. Ang mga handog na susunugin ang nagbibigay
kasiyahan sa Kanyang hustisya. 
Ransom 101

• Malinaw na binayaran ni Hesus ang ransom para sa

ating mga buhay sa Diyos Ama. Ang ransom ay ang
Kanyang buhay mismo, ang pagbubuhos ng Kanyang
sariling dugo bilang handog sa Diyos. Dahil sa Kanyang
kamatayan, ang bawat tao sa mundo ay may
pagkakataon na tanggapin ang kaloob ng pagtubos at
pagpapatawad ng Diyos. Kung hindi namatay si Hesu
Kristo, hindi mabibigyang kasiyahan ang Kautusan at
katarungan ng Diyos - sa pamamagitan ng ating sariling
• Ayon sa Matthew 26:56b, “Tumakas ang mga
alagad at iniwan siyang mag-isa.” Ina-assume
na wala raw nakasaksi sa kamatayan ni Kristo
Wala bang sa krus ng kalbaryo. Subalit, kung bukas ang
isip natin sa pagbabasa at pagbubulay-bulay
nakasaksi sa sa Kasulatan, mapapansin na may mga
nakasaksi talaga sa pagpapahirap at
kamatayan ni kamatayan ni Kristo. Kahit mga historians ay
nagpapatotoo na ang kamatayan ni Jesus sa
Kristo? krus ng kalbaryo ay isang pampublikong
• Please, pakibasa: Mateo 27:55-56, Marcos
15:40-41, Lucas 23:48-49 at Juan 19:25-27
Si Simon Pedro ang ipinako sa krus at namatay,
hindi si Jesus?

• Una, sa Bibliya, ikinaila ng tatlong beses ni Simon Pedro

si Jesus
• Pangalawa, hindi si Simon Pedro ang nagbuhat ng krus
kundi si Simon na taga-Cirene (Matthew 27:32, Marcos
15:21, Luke 23:26)
• Pangatlo, hindi naipako sa krus si Simon Pedro sa
Golgota. At lalong hindi ipinako si Simon na taga-Cirene.
Si Jesus ba ang nagbuhat o si Simon?

• (Mark 15:21-22 and John 19:17)

• Both carried the cross.  John 19:17 does not say that Jesus carried the
cross alone.  It says he bore his own cross. He carried the cross until he
couldn't carry any more than Simon assisted.  A contradiction occurs
when one statement makes another statement impossible but both are
supposed to be true.  There is no contradiction.
• Jesus had undergone a very physically traumatic few hours. Please
consider the following verses placed in order of His ordeal and pay
attention to the physical trauma he received before He ever arrived at
the cross.
• Sa kabuuan ng araw na pinahirapan si Jesus bago Siya ipako sa krus, madami
Siyang naranasang hirap.
• Nagpawis Siya ng dugo (Luke 22:44)
• Siya ay sinampal (John 18:22-23)
• Siya ay binugbog, sinuntok at sinipa (Mark 14:65)
• Siya ay hinampas ng latigong may bakal (Matthew 27:26)
• Siya ay kinorohanan ng koronang tinik (Matthew 27:29-31)
• Sinimulan ni Kristo na buhatin ang Kaniyang krus, subalit dahil sa dami ng
bugbog at sugat sa Kaniyang katawan, natural na nadadapa Siya. Kaya inutos ng
mga Romanong sundalo si Simon na taga-Cirene na buhatin ang krus ni Jesus.
Ano ba ang kulay ng robe ni Jesus, scarlet ba o

• Below is a chart showing both scarlet and purple with different shades,
in hex code, side by side.  The upper grid is the direct color
presentation.  The bottom grid is the same presentation with a
transparent shade over it.  The shade is to simulate dim lighting
conditions, which might have been the case inside Pilate's palace where
they placed the robe on Jesus.
Scarlet and Purple
Scarlet and Purple: Depende sa nakikita ng mga

• As you can see, the colors are both different and similar depending on
the shade and the lighting.  For example, dark scarlet is very similar to
darker purple.  In the condition of poor lighting, the distinction is even
less apparent since the colors would appear darker.
• So, it could simply be that the robe was a dark color that could have
been accurately described by either word. 
• Also, another possibility is that the robe could have been made of two
colors that were put together due to their similarity. 
Literal bang 24 hours and three-day period sa
kamatayan at pagkabuhay-muli o hindi?
Ilan ba ang nagtungo sa empty tomb, isang
babae, dalawang babae o marami?
• "Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb," (John 20:1).
• "Now after the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene
and the other Mary came to look at the grave," (Matthew 28:1).
• "When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome,
bought spices, so that they might come and anoint Him," (Mark 16:1).
• "But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb bringing the spices which
they had prepared," (Luke 24:1).
When we compare these lists, a few things are
immediately apparent:
• All four gospels state that women came to Jesus' tomb early in
the morning.
• All four gospels state that Mary Magdalene was among them.
• Three of the four gospels explicitly mention that another
woman named Mary was also there.
• Three of the four gospels imply or explicitly acknowledge that
other women besides the two Marys were also present.
• None of the gospels claim or imply that they are offering an
exhaustive list.
Naganap ang pagkabuhay-muli sa
bukang-liwayway ba, sikat ang araw,
umagang-umaga, o madilim pa?

• In Matthew, it says that Mary Magdalene and Mary

went to the grave on the first day of the week. The
same thing is said in Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, and 
John 20:1. The first day of the week is, of course,
Sunday, which, incidentally, is why Christians worship
on Sunday, the Lord's day, the first day of the week.
• The first day of the week. As mentioned in several
places in the New Testament.
• Mark 16:9, "Now after He had risen early on the first day of the week, He first
appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons."
• John 20:19, "So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and
when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus
came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.”"
• Acts 20:7, "On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to
break bread, Paul began talking to them, intending to leave the next day, and
he prolonged his message until midnight."
• 1 Corinthians 16:2, "On the first day of every week each one of you is to put
aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I
• No information exists that gives us a specific chronology of the stone
being moved other than that when the women got to the tomb, the
stone had already been moved away.  Therefore, there is no
contradiction in the gospels regarding the chronology of the moving of
the stone which occurred on the first day of the week, Sunday.
Ilan ba ang lalaking nakita ng mga babae, isa,
dalawa o wala? Mga anghel ba o binata?

• An angel of the Lord on the stone (Matthew 28:1-2) - "Now after the Sabbath, as it began to dawn
toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave. 2
And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and
came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it."
• A young man (Mark 16:5) - "And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting at the right,
wearing a white robe; and they were amazed."
• Two men (Luke 24:4) - "And it happened that while they were perplexed about this, behold, two men
suddenly stood near them in dazzling apparel."
• Two angels (John 20:1-2,12) - "Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the
tomb, while it was still dark, and saw the stone already taken away from the tomb. 2 And so she ran
and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have
taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him...12 and she
beheld two angels in white sitting, one at the head, and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had
been lying."
• There is no discrepancy at all.  An angel of the Lord moved the stone
and was sitting upon it outside (Matthew 28:2).  The two men (
Luke 24:4) were angels (John 20:12).  Mark 16:5 presents the only
potential issue and it isn't the only one at all.  If there were two angels
in the tomb, then there was at least one.  This one was on the right. 
Therefore, we see that there was one angel outside and two on the
inside of the tomb.
Answering Mr. Ahmad
Domer’s 5 Objections
From the Latest Live Stream
Objections of Mr. Ahmad Domer

• Since God listened to the prayers of a righteous person, which is Jesus, and
answered it (quoting Surah 4:157, Mark 14 and Hebrews 5:7), it means Jesus
never died on the cross
• There is problem in the position of nails which used in the crucifixion of Jesus
• There are alleged contradictions in the seven statements of Jesus on the cross
• The issue concerning Judas Iscariot being the traitor, which allegedly proved that
Jesus never died on the cross
• The alleged problems and contradictions in the resurrection of Jesus
Objection 1 Responded
• If we read Mark 14-16, it even affirmed that Jesus really died on the cross and
had risen from the dead, disproving the claim that Jesus allegedly never died on
the cross
• If we look at Hebrews 5:1-10, we find out that Jesus was heard by God and
answered through the resurrection, not in rescuing Him from death. In fact, the
book of Hebrews presented the fact that Jesus really died on the cross for our
sins. The "rescue" He obtained was not from death, but out of death. The
resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate sign of His acceptance and approval by
Objection 2 Responded
• Concerning to the issue if the nail was being placed in palm or wrist, that is not
really a problem. In fact, in the first century culture, the wrist was part of hand.
• His assumption is that the movies presented Jesus being nailed in the palms of
His hands, but the evidence showed that Jesus was nailed in His wrists, which is,
according to Mr. Domer, it is a problem. However, as we will see the evidence, we
will find out that Mr. Domer’s argument does not make any sense at all.
• In fact, we have medical evidence that shows Jesus really died on the cross
Objection 3 Responded
• In this clip, Mr. Domer assumed that the words of Jesus on the cross had
problems because of the alleged contradictions to the last sentences that Jesus
had spoken on the cross. When he says that no one can answer the said question,
it is either he ignores the answer, or he already knew the reason but choose to
deny it. Take note that he claimed to be former “Christian” and studied the Bible,
but what kind of study that he was talking about?
Objection 3 Responded
• These are the last seven sayings that Jesus said on the cross.  Sometimes they are
referred to as the “Seven Words.”  There’s also a bit of a debate on the exact order of the
sayings, but the following is a complete list with a plausible order. You might notice that
some of the things he said were quotes from the Old Testament.  This is because Jesus
came to fulfill the Old Testament law (Matthew 3:15). 
• They are referenced in all capital letters. Furthermore, Jesus said that the Scriptures bore
witness of him (John 5:39). We know that the Bible is about Jesus and so we would
expect Old Testament prophecies and allusions to Christ to be present. The following is a
list of the seven words or the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross.
Seven Statements
• Luke 23:34, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”
• Luke 23:43, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
• John 19:26-27, “Woman, behold, your son!” 27 Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your
• John 19:28, “I am thirsty.”
• John 19:30, “It is finished!”
Objection 4 Responded
• The problem in the said argument that Mr. Domer presented is that he was
assuming that the other 11 disciples who are with Jesus in the Garden of
Gethsemane (which is ironically Mr. Domer quoted a certain passage from Mark
14) were lying. The worst here is this: When he said that Judas was the traitor
(although we agree on this because it is he who betrayed Jesus), it means that we
cannot trust what Judas has done. If so, if Mr. Domer is correct, for the sake of
the argument, since Allah declared to be best of deceivers and it is Allah who
transformed a certain guy to be like Jesus, it means we cannot trust Allah
because it is he who deceived everyone!!!
Objection 5 Responded
• Was Jesus saying that He would be dead for three full 24-hour periods before He would
rise from the dead? It does not appear so. The phrase “three days and three nights” need
not refer to a literal 72-hour period. Rather, according to the Hebrew reckoning of time,
the days could refer to three days in part or in whole. Jesus was probably crucified on a
Friday (Mark 15:42). According to the standard reckoning, Jesus died at about 3:00 PM (
Matthew 27:46) on Friday (day 1). He remained dead for all of Saturday (day 2) and rose
from the dead early on Sunday morning (day 3). Attempts to place Jesus’ death on
Wednesday to accommodate a literal 72-hour period are probably unnecessary once we
take into account the Hebrew method of reckoning of each day as beginning at sundown.
So it seems that the expression “three days and three nights” was used as a figure of
speech meant to signify any part of three days.
Latest Post of Mr. Domer and Our Reply
• Since we are in the holy week season and later will be our dialogue, our friend
presented his rants concerning to the issue about Jesus being crucified. So, let's
have some sort of analysis to his claims. Maybe, I can use two languages here,
Filipino and English, for this response.
• MUSLIM: Kung si jesus ay namatay sa kalagayan ng tao papaanong ang tao ay
matotobos nia ang kasalanan ng kapaw nia tao. At kong sia ay namatay sa
kalagayan bilang diyos papaanong ang Diyos ay mamamatay
• Dito ay na-misunderstood niya ang issue about Jesus being crucified for the sins
of men. To put it simply, inassume niya na, dahil tao lang si Jesus ayon sa Islam,
imposibleng matubos ni Jesus ang sangkatauhan. At kung si Jesus daw ay Diyos
ayon sa kaniyang opinion, paanong namatay diumano ang Diyos?
• Kung siya ay nagclaim na dati raw Kristiyano (bagamat hindi naman talaga siya
Kristiyano to begin with maliban lamang kung tunay nga niyang tinanggap si
Jesus bilang Panginoon at Tagapagligtas), he should know better. Explain natin.
• Totoo na si Jesus ay tao, tunay na tao, yamang Siya ay naging tao at nanahan sa
sangkatauhan 2000 years ago (John 1:14; Philippians 2:5-8). Opo, naranasan Niya
ang ating naranasan bilang tao maliban sa isa: SI JESUS AY HINDI
NAGKASALA. HE IS THE SINLESS ONE. Sa Islam, walang explanation kung
bakit sinless si Jesus. Pero sa Christianity, malinaw na ang pagiging sinless ni
Jesus ay nagpapatunay sa Kaniyang divine nature. Kaya, yamang si Jesus lamang
ang sinless, Siya lamang ang nararapat na maging perpektong handog alang-alang
sa sangkatauhan. Bukod pa rito, hindi namatay ang divine nature ni Kristo.
• I think naniniwala siyang ang kamatayan ay hindi iyung tipong namatay ang Isang
tao ay tapos na ang lahat. I think naniniwala siyang may kaluluwa ang tao. Kaya
ang tanong: nang mamatay si Jesus, ibig bang sabihin, He ceased to exist o pati
kaluluwa Niya ay wala na? Bukod pa rito, ang human nature ni Jesus ang
namatay. Iyan ang malinaw dyan.
• So, iyung claim niyang may problema raw sa topic about the crucifixion of Jesus
is just based on his misunderstandings in Christian teaching.
• MUSLIM: Imagine sa bible tatlo silang pinako bukod tanging si jesus lang ang
namatay. Kung ang rason nila kung bakit dahil daw pinahirapan pa at pinagpapalo.
Imagine sumali ako sa fraternity na talagang halos wasakin ang hita ko sa
kakapalo buhay parin ako.
• Irony of all ironies, bakit namatay so Jesus sa point na iyan? Nagreview ba siya ng
medical at historical facts ukol dyan? Isa pa, guilty siya sa tinatawag na category
mistake fallacy iyan. Bakit ikinumpara niya ang naganap na scourging kay Kristo
sa pamamalo sa fraternity? Even it can compare at the said point, may mga
namamatay pa rin sa pamamalo, lalo na sa hazing! By the way, isipin mo ito.
• Sa scourging pa lang, iyung paghagupit pa lang ay madali nang maubusan ng
dugo dahil hindi lang basta hahagupitin ang likod. Dahil sa scourging na iyan,
iyung likod ng taong nahagupit ay nakaranas ng sobrang sakit na naramdaman
yamang naexposed ang likod sa mga sugat at laman nito.
• Bukod pa dyan, kapagka napako si Jesus sa krus, hindi rin basta-basta dahil, sa
loob ng 6 hours, itinataas ni Jesus ang Kaniyang sarili gamit ang mga parang
nakatuntong kahit nakapako para makahinga Siya nang maayos.
• Nang si Jesus ay namatay due to suffocation, at nang sinaksak ang Kaniyang
tagiliran, lumabas doon ang dugo at tubig. May medical evidence na nagpapatoo
na galing ito sa ruptured heart. Kung gayon, ganoon ang nangyari kay Jesus. Hindi
binali ang Kaniyang mga binti gaya ng ginawa sa dalawa pang mga nakapako na
kasama Niya sapagkat napansin ng mga Roman soldiers na namatay na talaga
• So, mga kwentong barbero ng Bible ba? Hindi po. In fact, mas malalang
kwentong barbero sa Quran dahil walang historical evidence na nagpapatunay sa
claims ng Surah 4:157. Pero sabihin nating totoo ang Surah 4:157,
• Si Allah ang pinakadakilang nanloloko
• Si Allah ang umimbento ng Christianity at hindi si Pablo
• Si Jesus ay isang bigo

• Besides the Quran, what are the external evidence that supports to the
belief that Jesus did not die on the cross?
• In Surah 4:157, it insists that Allah rescued Isa and replaced someone. If
so, does it prove that Allah deceives, not only Isa’s enemies, but also his
disciples? If yes or no, why?
• Is there any Hadith commentary that supports Surah 4:157?
• What are your reasons to believe in a certain document that has been
written almost 500 years after the time of Jesus and His disciples?

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