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Prophecy, Power and Prayer

God’s warnings, commands and

actions in our time for our salvation

A Roman Catholic Presentation

Inspired by Our Lady of Fátima
on the 100th Anniversary of Her Apparitions in 1917
The compiler/author lends these PowerPoint slides for the exclusive use by members of the apostolate for lecture purposes only.
Not to be copied or shared with others without permission from the compiler/author.
Outline of the Presentation

God Speaks in Scripture, Saints, and Our Blessed Mother

How Consecration to Mary has Stopped Global War

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
First Friday and First Saturday Devotions
Praying the Rosary
Wearing the Scapular
Prophecies: The Word From
Prophecy: Messages of theGod
God’s Promise of Salvation
✠ I will put enmity between you and the woman, and
between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise
your head, and you shall bruise his heel.
Genesis 3:15 (Proto-Evangelium)
✠ I will raise up for them a prophet like you from

among their brothers. And I will put my words in his

mouth, and he shall speak to them all that
I command him. Deuteronomy 18:18
God’s Messenger for Our Time
✠ Our Lady of Guadalupe (1531) converts 10 million in
Mexico as 6 million Europeans turn Protestant
✠ Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (1830) and Our Lady
of Lourdes (1858) bring healing to France
✠ Our Lady of Good Success (1589 to 1634) and Our Lady
of La Salette (1846) deliver warnings for the 20th Century
✠ 1968-2009: Our Lady appears in Egypt (1968-71, 1986-91,
2000-01, 2009), Japan (1973), Venezuela (1976-90),
Nicaragua (1980), Rwanda (1981-83), Argentina (1983-90)
See How She Loves Us: 50 Apparitions of Our Lady
“I want you to know who I am.
I am the Ever-Virgin Mary,
Mother of the True God
who gives life and
maintains it in existence.
He created all things.
He is in all places.
He is Lord of Heaven
and Earth.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tepeyac, Mexico
Our Lady of Good Success
Quito, Ecuador
Prelude to Fatima in the 17th century
Our Lady of Good Success appeared
to Conceptionist Sister Mariana
de Jesus Torres in 1589, 1594, 1599,
twice in 1610, and twice in 1634.
Mary foretold:
“The Church would be in a state
of crisis from shortly after the
middle of the 20th Century.”
The Blessed Mother

asked to be invoked as Our

Lady of Good Success
Prophecies of Our Lady
to Mother Mariana
“The sacred Sacrament of
Holy Orders will be ridiculed,
opposed and despised.
The demon will try to persecute
The ministers of the Lord
in every possible way, and
he will labor with cruel and
subtle astuteness to deviate them
from the spirit of their vocation,
corrupting many.”
Prophecies of Our Lady
to Mother Mariana
“Moreover, in these unhappy
times, there will be unbridled
luxury which, acting thus to snare
the rest into sin, will conquer
innumerable frivolous souls who
will lose themselves.
Innocence will almost no longer
be found in children, nor modesty
in women; there will be almost
no virgin souls in the world.”
Our Lady of La Salette
La Salette, Fallavaux, France
19 September 1846

Our Lady appeared to

two simple shepherds:
Peter Maximin Giraud,
age 11, and Frances
Melanie Mathieu-Calvat,
age 14, on the mountain
of La Salette in France.
Our Lady of La Salette
La Salette, Fallavaux, France
19 September 1846
“All governments will have one and the same plan,
which will be to abolish and do away with every religious
principle, to make way for materialism, atheism,
spiritualism, and vice of all kinds.”
“The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their
wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the
celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money,
of honors and pleasures, the priests have become
cesspools of impurity.”
Our Lady of La Salette
La Salette, Fallavaux, France
19 September 1846
“The great chastisement will come, because men will
not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can
hinder these scourges.
God will begin by inflicting lighter punishments
in order to open their eyes…
But sinners will not avail themselves of these
opportunities; He will send more severe castigations,
anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain.
Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their
heads the most terrible calamities.”
Our Lady
of the
in Fátima,
Portugal Statue of
Our Lady of Fátima
in the Church of
Santa Maria Madalena
in the Azores,
The Fátima Visionaries
According to
Lúcia, they
were visited
by the
Virgin Mary
six times
13 May and
13 October
1917 at

St. Jacinta Servant of God St. Francisco

Marto Lúcia dos Santos Marto

✠ The apparitions of the Blessed Mother in the Cova da Iria and
Valinhos, pasture fields outside the hamlet of Aljustrel in the small
village of Fátima in Portugal belonging to the family of Lúcia dos
Santos, over a century ago, from 13 May to 13 October 1917, is the
greatest supernatural event in history since the Resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The event took place during World War 1 (2014-2018).
At a time when the Catholic Church in Portugal was being persecuted,
Fátima remained true to the faith.
✠ The Virgin Mary who identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary
appeared to shepherd children, Lúcia dos Santos, age nine, and her
cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, ages eight and six, with divine
messages, prophecies, and warnings concerning the world in
modern times.
The Greatest
Since theSupernatural

✠ Lúcia asked the Lady to perform a miracle that everyone could

see, so that they would be believed. In the 19 August vision, Our
Lady told Lúcia, “In the last month, I will work a miracle so that all
may believe.” After the Lady had appeared to the children on 13
October, the last month, there was a ‘Miracle of the Sun’ also
known as the ‘Miracle of Fátima’ at about 2 o’clock, witnessed by
more than 70,000 people.
She told the children to pray the Rosary to obtain the end of the
Great War.
✠ The apparitions of the Angel of Peace in 2016 and the Blessed
Virgin Mary in 2017 in Fátima are approved by the Catholic
In October 1918, Our Lady
appeared and promised she
would take Francisco and
Jacinta to heaven soon.
Francisco was 10 and Jacinta 9
when they died as a result of
the Spanish influenza
pandemic of 1918-19 that
raged throughout Europe.
Lúcia, original name Lucia
Abobora, became a Carmelite
nun and lived to the age of 97.
On 13 February 2017, Sister
Lúcia was accorded the title
Servant of God, as the first
major step toward her
The pious siblings were
declared “venerable” on
13 May 1989 and canonized as
saints by Pope Francis on 13
May 2017 marking the
centenary of their visions of
the Madonna, and beatified
on 13 May 2000 by 
Servant of God St. Francisco St. Jacinta Pope John Paul II, making
them the youngest non-
Lúcia dos Santos Marto Marto martyred children to be
22 Mar 1907 - 13 Feb 2005 11 June 1908 - 4 Apr 1919 11 Mar 1910 - 20 Feb 1920 beatified in the history of the
Roman Catholic Church.
The Angel of Peace Appears in Spring 1916
‘My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee’
In the spring of 1916, an angel appeared to the three shepherd children of
Fátima preparing them to meet Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, presaging her
themes. As they were watching their family sheep pasture one day, they
saw a dazzlingly beautiful young man, seemingly made of light, shining like
crystal, who told them he was the Angel of Peace. He invited them to pray
with him.
“Do not be afraid. I am the Angel of Peace.
Pray with me.”
Kneeling and bowing so low that his forehead touched the ground, the
Angel recited the following prayer three times in a voice that quivered
with fervor:
“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
nor adore, nor hope, nor love Thee.”
The Angel’s Second Visit, Summer 1916
‘Make everything you do a sacrifice’
“The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of
mercy on you. Offer up prayers and sacrifices
constantly to the Most High. Make everything
you do a sacrifice and offer it to God
in reparation for the countless sins by which
He is offended and in supplication for
the conversion of sinners. You will thus
draw down peace upon your country.
I am its Guardian Angel.
Above all, bear with submission
all the sufferings the Lord may send you.”
The Angel’s Third Visit, Autumn 1916
‘The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ’

In his last apparition, the Angel held a chalice with a Host above it,
from which Blood dripped into the cup. Leaving the chalice in
mid-air, he prostrated himself before it. In the same tone of
trembling fervor, he repeated a sublime prayer of Eucharistic
reparation three times joined by the children. Then the Angel gave
the Host to Lúcia and the chalice to Francisco and Jacinta, saying:
“Take and drink the Body and Blood
of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged
by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes
and console your God.”
“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood,
Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
really and truly present in every tabernacle
of the world, in reparation for the countless
outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
by which He is offended. And through the
infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg Thee to convert poor sinners.”
Our Lady First Appears to the Children
Our Lady first appeared to the children
on 13 May 1917 as “a beautiful lady
made of light, dressed in white, shining
brighter than the sun, giving out rays of
clear and intense light, holding a rosary
in her hand” Lúcia dos Santos wrote.
Our Lady told the children not to be
afraid. She said to them,
“I come from heaven.”
Francisco (9), Lúcia (10) and Jacinta (7) near the
She promised to come to the children little holmoak tree on which
on the 13th of each month. Our Lady appeared on the 13th day
from May to October 1917.
Our Lady Appears a Second Time
In her second apparition on 13 June 1917, Our Lady
said to the children:
“Sacrifice yourselves for sinners, and say [this
prayer] many times, especially whenever you make
some sacrifice.
‘O Jesus, it is for love of You,
for the conversion of sinners,
and in reparation for the sins committed
against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.’ ”
On the same day, Our Lady taught the children to say
this prayer after each decade of the Rosary everyday.
“O my Jesus, forgive us,
Jacinta Marto (7), Lúcia dos Santos (10),
save us from the fires of hell. and Francisco Marto (9)
Lead all souls to Heaven, on the day Our Lady appeared
especially those who are in most need.” a second time on 13 June 1917.
Our Lady Appears a Third Time
and Reveals the Three Secrets of Fátima
Made Public in 1941 and 2000

The Three Secrets of Fátima are a

series of apocalyptic visions and
prophecies which were given by
Our Lady to three young Portuguese 
shepherds, Lúcia dos Santos (in the
center) and her cousins, Jacinta and
Francisco Marto.
According to various Catholic
interpretations, the three secrets
involve Hell, World War I and
World War II, and 20th-century
persecutions of Christians.
It was during her Third Apparition on 13 July 2017 at
around noon that Our Lady entrusted the children with
three secrets. This photo was taken after the children
saw the vision of Hell.
Our Lady Appears a Third Time
and Reveals the Three Secrets of Fátima
Made Public in 1941 and 2000

The first two secrets were written by Lúcia in

1941 in a document, at the request of Jose Alves
Correia da Silva, Bishop of Leiria, to assist with the
publication of a new edition of a book on Jacinta.
When asked by the Bishop in 1943 to reveal the
third secret, Lúcia struggled for a short period,
being "not yet convinced that God had clearly
authorized her to act". However, in October 1943
the Bishop ordered her to put it in writing. Lúcia
then wrote the secret down and sealed it in an
envelope not to be opened until 1960, when "it
will appear clearer". The text of the third secret
was officially released by Pope John Paul II in
2000, although some claim that it was not the Lúcia dos Santos (standing) with
entire secret revealed by Lúcia, despite repeated her cousin, 
Jacinta Marto, 1917
assertions from the Vatican to the contrary.
The Secrets of Fátima
The First Secret
As Our Lady spoke these words, she opened her hands
and rays of light from them seemed to penetrate the
earth, revealing to the children a terrible vision of hell
full of demons and lost souls amid indescribable horrors.
The children looked up to the sad face of the Blessed Virgin
who spoke to them kindly:

“You have seen hell

where the souls of poor sinners go.
To save them, God wishes to establish in the
world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.”
‟We saw as it were a sea of fire. Plunged in this fire
were demons and souls in human form, like transparent
embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating
about in the conflagration, now raised in the air by the
flames that issued from within themselves together
with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every
side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or
equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair,
which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The
demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and
repellant likeness to frightful and unknown animals,
black and transparent like burning coals.”
Sister Lúcia
Saint Jacinta Marto of Fátima
‟Mother of God, have pity on those who
do not amend their lives. If men only
knew what awaits them in eternity, they
would do everything in their power to
change their lives.”
‟The sins that bring most souls to Hell are
the sins of the flesh.”
Despite being the youngest of the three who had
experienced the apparitions, Our Lady's message had
the greatest impact on Jacinta, Lúcia said. The glimpse of
Hell which Our Lady gave the children affected Jacinta
deeply. She did not want anyone to go there. She wished
Jacinta Marto died from the Spanish flu at the age everyone could have a vision of Hell so that no one would
of nine on 20 February 1920. end up there. With incredible generosity and deep
She received First Holy Communion and Extreme understanding of redemptive suffering, Fátima’s “little
Unction before she died. In 1951, her body was prophet” offered her final sufferings for the conversion
found to be incorrupt. of sinners and salvation of souls.
The Secrets of Fátima
The Second Secret

The end of the First World War and a warning about

the coming of the Second World War if the world would
not change and pray the rosary.

In this part of the message, the Blessed Virgin promotes

devotion to her Immaculate Heart and asks for the
consecration of Russia to herself.
“If people do what she asks, many souls will be saved,
and there will be peace.”

Sister Lúcia reveals Our Lady’s Message

The Virgin Mary Warns of World War II
‟The war [World War I] is going to end, but if
people do not cease offending God, another,
even worse one, will break out in
the P0ntificate of Pope Pius XI.
When you see a night illuminated by
an unknown light, that is the great sign
given you by God that
He is about to punish the world for its crimes
by means of war, famine, and
persecutions of the Church
and of the Holy Father.”
Our Lady Points the Way to Peace
“To prevent this I shall come to ask for the
consecration of Russia to my Immaculate
Heart and the Communion of Reparation
on the First Saturdays. If my
requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and
the world will have peace. If not, Russia will spread
her errors throughout the world, fomenting wars
and persecution of the Church. The good will be
martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer,
and various nations will be annihilated.”
‘My Immaculate Heart
Will Triumph’

“In the end,

my Immaculate Heart
will triumph.
The Holy Father
will consecrate Russia
to me; and she shall be
converted, and a period
of peace will be granted
to the world.”
The Secrets of Fátima
The Third Secret
On 13 May 2000, 83 years after the first apparition of the Virgin Mary to the
children on 13 May 1917 in the Cova da Iria in Fátima, and 19 years after the
assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Angelo Sodano disclosed the
third of the three secrets — the only one that still remained a mystery.
The first was a vision of World War I ending and World War II beginning, and the
second was the rise and fall of Soviet Communism.
But the third, the cardinal said, was a vision of a bishop in white falling to the
ground under a hail of gunfire. This was interpreted by the Church as a foretelling
of the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II’s life on 13 May 1981, the 64th
anniversary of the first apparition of the Lady at Fátima to the children in the Cova
da Iria-Fátima. The pope credited the Virgin Mary of Fátima with saving his life.
The text of the third secret, according to the Vatican, disclosed on 13 May 2000,
19 years after the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, was published on
26 June 2000.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Released Portion of the Third Secret, 13 May 2000

“We saw in an immense light

that is God, something similar
to how people appear in a
mirror when they pass in front
of it, ‘a Bishop dressed in
white.’ We had the impression
it was the
Holy Father.”
Sister Lúcia
Sister Lúcia’s Description of the Vision
“… Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep
mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as
of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there, the Holy Father passed
through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted
with pain and sorrow, he prayed for souls of the corpses he met on his way;
having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big
Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at
him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops,
Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks
and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels
each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the
blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their
way to God.”
Pope Benedict XVI Speaks on the Third Secret
In-Flight Interview on 11 May 2010
“... the Pope stands for the Church and
thus it is sufferings of the Church that
are announced.”
“... the sufferings of the Church come
precisely from within the Church, from
the sin existing within the Church.”
Homily in Fatima on 13 May 2010
“He would be deceiving himself who
thinks that the prophetic mission of
Fatima is concluded.”
‘The Last Times of the World’
“She told me that the devil is about to wage a decisive
and final battle against
the Blessed Virgin, …where one side
will be victorious. Also, from now on we
must choose sides. Either we are for God or for the
devil; there is no in-between.”
Sister Lúcia speaking in 1957
about Our Lady of Fátima

“The Most Holy Virgin made me understand

we are living in the last times of the world.”
Sister Lúcia, from The Third Secret of Fátima
Paperback by Brother Michel De La Sainte
Trinite published by Saint-Parres Les Vaudes,
De La Contre-Reforme Catholique, 1986.

Sister Lúcia
‘The Last Battle Is Over the Family’
“The final battle between the Lord and the reign of
Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be
afraid, because anyone who works for the sanctity of
marriage and the family, will always be fought and
opposed in every way, because this is a decisive issue.
However, Our Lady has already crushed its head."
Sister Lúcia in her letter written in 2003
to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, founding president
of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute
for Studies on Marriage and Family  
Our Lady Appears a Fourth Time
On the 13th of August 1917, the day of the
appointed fourth apparition, the children were
deceived and kidnapped by the local mayor
who took them away by horsecart. While
imprisoned, they were bribed, locked in a cell
with other "criminals" in order to get them to
recant their story or be boiled in oil. It was to
no avail. The children refused; they were not
going to lie even if they had to die. They were
set free after two days.
Meanwhile, in the Cova da Iria at noon on the
13th, the characteristic external signs of the
apparition appeared for the benefit of the
crowd, about 3,000 devotees, the greatest
crowd to that time.  After they ended the
The three little shepherds in front of crowd dispersed, as yet unaware of the
the arch that was erected at the site of trickery of the government.
the apparition on the 13th October 1917
Our Lady Appears a Fourth Time
On the 19th of August, while the children were grazing their
sheep at Valinhos, Our Lady appeared at around 4 o’clock. Lúcia
asked Our Lady to say who she is and work a miracle so
everyone would believe. Our Lady replied to Lúcia,

“In October I will tell you who I am and what

I want, and I will perform a miracle for all
to see and believe. Sacrifice yourself for
sinners and say many times,
especially when you make a sacrifice:
‘O Jesus, it is for love of You,
for the conversion of sinners,
and in reparation for the sins against
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.’ ”
After the Lady had appeared to the children on the sixth and final
apparition on the 13 of October, there was a ‘Miracle of the Sun’
also known as the ‘Miracle of Fátima’ at about 2 o’clock,
witnessed by more than 70,000 people. She told the children to
The chapel built at the place
pray the Rosary to obtain the end of the Great War.
of the apparition at Valinhos
Christ Prophesies
Prophecies the End
of His Saving Times
The Gospel of Matthew, 24:3-44
✠ There will be war, famines and earthquakes.
✠ Wickedness will spread, while love grows cold.
✠ The Gospel will be preached all over the world.
✠ False christs and prophets will show wonders.
✠ Sun and moon will go dark, and “stars will fall.”
✠ “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son
of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
War, Plague, Fire, Quake and Storm
• Intensifying rivalry among China, Russia and the US
• Super germs resisting drugs: HIV, H1N1, Ebola, Zika, and MERS
• University of California Professor Thorne Lay found that
between 2004 and 2014, earthquakes of magnitude 8 and
stronger nearly tripled from 0.6 to 1.8 a year.
• University of Southern California researchers reported that
between 1979 and 2016, East and Southeast Asia typhoons have
intensified, with storms of Category 4 and 5 doubled or tripled.
• Eleven of the 33 Category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic from 1924
to 2014 happened only in the last 14 years.
• The CDC found that extreme heat now causes more deaths in
U.S. cities than all other weather events combined.
13 June 1929: Tuy, Spain
Sister Lúcia saw the climactic
vision of the Most Holy Trinity
and Our Lady of Fátima.
Then, Our Lady said to Lúcia:
“The moment has come for God
to ask the Holy Father to
make, with all the bishops
of the world, the consecration
of Russia to my Immaculate
Heart. He promises to save
Russia by this means.”
Pope Pius XI’s View of Fatima
“They say I am His vicar
on earth. If He had
something He wished
me to know, He would
tell it to me directly.”
“He never wanted to hear
any talk of Fátima.”
Cardinal Carlo Confalonieri
Secretary to Pius XI
Fr. Gabriele Amorth SSP, the late exorcist of the Diocese of Rome,
said that if Pius XI (pope from 1922 to 1939) did what Our Lady
asked, there would not have been World War II (1941-1945).
Our Lady’s Prophecy Comes True
• In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria,
China, in the first battle of
World War II.
• In 1933, Adolf Hitler took power
in Germany.
• In January 1938, the Great Aurora
Borealis appeared.
• The same year in March, Austria
was annexed, followed by
Czechoslovakia in March 1939.
• In September 1939, a decade after
Pius XI received Our Lady’s
request, Germany and Russia
invaded Poland.
A New Pope Devoted to Mary
Pius XI dies in February 1939, and Pius XII succeeds.
Pius XII Consecrates the World
31 October 1942
Pius XII consecrates the Church and
the world to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary.
Jesus promises a shorter war but not
Russia’s conversion.

3 November 1942
Allied victory at El Alamein was
the first of a string of Allied victories
which culminated in final triumph.
Before then, the Allies suffered only
Russia Is Consecrated

On 7 July 1952, Pius XII

consecrates Russia by name,
but through an Apostolic
Letter, but with no
participation of other bishops
and no mention of the
First Saturdays Devotion.
As Stalin Plots War, He Dies
• In October 1952, Stalin
plans to invade Europe,
and war preparations
reach the final stage.
• In March 1953, Stalin dies
of brain hemorrhage.
• The USSR then builds ties
with the West, leading to
the split with China.
Consecration at Vatican II
On 21 November 1964, Feast of the
Presentation of Mary, when the Church’s
constitution was made public, Paul VI
consecrated the world to the Immaculate
Heart, as bishops watched but were not
asked to join.
Paul VI did not mention
Russia in keeping with
the 1962 Vatican pact
with the USSR not to
criticize communism.
World Communism Splits
China Affirms Its Breakup with the Soviet Union

• The October 1964 ouster of Soviet leader Nikita

Khruschev opened the door for rapprochement with
China. Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai visited Russia to
see if relations could improve. They could not.
• Beijing’s Red Flag paper cemented the split with
Moscow on 21 November 1964, declaring:
“While Khruschev has fallen, his supporters —
the US imperialists, the reactionaries, the modern
revisionists — are trying to resurrect him ... theirs is
a blind alley.”
13 May 1980: John Paul II Shot

8 December 1981
He entrusts the world to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.

13 May 1982
He again entrusts
the world 65 years
after Fátima.
Annunciation Consecration, 1984

“Embrace with the love of the Mother and Handmaid of the

Lord, this human world of ours, which we entrust and
consecrate … In a special way we entrust and consecrate to
you those individuals and nations which particularly need
to be thus entrusted and consecrated.”
John Paul II, 25 March 1984
Nuclear War Rumblings, 1983-84

• As revealed in a recently declassified 1991 US

intelligence report, America and Russia nearly
ignited a nuclear conflict in 1983-84.
• The Soviet Union faced economic and political
crises, US intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF)
in Europe, and President Ronald Reagan’s planned
“star wars” satellite-based ballistic missile
defense system.
• Moscow ponders a nuclear attack on US missile
forces and an invasion of Europe.
13 May 1984
Severomorsk Naval Base Explosion
“The destruction represents the
greatest disaster in the Soviet Navy
since World War II. ... it will be two
years before the facility is fully
operational again. [The Northern Fleet,
the USSR’s main armada, was] not a
viable force for the next six months.”
Jane’s Defense Weekly

With two-thirds of the fleet’s naval

missiles destroyed, Moscow puts aside
war plans.
8 December 1987
Intermediate-Range Nukes Eliminated
Soviet President Chernenko
dies in March 1985.
Mikhail Gorbachev succeeds
as a “man of reform.”

Gorbachev and Reagan

sign the INF Treaty,
banning one major trigger
for possible nuclear war
between their nations.
8 December 1991: USSR Breaks Up
The Soviet Union breaks up into different nations which
form the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Leningrad’s name is restored to St. Petersburg, and Russia
becomes democratic.

Leningrad becomes St. Petersburg CIS Headquarters

25 December 1991: End of the USSR
Boris Yeltsin leads Russians
to stop a coup attempt against Gorbachev
Gorbachev in August 1991 quits as the
eighth and last
leader of the
Soviet Union.
Russia takes
over its UN seat
at Christmas

The Soviet flag

is lowered
in Moscow’s
Red Square
Russia’s Christian Revival

• President Vladimir Putin restored to the

Russian Orthodox Church all property
seized by the Soviets.
• State firms fund the building of
Orthodox churches.
• In 2016, Putin unveiled a statue of
Vladimir The Great, Father of the
Russian Nation who converted to
Christianity in 899.
• Christianity, Putin said in July 2018, was
“the starting point for the formation” of
Our Lady Visits Korea In Crisis
On 5 June 2017, at the
height of the Korean
nuclear missile crisis,
the International
Centennial Pilgrim
Image of Our Lady of
Fátima is brought to
the border area
between North and
South Korea.
The Next Year, Crisis Is Defused
On 27 April 2018,
North Korea’s
Kim Jong Un meets
South Korea’s
Moon Jae In,
a Roman Catholic,
at the border
and signs a joint
peace statement.
On 12 June,
Kim Jong Un meets
US President Donald
Trump in Singapore
and agrees to
denuclearise Korea.
Saving the Church
Prophecies and the
of His Saving World
St. John Bosco (1815-1888)
The most serious trials for the Church
are near at hand ... Her enemies are
represented by the ships that tried to
sink the Church if they could.
Only two means are left to save her:
devotion to Mary Most Holy, and
frequent communion, … doing our
best to practice them and having
them practiced by everybody.
The Holy Eucharist
In August 1916, the Angel of Peace taught the Trinitarian Prayer to
the three children of Fátima, making them repeat it three times.

“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, really and truly present in every
tabernacle of the world, in reparation for the countless
outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences by which
He is offended. And through the infinite merits
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, I beg Thee to convert poor sinners.”
theSaving Sacrifice
by Joan Carroll

Miracles of
the World
Catalogue of
the Vatican
Miracles of the Eucharist
• Lanciano, Italy, 8th Century: The host became flesh and the
wine turned into blood in the hands of a priest who doubted
the Real Presence.
• Stich, West Germany, June and July 1970: In two Tridentine
masses, circular blood stains, some with crosses, appeared on
altar cloths where the hosts and chalices were.
• Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1996: A consecrated host dropped
on the ground was found by a parishioner after mass.
The host turned into bloody flesh after being left to dissolve
in water. The flesh was found to be heart muscle from
a living person under great stress.
Prophecies of His
One Hour Face toSaving Sacrifice
Face with God
• Missing Mass for 26 years, a husband now attends daily:
"Something came over me as I entered that Adoration
Chapel, and I feel God calling me back again."
• Young woman back in the Church: "Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament has been such a comfort to me. I feel He takes
me in His arms and looks after me each and every day.
I just love to pour out all my joys, sorrows, and problems,
and I feel He listens and takes care of everything for me."
• Suicidal man: "That encounter with Jesus changed my life.
I am in a much better place now. I visit this Chapel of
Adoration regularly now. I get great peace there.”
Promises of the Sacred Heart
Given by Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

I will give all the graces for their state in life, and
abundant blessings on their undertakings.

I will bless every place where an image of My

Heart is exposed and honored.

I will establish peace in their homes.

I will comfort them in all their afflictions. I

will be their secure refuge in life and in death.

Sinners will find in My Heart the source and

infinite ocean of mercy.
Promises of the Sacred Heart
Given by Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Those who shall promote this devotion shall

have their names written in My Heart.

I promise you in the excessive mercy of

My Heart that My all-powerful Heart will
grant to all those who receive Holy
Communion on the First Fridays of nine
consecutive months the grace
of final perseverance. My
Divine Heart will be their safe refuge
in this last moment.
‘Say The Rosary Every Day’
Our Lady of Fátima told the three children during each of her six visits to pray the Rosary.

13 May 1917
“Say the Rosary every day…”
13 June
“I want you to say the Rosary every day.”
“When you say the Rosary, say after each mystery: O my Jesus,

forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell,

and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need.”

13 July
“I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.”
19 August
“I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.”
13 September
“Continue saying the Rosary to obtain the end of the war.”
13 October
“I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.”
Promises of the Rosary
• The Rosary will cause virtue to prosper; it will obtain the
abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men
from love of the world and its vanities, and lift them to
the desire of eternal things.
• Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly … shall never be
conquered by misfortune. All who propagate the Rosary shall
be aided by me in their necessities.
• You shall obtain all you ask by reciting the Rosary.
• Whoever has true devotion for the Rosary shall not die
without the sacraments of the Church.
• The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree
of glory in Heaven.
The Five First Saturdays Devotion
‘‘Announce in My name that I promise to assist
at the moment of death, with all the graces
necessary for salvation, all those who, on the
First Saturday of five consecutive months, shall
confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five
decades of the Rosary, and keep me company
for fifteen minutes while meditating on the
fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the
intention of making Reparation to me.’’
Our Lady to Sister Lúcia
Transgressions Against the Virgin Mary
• Blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception
• Blasphemies against her perpetual virginity
• Blasphemies against her as Mother of God and
Mother of all mankind
• Desecration of her sacred images
• Blasphemies of those who openly foster in the
hearts of children indifference, contempt and even
hatred for our Blessed Mother
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Brown Scapular

Our Lady presented the Brown

Scapular to St. Simon Stock on
16 July 1251.
The Brown Scapular carries
a unique Promise from Our Lady
regarding the hour of death of the
pious wearer.
The Promise:
‘‘Whosoever dies clothed in this
shall never suffer eternal fire.’’
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fruits of the Consecration to Mary
‘To whomsoever embraces this devotion,
I promise salvation.’
• Our Lady of Victories Parish in Paris was totally converted
after its December 1836 consecration.
• The French villages of Asnelles, Meuvaines, and Saint
Cômes de Fresné, right in front of Omaha Beach on D-Day,
were protected in the invasion.
• Consecrated in 1931 and 1938, Portugal was spared from
World War II, as Sister Lucia declared.
• Consecration brings health of mind and body.
In a Manila hospital, one unit suffered no more deaths
after consecration. There are also miracle cures.
‘We Are in Danger of Hell’
‘‘My mission is not to tell
the world of the material
chastisements that are yet
to take place if we do not
amend. No, my mission is to
tell everyone that we are in
danger of going to hell if we
do not amend.’’
Sister Lúcia
‘My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph’
Our Lady of Akita, 1973
Mary’s weeping statue repeats the warning of Our Lady of Fátima

“If men do not repent and

better themselves, the
Father will inflict a
terrible punishment on
all humanity. It will be a
punishment greater than
the deluge, such as one
will never have seen
before. Fire will fall from
the sky and wipe out a
great part of humanity.”
Jesus and Mary Appear

10 December 1925
The Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus
ask for the First Saturdays Devotion.

15 February 1926
The Child Jesus asks Lúcia:
“Have you revealed to the
world what Mother asked?”
23 August 1931: Rianjo, Spain
Jesus told Sister Lúcia on 23 August 1931
“Given that My ministers follow
the example of the King of
France in delaying the execution
of My command, they will follow
him into misfortune.”

Our Lord told Saint Margaret Mary

Alacoque on 17 June 1689 to ask Louis XIV
to consecrate France to His Sacred Heart.
It was not done. On 17 June 1789, the elite
took power from Louis XVI, eventually
igniting the French Revolution.
Adoration and Penance
“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
nor adore, nor hope, nor love Thee.”
“Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often,
especially when you make some sacrifice:
O my Jesus, this is for love of You,
for the conversion of sinners, and
in reparation for the offences committed
against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
Delivered by the Angel of Peace during the First Apparition of the
Angel to the three shepherd children of Fátima in spring of 1916.
Prophecies of His
Saints Speak of Saving Sacrifice
the Eucharist
• Mother Teresa: Every Holy Hour … is recorded in
Heaven and retold for all eternity!
• Padre Pio: A thousand years of human glory is not
worth an hour sweetly communing with Jesus.
• Elizabeth Ann Seton: How sweet, the presence of
Jesus to the longing and harassed soul! He is instant
peace and balm to every wound.
• Bl. Paul VI: Nothing more consoling, nothing more
efficacious for advancing on the road to holiness
Graces of Eucharistic Adoration
• Pius X: Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist is the
devotion that surpasses all others.
• John Paul II: The spiritual lives of our families are
strengthened by the Holy Hour.
• Fulton Sheen: Share in the work of Redemption.
• Dina Balaguer: A multitude of souls go to heaven
who otherwise would go to hell.
• Vincent de Paul obtained blessings for business.
• Alphonsus Liguori: Those who visit our Lord in the
Eucharist obtain more abundant grace.
How Adoration Helps Parishes
• Greater mass attendance and reception of
the Sacraments
• Return of lapsed Catholics and more coversions
• Increase in religious and priestly vocations
• Renewal of Catholic family life
• Greater community spirit centered on Christ
in the Blessed Sacrament
• More intense desire and courage to spread
the Gospel to others
Eucharistic Adoration for Our World
What to Do in Eucharistic Adoration
• John Paul II: To evangelize the world, we need experts in
contemplation of the Eucharist.
• Paul VI: Supreme efficacy for transforming the world into a world of
justice, holiness and peace.
• Mother Teresa: If people spent one hour a week in
adoration, abortions would cease.
• Jesus to Faustina Kowalska: Humanity will not find peace until it
turns in trust to My Mercy ... The Throne of
Mercy, it is the tabernacle.
Wearing the Scapular
The Brown Scapular Is an Abbreviated Form of the Carmelite Habit

• The Brown Scapular is imposed by a priest.

This act enrolls us in the Carmelite Confraternity.
• The Scapular in which one is enrolled must be blessed,
and the blessing transfers to each new Scapular worn
by the devotee.
• The person enrolled must wear the Scapular piously,
day and night. The Scapular must be rectangular
pieces of brown wool, attached by a cord of cloth
worn over the shoulders, front and back.
Prayer and Penance
Read, Research, Reflect
Evangelize, Engage, Exchange
Providence, Prudence, Preparedness
Almsgiving, Awareness, Advocacy
GOD’s WILL for the WORLD
From The Catechism of the Catholic Church
(CCC 1)

God, infinitely perfect and blessed in Himself,

in a plan of sheer goodness
freely created man
to make him share
in His own blessed life.
GOD’s WILL for the WORLD
From The Catechism of the Catholic Church
(CCC 1)
For this reason,
at every time and in every place,
God draws close to man.
He calls man to seek Him,
to know Him, to love Him
with all his strength.
GOD’s WILL for the WORLD
From The Catechism of the Catholic Church
(CCC 1)
He calls together all men,
scattered and divided by sin,
into the unity of His family, the Church.
To accomplish this,
when the fullness of time had come,
God sent His Son as Redeemer and Savior.
GOD’s WILL for the WORLD
From The Catechism of the Catholic Church
(CCC 1)

In His Son and through Him,

He invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit,
His adopted children
and thus heirs of His blessed life.

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