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APRIARI Algorithm


• It uses frequent itemsets to generate association rules and it works on databases that contain
• With the help of this association rule , it determines how strongly or weakly two objects are
• This algorithm uses breadth – first search and Hash Tree to calculate the itemset associations
• This process works iteratively for finding the frequent itemsets from the large dataset.

• This algorithm was written by R.Agarwal and Srikant.

• It was developed in the year 1994.
• This algorithm is mainly employed to do market basket analysis .
• It helps to find those products that can be bought together.
• It is also used in medical field in order to find drug reactions to patients.
Frequent Itemset
• They are those items whose support is greater than the threshold value or
user – specified minimum support.
• If A and B are frequent itemsets together , then individually A and B
should also be the frequent itemset.
• There are two transactions , say : A = {8,9,10,11,12}, B = {10,11,19}
• In these two transactions , 10 and 11 are the frequent itemsets.
Reasons To Use Association Analysis:
• There are numeric ways in order to analyze the data .
• A variety of supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches are
used in order to analyze the data.
• The main difficulty with these techniques is that they are difficult to tune ,
challenging to interpret , they require a bit of data preparation and feature
engineering in order to get good results.
• Association analysis requires only a few math concepts .
Reasons To Use Association Analysis:
• Unsupervised learning model looks for hidden patterns and there is a
limited need for data preparation and feature engineering.
• Market basket analysis is an application of association analysis.
Association Analysis

• Association rules goes like this : {Diapers}->{Beer} .

• There is a strong relationship between the customers that purchased diapers
and the customers that purchased beer.
• {Diaper} is the antecedent and {Beer} is the consequent.
• There can be multiple values in the antecedents and the consequents.
• {Diaper , Gum} -> {Beer , Chips}
Association Analysis(Terminologies)

• Support: It is a relative frequency that the rules show up.

• We need to find for high support in order to make sure that it is a useful
• Low supports are useful if we are trying to find “Hidden” relationships.
Association Analysis(Terminologies)

• Confidence: It is a measure of reliability of the rule.

• A confidence of 0.5 would mean that in 50% of cases where Diaper and
gum were purchased , the purchase also included beer and chips.
• In product recommendations , 50% confidence is good whereas in medical
field , this confidence is not good enough.
Association Analysis(Terminologies)

• Lift: It is the ratio of observed support to that expected if two rules were
• The lift value close to 1 means that the rules were completely
• Lift values >1 are more useful and it is indicative of a useful rule pattern.
Steps For Apriori Algorithm
• Step 1: Find the support of itemsets in the transactional database , and
select the minimum support and confidence.

• Step 2: Take all the supports in the transaction with higher support value
than the selected or minimum support value.

• Step 3: Find all the rules of these subsets that have higher confidence
value than the threshold or minimum confidence.
Steps For Apriori Algorithm
• Step 4: Sort the rules as the decreasing order of fit.
Apriori Algorithm Working
• We have a dataset that contains various transactions .
• From this dataset , we need to find the frequent itemsets and create
association rules using the Apriori algorithm.
Apriori Algorithm Working
• Given: Min Support = 2, Minimum Confidence = 50%.
• Step 1:
• The first step is to create a table that contains the support count.
• The frequency of each itemset individually in the dataset of each itemset
in the given dataset.
• This table is called the candidate set or C1.
• Next , take out all the itemsets that have the greater support count than the
minimum support (2).
• This will give us the table for the frequent itemset L1.
• All the itemsets have greater or equal support count than the minimum
support , except E , so E itemset will be removed.
• Step 2: Candidate Generation , C2 and L2:
• In this step , we will generate C2 with the help of L1.
• In C2 , create a pair of itemsets of L1 in the form of subsets.
• After creating the subsets , we will again find the support count from the
main transaction table of datasets, i.e , how many times these pairs have
occured together in the given dataset.
• Step 2: Candidate Generation , C2 and L2:
• This will give us the below table for C2.
• Again , we need to compare the C2 support count with the minimum
support count , and after comparing , the itemset with less support count
will be eliminated from the table C2.
• This will give us the table for L2.
• Candidate Generation , C3 and L3:
• For C3 , repeat the same two processes.
• Now , form the C3 table with the subsets of three itemsets together.
• Calculate the support count from the dataset.
• Next , create the L3 table.
• From the C3 table , we can find that there is only one combination of
itenset that has support count equal to the minimum support count.
• L3 will have only one combination, {A,B,C}.

• Step 4: Finding the association rules for the subsets:

• To generate the association rules, create a new table with the possible rules
from the occurred combination{A,B.C}.
• For all the rules , calculate the confidence using the formula, sup( A ^B)/A.
• After computing the confidence value for all rules, exclude the rules that
have less confidence than the min. threshold(50%).
• Example Association Rule Table:

• The min . Threshold or confidence level is 50%, so first three rules are
considered as strong association rules for the given problem.

• This is an easy to understand algorithm.

• The join and prune steps of the algorithm can be easily implemented on
large datasets.
• This algorithm works at a slow rate when compared to other algorithms.
• The total performance is reduced as it scans the database for multiple
• The time complexity and space complexity of Apriori algorithm is very
Python Implementation:
• Many retail shops are available in today’s world.
• They are trying to find the association between the shop’s product , “Buy
this and get that” to his customers.
• The retailer has a dataset information.
• It contains a list of transactions made by the customer.
• In this dataset , each row denotes the products purchased by the customers
or the list of all the transactions.
Python Implementation:

• The problem is solved using the following steps:

• Pre – Processing
• Training the Apriori Model.
• Data Visualization.
Python Implementation:
• Pre – Processing Step:
• Importing the Libraries:
• First step in any model implementation is that we need to import the
corresponding module:
• Pip install apyroi
Python Implementation:
• Next , import the essential libraries.
• import pandas as pd
• from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import apriori
• from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import association_rules
Python Implementation:

• Import Step:
• The first step is to import the dataset required for our model:
• The rows of the dataset are showing transactions made by the customers.
• The first row in the transaction is made by the first customer.
• There is no specific name for each column and they have their own individual value or product
• There is no header specified.
Python Implementation:

• Import Step:

• df = pd.read_excel('

• df.head()
Python Implementation:
Python Implementation:

• The next step is the data preparation step.

• We need to remove any unwanted null values and unwanted spaces in the
• Drop the rows that don’t have invoice numbers and remove the credit
• Those with invoice numbers that contaisn the letter C.
Python Implementation:
• df['Description'] = df['Description'].str.strip()
• df.dropna(axis=0, subset=['InvoiceNo'], inplace=True)
• df['InvoiceNo'] = df['InvoiceNo'].astype('str')
• df = df[~df['InvoiceNo'].str.contains('C')]
Python Implementation:
• After the cleanup phase , the next step is that we need to group the items
into 1 transaction per row with each product one hot encoded.
• In order to keep the dataset small, look at only the sales data of France.
• Next , the sales data of France will be compared with the sales data of
Python Implementation:

• basket = (df[df['Country'] =="France"]

• .groupby(['InvoiceNo', 'Description'])['Quantity']
• .sum().unstack().reset_index().fillna(0)
• .set_index('InvoiceNo'))
Python Implementation:
• The first few columns of the dataset would like this:
Python Implementation:
• There are lots of zeros in the data but any positive values are converted to
1 and anything less than 0 is set to 0.
• This step will complete the one hot encoding of the data and it will
remove the postage column.
Python Implementation:
• def encode_units(x):
• if x <= 0:
• return 0

• if x >= 1:
• return 1

• basket_sets = basket.applymap(encode_units)
• basket_sets.drop('POSTAGE', inplace=True, axis=1)
Python Implementation:

• Data is structured properly and we can generate frequent itemsets that

have a support of atleast 7%.
• frequent_itemsets = apriori(basket_sets, min_support=0.07,
Python Implementation:

• The final step is to generate rules according to their support , confidence

and lift.
• rules = association_rules(frequent_itemsets, metric="lift",
• rules.head()
Python Implementation:
Python Implementation:
• The frequent items are built using Apriori and the rules are built using
• There are a few rules with the high lift value.
• It means that it occurs more frequently than the number of transactions
and the product combinations.
• Filter the dataframe using the pandas code.
Python Implementation:
• Look for a large lift(6) and high confidence(8).
• rules[ (rules['lift'] >= 6) &
• (rules['confidence'] >= 0.8) ]
Python Implementation:
Python Implementation:

• When we look at the rules , we can find that red and green alarm clocks are
purchased together .
• Red paper cups , napkins and plates are purchased together.
• The popularity of one product can be used to drive the sales of the other product.
• For eg, we can find that we sell 340 Green Alarm clocks but only 316 Red Alarm
Python Implementation:
• So , we can drive more Red Alarm clock sales through recommendations.

• 340.0

• basket['ALARM CLOCK BAKELIKE RED'].sum()

• 316.0
Python Implementation:
• The combinations vary by country of purchase.
• basket2 = (df[df['Country'] =="Germany"]
• .groupby(['InvoiceNo', 'Description'])['Quantity']
• .sum().unstack().reset_index().fillna(0)
• .set_index('InvoiceNo'))
Python Implementation:
• basket_sets2 = basket2.applymap(encode_units)
• basket_sets2.drop('POSTAGE', inplace=True, axis=1)
• frequent_itemsets2 = apriori(basket_sets2, min_support=0.05, use_colnames=True)
• rules2 = association_rules(frequent_itemsets2, metric="lift", min_threshold=1)

• rules2[ (rules2['lift'] >= 4) &

• (rules2['confidence'] >= 0.5)]
Python Implementation:
• It is easy to run and easy to interpret algorithm.
• If we did not have Mlxtend , it is difficult to find these patterns using
basic excel analysis.
• With python and Mlxtend, the process can be analyzed easily and we need
to access all the additional visualization techniques and data analysis tools
in python ecosystem.

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