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aggressively (adv)
Behaving in an angry threatening way, as
if you want to fight or attack someone.

Teachers apparently expect a certain

amount of aggressive behavior from

Tyson, combative, highhanded.

assured (adj)
Sure that something is certain or true.

When you choose to sponsor a team,

you can be assured that your company
will grow financially and globally.

Guaranteed, sure, secure.

dedication (n)
A willingness to give a lot of time and
energy to something because you believe
it is very important.

He was an exemplar of dedication, a

hero who never lost his humanness.

Devotion, adherence, commitment, allegiance.

demanding (adj)
Needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill.

Being a nurse in a busy hospital is a

demanding job - you don't get much
free time.

dependable (adj)
Able to be trusted to do what you need
or expect.

The vines from these slopes

produce wine of extremely
dependable quality.

Confidential, safe, credible,

trustworthy,reliable, creditable,
due to (prep. phr.)
Because of something.

According to experts at The Physician and

Sportsmedicine journal, between 30 and 50
percent of youth sports injuries are due to

Because, by the reason of, then, by

virtue of, in consequence of, in so far
as, out of
exception (n)
Someone or something that is
not included in a rule, group,
or list.

this productivity increase, ports 
could not
have expanded fast enough
to balance the additional ports
 required to sustain the 1955-
61 expansion.

Expect, exceptional.
expansion (n.)
An increase in the size or amount of

Much of formula 1's current success

comes from its expansion to global

Progress, advancement,
improvement, headway, development,
increase, spread.
image (n.)
The way that people think someone or
something is.

Sponsoring a team will not only

bring your company profits but
will also improve your
company's image as a business
that is stable and globally-

Appearance, figure, copy, form, icon,

modal, picture,
invest (v.)
To give money to a bank, business,
etc, or buy something, because
you hope to get a profit.

I invested £5000 in my
brother’s printing business.

Provide, spend, devote.

logo (n.)
A small design that is
the official sign of a company
or organization.

Dunbar Cos., Baltimore, united its
six security-related businesses
under its flagship name and logo.

Brand, symbol, emblem

market (n.)
A place where people go
to buy or sell things, often outside.

I bet you could have got that

cheaper at the market.

Advertise, retail, shopping center.

motion (n.)
The way something moves or
the fact that it is moving.

For any exercise with
a bending motion,
the knees must be slightly

Move, movement, walk.

profit (n.)
Money that you gain by selling things
or doing business after
your costs have been paid.

For the first time, the

company’s annual profits 
were over $1 million.

Benefit, advantage, earn.

recover (v.)

To become healthy or happy again after
an illness, injury, or period of sadness.

Punk music has not recovered since.

Get better.
sign (n.)
Something that shows that something
is happening.

The rise in consumer spending is an

encouraging sign that the economy may be

Token, cue, mark, trace.

sponsor (v.)

To give money to someone
to support an activity, event or organization,
sometimes as a way
to advertise your company or product.

The new league will be sponsored by

Pepsi Cola.

stability (n.)

The condition of being steady and not


Our relationship provided
the stability and comfort we both needed.

Fixity, immutableness, permanentness.

trend (n.)

A general tendency in the way a

situation is changing or developing.

Today we'll be examining the
latest trends in kitchen design.

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