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Second Quarter

Lesson 6 - Propaganda Devices

Let’s do an activity first.

•Write about a time you convinced someone

to do something or buy something or believe
something? What was it? How did you
convince them? Do you think you are good at
convincing people?
What is propaganda?

Propaganda is a mode of communication

used to manipulate or influence the opinion
of groups to support a particular cause or
belief. Over the centuries, propaganda has
taken the form of artwork, films, speeches,
and music, though it's not limited to these
forms of communication.
1. Card Stacking
card stacking propaganda is a way to manipulate information so that
one product looks better than another. This is often done by leaving out
important facts or by comparing evidence in an unfair manner. For
example, a company may do thorough research about a particular topic or

card stacking propaganda is a way to manipulate information so that

one product looks better than another. This is often done by leaving out
important facts or by comparing evidence in an unfair manner. For
example, a company may do thorough research about a particular topic or

However, after looking through all the research, the company then uses
only the information that supports and promotes the product. At the same
time, the benefits of the product being advertised are often exaggerated.
Testimonials by consumers that support the product are a frequently used
form of card stacking propaganda in advertising.
2. Name calling
3. Glittering generalities
A glittering generality is a
propaganda statement that is
designed to connect with audience
members by speaking to the beliefs
and/or values that are dear to them.
The intent of this kind of statement
is to create a favorable impression
in the minds of message recipients.
The goal is for those who receive
the message to identify with the
statement and whatever idea,
product, service, or political
candidate it is designed to promote.
4. Plain Folks
5. Bandwagon
6. Testimonial
7. Transfer
Transfer: Glittering
generalitiesand revere to
something the propagandist
would have us accept.
Propagandists often employ
symbols (e.g., waving the flag)
to stir our emotions and win our

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