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My Journey with Early Childhood
By: Erica Hill
My name is Erica Hill, and I am an early childhood pre-k3 teacher at Steps To Maturity Learning Center. I will give you a little background about me and my journey to
why I wanted to become a pre k teacher. 
It all started at the age of six, I was the only child and always wanted to be around a lot of kids. I started babysitting at the age of 11. When I entered high school, I took
up childcare classes and straight out of high school I landed a job in childcare. Here I am almost 21 years later 
In picture 1, you will see my students are engaged in connector blocks, these blocks help with their fine motor skills (they learn to use their hands in pulling the blocks
apart, learning to sort and count). 
Picture 2 my school-aged students are doing self-portrait which enhances their creativity side. During this time, they are using their critical thinking skills. 
Picture 3 my students and I are doing the butterfly project, this helps them to learn about the cycle of life from start to finish. This gives the ability to develop their
cognitive skills. 
Picture 4 During Christmas time my students and I engaged in social skills, by giving back to the community. We talk about the different lifestyles of others who may
not have much to give but they appreciate life in general. 
Picture 5 Building blocks we speak on what we will be building, this allows my students brain to start working (they use their thinking skills and language
Picture 6 During mealtime my students express their dislikes or likes of the food that is on their plates. We speak about the texture, color, smells, and the taste of the
foods. This also enhances their vocabulary. 
Picture 7 Story time we read books talk about the pictures, what is going on in the book, the how the what, and the why. 
Picture 8 Creative outside play as you see in the picture some students ate painting what they see outside on the playground while others are playing and enjoying nature.
This helps them to think freely. 
Picture 9 I am a current student here at HCC to obtain my Associated Degree in Early Childhood Education. 
My Journey with Early Childhood…

Six year old Erica Hill.

C/O 2000

Robinson High School

Home of the knights

Steps to Maturity
Learning Center

This is where it all began 11/14/2001

Early Stages in
Developmental Milestones

Manipulative play: use

objects to build, weigh,
move, order, turn, or
arrange to fit.

Self-esteem impacts your
decision-making and your
emotional health
It takes a village

Nature offers countless
opportunities for
discovery and creativity

It is important to teach
appreciation and gratitude.
Using Cognitive Skills
Building vocabulary while playing with
Story Time Outdoor Time
Current Student at HCC
I am almost

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