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 “Dynamic Model describes the control aspects

of the system that change over time”
 UML’s four diagrams are used to visualize,
specify, construct, and document the dynamic
aspects of a system:
 Sequence diagram (Interaction Diagram)
 Collaboration diagram

 Activity diagram

 State chart diagram

Sequence Diagram
 “ Sequence diagrams describe interactions among
classes in terms of an exchange of messages over
 When an object passes a message to another object,
the receiving object might send another message, this
stream of messages forms a sequence. The message
are ordered in sequence by time.
 Modeling the flow of control by time ordering
emphasizes the passing of messages as they unfold
over time, which is a useful way to visualize dynamic
behavior of the system
Elements of Sequence diagram
 Class Roles:- they describe the way an object will
behave in context, but don’t list object attributes
Object Name : Class Name
 Actor:- An external entity that interacts with the

 Lifelines:- Lifelines are vertical dashed lines that

indicate the object’s presence over time. If the
lifeline extends to the bottom of the diagram, the
object will continue to exist during the entire
session of interaction
 Messages:- Messages are arrows that represent
communication between objects. Each
message sent to a class invokes a method on
that class. When an operation is completed, the
object returns the parameters to calling object
using return message.
 Synchronous (sender sends
the message to receiver and wait for the
procedure completion of receiver)
 Simple (One object sends the
message to the passive object)
 Asynchronous (The sender
sends the message and immediately continues
with the next step)
 Return ( return message from
called procedure of the receiver to the sender)
 delayed message
 Activation:- Activation boxes represent the time an
object needs to complete a task. It represents the time
during which object is active.


 Creating/Deleting Objects:- Objects can be created

and deleted during the interaction. By sending a
message an object can dynamically create or delete an
object. After deleting an object show ‘ X’ (a
cross sign) on its lifeline.
<<Create>> <<Delete>>
 Simple and Block Iteration:-
Sometimes a task is to be performed repeatedly, then
in sequence diagram task is represented by a name
preceded by an asterisk “ * ”.
Sometimes the execution of a block of messages may be
repeated. A repetition or loop within a sequence
diagram is depicted as a rectangle. Place the
condition for exiting the loop in square brackets [ ] .
 Branching:- It represent conditional or concurrent
action and it is represented by multiple arrows
leaving the same point of objects lifeline. If the
conditions of messages are mutually exclusive, the
branch is a conditional otherwise it is concurrent.
 Scenarios and Event traces:-
A scenario is a sequence of events that occur
during one particular execution of the system.
It may include all events in the system or only
those events that are generated by certain
objects in the system.
Creating Sequence Diagram
 For drawing the sequence diagram:-
 Identify the scenario
 Identify the actors
 Identify the sender and receiver objects
 Place objects along X-axis from left to right
 Draw the lifelines of all the objects
 Identify the events in the scenario
 Show the messages from top to bottom that are
transferred among objects with proper parameters
 Show the activation lines for all objects
 Show the repeatable task by name followed by an
asterisk “ * ”
L : Librarian B : Book MR: Member Record

1 : Check availability of book

2 : book available, rack no.

3 : validate member
T : Transaction
4 : check number of books issued
5 : book can be issued
6 : <<create>>

7 : Add member and book details

8 : Update book status

9 : update member record

Collaboration Diagram
 A Collaboration diagram is an interaction
diagram that emphasizes the structural
organization of the objects that send and
receive messages.
 Collaboration diagram express similar
information as in sequence diagram, but in a
different way.
 It describes a specific scenario. Numbered
arrows show the movement of messages
during the course of a scenario.
 A collaboration diagram shows the object and
their association with other objects in the
system apart from how they interact with each
other. The association between objects is not
represented in a sequence diagram.
 Collaboration diagrams provides a way to
model scenarios. Each object is represented by
an object icon, and lines created to indicate
common path.
Elements Of a Collaboration diagram

 Object: The objects interacting with each other

in the system. It is depicted by a rectangle with
the name of the object in it, preceded by a
colon and underlined.
Object Name : Class Name

 Association: A link connecting the associated

 Messages: An arrow pointing from the
commencing object to the destination object
shows the interaction between the objects. The
number represents the order/sequence of this
Each message represented with a sequence
number that precedes it. The sequential
numbering of messages allows us to easily
trace the message in a collaboration diagram
1 : Function( )
Creating Collaboration diagram
 Following steps can be used to create the
 Place the objects that participate in the interaction
as the vertices in a graph
 Add links that connect these objects as the arcs of
the graph
 Adorn these links with the messages that objects
sends and receive with sequence numbers
 If needed, attach time constraints, pre and post
conditions to each message.
2 Dial tone begins
4 Dial tone ends
6.1 ringing tone : Caller
8.1 tone stops
9.1Phone connected
11.1Connection Broken

1 caller lifts receiver

6 male call route 3 dial digits (5)
8 stop ringing at caller and callee 5 dial digits*
9 connect caller and callee 10 caller hangs up
11 end connection

6.2 phone rings

: Phone line 8.2 ringing stops
9.2 phone connected
11.2 connection broken

7 lift
callee hangs up
: Callee
Choosing between sequence and collaboration
 Sequence diagram are better choice :-
 When we want the reader to be able to easily see
the order in which messages occur.
 When we want to build an interaction model from
a use case. Use cases already have a sequence of
steps. Sequence diagrams expands on these to
show which objects are involved
 Collaboration diagram are better choice:-
 When we want to build an interaction model from
a class diagram since they effectively show
instances with communication links.
 They can also be used to help in validation of class
Activity Diagram
 “Activity diagram is a dynamic model which
shows the activity and the event that causes
the object to be in the particular state”
 Activity diagrams do not give details about
how objects behave or how objects
collaborate. They shows the effect of external
events on internal processing.
 Activity diagrams are useful for analyzing a
use case by describing what actions needs to
take place and when they should occur.
Elements of Activity diagram
 Initial Activity:- It shows the starting point or
first activity of the flow and denoted by a solid
circle. There can be only one initial state in a

 Activity:- Represented by a rectangle with

rounded edges.
 Transition:- When an activity state is
completed, processing moves to another
activity state and are shown by transitions.
event[ guard condition]/action

 Decisions:- A logic where decision is to be

made is depicted by a diamond, with the
options written on either side of the arrows

[opt1] [opt2]
 Synchronization bar[ fork and join]:-
Activities can be done in parallel. To split
processing (“fork”), or to resume processing
when multiple activities have been
completed( “join”), synchronization bars are

 Final Activity:- The end of the activity

diagram is shown by a bull’s eye symbol. An
activity diagram can have zero or more
activity final nodes.
Creating an Activity diagram
 Diagrams are read from top to bottom and have
branches and forks to describe conditions and parallel
 A fork is used when multiple activities are occurring
at the same time.
 The branch describes what activities will take place
based on a set of conditions.
 All branches at some point are followed by a merge
to indicate the end of the condition.
 After the merge, all of the parallel activities must be
combined by a join before transitioning into the final
activity state.
Activity diagram
for processing
an order Receive order

Fill Order Send Invoice

[Rush order] [Normal Order]

Receive Payment
Fast Delivery Regular Delivery

Close Order
Modeling Workflow (Swim lanes)
 Workflows represent the flow of work and objects
through the business. We can use activity diagrams to
model a workflow.
 If we wish to distinguish in an activity diagram, the
activities carried out by individual actors, then we
draw swim lanes.
 Firstly the vertical columns are made, separated by
thick vertical black lines, and name each of these
columns with the name of the actor involved.
 Place the activities below the actor performing these
activities and then show how they are connected.
Customer Sales Stockroom

Request Service

Pay Bill
Fill Order

Collect Deliver
Order Order

Modeling a Workflow
State Diagram
 “State diagram represents the pattern of events, states,
and state transitions for a given class”
 It is a graph whose nodes are states and whose
directed arcs are transitions labeled by event names. If
more than one transition leaves a state, then the first
event to occur causes the corresponding transition to
fire. If an event occurs that has no transition leaving
the current state, then the event is ignored.
 A state diagram describes the behavior of a single
class of objects. Since all instances of a class have the
same behavior, they all share the same state diagram.
 Events:- An event is something that happens at a point in
time. It can be defined as individual stimulus from one object
to another such as user depresses left button. They have no
time duration.
 Two events that are causally unrelated are said to be
concurrent; they have no effect on each other. In modeling a
system they can occur in any order.
 An event is a one-way transmission of information from one
object to another. It is not like a subroutine call that returns a
value. We group all the events into event classes and give each
event class a name to indicate common structure and behavior.
 Some classes of events may be simply signals that something
has occurred, while other classes of events convey data values
or the event attributes.
 Ex-Flight departs( airline, flight number, city), input string
entered( text), digit dialed( digit)
 States:- The attribute values and links held by
an object are called its state. Set of values are
grouped together into a state according to properties
that effect the gross behavior of the object.
 A state specifies the response of the object to input
events. The response may include an action or change
of state by the object.
 Ex-If a digit is dialed in state ‘dial tone’, the phone
line drops the dial tone and enters state ‘dialing’.
 A state has duration; it occupies an interval of time.
 A State can be specified by a name and a description
of its purpose. An event sequence can also be added
that leads to the state.
 Scenarios:-
A scenario is a sequence of events that occurs during one
particular execution of a system. It may include all events
in the system or it may include events generated by
certain objects in the system.
Ex- scenario for using a telephone line is:-
caller lifts receiver
dial tone begins
dial digits
phones are disconnected
Caller hangs up
 Event trace diagrams:-
After writing a scenario we identify the sender and receiver
objects of each event. The sequence of events and the objects
exchanging events can both be shown in an augmented
scenario called an event trace diagram.
Caller Phone line
caller lifts receiver
dial tone begins
connection broken connection broken
caller hangs up
 Conditions:- A condition is a Boolean
function of object values which remains valid
over an interval of time.
 Conditions can be used as guards on
transitions. A guarded transition fires when its
event occurs, but only if the guard condition is
 A guard condition is shown as a Boolean
expression in brackets following the event
[ guard condition]
 Operations:- Operations attached to states or transitions
are performed in response to the corresponding states or events.
 An activity is an operation that takes time to complete.
Activities include continuous operations and sequential
operations. The notation “ do :A” within a state box indicates
that activity A starts on entry to the state and stops on exit.
 An action is an instantaneous operation. An Action is
associated with an event.
 Actions can also represent internal control operations, such as
setting attributes or generating other events.

State 1
event1 (attribs) [condition1] / action1 State 2
Do: activity1 …….

notation for state diagrams

 Dynamic model:- The dynamic model consists
of multiple state diagrams, one state diagram
for each class with important dynamic behavior,
and shows the pattern of activity for an entire
system. Steps to prepare dynamic model:-
 Identify events
 Prepare scenarios of typical interaction sequences

 Prepare an event trace diagram for each scenario

 Interface formats

 Build a state diagram

 Match events between objects to verify consistency

Modeling simple collaboration
 Coming back to the static model, the class diagram
can be used to model simple collaborations.
 A Collaboration is a society of classes, interfaces,
and other elements that work together to provide
some cooperative behavior of all the elements.
 For ex- when we model a transaction in a
distributed system, we can’t just stare at a single
class but we consider entire set of classes that
work together.
We use class diagrams to visualize and specify this
set of classes and their relationships.
Steps to model a collaboration:-
 Identify the mechanism we like to model. A
mechanism represents some functions that results
from the interaction of a society of classes and
 For each functions, identify the classes, interfaces
that participate in this collaboration. Also identify
the relationships between them.
 Use scenarios to walk through these things. Add
the missing parts
 Specify attributes and operations.
 Figure shows Path Agent 1 *
Collision Sensor
the classes
involved in the Responsibilities
mechanism for --seek path 1 1
moving the --avoid obstacles Driver
robot along a
path. One
abstract class
( Motor) and 1 1

its two Steering Motor Main Motor

children Motor
( steering
motor and Move( d: direction; s: speed)
main motor). Stop()
Reset Counter()
Integer distance()

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