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As Indian cuisine spices go, saffron is
one that isn’t relatively common, but is
clearly a necessity for certain dishes. Its
earthy and bitter flavor requires careful
operation, and too much can ruin a dish
veritably fluently. When added in the
right proportions, it adds a distinct kick
to all feathers of dishes from biryani to
rice pudding.
2) Turmeric
An antiseptic rhizome analogous to
gusto in appearance, Turmeric is
generally base up, giving a rich
unheroic coloring and veritably fiery
flavor to all manner of foods. It’s
presumably one of the most
Indian spices out there. Care should
be given when handling turmeric, as
it stains fabrics, skin and previous
shells fluently.
3) Black pepper 

  There are a number of dishes in

which black pepper is used. The
grounded black pepper is sprinkled
on sandwiches, burgers, and salads.
● There are many types of illnesses
that can be cured by black pepper.
For instance, it is used for the
treatment of diarrhoea, gangrene,
earache, and constipation.
● This spice is grown in south india.
However, it can be found abundantly
in many parts of the country.
4) Cumin
Cumin in hindi is called jeera. Again, like
turmeric, it is also a very common spice in the
indian households and even restaurants. There
are a number of dishes that utilize cumin seeds
for better taste.
● The very popular spices mumbai many
traditional and modern dishes are prepared
using cumin. There are many health benefits of
this spice as well.
● It is also quite helpful in treating nausea.
Besides that, it is also for pain relief, cramps in
the stomach, and pains. Cumin also contains
iron abundantly and hence could act as a good
iron supplement.
5) Ginger
ginger is another very popular indian
spice. However, it is not only popular in
india but also in many asian countries as
well as the world.
● It is one of the essential spices in many
dishes. Ginger can instantly enhance the
flavour of any dish.
● There are several health benefits of
ginger as well. If you have cold, you can
treat it with ginger. Also, it is great for
pain in the joints. It is also known to
regulate the blood pressure level in the


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