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Seeds Of Innocence

We Provide:-

 Follicular Monitoring
 Donor Programme
 Genetic Testing
 Blastocyst Transfer
 Cryopreservation
 Laparoscopy And Hysteroscopy
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

IVF, or In Vitro Fertilisation is the process of

stimulation/fertilisation of an egg with sperm outside the body
of a female. The fertilised egg then converts into an embryo,
which is then implanted in the uterus of the expecting female
after about 3 to 5 days of closely monitoring it.
The collected eggs from the female and sperms from the
husband are fertilised in the lab. To increase the chances of
fertilisation, a precision needle called Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) is used to inject a single sperm into a single egg.
IUI Treatment & Success Rate
IUI, or Intra Uterine Insemination, is the simplest technique in the
field of artificial insemination. In an IUI cycle, the sperm from the
male is directly placed inside the uterus of the female to increase
the chances of conception.
In a case where both the male and female are not diagnosed with
infertility and yet are not able to conceive, chances are that there
are other factors that need to be addressed, before going for IUI
pregnancy. In order to provide a small push to healthy couples who
are not able to conceive naturally, our fertility specialists often
recommend the IUI treatment procedure. IUI test is a simple,
affordable, and effective treatment for couples who are unable to
conceive naturally. Book an appointment with Seeds of Innocence to
know what is IUI treatment, IUI treatment cost in India, IUI success
rates, and more.
• Physical or medical conditions hindering the ability to produce
healthy sperm
• Low sperm count
• Impotence
• Irregular or absent ovulation cycle in female
• Cervix related condition or disorder
• Unknown causes
Decline in egg reserve is a phenomenon that all women experience as
their age advances, taking them gradually towards menopause as they
enter their 40s. However, it comes as a shock to some in their early 20s
or 30s when they are unable to conceive and their USG (AFC count) or
blood report (AMH) reveals a reduction in their egg count. This is known
as premature ovarian failure (POF) and it may affect as many as 10% of
patients suffering from infertility. Until now there was little or no hope
for this set of patients if conventional/mini IVF protocols did not work.
They could only go for donor oocytes (using eggs recovered from
someone else).
But today, a new kid on the block – ‘ovarian rejuvenation therapy’ or
‘ovarian PRP treatment’, is offering some hope to women unwilling for
donor egg treatment. PRP in IVF has emerged to be a highly effective
option for infertile couples. Come to Seeds of Innocence to get the best
PRP treatment. Book an appointment today to know more about PRP
fertility treatment.
• Physical or medical conditions hindering the ability to produce healthy
• Low sperm count
• Impotence
• Irregular or absent ovulation cycle in female
• Cervix related condition or disorder
• Unknown causes
Testicular Sperm Aspiration or TESA procedure is a
sperm retrieval procedure used to treat issues of male
infertility and to provide couples with novel assisted
reproductive techniques like IVF-ICSI and IUI. It is a
needle aspiration of the testes performed in order to
find sperm directly and is especially used for men
facing problems like obstructive Azoospermia, or the
absence of sperm in the ejaculate.
The sperm retrieved through this procedure is then
either preserved for later use or can be used in a
current IVF-ICSI cycle. While the procedure can be and
is used for both, obstructive and non-obstructive
Azoospermia, the chances of Success of TESA are
higher in obstructive Azoospermia.
For couples who are facing problems in natural
conception owing factors of male infertility, TESA is a
great way of fulfilling the dream of parenthood.
Donar Programme
perm Donation & Egg Donation
he DONATION also known as third party reproduction is a ray of hope for childless couples who are unable to have their biological child. The donor program may vary depending
on the health problems of the infertile couple, from egg donation, and sperm donation to embryo donation. Depending on the patient’s need, egg, sperm or embryo may be
donated. Seeds of Innocence is a trusted sperm donation centre where several infertile couples come for consultation. If you want to get a thorough understanding of the sperm
donation process, egg donation procedure, egg donation risks, etc., book an appointment with us today!
gg Donation
ndication For Oocyte Donation
Patients who have had multiple IVF or ICSI cycles and still have failed to conceive
Women after 40 years tend to have a poor ovarian reserve and low quality eggs
Older or menopausal women
Patients suffering from severe endometriosis and tuberculosis produce poor quality eggs.
Women suffering from PCOS and ovarian cysts may benefit from egg donation with egg donation.
Premature ovarian failure.
An inherited genetic disorder.
perm Donation
perm donation is an option for a couple with severe male infertility.
he donor should be over 40 years old and have his own children.
Indications For Sperm Donation
Obstructive Azoospermia: Congenital absence of vas deferens or vasectomy.
Non-obstructive Azoospermia: primary testicular failure or secondary testicular failure due to
radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
Ejaculation dysfunction or if the man is carrying a genetic disorder
Severe oligospermia or abnormal seminal fluid
Embryo Donation
Embryo donation is the process by which an embryo created by the IVF procedure of a conceived patient is transferred to the uterus of a infertile woman.
Indications For Embryo Donation
Couples who have trouble getting pregnant with their own eggs and semen
Adverse medical-genetic prognosis
If poor quality embryos are repeatedly produced and their transfer does not lead to pregnancy
Laproscopy And Hysteroscopy

Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Procedure

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are two procedures that are used for both diagnostic &
operative purposes. Hysteroscopy cost in India varies according to the city you are in and the
infrastructure/facilities of the infertility centre you visit. Diagnostic laparoscopy may be
recommended to look at the outside of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, internal pelvic &
diagnostic hysteroscopy IVF procedure is used to look inside the uterine cavity.
Operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy surgery are used for treatment to remove scar tissue,
clear the fallopian tubes, and remove fibroids, cysts, or endometriosis lesions.”
How does laparoscopy & hysteroscopy help in conception?
Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy help women to conceive both ways, naturally & through IVF.
Among females, fibroids, pelvic infection, pelvic, respiratory disease, ovarian cysts, overgrowth
of the womb lining, or endometriosis can lead to infertility or difficulty in getting pregnant.
Through the operative process, these conditions can be solved, and chances of pregnancy can
improve manifolds.
Seeds of Innocence Expertise
At Seeds of innocence, our specialists ensure that diagnoses for all possible conditions that can
reduce the chances of IVF success are identified and operated if required. We use advanced
technology to ensure the best results after Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy.
Genetic Testing
One of the leading IVF centres in India, Seeds of Innocence has a dedicated
genetic testing department that carries out research and testing on the
embryos. Equipped with the latest technology and maintained by a well-trained
staff, the genetic testing in India helps us immensely in delivering healthy
babies and creating happy families. Where the main aim is to fulfil the dream of
parenthood for couples, SOI takes pride in having helped more 12,000 couples
in the country so far, across 12 centres in 7 states. Genetic testing for infertility
plays a huge role in this regard.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing usually involves tests that are performed at
various stages, including during IVF, during pregnancy, and other tests to
identify and prevent hereditary diseases at any given stage of the treatment.
Book an appointment at Seeds of Innocence to know more about what is
genetic testing in IVF, healthy sperm diet, prenatal genetic screening, and more.
Blastocyst Transfer
IVF proves to be a great option for couples who cannot conceive naturally. However, there is a small portion of couples who face difficulties
in conceiving through a 3rd day embryo transfer through IVF. Some of these couples do not see results until they go through multiple
cycles of IVF, while some do not see results at all. For these couples, a great alternative is to opt for a blastocyst IVF transfer on day 5
instead of fertilization instead.

What is a blastocyst? A blastocyst is an embryo transfer which involves transferring one or more embryos that are at blastocyst formation
stage of development which advanced stage of an embryo that usually happens on the 4th or 5th day of fertilization. This is then
transferred to the uterus of the expecting female. To understand it better, it is important to understand the basic differences between a
3rd, 4th, and 5th-day transfer of an embryo.
• 3rd-Day Transfer
An embryo starts off as a single cell that divides every 12-24 hours. By the third day of fertilisation, the embryo has divided into 4 or
8 cells and is called a multicellular embryo. This is the stage where most natural IVF Cycles are performed. A 3rd Day embryo transfer is
the most commonly used practice in IVF and usually has a high success rate if all the conditions are in the favour of the patient.
• 4th Day Transfer
Around the time of the 4 day, the embryo has divided into 16 cells and has arrived at the stage of what is medically known as Morula.
Transfering the morula as part of an IVF Cycle is an unconventional method, though not totally unheard of. There is little scientific evidence
that suggests that 4th day Morula transfers are in any way more or less successful than embryo transfer on the 3rd day.
• 5th Day Transfer
A blastocyst is an advanced stage of the embryo where the cell has differentiated into 2 different cell types, with more than 70-100
cells between them. The first one is the inner cell mass which will then turn into the tissues of the baby as it develops, while the other is
the trophoblast or trophoectoderm , which forms part of the placenta. This cell division is the major reason why blastocyst transfer on the
5th-6th day are more successful than embryo transfer on the 3rd day. This is especially true and helpful for couples who have been
through IVF cycles to no avail or have other reasons behind their inability to conceive naturally.
Cryopreservation Techniques
There are conditions like cancer, where preserving fertility becomes essential. In such a situation,couples can have biological children when their
health is restored. The advancement in technology has enabled the preservation of fertility using several methods. Cryopreservation procedure is
one such method of sperm or egg freezing and even embryo freezing.
Cryopreservation Techniques
Fertility preservation techniques give women and men more flexibility when it comes to family planning.
Cryopreservation techniques involve is basically freezing the sperms, eggs, or embryos at a very low temperature(sub-zero) in compounds like
liquid nitrogen. The low temperatures allow cells to have indefinite longevity by suspending all biological activity in them. When the sperms or
embryos are needed, they are fertilized or used in a treatment cycle.
Sperm Freezing
A man can preserve his sperms for having children in the future with IVF and other suchtechniques. A man is required to provide a sample for
preservation. If no sperms are present, asurgical sperm extraction can be performed to remove sperms directly from the testicles. Theseare
stored in the bank until ready to be used for different fertility procedures
Egg Freezing
Fertility declines in women rapidly after the age of 35. Egg freezing is an ideal choice in suchcases. Women, when they are young, can freeze their
eggs in the laboratories to have children ata later age. Additionally, females who have to undergo chemotherapy can also freeze their eggs before
receiving the treatment.
If a woman decides to freeze her eggs, she has to take medications for some days to stimulate herovaries so that she can produce many more
eggs than normal. Once the eggs get mature enough,they are removed from the ovarian follicles and frozen in labs.
Embryo Freezing
Embryos are preserved by collecting eggs and preserving them. Now, in the IVF process, theeggs are fertilized with the partner’s sperm. The
resulting embryos are cultured, allowing the celldivision to reach the optimal level. When the embryos are formed, they are stored at a fertility
clinic until they are to be transferred.
Our Expertise
Seeds of Innocence is proud to offer among the highest success rates in India, making us atrustworthy choice forcryopreservation. We provide all
the types of fertility preservation servicesas per the needs of clients. After a meticulous, comprehensive fertility diagnosis, we deliver themost
compassionate care to every individual.
Laproscopy &Hystroscopy
 Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Procedure

“Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are two procedures that are used for both diagnostic & operative purposes. Hysteroscopy cost
in India varies according to the city you are in and the infrastructure/facilities of the infertility centre you visit. Diagnostic
laparoscopy may be recommended to look at the outside of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, internal pelvic & diagnostic
hysteroscopy IVF procedure is used to look inside the uterine cavity.
Operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy surgery are used for treatment to remove scar tissue, clear the fallopian tubes, and
remove fibroids, cysts, or endometriosis lesions.”

 How does laparoscopy & hysteroscopy help in conception?

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy help women to conceive both ways, naturally & through IVF. Among females, fibroids, pelvic
infection, pelvic, respiratory disease, ovarian cysts, overgrowth of the womb lining, or endometriosis can lead to infertility or
difficulty in getting pregnant. Through the operative process, these conditions can be solved, and chances of pregnancy can
improve manifolds.

 Seeds of Innocence Expertise

At Seeds of innocence, our specialists ensure that diagnoses for all possible conditions that can reduce the chances of IVF
success are identified and operated if required. We use advanced technology to ensure the best results after Laparoscopy and
Seeds of Innocence (South Delhi)IVF Centre New
Delhi 3, MMTC/STC Colony, Geetanjali Enclave,
New Delhi-110017

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