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Why Are Rivers Curved?

By: Alex, Jacob, Hannah and Jeffery

Year (8) Opal
Teacher Lina
Assistant Teacher Lei Yee Win
Why Are Rivers Curved?
• When the rivers are straight it will curve in some amount of time.
• First when the rocks hit the river backs it will make a erosion. But slow
moving water won’t be able to carry a lot of weight as a fast moving
• Dirt and rocks will become loose and build up on the side, which will
make it shallow.
• A winding course which is called
a meander is formed. Meanders
are formed or produced when a
watercourse is forced to erode,
the result of this erosion leads to
a floodplain, meanders are also
Oxbow Lake
• After the effect of the
erosion. The rivers will form
bigger and bigger until they
meet each other and create
a landform called an Oxbow

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