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Waaqayyoon Eeggachuu

 “Kana irratti Saamu'el qodaa gaanfaa dhadhaa ejersaa qabu sana fuudhee, Daawitin
obboloota isaa gidduutti in dibe; gaafasii jalqabee hafuurri Waaqayyoo humnaan
Daawitiif in dhufe; Saamu'el immoo Raamaatti in deebi'e.” — 1Sam. 16:13

 “Daawit yommuu mootii ta'e, nama waggaa soddomaa ture; waggaa afurtama immoo in
mo'e.” — 2Sam. 5:4
 Daawit waggoota dheeraaf obsuu dhaan hamma mootii ta’utti eege.
Jireenya Daawit Keessatti taatee uumaman

 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Samuel Daawitiin dibe akka mootii ta’uuf

 1 Samuel 17:1-54, Daawit Gooliyaadiin lole
 1 Samuel 16:14-23, Daawit Saa’oliin muuziqaan akka gargaaruuf waamame
 1 Samuel 18:5-30, Daawit geggeessaa loltuu ta’e Saa’olis isa ari’achuu eegale.
Mat 13

 Mat. 13 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 3. Yesus fakkeenya garaa garaatiin waan baay'ee isaanitti himuutti ka'e; "Kunoo, namichi
tokko sanyii facaasuudhaaf ba'e. ⁴ Inni utuu facaasuu kaan karaa bukkee bu'an,
simbirroonni immoo dhufanii funaananii nyaatan. ⁵ Kaan immoo lafa dhagaa, lafa
biyyoo baay'ee hin qabne irra bu'an; lafti isaan irra bu'anis biyyoo gad fagoo waan
hin qabneef dafanii biqilan. ⁶ Yommuu aduun itti baate garuu in coollagan; hidda gad
fagoo waan hin godhatiniifis in gogan. ⁷ Kaan qoraattii keessa bu'an; qoraattonnis
guddatanii isaan hudhan. ⁸ Kaan garuu biyyoo gaarii irra bu'anii ija godhatan, iji isaaniis
kaan dachaa dhibba, kaan dachaa jaatama, kaanis dachaa soddoma ta'e.
Yeroon Maali

 “Wanti hundinuu yeroo qaba, wanti bantii waaqaa jala jiru hundinuu yeroo qaba;” Lal. 3:1
 Season and Time – Waqtii fi Yeroo
 Cosmos and Eion
Fakkeenyota Yeroo barbaadan

 A process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

 God knew that some things needed to happen in David’s life before he could be king.
Likewise, there are some things that need to happen in our lives before we can step into
what God has for us.

 Chinese Bamboo Tree. The tree begins as a nut planted in soil and must be watered and
fertilized every single day for five years before it finally breaks through the ground.
 Boqqolloo jaldeessaa
 Get Better, Not Bitter
 David could have quickly become bitter in his waiting. But, David doesn’t become bitter.
Why? David knew that God was using the process to bring about God’s promise for him
to be king.
 Bitterness is unbelief in the promises of God.
 Anointed, Not Appointed
 One of the things that seems to hinder a lot of people when trying to trust the process, is that they mistake
the anointing of God for the appointing of God.
 David had the anointing to be king, but he didn’t yet have the appointment to be king. Sometimes, you can
have an anointing on your life to do something, but not the appointing.
 What’s tunnel vision? Tunnel vision happens when you are so focused on the light at the end of the tunnel
that you can’t see what’s happening around you. Your eyes can’t adjust to your surroundings because all you
can see is the light up ahead and so you miss things, or you find yourself tripping over things because you
can’t see!
 Preparation is Key
 After his anointing, David’s appointment was to watch the sheep. Sometimes, we think that watching is just
something we do to pass the time until we can do what we’re supposed to do, but that’s not the case. If
you’re watching the sheep right now, you’re supposed to watch the sheep. That’s your appointment.

 If You Shortcut the Process, You Short-Circuit the Product!

 Many are impatient because they really don't trust God, so they try to "help" Him bring
His Word to pass quickly. Some have erred terribly in this regard, for example, King Saul;
he was to wait for Samuel to come offer the sacrifice, in preparation for the war against
the Philistines. Offering that sacrifice was exclusively the responsibility of Samuel the
prophet; but when Samuel delayed, Saul couldn't wait, He went ahead and offered the
 1SAM 22:1-2
 Daawit yeroo dheeraaf qophaa’aa ture. Jireenyaaf qophaa’aa ture.
 Qorameera, ciminaan barateera,
 Waaqayyo Hoolota fi re’oota tiksuun isa leenjise
 Umurii 17’n Leencota kukkutee gata,
 Fak. 4 ⁴ abbaan koo kanatti fufee kan jiru na barsiise; ''Waanan sitti dubbadhu cimsii
yaadatti qabadhu, in jiraattaatii abboommota koo eegi! ⁵ Ogummaa argadhu, hubataas ta'i!
Dubbii afaan kootii hin irraanfatin, irraas hin jal'atin!
 1Qor. 3 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¹ Ani yaa obboloota ko, akka warra yaada foonii duukaa bu'anii,
Kristositti immoo xobbee akka mucoolii ta'aniittan isinitti dubbadhe malee, akka warra
yaada hafuuraa duukaa bu'aniitti isinitti dubbachuu hin dandeenye. ² Ani aannan akka
dhugdaniif isiniif kenneera; isin nyaata jabaadhaaf hin geenye turtan, ammuma iyyuu hin
ga'in jirtu.

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