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Assignment 2

1. Write a program for simulation to creating 3

mobile nodes 0, 1 and 2. X & Y dimension of the
topography is set as 670 & 670. We used DSR ad-
hoc routing protocol, IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and
simulation time 400 sec. Define node movement
model by loading connection pattern “cbr-3-test”.
Define traffic model by loading scenario file “scen-3-
test”. Generate a subset of trace file containing all
received packet by filtering the main trace file.
2. Write a program for simulation to creating 3 Mobile nodes
network over an area of a size 500m×400m, having initial
locations of nodes 0, 1 and 2 are (5,5), (490,285) and (150,240)
respectively, the z co-ordinate is assumed through out to be 0.
At time 10 node 0 starts moving towards point (250,250) at a
speed of 3 m/sec. At time 15 node 1 starts moving towards
point (45,285) at a speed of 5 m/sec. At time 110 node 0 starts
moving towards point (480,300) at a speed of 5m/sec. Node 2 is
still throughout the simulation. The simulation lasts 150sec. At
time 10, a TCP communication is initiated between node 0 and
node 1. We used DSDV ad-hoc routing protocol and the IEEE
802.11 MAC protocol.
3. Write a program for simulation to create 9 sensor
nodes using chain topology (2200×500), use the
standard two-ray ground propagation model, IEEE
802.11 MAC protocol, an omni directional antenna
and AODV routing protocol having interface queue
length 100 at each node. Source node 0 sending
data to destination node 8 using tested NewReno
version of TCP. The simulation lasts 150sec. At time
1.0 ftp start with 1000ms interval.

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