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Bettina Ryan

June 26, 2022

Celebrity Gossip Newspaper

The hurdles that I had to overcome were how to line up the stories, how
to enter the page numbers, and how to make the graphics fir without
shifting the stories onto another page. I struggled with entering the page
numbers. The page numbers were not in order, and I had to delete the
page numbers all together and start over. I learned about using outline
borders. I also experimented with inserting images, and I attempted to
recreate a photograph using two existing photographs.

1.6. Creative Communicator Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a
variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their
goals. 1.6.b. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into
new creations.

This activity can be done with students of all grade levels. Students can
create newspapers that are accurate as well as fictional. Students can
learn how to format a newspaper, how to insert images and graphics, and
students can collaborate with other students to create a group project.
This activity will teach students technology skills, writing and language
skills, and social skills. I think students will enjoy this kind of learning
activity and they will also gain new knowledge while participating.

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