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ASSIGNMENT 3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record

your observations when presented with the questions below:

Instruction Question 1: What is the posted daily schedule for different subjects or periods? >>>

The daily schedule is written on the board:

9:00 Morning Mission
9:20 Listening/Phonics
9:30 Reading
10:50 Lunch
11:20 Reading
11:40 Power Hour
12:20 Language
12:30 Recess
12:45 Writing
1:15 Number Talks
1:25 Specials
2:35 Math
3:25 Walk to pickup

Instruction Question 2: Is instruction done in small groups, centers, whole groups, individual? >>>

At 9:20 instruction is given in whole groups. After reading time, students are given time to work
independently on Chromebooks or worksheets. When the students discuss the reading focus
which goes along with the story of the day, students are encouraged to work in small groups at
their tables.

Instruction Question 3: How would you describe your cooperating teacher’s teaching style? >>>

The teacher seems to use a democratic approach to teaching. She allows the students to give a lot of
input. She provides learning activities that include hands on learning, games, PowerPoint presentation
slides, group talk, small and large group activities, and independent time. She has a very well balances
teaching style which meet many different needs of different learners.

Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? If so, give
examples. >>>

The teacher incorporates visual learning with videos, illustrations, and pictures. She uses auditory
learning by asking questions, using songs, group discussions, and allowing students to converse with
each other on what they have learned. She uses kinesthetic modes when providing learning activities
that require the children to experiment with physical materials and at times, they will move from sitting
at the tables to sitting on cushions on the floor.

Instruction Question 5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being presented?
Please explain. >>>
The students are always engaged in the lessons. Students participate in the lessons every day. They
take turns answering questions. When children speak, they stand up and the entire class gives that
student their full attention. Students are awarded class Do Jo pints for participation.

Instruction Question 6: Explain the use of culturally relevant materials, teaching strategies, class décor,
etc.  that meet the needs of today’s culturally diverse student population.  >>>

When the teachers reads stories to the students, she reads a mix of cultures and life experiences.
Many of her books reflect different personal and cultural values. She teaches differences in cultures
and sometimes will use her own personal culture as an example.

Instruction Question 7: Is instructional time managed efficiently? Please explain >>>

The instructional time is managed very efficiently. She is very good at following the daily schedule
which keeps the flow of the day very organized. Transitions are very smooth. Children always know
what they are expected to do to transition to the next activity. When students leave the classroom, they
line up fast and orderly. When interruptions occur such as intercom interruptions, emergency drills,
classroom visitors, or behavioral issues, they are always handled smoothly, and time is never wasted.

Instruction Question 8: How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one subject or period
to another, and are these transitions efficient? >>>

The teacher uses verbal prompts to handle transitions. She says “1”, the students stand up, she says
“2”, the students push their chairs in, she says “3”, they grab their lunch bags and line up ate the door.
When the students walk to specials, the lunchroom, or to recess, they practice SOARING in the
hallways. They walk in an orderly line, they are quiet, and they are respectful.

Instruction Question 9: List ways that the teacher attempts any “attention getting” commands? (Ex:
Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they? >>>

The teacher uses attention getters such as 1-2-3, she says, “Ba Da da Ba da” and the kids say, “Ba
Ba”. She says, “waterfall waterfall”, the kids say “SSHHH” (imitating the sound of a waterfall). They are
all very effective, it makes all the students quiet down and pay attention.

Instruction Question 10: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does
the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific. >>>

There is one student who will display outbursts by trying to knock over his chair, throw things, scream,
or he says things like “I hate this”, or “I want to go home”. The teacher has a box of calm down toys
that she will give him. She will remove the items he is trying to throw, she has him sit close to the
teacher and gives him a lot of attention. She will also request for support for this student.

Instruction Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder instructional
time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time. >>>

The only procedure that I would see that might hinder instructional time would be the monthly
drills such as fire drills, lock down drills, shelter in place. These drills are very important to
ensure the safety of the students. This is the only time I have witnessed an interruption in
instructional time. The drills are performed quickly, and the class returns to instructional time
immediately. The procedures that help instructional time are the learning slides that are created
by the team of first grade teachers. They share the slides so they can teach the same standards
at the same time.

Instruction Question 12: What philosophical teaching orientation(s) best describes this teacher? Give
examples. >>>

I think Ms. Self uses essentialism by following the CCSD standards and curriculum. She also uses the
progressive orientation when she teaches. She plans learning activities based on the children’s
interests. She plans fun activities that make the children want to learn. The students interests and
personal growth are important to her.

Instruction Question 13: Outline the lesson plan for a teaching lesson you observed.  What preparations
in advance were need for teaching the lesson? >>>

At 9:30 the teachers is practicing sight words with the students. She is using large group
instruction. She has previously prepared slides with sentences. The sight words are underlined.
Everyone reads the sentences together. After they finish reading the sentences, they write the
sight words in their journal. The children are learning how to spell, read, and write the words. At
9:40 she practices phonemic awareness with the students. The skill they are practicing is
rhyming. The teacher says three words, the students will choose which 2 out of 3 words rhyme.
The teacher has created slides for the students to learn about phonemes. The children learn
that “I can delete, add, and subtract phonemes in words to create new words.” Next the class
participates in a large group activity. The teacher has prepared more slide ahead of time. There
is a game in the slides with words that have missing letters. “What’s missing?” They slide the
missing letters into the blank spaces to create work. This activity is also available for students
to play independently on their chrome books. (Also prepared by the teacher). The teacher has a
read aloud ready for the students. The story is called “Let’s Visit the Moon.” Everyone reads the
story together. The teacher prepared the story in the slides in advance. After reading the story,
the students get into small groups to discuss what is the purpose of the images in the text. At
10:30 the students work on an activity on their chrome books. They are instructed to drag labels
to a picture. They must drag descriptions labeled “map”, “photograph”, “diagram”,
“illustration”, and “chart”. This is also prepared in advance by the teacher. After this task is
completed, the students are instructed to work independently by completing assigned tasks
which the teacher has posted on Canvas. These assignments are also prepared in advance by
the teacher.

Instruction Question 14: Describe both teacher and student uses of technology in the classroom. >>>

The teacher uses a laptop, a desktop, a projector, a mirror to project her work on the screen
for the students to see, she has toy clocks to practice telling time, counting cubes, and plastic
coins for math. The students use chrome books, counting cubes, head phones, and battery
operated toys.

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