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* Meet 6
*Compares fixed-pitch with
* Type Propeller
(Classification by pitch of the blade)
1.Propeller Biasa
a. fixed pitch propeller
b. controllable pitch propellers
c. adjustable bolted propeller
2.Azzimuth thrusters
3.Electrical pods
4.Tunnel thrusters
6.Voith Scneider Propeller
* Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP)
Propeller dengan pitch tetap (fixed
pitch prop-eller) Propeller dengan
langkah tetap (fixed pitch propeller /
FPP) biasa digunakan untuk kapal
besar dengan rpm relatif rendah dan
torsi yang dihasilkan tinggi,
pemakaian bahan bakar lebih
ekonomis, noise atau getaran
minimal, dan kavitasi minimal,
biasanya di desain secara individual
sehingga memiliki karakteristik
khusus untuk kapal tertentu akan
memiliki nilai effisiensi optimum.
Most of the propellers
that are used in ships are
Fixed Pitch Propellers fixed pitch propeller
* Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)
or Varaiable Pitch Propeller (VPP)

Propeller dengan pitch yang dapat diubah (controllable pitch propellers)

Propeller dengan pitch yang dapat diubah-ubah, (controllable pitch propeller
/ CPP) merupakan baling-baling kapal dengan langkah daun propellernya
dapat diubah-ubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan misal untuk rpm rendah biasa
digunakan pitch yang besar dan rpm tinggi digunakan pitch yang pendek,
atau dapat digunakan untuk mendorong kedepan dan menarik kapal mundur
ke belakang, sehingga hal ini dapat menciptakan pemakaian bahan bakar
seefektif mungkin.

controllable pitch propellers

* Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)
or Varaiable Pitch Propeller (VPP)

Blade sections shown in various pitch orientations

* advantages and disadvantages of
CPP and FPP systems
Advantage of using a controllable pitch propeller Disadvantages of using a controllable pitch
to a fixed pitch propeller propeller to a fixed pitch propeller.
1. The controllable pitch propellers can be used 1. The pitch control mechanism installed in
to run the ship in forward and astern the hub is complicated enough to demand
direction both, without the requirement to proper inspection at regular intervals. The
change the direction of rotation of the installation process is also more
engine. complicated as compared to that of fixed
2. A non-reversible engine can be used for pitch propeller system.
both forward and astern operation of the 2. Controllable pitch propellers have a very
ship. Hence, the weight of the engine and high initial cost. And this cost increases
propulsion machinery is reduced considerably rapidly with increasing diameter of the
when compared to what is required in propeller.
propulsion systems equipped with fixed pitch 3. Due to pitch control mechanisms housed
propellers. inside the hub, the length and the
3. a controllable pitch propeller is useful in diameter of the hub is also high as
changing the speed of the ship without compared to the fixed pitch propeller
changing the speed or rpm of the main systems.
4. the speed of the ship can be handled from
the navigation bridge directly.
5. The efficiency of astern condition in case
of fixed pitch propellers is less than that of
controllable pitch propeller in astern
* adjustable bolted propeller
Jenis propeller ABP, ini merupakan
pengembangan FPP, dimana daun baling-
balingnya dapat dibuat secara terpisah
kemudian dipasang pada boss propeller
dengan baut, sehingga dapat distel
pitchnya pada nilai optimum yang akan
dicapai (allows the most efficient blade
matching for optimum efficiency while
simplifying the installation process),
dengan pembuatan daun secara terpisah
ongkos pembuatan dapat ditekan (butuh
satu cetakan/mold daun propeller)
termasuk pengirimannya.

adjustable bolted propeller

* Azzimuth thrusters

Azimuth thruster digunakan untuk mempermudah kapal dalam

manuver, namun pemakan alat penggerak dengan posisi berada di
bagian atas sehingga memberi tempat yang lebih lapan untuk
menempatkan penggerak utamanya, baik berupa motor diesel
atau motor listrik.

Azzimuth thrusters
* Electrical pods

Penggunaan propulsi motor listrik mulai dari 5 sampai dengan 25 Mwatt,

mengantikan penggu-naan propeller dengan poros dan rudder kon-
vensional. Teknologi Pod, memungkinkan untuk menenpatkan propeller
pada daerah aliran air yang optimal (hydro-dynamically optimised). Pod
propeller diadopsi dari Azimuth Propeller, dengan menempatkan electro
motor di dalam pod diluar dari badan kapal.

Electrical pods
* Tunnel thrusters

Propeller yang ditempatkan didalam terowongan ini biasa digunakan untuk

tujuan manuver (Sterns/Bow Thruster), sehingga mempermudah kapal
untuk manuver terutama di pelabuhan.

Tunnel thrusters
* Waterjets

Propulsi kapal menggunakan pompa yang me-ngisap air pada bagian

depan dan mendorongnya kebagian belakang sehingga kapal dapat
ber-gerak kedepan dengan prinsip momentum. Peng-gerak ini lebih
effisein digunkan untuk kapal dengan kecepatan diatas 25 knots
dengan power engine 50 KWatt sampai 36 MWAtt

* Voith Scneider Propeller
Voith Schneider Propeller
merupakan bentuk propulsi
kapal dengan menggunakan
daun vertikal yang diputar
seperti disk, dimana setiap
daun dapat menghasilkan daya
dorong pada kapal. Sistem ini
bekerja mirip pengendali
langkah baling-baling helicopter
(colective pitch control).

Roda gigi dalam mekanisasi propulsi ini, saat berputar dapat merubah sudut
serang dari tiap daun propeller (berbetuk hydrofoil) sehingga tiap daun
baling-baling akan menghasilkan daya dorong (thrust) pada berbagai arah,
menyebabkan kapal tidak butuh rudder lagi.

Voith Scneider Propeller

* Type Propeller
(Classification by Number of Blades Attached)

Classification by Number of Blades Attached:

1.3 blade propeller

2.4 blade propeller
3.5 blade propeller
4.6 blade propeller

Large container ships are mainly fitted with 5

or 6-bladed propellers.
* Type Propeller
(Classification by Number of Blades Attached)
3 blade propeller
has following characteristics:
a. The manufacturing cost is lower than other
b. Are normally made up of aluminum alloy.
c. Gives a good high speed performance.
d. The acceleration is better than other types.
e. Low speed handling is not much efficient.

4 blade propeller
has following characteristics:
a. The manufacturing cost is higher than 3
blade propellers.
b. 4 blade propellers are normally made up of
stainless steel alloys.
c. Have better strength and durability.
d. Gives a good low speed handling and
e. Has a better holding power in rough seas.
f. 4 blade propeller provides a better fuel
economy than all the other types.
* Type Propeller
(Classification by Number of Blades Attached)
5 blade propeller
has following characteristics:
a. Manufacturing cost is higher of all.
b. Vibration is minimal from all the
other types.
c. 5 blade propellers have better holding
power in rough seas.

6 blade propeller
a. Manufacturing cost is high
b. vibration is minimal from all the
other types.
c. 6 blade propellers have better
holding power in rough seas.
d. With six blade propeller, the induced
pressure field over the propeller
Large container ships are mainly fitted
with 5 or 6-bladed propellers.
* Propeller dimension approximate value

For Container ship d/D = 0.74

For Bulk carrier and Tanker d/D =


Where ;
d=diameter of propeller,
D=design draught
*Sketches the arrangement
of an oil-lubricated
sterntube and tailshaft

that most commonly fitted having water lubricated bearings with the after end open to the sea.
The other type is closed at both ends and has metal bearing surfaces lubricated by oil. In the former type
the bearings were traditionally lignum vitae strips and the tail shaft (aft section of propeller shaft) was
fitted with a brass liner, but Tufnol strips are now often fitted.
* QUIZ 6
Please find the type ships are using the
type of propeller below :
1.Propeller Biasa
a. fixed pitch propeller
b. controllable pitch propellers
c. adjustable bolted propeller
2.Azzimuth thrusters
3.Electrical pods
4.Tunnel thrusters
6.Voith Scneider Propeller

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