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What Ego is? Ego often is cited as ostentation,

arrogance, which are various forms of Ego. But how
does Yoga look at Ego? We all have our mind which is
called as Chitta and Antahkarana. Antahkarana has
four modifications, four functional dimensions:
Manah, Buddhi, Smriti, Ahankara. Ahankara, Ego. This
is the subtle form of vritti. This comes out first from
our Anandamaya Kosha.

For example, you have gone to a new place and after

the every strenuous journey and heavy meal, you had
a wonderful sleep and morning you just wake up at
Five ‘O’ clock in the morning. You start thinking where
am I? Then you remember yesterday I came all the
way from Chennai to Hyderabad and I had come into
this hotel. I am staying here. All that you remember.
Earlier to that remembrance what had happened: You
just became awake, then ‘I’ came up, Aham Vritti.

Then came, where am I? What am I doing? Then the

memory starts coming. It is that Ahamvritti, that ‘I’
thought which in Yoga is called as Ego. It is a very
subtle form of our mind. Out of that the Smriti,
memory store comes into picture, then Buddhi, then
Manas is formed.

So in all our actions and transactions there is always

the “I”. I am eating, I am talking, I am interacting, I am
urinating, I am speaking. Everywhere is that “I”. But
that “I” when it starts getting attached to the lower
adjuncts, then it becomes corrupt, it becomes dirty, it
becomes constricted, it becomes more and more
violent and shows up in various forms of emotions
such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and
Matsarya. Lust will turn itself into

Patanjali analyses the whole thing. He says first in

Anandamaya Kosa you have the whole dimension. In
Anandamaya Kosa it is just the “I” thought, the Ego.
Then it starts coming down, constrict itself and the “I”
thought is generated by Avidya, Avidya is ignorance or
wrong notion. Avidya, “I” is called Asmita. Another
term is Aham. From Asmita comes Raga and Dvesha.
Raga is attraction and Dvesha is repulsion. By Raga
and Dvesha I starts becoming smaller and smaller.

Avidya now enters into the body, it becomes

Abhinivesa. Abhinivesa is a special terminology that
he uses, that means you (the Self) enter into the next
body. So progressively the “I” starts identifying with
lower and lower adjunct and starts becoming smaller
and smaller, pettier and pettier, more and more
selfish. This identification with the lower adjuncts is
grossification of the ego. There is constriction that
takes place.

I remember an interesting thing that had happened.

Once there were two persons travelling in their
respective cars. They were driving in opposite
directions and there was a small narrow bridge
through which they had to pass. There were no stop
signals at that time. Say Car No.1 was coming from
one side and started entering bridge.

• This is called Abhinivesa. This wrong

identification of this ego with its possessions is
responsible for all the problems. This entire
process is called Prasava. Prasava is creation.
Raga and Dvesha, attraction and repulsion
bring Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and
Matsarya. Kama is the Lust. When it becomes
very violent, it becomes Greed.

• the Antahkarana, the Chitta grossfies itself. The

process of grossification, the process of focusing is
the key essence for the birth of “I”. Yoga helps us
to take us back and that is called Pratiprasava. The
reverse of Prasava is Pratiprasava, going back. As
we have come all the way down here to the gross
I and we have to go backto the expanded I and
that is what Yoga does. Slowing down and
expansion are the two essential features of Yoga.
• Often we have several words being used
interchangeably with many negative emotions:
emotions like jealousy or in a behavior patterns like
being very selfish, self centered. Even here this
word comes up very easily in children, adolescents,
young adults, old laymen and everyone. The
concept of character or personality is often used to
explain, excuse or justify people’s action. In
Psychology, several theories emerged and were
challenged by other researchers in providing
convincing theories of personality.
Today, we are talking about Id, ego and Super ego
wherein we understand that this is a part of human
personality. So we will have to look into that
dimension. These theories of personality came to
understand human behavior and also were able to
better diagnose the psychological illnesses. In
psychological illnesses, behaviors are different and
difficult. For example, let us just understand that it is
the total personality of a person that undergoes
let us understand how these structures of
Id, ego and Super ego function and work.
Id, Ego and Super Ego are mental
structures according to the famous
Psycho-analyst Sigmund Freud. Sigmund
Freud spent much of his life in the centre
of controversies. But he is someone who
emerged as one of the best known figures
in Psychology. In fact, students, who
understand Psychology, consider Segment
Freud as Father of Psychology.

• Freud believed that the individual personality

is the scene of a never ending battle. On the
one hand there are primitive and
unacceptable drives striving for expression,
while on the other hand there are forces
trying to deny or disguise these pulses. The
participants in this battle are the Id, the Ego
and the Super Ego. This is how it is explained.

• According to Freud Id is in each of us like a savage

and this we have at the root of our personality.
According to Freud, people are born with two
instinctual drives. Drive is the state or tension that
results when a need is not met. It compels the
individual to satisfy the need. One drive is
arouses. This is a drive for survival like our need to
eat, to drink, to be warm. Even sexual drive is
something that is the basic need, the basic drive.

• Now there is this energy source, the Libido

which propels the person to satisfy these
drives. The second innate drive is the Tanatos.
This is a destructive drive. It aims basically to
destroy others, also self destruction. Now self
destruction examples need not only be suicide
But we can also talk about other behavior
patterns other habits which are self
destructive for example, drinking alcohol,
smoking, even over eating.

• According to Freud it is the unconscious desire

for self destruction that leads us to drive fast
for example, to drive our car and two
wheelers at dangerously fast speed, to get
drunk, at parties as a habit and to smoke
cigarettes like a chimney. These days young
boys and girls are speeding on their bikes, in
four wheelers.

• One needs to strongly understand that what makes

us increase our speed. There is a certain thrill that
comes from within that pushes these young boys,
young girls to do so. This is where Id principle. The
Id like a savage wants to satisfy these primitive
drives in the most direct and immediate way. It is
not concerned with reality, logic or manners. It
functions on pleasure principle, which indicates the
immediate satisfaction of the drives.
• We are not aware of these drives because Id operates at
the unconscious level of our personality.
• Now let us understand the Ego according to Freud.
Although each of us may have these primitive desires, the
Id principle working within us, it is clear that we cannot
actually function now in our social world only with these
Id principles. I want to over eat, I want to drive rashly, all
the time this will not work. We cannot do this all the time.
We cannot have this free expression of this savage within
ourselves. Thus Freud suggested that around the age of 6
months the ego develops to control the impulses of the Id.

• The ego is the person’s view of physical and

social reality. It tries to satisfy the Id impulses
by taking into account the possibilities of
reward and punishment that exist in a
situation. So, the Ego principle always works
on its reality principle and always works on
rewards and punishment.

• I will give you an example of a girl who was brought to

me because of her habitual picking things from the
shopping mall. This girl went to a shopping mall and
expensive cosmetics that were displayed which made her
feel I wish I had this and that and this girl worked on her
Id principles every time. She picked up one expensive
cosmetic and did not pay for it. She hid it inside her
purse. So this is something which she did it for the first
time and she did it the second time when she found she
was not punished for that, because she was not caught
by the people.

• So this is an example of how when we work on

Id principle, the ego is actually hurt or
disturbed. The ego is something where we
work to understand the world with
calculations of the possible risks that we are
taking and how we should behave.

• Finally we will take one example to

understand what is the Super Ego and this
probably is going to explain to readers the
psychological perspective of the Id, ego and
Super ego and how we function in our day to
day life with these principles. When we view
Id as an operating principle in the desire, I
want it now, the ego answers let us be realistic
and get it in a way that won’t cause trouble.
• These two forces however must deal with the Super ego which
says, think whether it right to steal. So the Super ego represents
our conscious. This includes our moral values of right and wrong
t by our parents. The Super ego makes us feel guilty when we
have gone the wrong way, done the wrong things. As you might
imagine, people who are dominated by the Super ego will have
upright self consciousness. They constantly ask themselves Is
this right and only then they perform. These are the people who
are always motivated to live according to their ideals. These
examples probably give us an indication of understanding how
children perform and act and how we can actually balance the
Id, ego and Super ego. that are largely instilled in us

• Yoga is definitely one way that can help us to

balance these aspects of our personality. It has
a holistic impact, no doubt. So this is a
perspective and explanation of Id, ego and
Super ego principles and how they operate.
Earlier we saw that ego is constriction. There is focusing and
this focusing happens because of avidya, wrong notion.
Avidya leads to Asmita. In Patanjali sutras Ego is called Asmita
and in Vedanta Ego is called Aham, Ahamvritti, Ahankara, the
Chitta, the Smriti, the Buddhi and the Manas. Same entity
Antahkarana or the Chitta and you saw that Ego can constrict
itself and start manifesting in various forms.
• In Bhagavadgeeta Sri Krishna describes three different types in
which Ego can manifest.
• A person who is not educated, he knows only to talk a little and he
shows off everywhere he goes and says I am this, I am that and then
like empty vessels which make more noise.
• The second person, he is very well educated, he is a professor, a
Vidwan and he has lot of wealth, lot of power and he wants to show
off everywhere. You can see arrogance in him, another form of Ego
showing up.
• The third type, the person is educated, a lot of money, lot of wealth
and he is very philanthropic, he wants to share his wealth, he wants
to give it to others and when he gives to others, he expect that his
name should come. OK, I am going to donate you 50 lakhs of
rupees. Can you put my name on I am going to construct. That is
another form of Ego and they are called Dambha that building that

• Dambha, Darpa, Abhimana, various forms of Ego.

Behind that is the selfishness. That is the feature of
Rajas. Rajas has come. The Satva which was there
has reduced, has constricted itself and has started
becoming Rajas. Rajogunasampannata has started
coming up. The rush and speed starts coming up and
then it starts showing up as Kama, Krodha, Lobha,
Moha, Mada, Matsarya. Desires, Lust, Anger, Greed,
Jealousy, Hatred, Infatuation all these starts showing
up and that is the manifestation.

• The Lust becoming the Greed and what is the result of

that. I want it, I want it and I don’t care what happens
to others. Cut others, beat others, terrorize others. That
is what we have seen today. Competitive world. Two
industries trying to hit each other and want to cut them
across. Very competitive society. What is the goal? I
want to become millionaire, I want to become
trillionaire and I want to be the most powerful. I want
to become an emperor, an Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler,
they all belong to that category

• ‘A’ type personality we call in Psychology.

What characterize them? A constricted ego.
Terribly selfish ego. I want everything. I want
everything. Grabbing and cutting others.
Beating others doesn’t matter, enlivening
others, everything for me. A Rajasic society. A
competitive society and this has devastates
the whole society.

• Krishna says, what is the result of this? Yatah

kame….. Such persons who work with
tremendous amount of inner greed and
jealousy, hatred and profiled by the inner ego.
Everything for me Ahankarena papanah, what
is the result? Stress that is what we have seen
today. The stress has become biggest
challenges of the world.

• large number of psychosomatic and

psychiatric problems, Astma, Diabetes, heart
problem, migraine, cancer all have one thing
in common, Stress. Stress is the one that
aggravates the situation. The Yoga says to
handle the ego and greed and have a solution.
How to do that? Yoga goes into such depth of
understanding and tells that ego is

• The big circle in which he was in the Satvaguna

Sampannata, it starts becoming smaller, becomes smaller
circle, still smaller, still smaller, becomes a small dot,
constricted more and more. So ego is constriction in its
all pervasiveness, it is infinite. That is the pure I and
somewhere it started constricting from that big an
excessive Anandamaya Kosa. It started going down
becoming smallrer and smaller, Vijnanamaya Kosa then
Manomaya Kosa then it starts coming down to
Pranamaya Kosa and Annamaya Kosa has become
• In the process from selflessness to start coming towards
selfishness more and more selfishness and becomes so selfish
that we think of only about ourselves and there is complete
Abhinivesa, identification with the body and we forget all
other dimensions and this is responsible for all the problems
that we have today in the society. The Rajapravritti, Rajasik
Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Mada, Moha, Matsarya and it is that
competitive society that causes all the problems and the
hazards of health. What is the way out? In the process of
Pratiprasava, going back to the source and it is the process of
expansion on one side and another of slowing down.
• To deal with our greed which is excessive speed,
uncontrolled speed. The greed becoming very fast. Mind
gets speeded up and uncontrolled. Speed of the mind.
The Rajasik society is full of speed. You want everything to
happen very fast. What should happen tomarrow, now
only it should happen. In two days I should become a
millionaire. When the greed devastate us what is to be
done? We have to go for Pratiprasava, slowing down and
expansion of awareness, The excessive speed of the mind
should slow down. Selfishness starts becoming selfless in
the whole encounter.
• This is the whole process that we offer through Integrated
Yoga Module that we are going to learn. I just want to share
a very peculiar thing that happened. One of our friends was
a very rich millionaire and in Kolkata he was running a big set
of Factories and his children came up. They started taking
care. They started their own new companies and the old
man lost his wife, he was all alone. He was now 86 years old
and at 86 years of age he said that I am going to sell all my
business and everybody said, yes you are doing a right thing.
He got 600 crores of rupees and everybody congratulated
him and said you have done a right thing at this age.

• Just a few days were over , people came to

know that he took a loan of a thousand crore
more rupees and started a new industry
altogether. Result, a totally new work,
recession was there, he started losing and
within one year he started developing hyper
tension. He started getting heart problems
and one and half years he collapsed out of
massive heart attack.

• . shall we say for this? This is our
greed. This is our ignorance thinking
that money is everything and life is
meant to get only money. Money is the
end of the day. Money is needed,
nobody denies. But money is a means to
an end. What is that end? Going back to
our Swaroopa, going back to that
infinite Ananda leading a healthy life,
happy life, a life full of Ananda is the key
essence. This is what Yoga offers.

• Shuddhikarana Vyayama, Asanas, the

Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas and the
meditation techniques help us to reverse this
process with a total understanding that Avidya
has to be shattered and that is what we do in
the intelligent process of Vijnanamaya Kosa
Culturing of ego
for building social harmony
• In the Antahkarana we have the four vrittis, Manah,
Buddhi, Smriti, Ahankara. Antahkarana is the one
that manifests in these four functional modifications.
We call these as four functional manifestations of
mind or chitta. Ahamvritti is the one that is common
to all these three things, Manah, Buddhi and Smriti. I
am thinking, I am discriminating, I am remembering.
The “I” is at the background of all the three things.
Ahamvritti is essentially the one that comes through
focusing it is constriction.

• Bhuma Sukham It is the Anandamaya Kosa in which

you have the wonderful expansion. It is focusing a
constriction which you call as Ego, Ahamvritti and
when it grossifies further focusing, further as it
shows up as various forms of Ego Abhimana, Darpa,
Damba, Arrogance, the philanthropic arrogance,
arrogance that has come due to acquiring of
education, the power and others or it could be an
Ego in which I have nothing like an empty vessel
making noise.

• I want to show off everywhere that I am so & so.

That is the ego dimension. It is this superficial and
the well calculated manifestation of ego that is the
root cause for social disharmony. You are very well
educated, you have the power and you are in a very
good position to do all good for the society, but use
that power to show your arrogance to aggrandize
others deteriorate others and you want to rule over
others. That is the A Type personalities,

• It was September 11, 1893, Swami Vivekananda was

talking in the Parliament of Religions in the name of
religion we have made the maximum number of wars
and millions have been butchered and rivers of blood
have flown. Is it not that every religion is meant to
bring harmony, love and peace in the society? But
what have you done. Let us Search our hearts, let
each of the religion leaders who have joined here let
them search their hearts as to what we have done in
the name of religion. Can we stop this.

• And work to bring social

harmony,cohesiveness, love and affection in
the society. It is the real purpose of the human
race and its existence in contrast to the animal
race. Animal race fight each other, survival of
the fittest is the game. But as human being
should we also get into that level. It is most
unfortunate if we do that. But how to bring in
peace, order, harmony, love and affection?
• Swami Vivekananda gave the direction BE and MAKE. The
individuals, the components of our society should work to bring
about transformation in themselves. To raise from the level of
Tamas to Rajas and to Satva and go to the higher heights of
Gunateeta and it is here that the superficial manifestations and
the gross manifestation of ego has to be handled. At the level of
Rajas, it is the valor, it is the arrogance, it is the innate feeling of
superiority over others and no recognition of our Bhuma Sthiti,
non-recognition of that infinite nature of all of us, non-recognition
of the divinity in human beings outside, non-recognition of God
outside, non-recognition of the consciousness pervading
everywhere in the outside, in the human being, in every animal.

• It is this aJnana that is responsible for the

problems of the modern society. We have
started becoming small and start looking at
the whole thing in a very limited perspective.
Call it Mithya, call it Maya, call it aJnana
whatever term you want to use. Call it
ignorance, call it smallness, call it pettiness,
call it constrictedness. It is this manifestation
of that ego.

• That is the root cause for all the problems that we

see in society and that is the characteristic of Rajas.
There is confinement, there is constriction in Rajas,
there is focusing. The energy is no doubt focused,
but this is tremendous energy, dynamism, but it is
divested like when an atom is exploded, the nucleus
is exploded. You have tremendous amount of
energy. Unless you channelize, unless you diffuse
energy, it could be very devastating. Controlled
generation of energy is necessary.

• Similarly ego is a power of nucleus. It is a nuclear

power; the Antahkarana at that level is very subtle.
It has tremendous amount of power inside and
unless we use that energy in the right direction, we
cannot achieve the social harmony. So diffusion of
the ego and reduction of the fanaticism and
expansion of our inner being are the key essence for
dealing with the ego for bringing social harmony. It
was great Maharshi Mahesh yogi who brought this
point so vividly, wonderfully throughout the globe.

• Maharshi’s famous example of the

Transcendental meditation in which the mind
reaches the deepest level of that silence of
Transcendance and large number of people
should practice Transcendantal meditation.
Therefore there is elevation of the
consciousness, elevation from the gross to the
subtle, from Rajas into the Satva.

• Similar are the efforts of the great Maharshi

Aravindo. He said that we should develop
ourselves and move towards super human
heights and not merely to the level of Satva.
You must bring all that power to see that it
brings harmony, love and affection in the
society. That is the enlightened masters of the
lore who have given us a direction.

• The integrated Yoga Module that we have

developed to deal with the subtlest of the
dimension of our Antahkarana and its
manifestation as ego and ahamkara and
ahamvritti to see that we go deeper and
deeper to the very source Ahamvritti and
purify that Ahamvritti from its grossness and to
elevate to Brahmakaravritti, Aham tuning itself
to that all-pervasiveness of consciousness.

• Sithilékaraëa Vyäyäma
• • Back stretch
• • Back Stretch (Sidewise)
• • Namaste rotation
• • Sit ups from Supine Posture
• Breathing Practices
• • Hamsasana Breathing
• • Eka Pada Halasana Breathing
• Yogäsanas
• • Viparitakarani
• • Ardha Sirasana
• • Maricyasana
• • Hamsasana
• • Prasaritha Sarvangasana
• • Matsyasana
• Kriyäs
• • Kapalabhati (Left nostril)
• Präëäyäma
• • Sétkäré
• • Sadanta
• • Näòé Çuddhi32 | Yoga for Ego & Greed Management Yoga in
Education for Total Personality Development SERIES - 9
• • Namaskara with A Kara (9Times)
• • Namaskara with U Kara (9Times
• • Namaskara with M & OM Kara (9Times)
• Meditation
• • Source of ego and greed

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