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Anti bullying
 To Increase awareness of anti-bullying

 To explore the different types of bullying

 To Identify the warning signs of bullying & hazing

 To understand bullying is not acceptable

Types of Verbal bullying
Bullying includes name calling,
insults, teasing, or
Physical bullying verbal abuse. While
includes hitting, verbal bullying can
kicking, tripping, start off harmless, it
pinching and pushing can go to levels which
or damaging property start affecting the
individual target.

Social bullying
Cyber bullying
Is referred to talking
Harming or bullying
bad about the target, it
someone through the
is often harder to
use of computers,
recognise and can be
phones, and other
carried out behind the
electronic devices.
bullied person’s back.
What is bullying?
How can bullying affect someone?
● Bullying is an unwanted aggressive behavior
among school aged children. It involves
hitting, hurting, shouting, and the behavior is
● Bullying can affect everyone—those who
repeated, or has the potential has repeated, over are bullied, those who bully, and those
time. Both kids who are bullied and kids who who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to
many negative content.
bully others may have serious lasting ● Being bullied can affect everything about
problems. a child: how they see themselves, their
friends, school, and their future. Students
who are bullied often go through many
effects of a advantage of their lives.
● The effects of bullying can be long-lasting
for victims including fear and anxiety,
depression and thoughts of suicide. · Fear
· Depression · Loneliness · Anxiety ...
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