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Enunciation and

Pronunciation Practices
In depth understanding
Let’s learn what does enunciate
 verb
 say or pronounce clearly.
Difference between enunciate and
 Pronunciation is related to the word itself,
focusing on which syllables should be
emphasized and how certain letters (or
combinations of letters) should sound when

 Enunciation refers to how clearly and

distinctly a particular individual forms the
sounds that make up a word.
Let’s try this:
 Make sure your enunciation is clear when
ordering in a restaurant so you don't get
roasted lamb when you really wanted toast
with jam. ... People who mumble or speak too
quickly have poor enunciation: it's hard to
understand them, because their words slur
Let’s talk more on enunciation:
 Begin by going through your chosen exercise
slowly to ensure you produce each sound clearly.
 Open your mouth wider as you talk. ...
 Articulate. ...
 Speak up. ...
 Speak with inflection. ...
 Support from your diaphragm. ...
 Increase speed while maintaining clear

pronunciation of each sound as you practice each

Try it again:
 Their enunciation must therefore be given in Swainson's own words, though it must
be admitted that space cannot be found here for the diagrams, which it was alleged
were necessary for the right understanding of the theory.
 For many centuries algebra was confined almost entirely to the solution of
equations; one of the most important steps being the enunciation by Diophantus of
Alexandria of the laws governing the use of the minus sign.
 It would seem, then, that what has been ambitiously called Malthus's theory of
population, instead of being a great discovery as some have represented it, or a
poisonous novelty, as others have considered it, is no more than a
formal enunciation of obvious, though sometimes neglected, facts.
 At Freeport, on the Wisconsin boundary, on the 27th of August, Lincoln answered
questions put to him by Douglas, and by his questions forced Douglas to "betray the
South" by his enunciation of the "Freeport heresy," that, no matter what the
character of Congressional legislation or the Supreme Court's decision "slavery
cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police
 Indeed, the deduction to be drawn from Goethe's contributions to botany and
anatomy is that he, as no other of his contemporaries, possessed that type of
scientific mind which, in the 19th century, has made for progress; he was Darwin's
predecessor by virtue of his enunciation of what has now become one of the
commonplaces of natural science - organic evolution.
Let’s what a video about enunciation:
 Please see video folder.
Thank you that is all for today.
 I will see you on the next learning class.

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